Sponsorship and advertising opportunities

The AEB works hard to ensure that our sponsors get the most visibility and exceptional customer service. 

You can additionally promote your products and services sponsoring AEB events or placing advertisement in AEB Publications. 
According to established practice, sponsors of events organized by the Association of European Businesses have the unique opportunity to draw attention to the company, and to promote its products and services throughout the event. For more information, please contact Vladislav Ezopov, Events Manager, vladislav.ezopov@aebrus.ru+7 (495) 234 2764 ext. 173

To know more about our advertising opportunities in publications please go to the page Advertising in publications.

Benefits for the Category SPONSOR include:

Maximum Visibility

Sponsor Company’s logo on the AEB homepage during the sponsorship period.
Sponsor Company’s name on all AEB official documents (letterhead, faxes, events calendar and electronic Newsletter). 
List of Sponsors printed on AEB general publications (membership directory, annual report, position papers).   
Opportunity to distribute promotional material at the AEB premises/conference center. 
Larger company description in the Membership Directory (200 words).

Exclusive Opportunities

Invitation to exclusive Sponsor Dinner(s) organised by the AEB and hosted by the AEB conference centre. 
Promotional opportunity to make a presentation to AEB members or to organise a social event with the AEB support.   
Distribution of Sponsor’s promotional materials at relevant AEB Events (to be coordinated with the AEB Events Manager).