The AEB is pleased to invite you to the “Presentation of the investment potential of the Tula Region” with participation of the Tula Region Governor Mr. Alexey Dyumin.
The event will take place on Friday, 10 November 2017, at the RF Ministry of Economic Development (1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 1, 3, Hall of the Collegium) from 13:00 till 15:30 (registration starts at 12:30).
Please register for this event online before November 7, 2017.
The discussion will be focused on the investment climate, industrial potential and investment projects of the region.
Please have a look at the program of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.
The Region is particularily interested in cooperation with foreign businesses in the following sectors:
- machine building,
- metallurgy and metal working,
- automotive components,
- chemistry and petrochemistry,
- electronic and optomechanical industry,
- electric power industry,
- tourism and hospitality,
- retail,
- logistics,
- agriculture,
- cattle breeding.
If you are willing to have an individual meeting with the Tula Region Government representatives, you may send your request to before November 7, 2017.
For ordering passes to the Ministry' building, please provide the following information to before November 7:
for Russian citizens - name, partonymic name and surname, position in the company and name of the company in Russian,
for foreign citizens - full name and country of citizenship in English, +passport number.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Participation is open only to top management of AEB member companies.
The working languages of the meeting are Russian and English. Interpretation will be provided.
Attendance Fees
Representatives of AEB member companies - free of charge.
This event is closed for non-members.
Contact persons:
Programme: Elena Kuznetsova, Committee Coordinator,, Tel.+7 (495) 234 27 64 ext. 154.
Online registration: Evgeniya Zakharova, AEB Events Coordinator,, Tel. +7 (495) 234-27-64, ext. 127.
Login and password: Julia Gospodinova,, Tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 101.
Attendance fees
Assigned member: 0₽ Additional member: 0₽All fields are required / Все поля обязательны к заполнению
Use LATIN letters only.