Today's Russia: perspectives for European businesses

AEB Open Meeting

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Press Open for press
Event information

FORTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE on "Russia Today: Possibilities for Foreign Businesses"

The AEB is pleased to invite you to the Forth Annual Conference on “Russia Today: Possibilities for Foreign Businesses”.

This time, we would like to pay particular attention to the efforts of the new Russian government in creating a more favorable investment climate and its plans in reforming the Russian economy. Likewise, we would like to present the European businesses with an opportunity to express their point of view on the current situation, and to mark the plausible vectors to a mutually beneficial relationship between the Russian authorities and foreign businesses. Particular attention will be given to Russia’s image abroad in order to dissipate certain myths and prejudices, harmful to mutual trust.


The conference will take place on the 18 November, 2008 in Moscow at Swissotel Krasnye Kholmy, from 9:00 to 13:00 (registration from 08:15), and will be followed by a cocktail reception.


Conference participants will include representatives from themajor European and Russian companies, as well as representatives of the RF Government, its ministries, and European embassies.


The working languages of the conference are English and Russian. Simultaneous translation will be provided. For details, please see the attached program. Please note that the program is liable to change upon receipt of final speaker and topic confirmation.

Please register online for this event:


The registration fee for the Conference is 5.900 RUR (incl. VAT 18%) for AEB members. For non-members the fee is 6.800 RUR (incl. VAT 18%). Registration is open until November 14, 2008. Your registration will be valid only upon receipt of payment.


We are pleased to announce that sponsorshipopportunities are open. Please see the attached conference sponsorship package.


Contacts: Svetlana Lomidze, AEB Director for External Affairs, Chief Committee Coordinator, at, tel. (495) 234.27.64, ext.122

The Conference is Sponsored by:

 - Platinum Sponsor

       - Gold Sponsors


Attendance fees

Assigned member: 14 400₽ Additional member: 14 400₽


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