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Round Table "Regional Foreign Investments Advisory Council under the Governor of the Krasnodar region: the Constructive Dialogue of International Business and Regional Government"


On 30 September 2016, members of the AEB Southern Regional Committee took part in the round table "Regional Foreign Investments Advisory Council under the Governor of the Krasnodar region: the Constructive Dialogue of International Business and Regional Government", which was held at the Krasnodar territory stand in the framework of the XV International investment forum "Sochi-2016".

Oleg Zharko, Chairman of the AEB Southern Regional Committee, Director of Corporate Affairs and GR relations of the Central region, Danone in Russia, was the moderator of the round table.

Speakers of the round table were the heads of federal and regional levels of the following companies: EY, LLC PepsiCo holdings, Philip Morris international, CJSC Bank Inteza and representatives of the Krasnodar region administration.

The roundtable participants discussed the impact of Regional Foreign Investments Advisory Council on the investment climate and attractiveness of the region; its role as a platform for dialogue of foreign investors and government authorities; influence of the successful experience and positive examples of implemented investment projects in attracting new foreign investments.

L–R: Oleg Zharko, Chairman of the AEB Southern Regional Committee, Director of Corporate Affairs and GR relations of the Central region, Danone in Russia; Alexander Ivlev, Country Managing Partner, Russia & CIS, Accounts and Industries Leader, EY.
