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Winter Conference of the AEB North-Western Committee united guests with corporate culture issues


Оn January 22, the traditional winter conference of the AEB North-Western Regional Committee was held, this time dedicated to the topic " Corporate Culture as a basis for Business Sustainability in the Regions of Presence".

The conference was attended by members of the Committee on Industrial Policy, Innovations and Trade of St. Petersburg, the Committee on Labor and Employment of St. Petersburg, the State Labor Inspectorate in St. Petersburg, as well as representatives of the Agency for Economic Development of the Leningrad Region, the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and the Higher School of Economics. 

The invited experts and guests of the event discussed issues of effective creation of personnel reserves, motivation and retention of personnel. The main conclusion was that investment in human capital, its development and rational use are a guarantee of increased labor efficiency. 

Representatives of the business community shared their practical expertise in working with personnel. The discussion was accompanied by numerous comments and questions from the participants. The event ended with business networking. For more information, please contact Anna Podryadchikova.
