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AEB Open Event: Round Table “The Role of Electronic Document Exchange and Mobile Systems in Virtualization Time 2013”
AEB Open event
English and Russian
Open for press
Event information
The AEB IT-Telecom Committee is pleased to invite you to its Round Table “The Role of Electronic Document Exchange and Mobile Systems in Virtualization Time”
The event will take place on October 4th, 2013 at the AEB premises, Krasnoproletarskaya ul., 16, bld.3, entrance 8, 4th floor, office 8, from 9.30 am to 11.30 pm (registration starts from 9.00 am).
During the round table important IT topics relevant to any business and specifically to Russia and CIS will be presented and followed by a short Q&A. The topics presented are of great variety and from senior executives in renowned companies.
They include:
• Electronic and paper workflow
• Major technologies of the mobile market
• Peculiarities of hiring the IT Staff
• Why technology will never replace people
The working languages of the meeting are Russian and English. The interpretation will not be provided.
Attendance fees AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge;
Fee for AEB additional members is 3,500 RUB (+18% VAT);
Price for non-members is 7,000 RUB (plus 18%);
All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable.
Contact person:
Programme: Svetlana Lomidze, AEB Director for External Affairs, Chief Committee Coordinator svetlana.lomidze@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.122.
Registration online: Marie Rondelez, AEB Events Director, events@aebrus.ru