Wellbeing at workplace in 2022: How to support the employees? Best practice, analysis and useful tips for employers
On May 26 the AEB Safety, Health, Environment and Security Committee (Health and Safety Sub-Committee) and AEB Human Resources Committee (Compensation and Benefits Sub-Committee) ran an open event “Wellbeing at workplace in 2022: How to support the employees? Best practice, analysis and useful tips for employers”.
The event was organized in response of current crisis, that showed that the existing system of employees’ support should be significantly upgraded to deal with the ‘Tsunami’ we all faced. The impact of crisis is obviously large-scale, it affects both mental and emotional side.
The speakers from BP, Novartis, X5 Retail Group and Corporate Council Service discussed the new mechanisms of encouragement the employees, stressed the significance of such contribution for the business productivity. The experts concluded that there is no such crisis that could not be dealt with, but it requires profound and comprehensive attitude.
Speakers' notes are attached.
Complex of Anticrisis Supporting Programm_Novartis.pdf View/Open