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Round table “Innovation strategy as a factor of investment attractiveness of the region”


On 9 November 2017 in Krasnodar held a round table "Strategy of innovation as a factor of investment attractiveness of the region." The round table took place in the conference hall of the factory Philip Morris Kuban in the framework of the program "Time for new strategies-2017".

Organizers of the program were the Public chamber of Krasnodar region, the AEB Southern regional Committee, the Agency of investment and international cooperation and Russian-English socio-political weekly newspaper "Yug Times".

The conference was moderated by Oleg Zharko, Chairman of the  AEB Southern regional Committee, Regional Corporate Affairs Director, group of companies Danone in Russia.

At the round table regional authorities were presented by Sergey Altukhov - Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of Krasnodar region, Chairman of the Committee on industry, investment, entrepreneurship, communications, consumer and financial markets, external economic activities; Andrey Paliy, first Deputy Minister of economy of Krasnodar region.

Representatives of PwC, Banca Intesa, Bank Center-invest, CLAAS, Nestle Kuban, Siemens, Syngenta, heads of departments for innovative development  of the Kuban State University  and Kuban State Technological University, representatives of the Public chamber of the Krasnodar territory and other business associations discussed the promotion of innovative projects of educational institutions among the business environment; legislative solutions, that can  stimulate innovation; the developing  of infrastructure in the region for support of innovations.

L-R:  Andrey Paliy, First Deputy Minister of economy of Krasnodar region; Sergey Altukhov, Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of Krasnodar region; Oleg Zharko, Chairman of the  AEB Southern regional Committee, Danone.
