Occupational Health and Safety Regulations in Popular Business Expansion Sites


Language Russian
Translation No
Press Closed for press
Event information
The AEB Safety, Health, Environment and Security Committee (SHES) is pleased to invite you to its open online event “Occupational Health and Safety Regulations in Popular Business Expansion Sites”.

The webinar will take place on May 23 from 11:00 to 13:00, ZOOM.

Many companies are actively exploring new horizons for their business development, which often leads to the expansion of their geographical presence and setting up new offices and production facilities in other countries, such as, for example, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and the UAE. 

However, in a new location, businesses not only discover extra opportunities, but also face challenges, including unfamiliar regulatory requirements. 

Among those issues are specific local occupational health and safety requirements, which may differ significantly from the ones in Russia. 

We are going to talk about these matters at our upcoming webinar to help interested participants exploring business expansion opportunities to be better prepared for successful integration into new jurisdictions.

Our experts specializing in most popular business expansion countries will introduce the audience to key aspects of regional labor legislation, requirements to working conditions and occupational safety. 

We will also discuss effective strategies for companies to adapt to new realities and ways to minimize anticipated risks.

Speakers and panelists:

  • Tatiana Borisova, AEB SHES Committee Chair, Novartis Group
  • Sergey Khomenko, Senior EHS Specialist, Align Technology 
  • Svetlana Lazareva, Senior Safety Specialist, Manpower
  • Ratmir Proskurnov, Deputy Managing Partner, UPPERCASE LEGAL ADVISORY
  • Maksim Saifutdinov, Senior Associate, Centil Law Firm
  • Bekhzod Kudratov, Associate, Centil Law Firm
  • Nigina Saidova, Junior Associate, Centil Law Firm

The working language of the event is Russian. The interpretation can be provided upon preliminary request.

The participation is free of charge for all AEB Members with a prior registration.

Attendance fees

Assigned member: 0₽ Additional member: 0₽


Program Olga Novichkova +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 151 olga.novichkova@aebrus.ru
Registration Polina Skorovarova +7 (965) 216 43 59 Polina.Skorovarova@aebrus.ru

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