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Vladimir Putin announced new support measures for businesses and citizens affected by COVID-19


On April 8, the President Vladimir Putin held a meeting with the Government and the heads of regions, during which he announced new measures to support victims of the coronavirus.

Key measures of support:

RUB 10 billion will be allocated to regions for extra payments to healthcare professionals working with coronavirus patients. The healthcare professionals will be provided with the same additional insurance guarantees as military personnel. For three months, beginning from April, they will receive an additional monthly payment of RUB 25–80 thousand:
– doctors, RUB 80 thousand;
– medium-grade medical personnel, RUB 50 thousand;
– junior medical staff, RUB 25 thousand;
– emergency physicians, RUB 50 thousand;
– paramedics and drivers, RUB 25 thousand.

For businesses:

Transport communication and passenger service in regions shall not be terminated, the economy shall not be stopped.
All affected small and medium businesses shall be granted a deferral of insurance contribution payments by 6 months. It shall be allowed to divide amounts outstanding into instalments and pay them on a monthly basis.
Within five days, the Central Bank and the Government shall prepare a programme for additional business support in order to maintain the employment rate and salary level.
The companies that preserve employment shall be the first ones to receive support.
An exact list of enterprises the operations of which have been suspended due to the increasing risks shall be drawn up, the remaining companies may continue operating.


For people temporarily declared unemployed, the amount of payments for children aged three to seven years, as well as other benefits, shall be calculated on the basis of the income previously received from their employer.
An unemployment benefit in the amount of the minimum wage (RUB 12,130) will be paid to all people who lost their jobs and applied to the employment service after 1 March, in April, May and June.
The documents—passports, driver's licenses, etc.—will be automatically prolonged for the period of self-isolation.
