We are pleased to invite you to the AEB Annual General Meeting 2019.
The event will take place on April 24th, 2019 starting at 17:00 (registration from 16:15) in Renaissance Moscow Monarch Centre Hotel, (Moscow Leningradskiy Prospekt 31 A bld.1).
The registration is now OPEN. In order to register, please fill in the registration form and send it back to the AEB office by fax at +7 (495) 234 28 07 or by e-mail at AnnualGeneralMeeting2019@aebrus.ru.
Please note that registration online is NOT available for that event!
Please note that we will be accepting all Registration and Proxy forms until the start of the AGM.
You are kindly invited to participate in the event and exercise your rights as members of the Association of European Businesses (AEB).
Your participation in the AGM – either by attending in person or nominating a proxy – is extremely important. According to our Charter, we have to achieve a quorum of 50% of members in order for any decision made at the AGM to be valid.
In particular, members will be given the opportunity to elect the members of the AEB AEB Auditing Commission (AC) and AEB Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Please have a look at the nominees for the AEB Auditing Commission (AC) and Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
Please click on the links below to download the following documents:
1. Agenda of the meeting in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN
2. Registration and Proxy Form
- If one of your assigned members will participate to the AEB Annual General Meeting on April 24th, 2019, please fill in the first two pages, sign it and send it back to the AEB office by fax at + 7 495 234 28 07.
- If none of the assigned members of your company is able to participate to the AEB Annual General Meeting on April 24th, 2019, please fill in all pages of the form, sign it, stamp it and send it back to the AEB office by fax at + 7 495 234 28 07.
Please note that if none of the assigned members of your company will participate in the AEB Annual General Meeting 2019 on April 24th, 2019, your company will be given the opportunity starting from April 4th, 2019 to vote for the candidates for the AEB Auditing Commission and Chief Executive Officer by the Remote Voting (according to point 5.2.11 of the AEB Charter).
In this case you should send the completed proxy form to the AEB office under fax + 7 495 234 28 07 and request ballots for the Remote Voting for the AEB AC and AEB CEO related documents. Upon your request the AEB office will send to you the confirmation form and a ballot (for the AEB Auditing Commission member election and for election of the AEB Chief Executive Officer) under your e-mail address. You should complete the respective form according to the instruction and send the completed confirmation form and the ballot to the law firm Castrén & Snellman International Oy by fax +7 495 799 5687 or by registered mail to Stoleshnikov per. 14, 1st entrance, 5th floor, 107031 Moscow, Russia, for the attention of Olga Anisimova before April 23rd, 2019, 18:00 Moscow time. The ballot, sent by registered mail, should be delivered to Castrén & Snellman International Oy before April 23rd, 2019, 18:00 Moscow time.
Please be aware that each company has only one vote and that only AEB Members that have paid their membership fees for 2019 will be allowed to vote during the AGM 2019.
For more details, please contact Ruslan Kokarev, AEB Chief Operating Officer, at: 234 27 64 ext. 139 or by e-mail: ruslan.kokarev@aebrus.ru.
Attendance fees
Assigned member: 0₽ Additional member: 0₽All fields are required / Все поля обязательны к заполнению
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