Together, we are stronger! The AEB has placed this motto at the centre of its action and strategy. We believe that, together with our Team and Members, we can best navigate the current crisis and help the European businesses.
We therefore would like to invite you to join our summer networking event "STRONGER TOGETHER" that shall take place on Thursday July 7, 2022 at LoftHall#3 (Leninskaya Sloboda st.26, build.15, Moscow, MAP) from 6.00 PM until 10.00 PM (registration starts at 5.30 PM).
The event will start with a panel discussion "Living in the new normal" in Hall Montblanc (6.00 PM - 7.PM) moderated by Philippe Pegorier, Deputy Chairman of the AEB Board and will feature the current challenges faced by some of our Members in dealing with the crisis and solutions that they come up with.
Alexander Liberov, Chairman of the AEB Board, will then open at 7.00 PM the networking buffet on the terrasse of LoftHall#3.
Attendance fees
Assigned member: 3 600₽ Additional member: 3 600₽All fields are required / Все поля обязательны к заполнению
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