Сhanges in the regulation of digital advertising: new obligations for advertisers and technical solutions


Language Russian
Translation Yes
Press Closed for press
Event information

The AEB is pleased to invite you to the open event organized by the AEB Public Relations & Communications Committee, titled “Сhanges in the regulation of digital advertising: new obligations for advertisers and technical solutions”.

The event will be held on October 18 , 2022,  from 14:00 till 15:30, via Zoom.

Amendments to the Federal Law "On Advertising" of 13.03.2006 N 38-FZ went into effect on September 1st, 2022. Now, digital advertisements in Russia must comply with mandatory labeling and registration.

According to the Law on Advertising, advertising is specifically defined as information that is disseminated via any channel, in any format, and through any media with the intention of attracting attention to and maintaining interest in the object of advertising, as well as promoting it in the marketplace.

Our experts will tackle the issue from various aspects starting from reviewing the normative framework for the new regulation, requirements on digital marking, adaptation of internal processes and expected transformations in e-commerce in the context of new legislative initiatives.

The event will be moderated by Marina Tatarskaya, AEB PR & Communications Committee Chairperson.

The event will be conducted with the support of the Association of Communication Agencies of  Russia and the Association for the Development of Interactive Advertising.

For further details, please, see the program of the event in Russian and English.


Attendance fees

Assigned member: 0₽ Additional member: 0₽


Program Abrigul Mamadvalieva +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 120 abrigul.mamadvalieva@aebrus.ru
Program Anna Podryadchikova +7 (953) 353-65-23 anna.podryadchikova@aebrus.ru

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