Home/AEB events/ONLINE WEBINAR: "Issues of the labor law application during the period of validity of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation N 239, dated April 2, 2020"
ONLINE WEBINAR: "Issues of the labor law application during the period of validity of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation N 239, dated April 2, 2020"
AEB Open event
Closed for press
Event information
On the basis of the online platform, AEB holds a series of webinars under the General title "HR issues and labor law in the period of the coronavirus".
The fifth webinar will be held on Thursday, April 16, 2020 from 10.00 till 11.00. The speaker will be Vyhodtsev Aleksandr, Head of Legal, Coleman Services.
At the webinar we will discuss the following topic: “Issues of the labor law application during the period of validity of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation N 239, dated April 2, 2020” with a focus on the following:
• The procedure of hiring, transferring and dismissing of employees during non-working days established by the Decree N 239 of the President of the Russian Federation.
• Features of the design and grounds for vacation or downtime of employees during this period.
• Risks of the employer while remote working of employees.
• Specific features of the workflow organization with employees during this period
All registered participants of the webinar will be sent a link to connect to the webinar and a code.