The AEB is pleased to invite you to its XII Annual Migration Conference titled “MIGRATION LAW IN PRACTICE” with planned participation of the representatives of the General Migration Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, representatives of the Moscow Migration Directorate of Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of economic development. The event is organized by AEB Migration Committee.
The event will be held on December 5th, 2019 at the hotel Swissôtel Krasnye Holmy Moscow, “Zurich” Hall, Kosmodamianskaya nab. 52 bld. 6, Moscow, from 9:30 to 14:00 (the registration starts at 09:00).
The representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation are invited to present
- recent legislative developments in migration sphere, activity plan elaborated within a concept of migration policy in the Russian Federation,
- practice of using new migration enrollment rules
- notification procedures
- particularities of hiring foreign citizens from Eurasian economic union
- obtaining of temporary residence permit and residence permit: new rules and practice
Please register for this event online. Registration will close as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants and the latest on 4 December 2019 at noon.
Attendance fees
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