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Round table with participation of Mr. Baurzhan Bekeshev


On January 29, 2015, AEB Customs and transport committee (CTC) organised a round table with participation of Mr. Baurzhan Bekeshev, Head of Department on entrepreneurship development, Eurasian economic commission (EEC), Mr. Artem Yulegin, Head of division on advocacy of entrepreneurship, Eurasian Economic Commission, Mr. Alexander Kovalev, Council of division on advocacy of entrepreneurship, Eurasian Economic Commission in the Baker&McKenzie office.

Mr. Bekeshev made an informative presentation dedicated to Cooperation between the EEC Department on entrepreneurship development and business community, including the introduction of regulatory impact assessment of draft decisions of the Eurasian Economic Commission, which may have an impact on the business environment. The regulatory impact assessment was developed based on the Eurasian economic Union country members’ RIA practice. Integrated information system between the EEAU members is being developed for the moment. Working group, including the business representatives from EEAU members, will be set up for public consultations.

Mr. Bekeshev informed that according to preliminary estimates about 120 Draft Decisions of Eurasian Economic Commission (among 850) were received the negative opinions in the framework of regulatory impact assessment.

Regulatory impact assessment of the EEC Decisions in force has not been implemented. 

Presentation is avaliable here

Agenda is avaliable here

L-R: Artem Yulegin, Head of division on advocacy of entrepreneurship, Eurasian Economic Commission, Alexander Kovalev, Council of division on advocacy of entrepreneurship, Eurasian Economic Commission, Baurzhan Bekeshev, Head of Department on entrepreneurship development, Eurasian economic commission, Dmitry Cheltsov, AEB Customs and transport Committee Chairman, General Delegate of IRU. 

AEB CTC meeting agenda 29.01.2015 ENG.pdf View/Open
EEC presentation.pdf View/Open