AEB Energy Committee Open Meeting


Language Russian
Translation Yes
Press Closed for press
Event information
The Energy Committee meeting will be held on September 4-th, 2020, from 10:00 to 11:00.

In the context of global warming, energy sources must become low-carbon or carbon neutral. This is a daunting task.

A lot will be required to implement it: find the best ways to decarbonize the economy, new technologies and products in the energy sector. Its structure will shift in favor of low-carbon sources such as wind and solar energy, hydro, geothermal and nuclear energy, sustainable biofuels and hydrogen.

It is worth noting that the European Union recently adopted the Hydrogen Strategy, which should become one of the most important elements of the future decarbonization of the European economy.

That’s why for discussing these hot topics, the AEB Energy Committee is pleased to invite you to attend its open meeting and the presentation by Vladimir Lukin, Director, Group of Operational Risks and Sustainable Development, KPMG -“Assessment of the effect of the introduction of cross-border carbon regulation (TUR) on the Russian industry”


Attendance fees

Assigned member: 0₽ Additional member: 0₽


Program Svetlana Lomidze +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 122
Registration Anna Podryadchikova +7 (953) 353 65 23

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