The Association of European Businesses is pleased to invite you to its open event ”AEB Business Dating”, organized by the AEB Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Committee. The event will take place on Tuesday, 15 March 2016, from 09:30 to 12:00 (registration starts at 09:00 a.m.) at the AEB Conference centre (ul. Krasnoproletarskaya, 16, bld. 3, entrance 8, floor 4, office 8).
The event is aimed at facilitating the efforts by small and medium-sized companies in establishing contacts with the Russia operating international companies. The ”AEB Business Dating” event is offering you 7 min individual face to face meetings to introduce your solutions and services to invited international companies (the list of companies is TBC).
The AEB SME Committee would like to invite the AEB Members representing big international companies to delegate its representatives in charge of management, HR related processes, procurement, communications, logistics or events organization, to take part in the event.
The AEB SME Committee would appreciate your feedback on the possibility of your company’s participation in this event to Tatiana Morozova, AEB SME Committee Coordinator, by e-mail:
Working languages are English and Russian, no interpretation will be provided.
The registration for the AEB SME companies is available. Please note that the registration will close as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants and in any case by 14 March at noon.
Attendance fees:
AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge;
Fee for AEB additional members is 3,850 RUB (+18% VAT);
Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 7,700 RUB (+18% VAT).
All payments are to be made through bank transfer or credit card ahead of the event. Once the transfer is made, the sum is not refundable. Please note that online payment with personal or corporate credit card is available. Please choose the “online payment” link when registering.
Contact persons:
Program and sponsorship:
Tatiana Morozova, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 120;
Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127,
Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149,
Attendance fees
Assigned member: 0₽ Additional member: 4 543₽ Non-member: 9 086₽All fields are required / Все поля обязательны к заполнению
Use LATIN letters only.