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Talks on the Russian economy


On 11 October 2016, the AEB held the third round “Talks on the Russian Economy” titled “How to balance budget constraints with delivering a new normal”.

The event gave the audience an opportunity to hear updates and thoughts of the invited well-known experts (Evgeny Gavrilenkov, Higher School of Economics, Tom Adshead, Macro-Advisory Ltd, and Natalia Zubarevich, Independent Institute of Social Policy) and to discuss with them the forecasts for the Russian economy, structure of federal and regional budgets, factors affecting the current economic crisis, influence of oil prices, investments climate, consumption and etc.

The event was moderated by Stuart Lawson, Chairman of the AEB Finance and Investments Committee, EY. The welcome speech was made by Frank Schauff, AEB CEO.

L-R: Natalia Zubarevich, Independent Institute of Social Policy; Tom Adshead, COO, Macro-Advisory Ltd; Evgeny Gavrilenkov, Higher School of Economics; Stuart Lawson, AEB Finance and Investments Committee Chairman / Executive Director, EY; Frank Schauff, AEB CEO.
