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AEB SHES Committee roundtable “Key issues and best practices in HSE: experience of European companies in Russia”


On 10 April 2018 the AEB SHES Committee held a roundtable “Key issues and best practices in HSE: experience of European companies in Russia” at the Russian Health and Safety Week in Sochi.

The event focused on European companies experience in achieving “0” level of injuries of employees, the so-called “Goal Zero” proclaimed by the Ministry of Labour.

Tatyana Bobrovitskaya, Shell Integrated Gas Russia; Evgeniya Lagner, Danone; Ivan Ivanov, ERM; Ekaterina Pilipenko, BP; Konstantin von Vietinghoff-Scheel, Corporate Counselling Services Sarl; Ozlem Engin, 3М; Tomas Baborsky, Solvay presented their companies best practices. 

The event was moderated by Valery Kucherov, ERM, Chairman of the AEB SHES Committee.      

Photo: L.-R.: Valery Kucherov, ERM; Ivan Ivanov, ERM; Evgeniya Lagner, Danone; Tatyana Bobrovitskaya, Shell Integrated Gas Russia; Ekaterina Pilipenko, BP; Konstantin von Vietinghoff-Scheel, Corporate Counselling Services Sarl; Tomas Baborsky, Solvay; Ozlem Engin, 3М.

Presentation 3M.pdf View/Open
Presentation BP.pdf View/Open
Presentation CCS.pdf View/Open
Presentation ERM Danone.pdf View/Open