The Association of European Businesses in Moscow would like to invite Russian companies that are considering export to the European Union to a seminar session: “Exporting to the European Union”.
The seminar will take place on Thursday 10 October 2019, from 10:00 till 18:00 (registration starts at 09:30) at the AEB Conference Centre (Butyrsky Val,68/70, bld.1, Moscow)
Please register for this event online. Please note that the registration will close as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants and in any case at noon on 4 October.
The European Union is a huge and wealthy market: 28 countries with a unified economic, customs and legal system and 500 million consumers with buying power. The European Union is close to Russia. It is an interesting place to export to.
The training will be conducted by Mr. Luc Van Looveren (Senior advisor EU relations – VOKA, Chamber of Commerce and Industry Antwerpen-Waasland, Belgium).
The program will deal with the following items:
• General information about the European Union
• Importing goods into the European Union
• Taxation of goods in the European Union
• Producing and/or selling goods and services in the European Union
• Intellectual property rights in the European Union
• Finding business partners in the European Union
• Starting a business in the European Union
Attendance fees
Assigned member: 0₽ Additional member: 0₽All fields are required / Все поля обязательны к заполнению
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