Strategy of Social-economic Development of Krasnodar region: Problems and Prospects of Implementation
On October 26th, 2018 a conference" Strategy of social-economic development of Krasnodar region: problems and prospects of implementation» was held in the conference hall of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Krasnodar region.
The conference was organized in the framework of the program "Time for new strategies-2018", co-organized by the Public chamber of Krasnodar region, the AEB Southern regional Committee, Association "Agency for investment and international cooperation" and the Russian-English social and political weekly "Yug Times".
Alexander Ruppel, Minister of economy of Krasnodar region, spoke about the Strategy of socio-economic development of Krasnodar region and answered questions from the conference guests.
Lyubov Popova, Chairman of the Public chamber of Krasnodar region, made a welcoming speech to the conference participants.
The conference was moderated by Oleg Zharko, Chairman of the AEB Southern regional Committee, Regional Corporate Affairs Director, group of companies Danone in Russia and Vladislav Varshavsky, head of Agency of the investment and international cooperation.
The participants of the conference discussed the strategy of socio-economic development of Krasnodar region, its priorities and pilot projects, as well as the implementation of priorities in the strategies of socio-economic development of municipalities.
Representatives of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar region, Department of industrial policy of Krasnodar region, the administration of Krasnodar, Temryuk district and Anapa spoke at the conference and shared methods of strategy development at the regional and municipal levels.
Vasily Litvinov, administration of Krasnodar; Alexander Polidi, Public chamber of Krasnodar region and Evgeny Panasenko, EY told about the goals and ways of strategy development in Krasnodar.