Recent trends in Migration Legislation: one window approach for the AEB members. The Particularities of work permit applications


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Event information
We would like to invite you to participate in the AEB Conference “Recent Trends in the Russian Migration System”, organized by AEB Visa Task Force, with the participation of the RF Ministry for Health and Social Development and the Federal Migration Service. 
This conference will take place on the 21st October, 2008 in Moscow at the Baltschug Kempinski Hotel, from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm (registration from 09:00 am).
Please register on-line:
The Conference is aimed to present to the latest changes to the Russian migration legislation and its further development, including the following issues:
- Quotas for issuing invitations to enter the Russian Federation for the purpose of employment
- Business travel for foreign nationals within the Russian Federation  
- One-window approach for the AEB members: new work permits application procedure / particularities and further development
- Registration of Branch Offices with Russian Migration Authorities / Business Visas
- Quotas and work permit issuance for foreign employees from CIS
The working languages of the conference are English and Russian. Simultaneous translation will be provided. For details, please see the attached programmes. Please note that the program is liable to change upon receipt of final speaker and topic confirmation.
We are pleased to announce that sponsorshipopportunities are open. Please see the attached conference sponsorship package.
Programme and Sponsorship opportunities: Bortnik Ksenia, AEB VTF Coordinator, at, tel. (495) 234.27.64, ext.124
Registration: Maria Bliznetsova, AEB Events Coordinator,, tel. 234 27 64 ext. 117.

Attendance fees

Assigned member: 14 400₽ Additional member: 14 400₽


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