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Round Table "Business as a social partner of the regional and local community"


On 23 July 2015, a Round Table "Business as a social partner of the regional and local community" took place in the conference hall of hotel Platan Yuzhny.

The event was held in the framework of social investment programme which organisers are the AEB Southern Regional Committee, the Public Chamber of the Krasnodar region, Russian-English weekly "Yug Times". The program started in 2014, its main objectives – generalisation and promotion of responsible business practices and, as a consequence, improving the quality of life in the region.
The event was attended by heads of major companies of the Krasnodar region, representatives of the Krasnodar region administration and regional legislative Assembly, the head of trade unions of Krasnodar territory, management of Public chamber of the Krasnodar region and major regional business organizations, representatives of leading Krasnodar universities, expert community, media, non-profit organisations. The round table participants discussed ways to consolidate the efforts of government, business and society to improve the quality of life and what may encourage businesses to actively participate in social projects. Business schools of Kuban State Technological University and Kuban State Agrarian University implemented with the support of the AEB Southern Regional Committee member companies called strong interest of participants. Active discussion of round table experts confirmed the relevance of the topic and helped to outline a few topics in this course that the members of the business and regional community plan to discuss in the future.

L–R: round table participants
