Pension in Russia. Role of the employer


Translation Yes
Press Open for press
Event information

The AEB is pleased to invite you to participate at the conference, “Pensions in Russia. Role of the employer in creating long-term retirement savings”, organized by the Insurance and Pensions committee.


The event will be held on November 25th, 2010, in Moscow, at the Renaissance Monarch Hotel, Leningradsky Prospect 31A, from 9:30 am till 13:00 pm (registration starts at 9: 00 am).


This conference will give you not only a thorough update on the pension reform in Russia, but also an extensive overview of the Russian pension system itself. The new taxation laws will be presented, as well as the changes this represents for your company. Our speakers will present the benefits of pension plans and their importance for employers and employees. In addition, key players from Russian and international companies will be present, making this event a unique networking opportunity.


For details, please see the attached program. Please note that the program is liable to change upon confirmation of speakers, as well as response from sponsors.


The working languages of the Event are English and Russian. Simultaneous translation will be provided.


Please register for this event online:


We are also pleased to inform you that sponsorship opportunities are still available. Please see the attached conference sponsorship package.



Attendance fees:


The registration fee for AEB members is 4,500 RUB (plus 18% VAT)

For non-members the fee is 5,000 RUB (plus 18% VAT).

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable.


Contact persons:


Program and sponsorship: Natalia Meshalkina, AEB Committees Coordinator, at tel. (495) 234.27.64, ext.129


Registration online: Daria Donchenko, AEB Events Coordinator, .





Attendance fees

Assigned member: 14 400₽ Additional member: 14 400₽


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Requires translation of the event / Требуется перевод мероприятия