Current Trends in Tax Dispute Resolution

AEB Open Meeting

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Press Open for press
Event information

AEB open event on “Current Trends in Tax Dispute Resolution” with participation of the Russian Supreme Court of Arbitrage (SAC) was held on June 20, 2008,  9:30- 12:30  at the World Trade Center, Krasnopresnenskaya Nab., 12 entrance 7, conference room Don.


The meeting aimed to address the following issues: court practice unification in tax aspects; increasing openness of the court system in the past three years; prepared by Russian SAC procedures for VAT refund, calculations of Unified Social Tax and Tax on Mineral resources as well as refund of court expenditures and application of article 169 of the Civil Code of RF, etc. 


Contact persons:


Programme: Ksenia Bortnik, AEB Legal and Tax Committee Coordinator, (Tel. 721 1760 ext. 102)


Attendance fees

Assigned member: 14 400₽ Additional member: 14 400₽


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