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Round Table ”Internal Communications: Best Practices”


On 19 June 2014, the AEB PR & Communications Committee held its round table ”Internal Communications: Best Pra-ctices. Effective internal communication is an essential part of any high-performing company. Good internal communication provides employees with the information they need to do their job effectively and helps to maintain a shared vision of their organization. During the event, the following topical issues were discussed: 

• how companies achieve effective levels of internal communications
• how and why communications professionals should be leading their organisations’ efforts at building a brighter future
• how  mobile working affects intracompany communications
• special projects helping companies to create effective internal communications platforms
• employee engagement as a priority task for internal communications.

The event was moderated by Igor Reichlin, Chairman of the AEB PR & Communications Committee; Managing Partner, Reichlin & Partners LLC. 

L-R: Mark Smith, Sunbury Heights; Marcus Guest, Narrative Insights; Irina Shubina, Total E&P Russie; Irina Dmitrieva, Total E&P Russie; Igor Reichlin, AEB PR & Communications Committee Chairman, Reichlin & Partners.   
