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Tadzio Schilling met with the State Secretary - Deputy Minister of Finance Alexei Sazanov


On November 19, AEB CEO Tadzio Schilling took part in a meeting with State Secretary - Deputy Minister of Finance Alexey Sazanov, during which they discussed the latest developments in the field of international taxation, as well as the prospects for expanding cooperation and attracting foreign business into the Russian economy. 

Alexey Sazanov noted the Ministry's interest in creating favorable and clear conditions for attracting foreign investments.

Tadzio Schilling emphasized that the dialogue with the Ministry is extremely important for European companies doing business in Russia and investing in the country's economy.

During the meeting, representatives of AEB member companies asked their questions, including the revision of tax agreements with countries, the law enforcement practice of the Russian tax authorities, as well as the development of the instrument of mutual agreement procedures in Russia. 
