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Цели и задачи
The mission of the Finance and Investments Committee is to assist in and contribute to the continued improvement of the investment climate in the Russian Federation for European business interests by addressing critical finance issues.
The Finance and Investments Committee includes the Leasing Subcommittee to address specific leasing issues.
План действий
To achieve these objectives, the Finance and Investments Committee will serve as a forum for discussion, a vehicle for lobbying and as an information network for the exchange of ideas concerning finance issues among the business community, Russian fiscal organisations and policy makers of the Russian Federation.
The activities of the Finance and Investments Committee include conferences, open meetings, lobbying efforts to address specific finance issues. The Finance and Investments Committee also organises and carries out information sharing activities, such as contributions to market updates and newsletters.
Новости комитета
AEB Macro Update “Russia Macro-Economic Outlook: High Hopes, High Stakes”
The AEB Finance & Investments Committee held an event on cross-border payments
AEB Regulatory Update “Recent Developments in Counter-Sanctions Regulation and Practice”
AEB Sanctions Update “14th EU Package and Recent US Restrictions. What Business Needs to Know”
AEB Regulatory Update “Recent Developments in Counter-Sanctions Regulation and Practice”
AEB held the webinar “12th Package of Sanctions. Implications for EU Citizens Working in Russia”
AEB held the conference "The Russian M&A Market in 2024: Is the Boom Over"
Crisis Update: Sanctions and Countermeasures. Update on the Sanctions Landscape
FIC and IT Committees open meeting re update on sanctions