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“Trade Law Amendments: Practical Aspects”


On 20 October 2016, the AEB Taxation and Retail Trade Committees held the business breakfast meeting “Trade Law Amendments: Practical Aspects”

The event highlighted recent changes in the Trade Law, including new law limitations, ban on reimbursements, the respective practice developments and provided an excellent platform for discussion and exchange of knowledge by professionals. Anna Likholit, Metro Cash and Carry, Pavel Gromov, Auchan, Natalya Kozlova, PwC, Nikolay Voznesensky, Goltsblat BLP, Oksana Zhupina, Deloitte, shared their expertise and gave recommendations on important tax and legal matters of the Trade Law. The event was moderated by Alina Lavrentieva, Chairperson of the AEB Taxation Committee, PwC, and Alexey Grigoriev, Chairman of the AEB Retail Trade Committee, Metro AG.

Photo: Participants of the business breakfast

The full photoreport is available on our Facebook page. 
