The AEB is pleased to invite you to an open meeting, “Overview of the air transportation market”, organized by the AEB Airline committee, February 3rd, 2009, in the AEB Conference room (Krasnoproletarskaya ul., 16, bld.3, entrance 8, 4th floor , office No 7), from 9:30 am to 11:00 am (registration starts from 9:00 am).
The speakers will be Dimitry Shamraev, Regional Representative, International Air Transportation Association (IATA), with the topic - Airline Industry in Crisis, the IATA view and Leonid Tarasov, Delta, Chairman of the AEB Airline Committee, with an overview of the situation in the Russian international transportation sector from the point of view of an international carrier. For more information, please see the programme attached.
The meeting will be held in English, no translation will be provided.