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R&D and Innovations: Cooperation between Business and Science


On 6 December 2016, the AEB Working Group on Modernization and Innovations held an open meeting dedicated to the topic “R&D and Innovations: Cooperation between Business and Science”.

The meeting was aimed to discuss and share experiences of cooperation between European companies and Russian research institutes and universities in Russia. It informed interested AEB members about business prospects and opportunities for cooperation in science, technology and innovation. 

Myron Wasylyk, PBN Hill+Knowlton Strategies, CEO – Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan & CIS, provided a comprehensive review of the research on innovation in Russia which outlined potential, challengers and drivers for the development of innovations in Russia. Dr. Andreas Gut, State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI, Switzerland, shared the experiences of the Swiss innovative companies and their international cooperation in the framework of the inter-governmental EUREKA initiative. Alexander Tkachev, Head of the National Eureka Project Office, Center of Innovation Technologies and Engineering of Moscow Technological University, elaborated on the structure and essence of the EUREKA program and told about possibilities for Russian companies to take part in this intergovernmental program. Richard Burger, Research & Innovation Counsellor, Head - Science & Technology and Other EU Policies Section, Delegation of the European Union to the Russian Federation, presented the first results and project examples of the participation of Russian actors in the EU’s Horizon 2020. Jens Perregaard, General Director at Haldor Topsoe, presented a vivid example of Topsoe approach to engaging with Russia via science.   

The AEB Working Group on modernization and innovations kindly invites interested companies to join the WG and discuss topics related to research, innovations and cooperation with science in Russia. For more information, please contact Committee Coordinator Irina Ochriova at

EUREKA-Presentation_AEB.pdf View/Open
PBNHKS__Innovation_in_Russia.pdf View/Open
H2020-RU Results and examples.pdf View/Open