On 18 March 2015, the AEB Safety, Health, Environment and Security Committee held the round table titled “Best practices in health and safety sphere in Russia”. The event was moderated by Konstantin von Vietinghoff-Scheel, Chairman of the Health & Safety Sub-Committee. Oleg Bochkov, Head of EHS, BASF, presented BASF responsible care management system, Timur Gilyazov, Pensions Director, MetLife, spoke on programs of health, wellness and prevention, and Aleksey Buryachenko, Business Development Director, Corporate Health, reported presented the company’s report on increase of productivity and labor safety during crisis changes.
L—R: Aleksey Buryachenko, Business Development Director, Corporate Health; Timur Gilyazov, Pensions Director, MetLife; Konstantin von Vietinghoff-Scheel, Chairman of Health & Safety Sub-Committee, Corporate Counselling Services; Oleg Bochkov, Head of EHS, BASF.