We are pleased to invite you to the Annual General Meeting of the AEB Southern Regional Committee 2020, which will take place on the 20 February 2020 at 16:00 (registration starts at 15:30) at the office of the Southern Sales Directorate-Branch of KNAUF Gyps LLC (Krasnodar, Industrialnaya,88).
You are kindly invited to participate in the AEB SRC Annual General Meeting of the 2020 and exercise your rights as members of the Association of European Businesses (AEB). This year we will be electing the members of the AEB Southern Regional Committee’s Steering Group. Therefore, your participation in the AGM is extremely important. According to our Charter, we must achieve a quorum of 50% of the AEB SRC members for any decisions made at the AGM to be valid. List of the candidates for the AEB SRC Steering Group will be sent to the AEB SRC members by Tuesday, 11 February 2020.
To register, please, send the filled in and signed Registration Form to Juliana.perederiy@aebrus.ru
If none of the members of your company is able to participate in the AEB SRC Annual General Meeting on 20 February 2020, please, fill in the Proxy Form, sign it, stamp it and send it to Juliana.perederiy@aebrus.ru
The deadline for registration or proxies is Wednesday, 19 February 2020.
IMPORTANT: You can register up to 2 representatives of your company for the meeting (separate registration forms will be needed), however only 1 representative from each of the AEB member companies will have right to vote during the Annual General Meeting. Please be aware that only AEB Members that have paid their membership fees for 2020 will be allowed to vote during the AGM 2020.
For more details and questions, please contact Juliana Perederiy, the AEB Southern Regional Committee Coordinator, Juliana.perederiy@aebrus.ru, tel. +7(918) 416-93-23.
Attendance fees
Assigned member: 0₽ Additional member: 0₽All fields are required / Все поля обязательны к заполнению
Use LATIN letters only.