29.04.2014 Electronic insurance in Russia

The AEB is pleased to invite you to attend the Insurance and Pensions Committee open event “Electronic insurance in Russia”. 

The event will take place on Wednesday, 21 May 2014, from 09:00 to 13:00 (registration starts at 08:30), at the AEB Conference centre (ul. Krasnoproletarskaya, 16, bld. 3, entrance 8, floor 4, office 8).

Please register online for this event.

The event will focus on recent trends and developments in electronic insurance in Russia. It will give the audience a legislative and regulatory update, as well as an overview of practical aspects and IT technologies. The event will also serve as a platform for exchange of experiences and discussion of development of electronic insurance in Russia.

For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event in English and Russian.

The working language of the event is Russian. Simultaneous translation will not be provided.



Intouch Insurance_ENG.jpg


Russian Standard Insurance_ENG.jpg

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29.04.2014 Presentation of the Investment Potential of the Stavropol Region
The AEB is pleased to invite you to the Presentation of the Investment potential of the Stavropol Region and meeting with the Acting Governor of the region. 

The event will take place on May 19th, 2014 at AEB Conference Center (ul. Krasnoproleraskya, 16 bld. 3 entrance 8, 4th floor,office 8) in Moscow from 15:00 till 17:30 (registration starts from 14:30). 

The discussion will be focused on the investment climate, as well as the industrial potential of the Region. 

Speakers at the event will include: 
- Mr. Vladimir Vladimirov, Acting Governor of the Stavropol Region; 
- Mr. Andrey Murga, Deputy Head of Administration of the Stavropol Region 
- Representatives of European companies active in the Stavropol Region 

Please have a look at the programme of the event below. The programme is liable to changes upon receipt of final confirmations from the speakers. 

Please see below the list of the Regional Projects to be presented at the event. 

Please note that participation is open only to the management of AEB member companies. 

The working languages of the meeting are Russian and English. Interpretation will be provided. 

Attendance Fees:
Assigned representatives of AEB member companies - free of charge. 
Fee for additional representatives of AEB members is 3,850 RUR (+18% VAT); 
Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 7,700 RUB per (+18% VAT); 
All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. 

Contact persons:

Programme: Olga Pavlyuk, Regional Development Director, olga.pavlyuk@aebrus.ru Tel.234 27 64 ext. 130 

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru 

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru 
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29.04.2014 Presentation of AEB Annual Survey’s Results «Strategies and Prospects for European Companies in Russia»

The AEB is pleased to invite you to attend the official presentation of the results of the seventh AEB Annual Survey “Strategies and Prospects for European Companies in Russia”.

The event will take place on Tuesday, 20 May 2014, from 09:30 to 11:00 (registration starts at 09:00), at the AEB Conference centre (ul. Krasnoproletarskaya, 16, bld. 3, entrance 8, floor 4, office 8).

Please register online for this event using the form below.

For several years, the Survey has been a highly valuable source of first-hand information that gives an overview of the Russian investment climate attractiveness and highlights the key challenges and strategies that impact European companies while doing business in Russia. This year the AEB investigates how the estimations evolved in the context of Russia’s accession to the WTO, economic situation in Europe, crisis in Ukraine and XXII Olympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi.

At the event the key findings of the Survey will be presented. The presentation of the results will be followed by a Q&A session and discussion of the investment climate in Russia.

For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

The working languages of the event are English and Russian. Simultaneous translation will be provided.

Attendance Fees:

AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge;

Fee for AEB additional members is 3,850 RUB (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 7,700 RUB (+18% VAT).

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. 


Contact persons:

Programme: Anna Tsiulina, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext.124, at@aebrus.ru.

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.

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28.04.2014 Round table organized by the AEB Safety, Health, Environment and Security Committee "Best practices in health & safety sphere in Russia”

The AEB is pleased to invite you to participate in the round table organised by the AEB Safety, Health, Environment and Security Committee, titled “Best practices in H&S sphere in Russia”.


The event will be held on May 22nd, 2014, from 09:30 am to 11:30 am (registration starts at 9:00), at AEB Conference Centre located at Krasnoproletarskaya str., 16, bld. 3, ent. 8, fl. 4, office 8.    


Following the success of events held in 2013 the Committee decided to continue a series of expert meetings designed to provide first-hand information about existing policies, challenges and corporate practices in the sphere of health & safety in a constantly changing regulatory and business environment.


This round table again gathered professionals from industrial and banking sectors who will share their practical experience and offer a starting point for discussion and finding common solutions to existing challenges.


The working language of the event is English.

For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.


Attendance fees:

Fee for representatives of AEB members is free;

Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 3,500 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable.


Contact persons:

Programme: Elena Kuznetsova, AEB SHES Committee Coordinator, elena.kuznetsova@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 153;


Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru


Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.

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27.08.2013 AEB Open Event: "Taking the temperature of investment climate"
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31.07.2013 4th International Forum “Automotive Industry and Autocomponents Market in Russia”
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02.07.2013 4th International Forum “Automotive Industry and Autocomponents Market in Russia” (Moscow, 26th August, 2013)

Roundtable on the Decree of the Supreme State Council of the Union State No. 6 “On Uniform Rules in the Field of Consumer Protection”
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AEB North-Western regional committee "Electronic Transactions in 2025 in Corporate Law and Real Estate"
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Joint Open Meeting of the AEB Committees “Sustainable Development and Responsible Business. Vectors 2025”
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AEB Sanctions Update "Overview of Recent Restrictions and Developments. What Business Needs to Know"
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Annual General Meeting of the AEB North-Western Regional Committee
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AEB Annual Customs Conference “Prospects for the Development of Customs Legislation and Practice. Dialogues on Important Issues”
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Open event of AEB Committees “Current Issues in Speciality Risk Insurance and Claims Handling”
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AEB Anniversary Flagship Conference "European Business in Russia: 2025 – A Window of Opportunity?"
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AEB Roundtable at TRANSRUSSIA exhibition
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Open Meeting with Maksim Yermalovich, EEC Minister in charge of Competition and Antitrust Regulation
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AEB Webinar "Employers, beware! 2025 has begun: risks and opportunities"
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Joint Round Table of AEB Customs and Transport Committee, Japan Business Club Customs Committee, and JETRO
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RESCHEDULED: AEB Open event “Practical Aspects of Participation in Tax Monitoring”
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AEB Macro Update “Russia Macro-Economic Outlook: High Hopes, High Stakes”
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AEB GR Academy. Fundamental course "GR Management: Methods and technologies of interaction with public authorities”
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AEB GR Academy. Fundamental course "GR Management: Methods and technologies of interaction with public authorities”
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AEB GR Academy "Highlights of 2024. Socio-Economic and GR Trends for 2025"
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Roundtable “Moscow Tripartite Agreement for 2025-2027: What Employers Should Expect and What They Should Do”
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AEB North-Western Regional Committee "Getting to know the talented people of St. Petersburg"

Open Meeting with Georgy Bovt, Historian, Political Scientist, Journalist
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Corporate Culture as a basis for Business Sustainability in the Regions of Presence
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AEB Sanctions Update “Overview of Recent EU and US Restrictions. What Business Needs to Know”
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AEB HR Conference ”30 Years in Search of Better Ways”
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Open Committee Meeting with Maxim Protasov, Head of Roskachestvo
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AEB Finance and Investments Committee's Open Event “Cross-Border Payments: Challenges, Trends and Solutions”
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The "Sleeping" Mode of Foreign Companies - How to Continue to Work Successfully?
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The Role and Importance of Internal Communications in Modern Business Conditions
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XVII Annual Conference of AEB Migrations Committee "Attraction of Foreign Workers in Current Conditions"
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AEB Insurance and Pensions Committee event “Non-State Pension Funds in the Conditions of Pension Reform. Trends and Prospect”
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AEB Round Table “Traditions and New Technologies in Personnel Training"
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AEB Tax Conference “Tax results of the year. Dialogues on what matters”
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Energy efficiency technical regulation for energy consuming appliances: application of TR EAEU 048/2019 and European best practices
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Technical regulation and conformity assessment in the Eurasian Economic Union
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SOGAZ Insurance Group Open Event "The Green Agenda in Insurance"

AEB Recruitment & Relocation Sub-Committee "Employees Engagement - Tools of Engagement and Dialogue Building in Today's World"
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Personal Data 2024: in Search of Balance
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AEB Regulatory Update “Recent Developments in Counter-Sanctions Regulation and Practice”
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Annual Flagship Conference “European Business in Russia: What Role in a New Economic Order?"
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AEB-AmCham Business Networking Event "Embracing ESG a Sustainable Future"
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AEB Webinar “Pillar 2: Legislative Update and Applicability in Russia”
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Open Event “Annual Meeting with North-Western Customs Administration (SZTU)”,
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AEB Business Mission

AEB Labor Law Sub-Committee "Important issues of labor relations in the current challenging environment (continuation)"
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Briefing by Maxim Shaskolsky, Head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation
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Employees Retention Tools in the Context of Staff Shortage
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AEB Joint Cross-Regional Annual Session “HR Spotlight of the Russian Regions: Priorities and Solutions for the HR Market in Russia"
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Тренды в сфере улучшения социальных льгот

AEB Sanctions Update "Overview of Recent EU and US Restrictions. What Business Needs to Know"
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Joint Open Event “Carbon Management: Deep Dive”
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Briefing by Mr. Boris Titov – Special Envoy of the Russian President for relations with International Organizations for the Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals

AEB Webinar "Practical aspects of Labor Relations"
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GR management. Methods and technologies of interaction with public authorities.
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Artificial Intelligence in Action: How It Works and What Opportunities It Opens
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AEB Webinar "Selected Labor Relations Issues in the Current Challenging Environment"
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GR management. Methods and technologies of interaction with public authorities.
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Eurasian Logistics Day
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AEB GR Academy Launch Event "GR is Everywhere: Time to Change Gear"
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AEB Business Networking Event "A Night in San Remo"
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AEB webinar “Legal and Tax Update in Real Estate”
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Joint Working Meeting with AIPM, Inpharma on IPR GR Strategy

AEB Sanctions Update “14th EU Package and Recent US Restrictions. What Business Needs to Know”
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AEB Regulatory Update “Recent Developments in Counter-Sanctions Regulation and Practice”
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Annual Open Committee Meeting with Mr. Nikita Kuznetsov “Update on Current Internal Trade Issues”
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AEB Annual Survey Results Briefing: Strategies and Prospects for European Companies in Russia
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AEB Macro-Update: Towards Decarbonization of the Russian Fuel and Energy Sector
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AEB NWRC Conference "Global Problems, Universal Solutions".
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Round table “ESG: Legal Framework and Business Opportunities”
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AEB Tax conference “Modernization of the Russian Tax System: Key Points for Business”
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12th Package of Sanctions. Implications for EU Citizens Working in Russia
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AEB Labour Law Sub-Committee "Eternal" Legal Problems Of Labor Relations"
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Open Conference “Current Issues of Staff Retention and Efficiency Improvement”.
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AEB PR & Communications Committee “Internal Communications in The Corporate Communications System”
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Open Meeting “Practical aspects of Labor Relations”
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Joint Event of AEB North-West Regional Committee and Avito Job dedicated to the topic of personnel shortage in the country
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Occupational Health and Safety Regulations in Popular Business Expansion Sites
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The Russian M&A Market in 2024: Is the Boom Over?
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AEB Roundtable “Unauthorized Construction: Criteria, Legalization, and Judicial Practice”
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AEB Roundtable “Electric Vehicles and Alternative Fuels”

Annual AEB Conference “Intellectual Property Rights: Recent Trends, Practices, Problems and Solutions”
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Update on Personal Income Tax for Foreign Persons Working in Russia and Russian Citizens Working Abroad
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Round Table "EPR Reform and Other Instruments for the Formation of a Circular Economy"
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Trademark holders rights protection in e-commerce: current practice and regulatory perspectives
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Crisis Update: Sanctions and Countermeasures. Update on the Sanctions Landscape
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Annual General Meeting of the AEB North-Western Regional Committee
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AEB Annual General Meeting 2024
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AEB Annual Customs Conference “Prospects for the Development of Customs Legislation and Practice. Dialogues on Important Issues”
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Совместное мероприятие СЗРК АЕБ и гостиницы "Corinthia" - Почему творческое мышление необходимо в бизнесе?
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Open event organized by the AEB PR & Communications Committee – “ESG as a Part of Corporate Brand”
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Joint Round Table of AEB Customs and Transport Committee, Japan Business Club Customs Committee and JETRO
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Foreign Veterinary Medicinal Products Availability for Food Security in the Eurasian Economic Union
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Talks on The Russian Economy. A Decisive Year? Macro-Economic Outlook on 2024
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Crisis Update: Sanctions and Countermeasures. Disputes Involving Foreign Persons in Russian Courts: Current challenges and Remedies
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AEB Networking Event "Tunes of Spring"
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Joint event of insurance and pensions committee and real estate committee “Real estate insurance”
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AEB Roundtable “Transport Logistics and Customs Declaration: Formalization and Dispute Resolution”
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Meeting with Y. Kontemirov, Head of Protecting Rights of Personal Data Subjects Department of Roskomnadzor "Personal Data"
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The AEB North-Western Regional Committee | Winter Cocktail “The World of Cinema”
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AEB IT & Telecom Committee “Localization in IT Sector”
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Annual HR Conference ”The Future of Human Resources: Beyond the Breaking Point”
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COP 28 Outcomes. What is New for Public and Private Sectors?
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Crisis Update: Sanctions and Countermeasures. Update on the Sanctions Landscape
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Crisis Update: Sanctions and Countermeasures "Recent Developments in Counter-Sanctions Regulation and Enforcement Practice"
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World Climate Day. Results of COP27.

Prospects for the Development of the Labelling Institute in the EAEU Member Countries
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Real estate: Results of 2023 and perspectives for 2024
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Meeting of the RF Federal Tax Service Advisory Council on Taxation of Foreign Investors and Commercial Organizations with Foreign Investment
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SOGAZ Insurance Group Open Event "The Green Agenda in Insurance"

The AEB Labor Law Sub-Committee "Military Registration For Employers: Rules And Current Practices"
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Transformation of Occupational Safety and Health – New Approaches, Technologies and Development of Employee Competencies
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Energy efficiency technical regulation for energy consuming appliances: application of TR EAEU 048.2019 and European best practices
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Open Committee Meeting Organized by the AEB Insurance and Pensions Committee – “Cargo Insurance in New Reality”
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Assessment and Development of Employees Through the Prism of Generations Up to 2030
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The AEB Product Conformity Assessment Committee “Technical regulation and conformity assessment in the Eurasian Economic Union”
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AEB 2023 Sponsors Dinner

Talks on The Russian Economy. Bricsonomics: What Does it Mean? What Future?
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POSTPONED: The AEB Real Estate Committee "Real Estate Insurance"
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AEB North-Western Regional Committee's Conference “Results of the year 2023 – New Challenges or New Opportunities?”
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AEB Open Event "New Reality of Russian Business: HR Aspects of Working in Russia and Abroad"
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Webinar Organized by the AEB Compensation and Benefits Sub-Committee of the AEB HR Committee “Overview of salary surveys in Russia 2023"
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Annual Tax Conference “Tax Results of the Year. Dialogues on What Matters”
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XVI Annual Migration Conference “Migration Policy: Challenges, Perspectives, Practice”
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AEB 15th Jubilee HR Conference "Team Spirit 2018"

Open event "Specifics of GR-Сommunication in Belarus"
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The Roundtable of AEB WG on Waste Management "Extended Producer Responsibility Reform: from Concept to Implementation"
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The AEB Green Initiative Committee, Carbon Management Workstream Open Event “Climate laws and Energy Transition: From Concepts to Projects”.
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AEB-AmCham Business Networking "Sailing Together"
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The AEB Real Estate Committee webinar "Legal Update in Real Estate"
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AEB Flagship Conference. European Business in Russia: How to Maintain Bridges in a World Drifting Apart?
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Open Event Organized by Insurance and Pensions Committee "Social Benefits. New Opportunities and Solutions"
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Joint Open Event "Personal data. Changes and challenges"
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AEB Joint Cross-Regional Annual Session “HR Spotlight of the Russian Regions: Challenges of the Labor Market in the Realities of 2023"
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Briefing by Maxim Shaskolsky, Head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation. Main Trends of the Antimonopoly Regulation in Russia
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Joint Event Organized by AEB and JBC. Tendencies of Japanese and European Businesses in Russia
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AEB North-Western Regional Committee: “Practical Aspects of Labor Relations”
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Crisis Update: Sanctions and Countermeasures. New Rules re Economically Significant Organizations and Blocking of Foreign Investors' Property
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Key Updates in Taxation: DTA Suspension, Expansion of Minfin "Blacklist", Windfall Tax
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Crisis Update: Sanctions and Countermeasures. Interim Management: Implications for Companies and Personnel
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AEB Networking Event "Autumn Leaves"
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Crisis Update: Sanctions and Countermeasures. Recent Developments in Counter-Sanctions Regulation and Practice
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PR&Corporate communications today.Changes, challenges and perspectives
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Tax Policy in New Conditions: Realities and Prospects
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Crisis Update: Sanctions and Countermeasures. Update on the Sanctions Landscape
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Talks on the Russian Economy. The Structural Transformation of the Russian Economy
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Renewable Energy: Current Trends, Best Industry Practices and Future Opportunities
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Tax Conference. Trends and Prospects
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Open Event Organized by IT & Telecom AEB Committee "Critical Information Infrastructure"
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Commercial Real Estate Lease: Market and Law
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AEB Annual Survey Briefing: Strategies and Prospects for European Companies in Russia
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Annual Customs Conference
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Uncertainty As New Normal: Known And Unknown Unknowns
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M&A Deals in Russia: Through Difficulties to "Completion"
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The AEB SHES Committee "Role of EHS in ESG and sustainable development. Implementation of best practices"
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Annual Meeting with North-Western Customs Administration (SZTU)
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Changes to the Rules of Military Registration and Conscription
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Crisis Update: Sanctions and Countermeasures. New in Presidential and Government Approvals.
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AEB Annual Conference.Intellectual Property Rights: Recent Trends, Jurisprudence, Problems and Solutions.
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Legal and Tax Update in Real Estate
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AEB Annual General Meeting 2023

Crisis update: Sanctions and countermeasures. Topical issues for foreign companies in Russia.
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AEB Roundtable at TRANSRUSSIA exhibition
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Annual Legal and Tax Conference North-West
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“Crisis Update: Sanctions and Countermeasures. Update on the Sanctions Landscape”.
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Crisis Update: Sanctions and Countermeasures. Presidential and Government approvals. Regulatory and practical developments

Joint Round Table Between AEB Customs and Transport Committee and Japan Business Club Customs Committee and Jetro
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Annual General Meeting of the AEB North-Western Regional Committee
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Talks on the Russian Economy. Macroeconomic Scenarios and Forecasts
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Crisis Update: Sanctions and Countermeasures. Presidential and Government approvals. Regulatory and practical developments
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Times of Anxiety: HR is everything!
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AEB Business Networking "Winter Lights"
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Update on the US and EU Sanctions Landscape
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Update on the Pension Reform. Corporate Pension Programmes in the New Reality.
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Crisis Update: Sanctions & Countermeasures. Transactions and deals with foreign participation.
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Crisis Update: Sanctions & Countermeasures. Compliance in the new reality.
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Tax results of the year. Dialogues on what matters.
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AEB 25+ anniversary celebration in St.Petersburg "From window to bridge.Strengthening cooperation between Russia and the EU"

Machine Building Market Trends in Russia in 2022
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AEB NWRC Traditional Christmas Get-Together “At Mr.Pinky’s”
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Specificity of Organizing Corporate Communications in the B2B Sector
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XV Annual Migration Conference
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Sublease Market in Russia in 2022
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Compensation and Benefits in a New Reality
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Assessment, Training and Development in Uncertain Times
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Energy efficiency technical regulation for energy consuming appliances: application of TR EAEU 048/2019 and European best practices
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Import Substitution in HR
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Remote Work: Tax & Legal Aspects of Working from Abroad
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Crisis Update: Sanctions and Countermeasures. Decoding Washington.
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Crisis Update: Sanctions & Countermeasures 17.10.2022
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AEB CEOs Breakfast with the new EU Ambassador to Russia, H.E. Roland Galharague

Сhanges in the regulation of digital advertising: new obligations for advertisers and technical solutions
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Crisis Update: Customs and Logistics 18.10.2022
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Business networking "Sailing together"

Annual Customs Conference
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Employers and partial mobilization: how to take care of the psychological state of employees
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Crisis Update: Sanctions & Countermeasures. Currency Control Restrictions.
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Employers and Partial Mobilization: Legal Implications & Practical Recommendations
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Crisis Update: Sanctions & Countermeasures 30.09.2022
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Practical solutions in ESG corporate strategies
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HR Spotlight of the Russian Regions: New Challenges - New Opportunities
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AEB & AAS Family Autumn Fair
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Briefing by Maxim Shaskolsky, Head of the Federal Anti-Monopoly Service of the Russian Federation
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Disputes Involving Non-Residents: To Russia With Love?
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Crisis Update: Sanctions and Countermeasures. Briefing by Annette Kyobe, International Monetary Fund Resident Representative for Russian Federation.
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Strength in Unity: Crisis Navigator for Foreign Businesses in the North-West
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Crisis Update: Customs and Logistics. 20.09.2022
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Crisis Update: Sanctions and Countermeasures 01.09.2022
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AEB Flagship Conference "At the Crossroads: Where Do We Stand? What to Expect from Tomorrow?"
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Crisis Update: Sanctions and Countermeasures. Session on M&A.
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Specifics of Taxation in the Real Estate Sector
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Prospects for the development of labelling in the current environment. New goals and challenges.
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Personal Data: New Regulation and Practice
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Crisis Update: Customs and Logistics 30.08.2022
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IMAF 2022. Registration for Press
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Cybersecurity Event: Best practices for Business, useful tips for employees
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Crisis Update: Sanctions & Countermeasures 28.07.2022
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Crisis Update: Customs and Logistics 19.072022
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Crisis Update: Sanctions and Countermeasures 08.07.2022
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Crisis Update: Sanctions & Countermeasures 01.07.2022
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Crisis communications management in the context of new legislative initiatives
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Update on Current Internal Trade Issues
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Crisis Update: Sanctions and Countermeasures 24.06.2022
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Crisis Update: Customs and Logistics 28.06.2022
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Key legal initiatives in real estate
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Meeting with the Federal Customs Service (FCS)
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AEB anti-crisis tax conference. New life in new reality.
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 Summer networking event "Stronger together" Summer networking event "Stronger together"

Together, we are stronger! The AEB has placed this motto at the centre of its action and strategy. We believe that, together with our Team and Members, we can best navigate the current crisis and help the European businesses.

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Second AEB Crisis & Sanctions Update Conference. Handling the Unpredictable & Staying Resilient
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Crisis Update: Sanctions & Countermeasures 10.06.2022
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Crisis Update: Customs and Logistics 07.06.2022
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Crisis Update: Sanctions & Countermeasures 02.06.2022
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Talks on the Russian Economy
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Wellbeing at workplace in 2022: How to support the employees? Best practice, analysis and useful tips for employers
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Annual meeting with the North-Western Customs Administration (SZTU)
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Crisis Update: Sanctions and Countermeasures 20.05.2022
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The role of HR Department and HR Director in times of crisis. Value for the business and for the team.
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Crisis Update: Customs and Logistics 17.05.2022
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OFFLINE REGISTRATION - Situation on the Labor market: how to maintain efficiency and not to lose talents
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ONLINE REGISTRATION - Situation on the labor market: how to maintain efficiency and not to lose talents
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Annual Conference “Intellectual Property Rights: recent trends, court practices, problems and solutions”
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AEB crisis navigator for foreign business in North-West. Where are we and where are we heading?
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Crisis Update: Sanctions & Countermeasures
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Great changes in property transactions in new reality
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To leave or not to leave? Foreign business crisis asset management scenarios
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Crisis Update: Sanctions & Countermeasures 22.04.2022
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Current issues of tax regulation in crisis conditions
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Russian rental market in the new environment
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AEB Crisis and Sanctions Update Conference. Navigating Increased Uncertainty.
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Crisis Update: Customs and Logistics
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Crisis Update: Sanctions and Countermeasures
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Assessment, Training and Development in uncertain times
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Key topical issues and solutions in the field of currency regulation and control
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Crisis Update: Customs and Logistics
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Crisis Update: Sanctions and Countermeasures
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Crisis Update: Customs and Logistics
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The role of Internal and External communications in Crisis management. PR, HR & Ethical aspects.
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Crisis Management Response: Banking, Legal Aspects and Migration Solutions

Crisis Update: Sanctions and Countermeasures
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Adapt to survive: managing small and medium-sized businesses in times of crisis
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Crisis update: Customs and Logistics
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Crisis Update: Sanctions and Countermeasures
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Crisis Update: Customs and Logistics
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Meeting with Maxim Oreshkin

Crisis Update: Sanctions and Countermeasures
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Crisis Update: Customs and Logistics
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Sanctions and practical advice in a crisis
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Update on the current logistics situation
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Is There a Way Back? Prospects for Post-Minsk Scenarios
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"Green" certificates in Russia: practice and prospects of implementing in Russian automotive industry
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AEB Annual General Meeting 2022

National Project on Labor Productivity – Status Update. What Opportunities for the AEB Member-Companies?
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Annual General Meeting of the AEB North-Western Regional Committee
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Press Conference «Construction Equipment Market Results 2021 and Expectations for 2022»
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Navigating the Geopolitical Uncertainty. Potential Consequences and Scenarios
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Restoration of peatlands as a means for offsetting carbon. Economic and Ecosystem benefits for businesses.
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Financial outlook 2022 - update for successful business
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Specifics of nonresidential properties management
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Meeting with Tadzio Schilling, AEB CEO
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Press registration for AEB Automobile Manufacturers Committee Annual Press Conference 2021
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Protection of patent rights of pharmaceuticals manufacturers
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CEOs breakfast with EU and French Ambassadors on the French Presidency of the European Council 2022
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Russia’s Taxonomy on “Green Finance” – how to attract international investors
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"Meet the Media" with Olga Oreshnikova, General Director Forbes Congress Russia
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Briefing by Andrey Slepnev, Minister for Trade of the Eurasian Economic Union
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Online briefing for AEB Members on the statutory ELECTIONS campaign

Global Trends in The Energy Sector & Gas Outlook 2050
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Machine Building Market Trends in Russia in 2021
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Pension reform in Russia. An update for corporates operating in Russia.
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Christmas Get-Together in St.Petersburg "In the Rhythm of Tango"

Briefing by Boris Titov, Presidential Commissioner for the Protection of Entrepreneurs’ Rights
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Annual Taxation Committee Conference
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Annual Meeting with the Investment Team of the Government of the Leningrad Region “Cooperation in ESG as a Tool for Sustainable Development in the Regions”
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Meeting with Maxim Reshetnikov, Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
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Annual Migration Conference “Prospects of migration policy development. Practical application of existing regulations”
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Briefing by Arman Shakkaliev, Minister for Competition and Antitrust Regulation of the Eurasian Economic Union
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Overview of salary surveys in Russia 2021
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New Challenges in Cybersecurity & Social Engineering. The Most Common Fraud Schemes. Practical Tips.
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Digitalization of HR Processes and Related Legal Aspects
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Online vs Offline. Onboarding and Team Management in a Corporation
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5G and the Modernization of the Russian Industry: Potential, Myth, Reality
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Compliance for European and International Business in Russia: Trends and New Challenges
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Briefing by Elvira Nabiullina, Governor of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation
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AEB 25+ and South Regional Committee 18th Anniversary in Krasnodar and panel discussion “Building future talents for regional economy via business education”
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COVID-19: Impact on mental health & wellbeing at workplace. Employers' legal policy aspects & government regulation.
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Sustainable Waste Management in a Circular Economy: Experience of European Countries
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Meeting with representatives of the Eurasian Economic Commission on technical regulations

Briefing by Maxim Shaskolsky, Head of the Anti-Monopoly Service of the Russian Federation
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Approaching ESG: best practices of International companies in Russia
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B2B meeting with Mikhail Zadornov: Russian Banking System Today and Bank “Otkritie"
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Bridging the Ocean. AEB-AmCham Business Cocktail

Artificial Intelligence. Creating the future.
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HR spotlight of the Russian Regions: peculiarities of attracting warehouse and production staff
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Eco-insurance in the management of environmental risks
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Energy efficiency technical regulation for energy consuming appliances: application of TR EAEU 048/2019 and European best practices
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Legal update in Real Estate
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Briefing by Annette Kyobe, International Monetary Fund Resident Representative for Russian Federation
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Meeting with software vendors
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Practical aspects of the creation and application of antimonopoly compliance systems
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AEB 25+ anniversary celebration in St. Petersburg “From window to bridge. Strengthening cooperation between Russia and the EU in the North-West"
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B2B meeting with Evgeny Kaspersky, CEO, Kaspersky Lab
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Localization of European companies in Russia: regional aspect. Round table and visit to the localization sites of the Special Economic Zone “Lipetsk”
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Moscow International Automotive Forum IMAF-2021
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POSTPONED - Open meeting with Tadzio Schilling, AEB CEO
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Industrial BTS deals: key [legal/technical] aspects of site selection and contracting
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Mandatory vaccination of employees against Covid-19: regulation and practice
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Sanctions update. Belarus & implications beyond.
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Industrial engineering, investment project design and construction in North-West Region of Russia

Presentation and discussion of the research «International standards and practices of responsible sourcing in metals industry»
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AMC Press-Conference 2021
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Russian tax system development in the first six months of 2021: key news
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POSTPONED - Ulyanovsk Region Presentation
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Meeting with Igor Yurgens
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Logistics innovations and their impact on e-commerce market
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Real Estate: Changes in the Legislation on Investment Activity
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Green Agenda: Experience of European Business
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Open meeting of the Retail Trade Committee with Nikita Kuznetsov, Head of the Department of the Development of Internal Trade, Ministry of Industry and Trade “Update on Current Internal Trade Issues”

The AEB Retail Trade Committee is pleased to invite you to an open committee meeting with Mr. Nikita Kuznetsov, Head of the Department of the Development of Internal Trade, the RF Ministry of Industry and Trade, titled “Update on Current Internal Trade Issues”.

The event will be held on September 10th, 2021, from 09:00 to 10:00 via Zoom.

AEB appreciates the opportunity to continue the dialogue with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

The main tasks of the Department of the Development of Internal Trade include providing proposals to form and realize the state policy and legal regulation in the sphere of internal trade, public catering and services, light industry, etc. The Department determines priority areas, scientific and technical development and innovative activities in those industries and assists in development of entrepreneurial activity and competition (with regard to protection of interests of the consumer market participants, creation of an efficient competitive environment, development of infrastructure of industries, and creation of conditions to attract investments to industries).

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POSTPONED - Meeting with Mikhail Myasnikovich, Chairman of the Board, Eurasian Economic Commission
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Presentation of the EU's New Import Control System 2
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Hot issues related to the implementation of electronic document flow
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“Tax clause and industry-specific "whitewash" projects: business an “agent” of tax control or collective tax liability?”
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Annual meeting with the North-Western Customs Authorities (SZTU)
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Intellectual Property Rights: Recent trends, court practices, problems and solutions
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Strategies and prospects for European companies in Russia: survey results
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SRC Online conference Human capital management as a factor of sustainable development
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Moscow City Green Agenda
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Update on Current Labelling Issues

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Meeting with Vasily Osmakov, First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
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Talks on the Russian economy: "Russian economy: What is happening now?"
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PropTech in Russian Real Estate and Construction. Results of 2020
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How the year of remote work affected the assessment, staff training, as well as the compensations and benefits of employees
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Life insurance in Russia. Challenges and opportunities.
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Implementation of article 54.1 of the Tax Code
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“Green” solutions in Construction and Real Estate in Russia. Today and Tomorrow
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How has the year of remote work affected the future of work-places and HR processes?
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Briefing by Denis Manturov, Minister of Industry & Trade of the Russian Federation
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AEB Green Initiative. Energy of the Future Workstream. Kick-Off meeting
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Meeting with Olga Korotova, Deputy Head of the Department of Roskomnadzor for the Central Federal District
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Green Initiative. Carbon Management Workstream. Kick-Off meeting.
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SRC online conference Implementation of sustainable development goals based on ESG principles in the Krasnodar Territory.
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XII Northern Dimension Online Forum
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How to select and measure the effectiveness of security services providers. Practical recommendations and business cases.
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Green Initiative. Green Finance Workstream. Kick-Off meeting.
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Legal update in Real Estate
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Annual Legal and Tax сonference North-West
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"Summertime and the Livin' is Easy" 25+ Anniversary Gala Reception
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What next, sanctions again? How widespread? How damaging?
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AEB Southern Regional Committee: Annual General Meeting 2021
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Joint meeting of the AEB Real Estate Committee and the AIP Industrial Construction Committee - “Pandemic” Effect on Warehouses"

The AEB is pleased to invite you to participate in the open meeting organised by the AEB Real Estate Committee and Industrial Committee of the NAssociation of Industrial Parks of Russia (AIP), titled “PANDEMIC” EFFECT ON WAREHOUSES”.

The webinar will be held online on February 18, 2021 from 10:00 to 11:30.

Each market segment was influenced by the "pandemic" effect. While some players had to suffer losses, others struggled to keep up with consumer demand. As a result, warehouse logistics has undergone changes and format adjustments, too. According to the results of 2020, the total volume of concluded contracts in the Moscow market is 5% higher than in the same period of 2019.

During the webinar we will discuss the following issues:
1. The main drivers of the warehouse real estate market. Results of 2020 and forecasts for 2021.
2. Warehouse Development and Investment Trends.
3. Warehouse formats, Locations, and Targets.

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25+ Anniversary Conference “Russia and Europe in the World of Tomorrow. Looking Back to Move Ahead” 25+ Anniversary Conference “Russia and Europe in the World of Tomorrow. Looking Back to Move Ahead”

For more than a quarter of a century, we have been committed to working towards closer cooperation between the European Union (EU), Russia, and the EAEU. Against that background, we are pleased to announce our 25+ Anniversary Conference “RUSSIA AND EUROPE IN THE WORLD OF TOMORROW. LOOKING BACK TO MOVE AHEAD” which will open our jubilee activities.

Economic ties between the European Union (EU) and Russia have been developing over the past 25 years despite all economic crisis and political stand-offs. Sharing a common continent, joint history and tight cultural proximity have helped develop a fruitful economic cooperation and create multiple business opportunities in various spheres and industries. European investors have been the first to believe in the potential of the Russian market and remained faithful to it even in difficult times.

Unfortunately, however, the present does not look so bright: our economies and societies are currently facing great challenges. Recent trends show the resurgence of protectionism while cooperation and trade, bided by clear and fair rules of the game, are losing momentum. The consequences of climate change are calling for robust long-term mitigation and adaptation strategies as well as cutting-edge green technologies and investments. Finally, the current public health and economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic will have long-term repercussions on business models and supply chains while it is already clear that Moscow and Brussels will come out of it weakened, but with clear understanding that a new growth model is needed.

In this context, the European Union and Russia have much to gain from a revival of their relations. Maintaining and developing cooperation in fields such as environment, green economy & technologies, the Arctic or connectivity between Moscow and Brussels could be one mechanism for getting out of the current lockdown and resetting bilateral relations.

The event will be held online on April 22, 2021 from 10.00 AM till 3.30 PM (CET, Moscow time) and will feature four sessions:

  • Growing Together? Synchronizing Economic Recovery in Europe
  • All Green? Driving the Energy Transformation Agenda
  • Can we still avoid a digitally divided world?
  • Leaders of the future. Who will shape the world of tomorrow?


This event is open for online participation and free of charge for AEB Members and non-members. Registration will open soon. 

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AEB North-Western Regional Committee: Annual General Meeting 2021
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Construction Equipment Committee Press Conference «Overview 2020. Impact assesement of an increased scrappage fee on the Russian market & industry forecast 2021»
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POSTPONED - Meeting with Oleg Ivanov, Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation
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Cost prediction standards
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Financial outlook 2021 - update for sucсessful business
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Doing well by doing good: perspectives on ESG developments in Russia
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Health & safety aspects of remote work
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Online briefing for AEB Members on Extraordinary General Meeting process and final version of the Charter
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Migration Practice and Legislative Prospects. Migration Concept
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Regulatory Sandboxes as a Mechanism for Intellectual Property Innovation
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The European Union & Russia: Allies? Partners? Rivals?
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Development of the Russian Tax System: results of 2020 and perspectives
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Burning Labeling Issues 2020 – results of the year
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Horizon 2020 European Green Deal call: Forestry. Opportunities for Russian Research & Innovation Entities
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Think Globally - Act Locally. Foreign Investors and the COVID-19 Pandemic in Russia
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Meeting with Maxim Reshetnikov, Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
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Personal Data: what's new
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How to strengthen the employer's brand in new reality
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Remote work and everything connected with it
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Protectionism and Localization Requirements in Russia
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Tax Challenges Arising from Digitalisation. OECD Pillar One Blueprint
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SME Agenda for the New Reality
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Briefing by Grigory Ivliev, Head of the Federal Service for Intellectual Property of the Russian Federation
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Business dialogue: digital construction in Russia - results of 2020
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Annual meeting with the investment team of the government of the Leningrad region
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Machine Building Market Trends in Russia in 2020
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Second briefing on AEB New Draft Charter
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Commercial real estate and COVID-19: contractual and court practice
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US Elections Over, Any Changes in Relations with Russia?
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New in migration legislation and practice

Briefing on AEB New Draft Charter
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Northern Dimension Online Forum
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COVID-19 impact on the economy
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Health & safety aspects of remote work
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Intragroup services – a new page
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Legal Update
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Russian pensions, who can afford to live to 100?
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Online briefing by Sergey Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

Hard Dismissals – how to separate with “toxic” employees with minimal risks
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Development and investments in regions: life in a new reality
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Voluntary medical insurance challenges and trends.Situation after the COVID-19 pandemic. Seasonal flu and vaccination.
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Strategies and prospects for European companies in Russia: survey results
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European countries experience in overcoming COVID-19 crisis and recovering economies
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HR spotlight: how companies and enterprises work in different Russian regions?
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How companies are changing their approach to training, assessment and developing their employees
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SPIC 2.0 confirmed status and what does it mean for investors
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Tashkent Real Estate market
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Online insurance
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Energy Efficiency Technical Regulation for energy consuming appliances: application of TR EAEU 048/2019 and European best practices
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AEB Energy Committee Open Meeting
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EU & Russia Climate Change Research and Innovation Priorities. Opportunities for Cooperation under the Horizon 2020 European Green Deal Call

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Personnel motivation during and after the pandemic: new challenges and opportunities
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Presentation of Perm Region
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Technologies in Construction and Real Estate. Proptech 2020
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A look into the future. Construction and real estate
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Online Conference "Strategies and business practices after getting out of the restriction measures"
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Warehouses for E-commerce
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Briefing by Boris Titov, Presidential Commissioner for the Protection of Entrepreneurs’ Rights
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Public Private Partnership on the Moscow City Territory
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Reducing Tax Burden for Existing Enterprises on the Moscow City Territory
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Localisation support measures for enterprises on the Moscow City territory
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Development of the Russian Tax System: results of the first half of 2020 and perspectives
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Opportunities to finance and support industrial projects
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Supply Chain Disruption
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Covid-19 & Insurance of personnel
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Global information agenda in Digital era
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Understanding the impacts of change on mental health. COVID-19 pandemic outcomes.
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Briefing by Igor Artemiev, Head of the FAS: "Federal Antimonopoly Service: current practice and prospective"
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Burning Labelling Issues 2020
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SME support measures implementation experience in view of the COVID-19 outbreak
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Localisation in IT-telecom
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COVID- 19 impact on the economy. The Update! What impact, what next?
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Human aspects of returning to work: New Skills and Leadership.
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Come celebrate the opening of the Moscow museums with Vasily Tsereteli, Director of the MMOMA

Pandemic and external communications: new challenges and opportunities in real estate
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Meeting with Tadzio Schilling, AEB CEO
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Meeting with Alexander Prokhorov, Director of Department of Investment and industrial Policy, Government of Moscow
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What will be next when we exit work from home?
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Culture shock, the impact of COVID-19. Dialogue with a Bolshoi ballerina

COVID-19 Consequences for European companies and Prospects for the Future
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How will Society & Technologies Change after Coronavirus. Experts’ Opinion
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Transformation of Retail Real Estate
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Criminal and administrative responsibility of the head of the company during the post-pandemic period

TALKS ON THE RUSSIAN ECONOMY: Is there any life after COVID-19?
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Processing personal data of employees in the conditions of a pandemic

Criminal and administrative responsibility of the head of the company during the fight against the pandemic

The two-meter rule: What will workplace be like after the pandemic?
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Approaches to hiring in a new reality.
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Downsizing (redundancy): a comprehensive approach to minimize risks, and taking into account the presence of a trade union in the company

ONLINE WEBINAR: "Making It Personal: Leading Virtual Teams"
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ONLINE WEBINAR: "Employment termination during COVID-19 outbreak"

ONLINE WEBINAR: "Landlord vs Tenant in the realities of COVID-19"
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ONLINE PRESENTATION of the IMF annual report “Prospects for the development of the regional economy in the countries of the Caucasus and Central Asia”
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ONLINE WEBINAR: "COVID-19: key legal and tax issues in Real estate"
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ONLINE WEBINAR "Legal aspects for labour relations caused by coronavirus pandemic"
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ONLINE WEBINAR: «COVID- 19 - Impact on the economy»

ONLINE WEBINAR "Compliance & Corporate governance for business / SMEs in difficult times: COVID-19 Challenges and evolving sanctions regime”
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ONLINE WEBINAR: “Legal and practical aspects of the transfer of employees to the remote work for the period of pandemic”

ONLINE WEBINAR "COVID-19 & Telecom Operators: How to cope with the challenges of a unique situation?"
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ONLINE WEBINAR: "Issues of the labor law application during the period of validity of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation N 239, dated April 2, 2020"

ONLINE WEBINAR: "Organisation of Work during COVID-19: Current Legal & IT Issues"
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ONLINE WEBINAR: “SME Fundamental Сhallenges and Support Measures in view of the COVID-19 Outbreak”
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ONLINE WEBINAR: "Coronavirus: health comes first, but don't forget about business"

ONLINE WEBINAR: "Migration Law in practice during the restrictive measures caused by coronavirus"
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ONLINE WEBINAR “Company’s cyber security during remote work”
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ONLINE WEBINAR ”Practical legal implications caused by Coronavirus pandemic”
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ONLINE WEBINAR: "Mandatory and additional measures for the protection of labor, life and health of workers during uncertain times"

ONLINE WEBINAR: "Virus, Quarantine and the Labor Code: puzzling questions"
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ONLINE WEBINAR: HR issues and labor law in the period of the coronavirus
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HR WORKSHOP 4.0 Large-scale Labor Code amendments and current employee training approaches
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Presentation of the investment potential of the Kazakhstan republic
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AEB Open Event: Briefing by Igor Artemiev, Head of the RF Federal Antimonopoly Service
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AEB Cocktail on the occasion of Maslenitsa "Farewell-to-winter Cocktail party"
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AEB CEOs breakfast with Esko Aho, Executive Chairman of the Board of the East Office of Finnish Industries and Former Prime Minister of Finland
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AEB Drink on the occasion of the exhibition "Breath of Antarctica"

PRESS registration for AEB Automobile Manufacturers Committee Annual Press Conference 2019

AEB Open event: World Bank briefing "Russia’s Economy: Preserving Stability, Doubling Growth, Halving Poverty – How?"
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AEB Austrian EuroReception
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Open event organized by the AEB Finance and Investments Committee: "YEAR-END UPDATE ON THE SANCTIONS"
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The Festival of Motoring Sochi Launch Event - Registration for media

World Bank briefing in St Petersburg - "Russia’s Economy: Preserving Stability, Doubling Growth, Halving Poverty – How?"
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AEB Taxation Committee Event: “Development of the Russian Tax System: results of 2018 and perspectives”
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Open Event: Briefing by Gabriel Di Bella, IMF Resident Representative in the Russian Federation
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AEB Open event: Meeting with Maxim Oreshkin, Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
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Briefing by Sergey Sobyanin, Mayor of Moscow
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Open event organized by the AEB Finance and Investments and AEB Legal Committees: "SPIC or NOT SPIC?"
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North-Western regional committee/HR and Migration Subcommittee: "DIGITAL BUSINESS BREAKFAST: HR DIGITALIZATION AND ADAPTATION"
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AEB Day in Krasnodar
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Open event organized by the AEB PR & Communications Committee: "GO DIGITAL: SOCIAL MEDIA FOR PR PROFESSIONALS"
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Branches of foreign insurance companies in Russia: "IN SEARCH OF OPTIMAL BALANCE OF ACTIVITY CONDITIONS"
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Round Table of the AEB WG on Modernization & Innovations “Labour productivity in Russia”
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Machine Building Market Trends in Russia in 2018
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Open event organized by the AEB Energy Efficiency and SHES Committees "WASTE MANAGEMENT: PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE AND NEW IN STATE REGULATIONS"
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Open event organized by the AEB IT-Telecom Committee LEGAL UPDATE
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Business meeting organized by the AEB Taxation Committee "INTRA-GROUP TRANSACTIONS: CHALLENGES AND TRENDS"
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Open event organized by the AEB Health, Safety Environment and Security Committee and Construction Industry and Building Material Suppliers Committee ROUND TABLE «INDUSTRIAL FIRE SAFETY»
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Joint AEB Committees event: Compliance and Ethics Committee, HR Committee, IT and Telecom Committee “EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): Sharing best practices”
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AEB Open event - Meet the Media: TASS Russian News Agency
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AEB Polish EuroReception
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Registration for media - IMAF 2018

AEB Open event organized by the Human Resources Committee, Assessment, Training and Development Sub-Committee "LIFE HACKS: ADULT’S CONSCIOUS LEARNING"
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CEO open meeting "Turning Potential into Success: The Missing Link in Leadership Development"
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AEB Open Event ”EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): Implementation Experience”
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AEB Sponsor Event "HR WORKSHOP 3.0" organised by ManpowerGroup
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Open event organized by the AEB Health, Safety Environment and Security Committee ROUND TABLE «FIRE SAFETY: PREVENTION AND TIPS»
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Drink on the occasion of the exhbition by Jacques Ikhmalyan, organised together with Gallery "Les Oreades"

Open event organized by the AEB Finance and Investments Committee: "SANCTIONS, AN EVOLVING STORY"
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Presentation of AEB Annual Survey’s results “Strategies and prospects for European companies in Russia”,
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Smart living and smart working
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Presentation of the investment potential of the Novgorod Region by the Governor, Andrei Nikitin
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Presentation of AEB Annual Survey’s results “Strategies and prospects for European companies in Russia”
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Online solutions in insurance and pensions
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AEB joint open event of the Legal and Finance & Investments Committees "SANCTIONS: WHERE ARE WE NOW, WHAT NEXT?"
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Media registration for the signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between AEB and ROAD

“Sanation of insurers: potential risks and new opportunities”
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Open event organized by the AEB IT-Telecom Committee “ ABC OF THE DIGITALIZATION”
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AEB Conference “Get Ready for the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia!”
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Open event organized by the AEB Health, Safety Environment and Security Committee “ CYBER SECURITY CHECKUPS”
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AEB Belgian EuroReception
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AEB Annual General Meeting 2018
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AEB 15th Jubilee Flagship Conference
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Presentation of investment potential of the Republic of North Ossetiya – Alaniya and of the Karachaevo-Cherkesskaya Republic
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AEB Winter Cocktail
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Talks on the Russian Economy
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The Ninth Northern Dimension Forum: How to succeed in the new economy? New mindset, management models and business processes
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AEB Conference “Big Data”
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Presentation of the World Bank report “A Rebalancing China and Resurging India: How will the pendulum swing for Russia?”
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AEB Sponsor Event: Business breakfast with the President of the European Policy Centre, Herman Van Rompuy, organised by Deloitte CIS
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Meeting with Maxim Oreshkin, Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
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AEB Taxation Committee Event: “Development of the Russian Tax System: results of 2017 and perspectives”
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AEB Drink on the occasion of the exhibition "Mos.Koop…"

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Joint open event organised by the AEB PR & Communications Committee and the AEB HR Committee "DEVELOPING INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS IN A COMPANY"
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BRIEFING BY BORIS TITOV, PRESIDENTIAL COMMISSIONER FOR ENTREPRENEURS’ RIGHTS PROTECTION "Commissioner for Entrepreneurs’ Rights Protection: achievements and prospects"
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AEB Business meeting “Trends in employee benefits: corporate pensions, digital solutions and other benefits for personnel”
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Open event organized by the AEB Safety, Health, Environment and Security Committee "HSE RISK MANAGEMENT IN RUSSIA: OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES"
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Open event organized by the AEB Health, Safety Environment and Security Committee ROUND TABLE: «WASTE COLLECTION AND PROCESSING: PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE»
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AEB Open Event: Briefing by Andreas Matthä, CEO of the ÖBB Holding AG (Austrian railway holding)
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Round Table organized by the AEB Machine Building & Engineering and Real Estate Committees “Current Trends in the Design of the Industrial Projects”
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AEB IT-Telecom Committee Open Meeting “To ICO, or Not to ICO, That is the Question”
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Joint event of: AEB Migration Committee, AEB HR Committee, AEB Taxation Committee: ”Structuring of the foreign employees’ remuneration system: migration, labor, and taxation aspects”
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Open event in St. Petersburg on “Main trends in E-Commerce in Russia: Current status, practical cases and prospects for the future”
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AEB Open event: ”Employer Branding in the Hospitality Industry”
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AEB Open event: Presentation of the investment potential of the Tula Region
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Open event organized by the AEB Health, Safety Environment and Security Committee “Complex protection of creditor's interests in bankruptcy proceedings. Asset tracing and recovery”
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AEB Open Event: Briefing by Gabriel Di Bella, IMF Resident Representative in the Russian Federation
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AEB Open event: Briefing by Sergey Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
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AEB Business meeting: "Tax planning: new boundaries"
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AEB Open event: ”New US sanctions: Risks and challenges for the European businesses”
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AEB Day in Saint-Petersburg
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AEB Open event: ”Digitising Industry-A Chance for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses in Russia”
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AEB Second Nordic Breakfast Meeting (upon invitation only)
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Open event organised by the AEB Agribusiness Committee and VDMA Agricultural Machinery Association titled “Insights to innovations and technologies in the modern russian agriculture”
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AEB Sponsor open event for HR Directors "Insurance instruments for attracting, retaining and motivating qualified personnel", organised by Soglasie Insurance company
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AEB Drink on the occasion of the exhibition "Summer in the Oreads - 2017. Masters of modern times."

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AEB meeting: Discussion of the TR EAEU 041/2017 “On the safety of chemical products” with the industrial companies, whose business is directly affected by the given regulation

Briefing by Mukai Kadyrkulov, Minister of Customs Cooperation of the Eurasian Economic Commission
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Open event organized by ManpowerGroup “HR WORKSHOP 2.00: Transforming the labour market. New goals for top managers and flexi work forms”

The AEB and ManpowerGroup are delighted to invite you to participate in AEB Sponsor open event organised by ManpowerGroup “HR Workshop 2.00: Transforming the labour market. New goals for top managers and flexi work forms”.

The event will take place on Tuesday, 18 July 2017, from 10:00 till 12:00 (registration starts at 09:30), at the AEB Conference centre (ul. Krasnoproletarskaya, 16, bld. 3, floor 4, office 8).

Please note that registration will close as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants and the latest on 17 July 2017.

In cool summer days, when many are planning their vacation or have just returned to the city, we suggest discussing topical issues in the HR sector with ManpowerGroup experts in the fields of legal and career management.

In our event you will get tuned to the following topics:

- Flexi forms of employment: topical issues of place of work, working regime, maintaining control, details of employment termination, case studies;

- Expectations and requirements to top and medium level executive competencies in the context of career management;

- How have requirements to top and medium level management changed? How could they develop?

- Latest ManpowerGroup research studies “Skills Revolution”, “Career Conversations. How Ongoing Career Conversations Drive Business Success”.

If you have any interesting questions, please kindly ask them in advance by e-mail: Galena.Nigmatullina@ru.manpowergroup.com

Working language is Russian. Interpretation will not be provided.

Attendance Fees:

The event is free of charge.

Contact persons:

Programme: Elizaveta Burova, Tel.: + 7 (495) 37 34 35 доб.1328, E-mail: Elizaveta.Burova@ru.manpowergroup.com

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Julia Gospodinova, Tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, reception@aebrus.ru

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AEB Open Event - Workshop with the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS Russia) “Prevention of violations of the competition legislation: notices from FAS Russia, corporate compliance system, release from liability”
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AEB Networking Cocktail
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World Bank Briefing based on the World Bank’s Russia Economic Report #37: “From Recession to Recovery”
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AEB Events: Round Table organized by the AEB Energy Efficiency Committee “Green Finance for Energy Efficiency: Opportunities in Russia”
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Briefing by Nikolay Gulayev, Minister for Sport and Tourism of Moscow "Confederation Cup 2017 and FIFA 2018: Main directives in security, transport infrastructure, logistics and marketing "
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AEB Polish EuroReception
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AEB Open Event: "Learning by Doing: Real Life Cases"

The Association of European Businesses is pleased to invite you to open event ”Learning by Doing: Real Life Cases” organized by the AEB Assessment, Training and Development Sub-Committee, AEB HR Committee.

The event will take place on Monday 26 June 2017, from 15:00 to 18:00 (registration starts at 14:30) at the AEB Conference Center (ul. Krasnoproletarskaya, 16, bld. 3, entrance 8, floor 4, office 8).

In the first part of the event we will discuss global best practices on learning by doing, and a business case on learning & development through edutainment. The second part of the event will be devoted to cyber-security issues. The experts from Kaspersky Lab will tell us on how to change attitude toward ’non-interesting’ topic and will conduct a business simulation on cyber-security for non-experts.

The working languages of the conference is Russian. Simultaneous translation will not be provided.

Please kindly note that the number of participants is limited. The registration will be closed as soon as the maximum number of participants is reached.

Attendance fees:

AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge;

Fee for AEB additional members is 3,850 RUB (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 7,700 RUB (+18% VAT).

All payments are to be made through bank transfer or credit card ahead of the event. Once the transfer is made, the sum is not refundable. Please note that online payment with personal or corporate credit card is available. Please choose the “online payment” link when registering.

Contact persons:

Program and sponsorship:

Tatiana Morozova, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 120; Tatiana.Morozova@aebrus.ru .

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.

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Registration for media - IMAF 2017

Annual Conference of the AEB Intellectual Property Committee: "Intellectual Property Rights: Recent trends, court practices, problems and solutions"
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AEB Events: Round Table organized by the AEB Machine Building & Engineering Committee “Machine Building Market Trends in Russia (first half of 2017)”

The AEB is pleased to invite you to its traditional Round Table “Machine Building Market trends in Russia (first half of 2017)”, organized by the AEB Machine Building & Engineering Committee.

The event will take place on 15 June 2017 at the AEB Conference center, (Krasnoproletarskaya Ul. 16, bld.3, entrance 8, 4th floor), from 9:30 to 11:30 (registration starts at 9:00).

The event is proposed to the AEB members by the Machine Building & Engineering Committee, in cooperation with the AEB Commercial Vehicles and Construction Equipment Committees, is the continuation of a longstanding tradition and good example of the AEB Committees’ interaction.

This unique event gives you the rare possibility to get a various and multicolored picture of the machine building sector in Russia in its largest perception.

The working languages are Russian and English. Interpretation will not be provided.

Attendance fees:

Participation is free of charge;

Contact persons:

Programme: Svetlana Lomidze, AEB Director for External Affairs, Chief Committee Coordinator svetlana.lomidze@aebrus.ru, 234.27.64, ext.122.

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.

Login and password: Julia Gospodinova, Tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, reception@aebrus.ru

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AEB Open Event “Localization opportunities for European companies”
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AEB Open Event: Briefing by Andrey Chibis, Deputy Minister of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation
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AEB Swedish EuroReception
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AEB Open event in Saint Petersburg – “Corporate social responsibility: HR and legal aspects and best practices”
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Workshop organised by the AEB SHES Committee and Compliance & Ethics Committee “Prevention of losses due to abuse, corruption and fraud schemes: resource support for the compliance departments and effective approaches to dealing with information resour
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AEB Saint Petersburg Event: Presentation of the results of the tenth AEB Annual Survey “Strategies and Prospects for European Companies in Russia”
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AEB Open Event: Presentation of the investment potential of the Chuvash Republic and meeting with the Head of the Republic

The AEB is pleased to invite you to the “Presentation of the Investment potential of the Chuvash Republic and meeting with the Head of the Republic”.

The event will take place on 30 May 2017 at AEB Conference Center (ul. Krasnoproleraskya, 16 bld. 3 entrance 8, 4th floor,office 8) from 14:00 till 17:00 (registration starts from 13:30).

Registration will close as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants and in any case by May 29th, 2017, 12:00.

The discussion will be focused on the Investment Climate, as well as the Industrial potential and concrete investment projects of the Region.

Speakers at the event will include:

- Mr. Mikhail Ignatiev, Head of the Chuvash Republic

- Mr. Vladimir Avrelkin, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic, Minister of Economic Development, Industry and Trade of the Chuvash Republi

Please note that participation is open only to the management of AEB member companies.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that we will accept only one representative from each AEB Member company and two - from AEB Sponsor companies.

The working languages of the meeting are Russian and English. Interpretation will be provided.

Attendance Fees

Assigned representatives of AEB member companies - free of charge.

Fee for additional representatives of AEB members is 3,850 RUR (+18% VAT);

This event is closed for Non-Members.

All payments are to be made through bank transfer or credit card, ahead of the event. Once the transfer is made, the sum is not refundable. Please note that online payment with personal or corporate credit card is available. Please choose the “online payment” link when registering.

Contact persons:

Programme: Olga Pavlyuk, Regional Development Director, olga.pavlyuk@aebrus.ru, Tel.+7 (495) 234-27-64 ext. 130.

Online registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru, Tel. +7 (495) 234-27-64, Ext. 127.

Login and password: Julia Gospodinova, Tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, reception@aebrus.ru.

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AEB Open Event: Presentation of the investment potential of the North Caucasus regions
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AEB Open Event: Briefing by Head of Migration Department, Ministry of Internal Affairs Ms. Olga Kirillova

The AEB is pleased to invite you to an Open Event “Law applicability in migration sphere” with participation of Ms. Olga Kirillova, Head of the General Migration Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, and other official representatives of the General Migration Directorate. The Event is organized by AEB Migration Committee.

The event will be held on April 4th, 2017 at the AEB Conference Room, from 11:00 to 12:30 (registration starts from 10:30).

The representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation will present recent legislative developments in migration sphere, new procedural initiatives, as well as comments on practical migration matters. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session.

Registration will close as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants and the latest at noon on 3rd of April 2017.

The working language of the meeting is Russian; English translation will be provided.

Attendance fees

Assigned representatives of AEB member companies - free of charge.

Additional representatives of AEB members: 3,850 RUR (+18% VAT);

Representatives of non-member companies: not admissible

All payments are to be made through bank transfer or credit card ahead of the event. Once the transfer is made, the sum is not refundable. Please note that online payment with personal or corporate credit card is available. Please choose the “online payment” link when registering.

Contact persons:

Program: Ksenia Solovieva (Bortnik), Committees Coordinator, ksenya.solovieva@aebrus.ru Tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64 ext. 117;

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, Tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.

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14th AEB Flagship Conference – “Russia in the New Environment: Is Sustainable Growth Possible?”
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AEB Open event in Saint Petersburg – Round table “Best industrial real estate investment practices of foreign companies in Russia”
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AEB Business meeting “Reinsurance regulation in Russia: changes following Federal Law N363 – FZ dated 03.07.2016”

The AEB is pleased to invite you to the Insurance and Pensions Committee’s business meeting “Reinsurance regulation in Russia: changes following Federal Law N363 – FZ dated 03.07.2016”.

The event will take place on 28 March 2017, Tuesday, from 10:00 to 14:00 (registration starts at 09:30 a.m.) at the AEB Conference centre (ul. Krasnoproletarskaya, 16, bld. 3, entrance 8, floor 4, office 8).

Please click HERE to register for this event. Please note that the registration will close as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants and in any case at noon on 27 March.

In 2016, the AEB joined the International Insurance Law Association/Association Internationale de Droit des Assurances (AIDA) as AIDA National Chapter in Russia. Under this umbrella, the AIDA Insurance Legislation Working Group (AIDA Russian Chapter) within the AEB Insurance and Pensions Committee plans to organize a series of events on legal issues related to the supervision of insurance companies on the Russia market, changes to civil legislation on insurance, and the protection of the rights and interests of international insurance operators on the insurance market in Russia.

The first event focused on reinsurance regulation in Russia will give the audience an update on key changes following Federal Law N363 – FZ (dated 03.07.2016) and state regulation under of the new reinsurance practices, as well as overview of legal grounds and practical aspects from standpoints of various parties involved. The event will also provide a platform for discussion and exchange of ideas and solutions, as well as a unique networking opportunity.

For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event in Russian below. Please kindly note that the programme is liable to changes upon receipt of final confirmations from the speakers.

The working language of the event is Russian. Simultaneous translation will not be provided.

Please note that sponsorship opportunities are available. Please have a look HERE.

Attendance fees:

Fee for AEB members is 8’000 RUB (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 9’500 RUB (+18% VAT).

All payments are to be made through bank transfer or credit card ahead of the event. Once the transfer is made, the sum is not refundable. Please note that online payment with personal or corporate credit card is available. Please choose the “online payment” link when registering.

Contact persons:

Programme: Anna Tsiulina, AEB Committees Coordinator, Tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.124, at@aebrus.ru;

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, Tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru;

Sponsorship: Anna Tsiulina, AEB Committees Coordinator, Tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.124, at@aebrus.ru; Natalia Trembovetskaya, AEB Head of Membership and Sales, Tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.158, Natalia.Trembovetskaya@aebrus.ruThe AEB is pleased to invite you to the Insurance and Pensions Committee’s business meeting “Reinsurance regulation in Russia: changes following Federal Law N363 – FZ dated 03.07.2016”.

The event will take place on 28 March 2017, Tuesday, from 10:00 to 14:00 (registration starts at 09:30 a.m.) at the AEB Conference centre (ul. Krasnoproletarskaya, 16, bld. 3, entrance 8, floor 4, office 8).

Please click HERE to register for this event. Please note that the registration will close as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants and in any case at noon on 27 March.

In 2016, the AEB joined the International Insurance Law Association/Association Internationale de Droit des Assurances (AIDA) as AIDA National Chapter in Russia. Under this umbrella, the AIDA Insurance Legislation Working Group (AIDA Russian Chapter) within the AEB Insurance and Pensions Committee plans to organize a series of events on legal issues related to the supervision of insurance companies on the Russia market, changes to civil legislation on insurance, and the protection of the rights and interests of international insurance operators on the insurance market in Russia.

The first event focused on reinsurance regulation in Russia will give the audience an update on key changes following Federal Law N222-FZ (dated 23.06.2016) and state regulation under of the new reinsurance practices, as well as overview of legal grounds and practical aspects from standpoints of various parties involved. The event will also provide a platform for discussion and exchange of ideas and solutions, as well as a unique networking opportunity.

For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event in Russian below. Please kindly note that the programme is liable to changes upon receipt of final confirmations from the speakers.

The working language of the event is Russian. Simultaneous translation will not be provided.

Please note that sponsorship opportunities are available. Please have a look HERE.

Attendance fees:

Fee for AEB members is 8’000 RUB (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 9’500 RUB (+18% VAT).

All payments are to be made through bank transfer or credit card ahead of the event. Once the transfer is made, the sum is not refundable. Please note that online payment with personal or corporate credit card is available. Please choose the “online payment” link when registering.

Contact persons:

Programme: Anna Tsiulina, AEB Committees Coordinator, Tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.124, at@aebrus.ru;

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, Tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru;

Sponsorship: Anna Tsiulina, AEB Committees Coordinator, Tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.124, at@aebrus.ru; Natalia Trembovetskaya, AEB Head of Membership and Sales, Tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.158, Natalia.Trembovetskaya@aebrus.ru

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AEB Open event in Saint-Petersburg - Round table “New in the customs legislation and practice" with participation of the representatives of North-Western Customs (SZTU)
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AEB Open event in Saint Petersburg – Briefing on “Latest changes in migration legislation and procedure of application of migration rules in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region”
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Round table organised by the AEB SHES Committee “Best practices in H&S sphere in Russia”
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AEB Annual General Meeting 2017
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Round Table organized by the AEB IT-Telecom Committee "Internet of Things – the Main Element of Safe & Efficient Ecosystem for Life"
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AEB Sponsor open event “Factoring for your business” organised by AO Raiffeisenbank
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AEB Open event in Saint Petersburg – “Legal and Regulatory Results of 2016 and perspectives for 2017”

The AEB North-Western Regional Committee’s Legal and Tax Subcommittee is pleased to invite you to an open event on “Legal and Regulatory Results of 2016 and perspectives for 2017”.

The event will be held on 16 March, 2017, from 09:30 to 12:30 (registration will start at 9:00 am) at the office of “Egorov Puginsky Afanasiev & Partners” (EPAM), Nevskiy pr., 24, St. Petersburg.

The leading legal and tax experts from such companies as EY, BEITEN BURKHARDT, SCHNEIDER GROUP, Awara Law, Hannes Snellman, TMF Group, Borenius ATTORNEYS RUSSIA, Dentons and EPAM will share their expertise regarding the latest changes in corporate taxes legislation, in rules on agreements and obligations in the practice of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, and will provide success stories of litigation and personal data circulation. The representatives from Federal Tax Service of St. Petersburg are also invited to provide their opinion on what should a taxpayer pay attention to in 2017.

The working language of the meeting is Russian; interpretation will NOT be provided.

Attendance Fees

Participation of representatives from the AEB member companies is free of charge;

Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUR (+ 18% VAT);

Please note that the number of participants is limited. The registration will close as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants.

Programme: Alla Oganesian, AEB North-Western Regional Committee Coordinator, Tel. +7-911-012-6746, E-mail: alla.oganesian@aebrus.ru

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru

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Energy Efficiency Speed Dating
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AEB Presentation of the report of the World Bank “Systematic country diagnostic for the Russian Federation: pathways to inclusive growth”
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AEB Open Event: Intellectual Property and Legal Committees’ Round Table “Pre-trial dispute resolution procedure: Overview and Practices”
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AEB Open Event: Briefing by Head of the RF Federal Antimonopoly Service Igor Artemiev
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AEB HR Conference: ”Effective HR: To A Brighter Future”
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AEB Taxation Committee business meeting: “Beneficial owner of income – practical aspects”
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CANCELLED - AEB Open Event: Briefing by Head of Migration Department, Ministry of Internal Affairs Ms. Olga Kirillova
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AEB Open Event: “Talks on the Russian Economy”
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AEB Winter cocktail
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Briefing by Jacques Sapir, Director of Studies, High School on Social Studies (EHESS) "Will Growth Return to Russia in 2017?"
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Briefing by Director General of the RF Federal Service for Intellectual Property Grigory Ivliev titled “Federal Service for Intellectual Property: current practice and prospective”
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AEB Open event in Saint Petersburg – Briefing by Gabriel Di Bella, Resident Representative of the International Monetary Fund in the Russian Federation - “Russia: Recent Economic Developments & Challenges”
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AEB PR & Communications Committee’s open event: “Meet the Media: Meeting with Vedomosti Business Daily”

The AEB PR & Communications Committee is pleased to invite you to its open event – “Meet the Media: Meeting with Vedomosti Business Daily”.

The event will take place on Monday, 6 February 2017, from 09:00 to 10:50 (registration from 08:30) at the AEB Conference centre (ul. Krasnoproletarskaya, 16, bld. 3, entrance 8, floor 4, office 8).

Vedomosti is a Russian business daily published since 1999. The paper provides information on the economic, financial, corporate and political events, analysis and market trends forecasts.

At the event Vedomosti will be represented by

- Alexander Gubskiy, Deputy Editor in Chief

- Gleb Prozorov, Publisher

- Ekaterina Derbilova, Editor in Chief, Vedomosti.ru

The speakers will talk about editorial and advertising processes at the newspaper and the way it interacts with business. They will also provide their viewpoint on Russia’s media business and its development in the digital world.

The event will be moderated by Igor Reichlin, AEB PR & Communications Committee Chairman, Managing Partner, Reichlin & Partners LLC.

The working language of the event is Russian. Translation will not be provided.

Participation fees:

AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge;

Fee for AEB additional members is 3,850 RUB (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 7,700 RUB (+18% VAT).

All payments are to be made through bank transfer or credit card ahead of the event. Once the transfer is made, the sum is not refundable. Please note that online payment with personal or corporate credit card is available. Please choose the “online payment” link when registering.

Contact persons:

Program and sponsorship:

Tatiana Morozova, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 120; Tatiana.Morozova@aebrus.ru .

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru .

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AEB Open Event “Promises and pitfalls of the year ahead”
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AEB UK EuroReception
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AEB Open event in Saint Petersburg – “It's all about money: Financial outlook 2017 - update for successful business”
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The VIII Northern Dimension Forum: "New technologies and how they shape the life"
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Open event “The development of youth scientific and technical innovative and creative potential: prospects for cooperation”, organised by the AEB Working Group on Modernization & Innovations and AEB PR-Committee
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AEB Taxation Committee Event: “Development of the Russian Tax System: Results of 2016 and perspectives”
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AEB Business meeting “Pension system of Russia: looking to the future”
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AEB HR Committee’s Business Meeting: “Overview of Salary Surveys in Russia”
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Press conference "Results 2016 for International Seed & Crop Protection Companies: Modern Technologies increasing Productivity of Russian Agriculture"
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Round Table organized by the AEB Machine Building & Engineering Committee “Engineering & Project Management: Risks Mitigation”
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Round Table “Sustainable Offices – Comfort & Energy Efficiency “organized by the AEB Energy Efficiency & Real Estate Committees
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Open event organised by the AEB Real Estate Committee “TAXATION OF REAL ESTATE: THE NEW REGULATION”
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AEB Sponsor event “Practical Aspects of Application of Transfer Pricing Rules. Current Issues and Recent Trends”, organized by FinExpertiza
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AEB Open event: “Security audits for early identification and mitigation of risks and potential threats”
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Round table organised by the AEB SHES Committee “Best practices in H&S sphere in Russia”

The AEB is pleased to invite you to participate in the round table organised by the AEB Safety, Health, Environment and Security Committee, titled “Best practices in health and safety sphere in Russia”.

The event will be held on November 23rd, 2016, from 09:30 am to 11:30 am (registration starts at 9:00), at AEB Conference Centre (Krasnoproletarskaya str., 16, bld. 3, ent. 8, fl. 4, office 8).

The round table will gather the professionals from different industries who will share their practical experience and offer a starting point for discussion and finding common solutions to existing challenges.

The working language of the event is English and Russian. Interpretation will not be provided.

Attendance fees:

Fee for representatives of AEB members is free;

Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 3,500 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made through bank transfer or credit card, ahead of the event. Once the transfer is made, the sum is not refundable. Please note that online payment with personal or corporate credit card is available. Please choose the “online payment” link when registering.

Contact persons:

Programme: Olga Silnitskaya, AEB SHES Committee Coordinator, olga.silnitskaya@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 119;

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127;

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CANCELLED - AEB Open Event: Briefing by Head of the RF Federal Antimonopoly Service Igor Artemiev

The AEB would like to inform you that the Briefing by Head of the RF Federal Antimonopoly Service Igor Artemiev titled “Federal Antimonopoly Service: current practice and prospective”, that was planned on 22 November 2016 at 15:00, has been POSTPONED TO A LATER DATE due to important changes in Mr. Artemiev’s schedule.

We will inform you about the new date and time of the meeting as soon as we get this information from Mr. Artemiev’s cabinet.

Please accept our deepest apologies for the inconvenience.

Contact persons:

Invoices and payments: Olga Andrianova, AEB Accountant, Olga.Andrianova@aebrus.ru Tel. (495) 27 64 ext. 125.

Programme: Irina Ochirova, Committees Coordinator, Irina.Ochirova@aebrus.ru Tel. (495) 27 64 ext. 115

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru

AEB Business Mission to Ekaterinburg
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AEB Open event in Saint-Petersburg - World Bank Briefing
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CANCELLED - Briefing by Denis Manturov, Minister of Industry & Trade of the Russian Federation
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AEB Austrian EuroReception
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AEB Sponsor event organized by TMF Group: Business breakfast "Upcoming Russian labour legislation changes in 2017"
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AEB Open Event: Presentation and Meeting with the Governor of the Sakhalin region
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World Bank Briefing
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AEB Open Event: Briefing by RF Minister for North Caucasus Affairs Lev Kuznetsov, 15 November 2016, Moscow

The AEB is pleased to invite you to a briefing by RF Minister for North Caucasus Affairs Lev Kuznetsov. This is our first meeting with the Head of recently established Ministry and it could be of great interest for the AEB, its members and committees. Do not miss this unique opportunity to meet with the Minister responsible for highly important region and issues!

The event will take place on November 15-th, 2016 at the Hotel Ararat Park Hayat, hall Sargsyan (ul. Neglinnaya, 4), from 14:00 to 15:30 (registration starts from 13:30).

The working language of the meeting is Russian; English translation will be provided.

The Ministry of North Caucasus Affairs (Minkavkaz) is a federal executive body established in 2014 and responsible for drafting and implementing government policy on the socioeconomic development of the North Caucasus Federal District and for coordinating the execution of state programs, including federal targeted programs, in the North Caucasus Federal District which includes Dagestan, Ingushetia, Karachay-Cherkessia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Republic of Chechnya, Northern Ossetia-Alania, and Stavropol krai.

Lev Kuznetsov is born in 1965 in Moscow.

1990 – Graduated from Moscow Institute of Finance.

Started his career in 1990 as employee of All-Union State and Banking credits.

1994 – Head of the Credit Department of Alfa Bank

1996 – for five years worked in RAO "Norilsk Nickel". He held the post of Chief of Audit Department, director of audit work, the Deputy Director General of radioactive waste and the First Deputy General Director
of JSC "Norilsk combine".

2001 – First Deputy Governor Taymyr Autonomous Region

2002 – First Deputy Governor of Krasnoyarsk Region

2003 – Head of Norilsk (Krasnoyarsk Region)

2003 – First Deputy Governor of Krasnoyarsk Region

2007 – Counsellor of the Governor of Krasnoyarsk Region

2008 – General Manager of the limited liability company “Kolmar”

2010 – Governor of Krasnoyarsk Region

Since 12th of May 2014 - Minister of the Russian Federation for the North Caucasus Affairs

Married, has 6 children.

Attendance fees

Assigned representatives of AEB member companies - free of charge.

Additional representatives of AEB members: 3,850 RUR (+18% VAT);

Representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUB (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable.

Contact persons:

Programme: Svetlana Lomidze, Director of External Affairs, Chief Committees Coordinator, Svetlana.Lomidze@aebrus.ru Tel. 234 27 64 ext. 122

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru

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Baltic Breakfast Meeting in Saint-Petersburg - “B2B VS B2C MARKETS - consumer behavior and challenges”

The AEB North-Western Regional Committee is pleased to invite you to the Baltic Breakfast Meeting on “B2B VS B2C MARKETS - consumer behavior and challenges”.

The event is supported by the Consulate General of Finland and will be held on November 15, 2016, at the Consulate General of Finland in St. Petersburg (Preobrazhenskaya ploschad', 4, St. Petersburg) from 09:30 to 11:30 (registration will start at 09:00 am).

Baltic Breakfast Meeting is an event held for companies from the Baltic countries to discuss the issues of consumer sales in Russia, analysis of B2B and B2C consumer behavior in different countries and the methods used to increase sales in Russia. Also, the event is aimed to communicate how the AEB could support the companies with information, lobbying opportunities, as well as other services and valuable benefits.

Such companies from Baltic countries as YIT, H+H International A/S, Leipurin, Bank Saint Petersburg, Allianz and others are invited to share their experience. The event should provide a lively platform for discussion and exchange of practical experience, concerns and proposals.

Please click HERE have a look at the programme of the event. The programme is liable to changes upon receipt of final confirmations from the speaker.

The working language is English. Interpretation will not be provided.

Attendance Fees

The participation is free of charge.

Please note that the registration will close as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants.

Programme: Alla Oganesian, AEB North-Western Regional Committee Coordinator, Tel. +7-911-012-6746, E-mail: Alla.Oganesian@aebrus.ru;

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.

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Conference organized by the AEB Product Conformity Assessment Committee, “Technical regulation and conformity assessment in the EAEU and the EU: prospects for approximation."
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AEB Open Event: ”Sharing Best Practices in Solving Regulatory Changes”

The Association of European Businesses is pleased to invite you to open event ”Sharing Best Practices in Solving Regulatory Changes”. The event will take place on Wednesday, 9 November 2016, from 09:30 to 11:30 (registration starts at 09:00) at EY premises (Sadovnicheskaya Nab. 77, bld 1, Moscow).

The event will feature three round tables focused on the following aspects:

- Recent amendments to the trade law- areas for attention from tax and legal sides;

- Reglamentation about compulsory bankruptcy of a company (especially if SME) for non-profitable business activities;

- Everything what SMEs need to know about labour and fire safety.

Participants of the event are kindly encouraged to bring examples of their own experience and to actively participate in the round tables’ discussions!

The working languages of the conference are English and Russian. Simultaneous translation will not be provided.

Please kindly note that the number of participants is limited. The registration will be closed as soon as the maximum number of participants is reached.

Attendance fees:

AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge;

Fee for AEB additional members is 3,850 RUB (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 7,700 RUB (+18% VAT).

All payments are to be made through bank transfer or credit card ahead of the event. Once the transfer is made, the sum is not refundable. Please note that online payment with personal or corporate credit card is available. Please choose the “online payment” link when registering.

Contact persons:

Program and sponsorship:

Tatiana Morozova, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 120; Tatiana.Morozova@aebrus.ru .

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru .

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AEB Open Event: Briefing by Gabriel Di Bella, IMF Resident Representative in the Russian Federation
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Briefing by Sergey Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
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AEB Open Event: Meeting with Valentin Gapanovich, Senior Vice-President, RZD, organised by the Machine Building & Engineering Committee
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AEB SHES Committee’s open event: “Modern cyber trends & threats”
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AEB Taxation Committee Event: “Trade Law Amendments: Practical Aspects”

The AEB Taxation and Retail Trade Committees are pleased to invite you to its event: “Trade Law Amendments: Practical Aspects”.

The event will take place on Thursday, October 20th, 2016 at 09:30-11:30 (registration starts at 09:00) at the Ararat Park Hyatt hotel, Hall “Sargsyan” (4, Neglinnaya str.)

Registration will close as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants and the latest at noon on 18 October 2016.

The event will highlight recent changes in the Trade Law, including new law limitations, ban on reimbursements, the respective practice developments and will provide an excellent platform for discussion and exchange of knowledge by professionals. A number of experts will share their expertise and will give recommendations on important tax and legal matters of the Trade Law.

Please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

Please note that sponsorship opportunities are available. Please have a look HERE.

The working languages of the meeting is Russian. Interpretation will be provided.

Attendance fees:

AEB Members’ participation is 8,000 RUR (+18% VAT)

Representatives of non-member companies: 9,000 RUB per (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made through bank transfer or credit card ahead of the event. Once the transfer is made, the sum is not refundable. Please note that online payment with personal or corporate credit card is available. Please choose the “online payment” link when registering.

Contact persons:

Programme and sponsorship:

Olga Silnitskaya, AEB Taxation Committee Coordinator, olga.silnitskaya@aebrus.ru +7 (495) 234 27 64 ext. 119.

Saida Makhmudova, AEB Retail Trade Committee Coordinator, tel: +7 (495)

234 2764, ext. 151, saida.makhmudova@aebrus.ru

Registration online:

Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ruThe AEB Taxation and Retail Trade Committees are pleased to invite you to its event: “Trade Law Amendments: Practical Aspects”.

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AEB Open Event: “Talks on the Russian Economy”
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AEB Open Event: “Presentation of the Investment potential of the Altai Region and meeting with the Governor of the region”
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AEB Open Event: Digital HR: In transformation
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AEB Swiss EuroReception
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AEB Open Event: Annual Conference “Intellectual Property Rights: recent trends, court practices, problems and solutions”,
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Open Event organised by the AEB Arbitration Court’s Presidium “The Future of Arbitration in Russia – Arbitration Reform and the Creation of the AEB Arbitration Court”
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AEB Open Event: Meeting the State Tretyakov Gallery
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“Outlook and medium-term forecasts of development of the construction and real estate market of Russia and in particular of St. Petersburg: building bridges or walls?”
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AEB Open Event: Presentation of the Agency of Technological Development:”Opportunities and Mechanisms for Cooperation”
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The Association of European Businesses is pleased to invite you to its Conference “Waste management: the new Russian waste legislation and its practical steps” organised by the AEB SHES Committee.

The event will take place on Thursday, September 29th, 2016, from 12:30 to 18:00 (registration starts at 12:00), at the German Centre for Industry and Trade (Prospekt Andropova 18, Korpus 6, Moscow, metro station “Tekhnopark”, you can click HERE for more details on how to get to the venue).

Please note that parking is available and free for the event’s guests. For more details, please contact Tatyana Barysheva (contact details below).

Please note that registration will close as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants and in any case by September 27th at noon.

New amendments to the Federal Law on Production and Consumption Waste and certain legal acts (“law on waste management”) came into force on January 1st, 2015. Further to lobbying activities of the business community, including the AEB, producers and importers have been granted a transitional period for 2015. However, for the majority of goods, producers and importers have already to comply with the law in 2016.

In addition to complying with the law, some industries in the AEB have already launched (e.g. in the crop protection sector) or are strongly considering launching waste management pilot projects. Moreover, the AEB is also in contact with recycling companies and makes efforts in setting up interaction between producers/importers and recycling companies.

We would like to invite all AEB member-companies and other organisations to take part in the event dedicated to the implementation of the new waste management legislation, presentations of current activities and projects by companies as well as a speed-dating for all interested market players in the waste management field.

If your company is interested in having a brief personal meeting with the recycling and/or waste management equipment production companies (a suggested list of companies is below but can be extended) please indicate the name of the company to Olga Silnitskaya, AEB SHES Committee Coordinator, olga.silnitskaya@aebrus.ru and Maya Limonnikova, AEB Legal Advisor, maya.limonnikova@aebrus.ru by September 26, 2016. Please note that all meetings are subject to confirmation.

Suggested list of companies: HeidelbergCement RUS, Kuusakoski, Lassia&Tikkanoja, Tomra, UKO, others (upon your request).

For more details please see the programme in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

Please note that sponsorship opportunities are available. Please have a look HERE.

Attendance Fees:
AEB Members’ participation is 3,500 RUR (+18% VAT);

AEB Non Members’ participation is 4,200 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made through bank transfer or credit card, ahead of the event. Once the transfer is made, the sum is not refundable. Please note that online payment with personal or corporate credit card is available. Please choose the “online payment” link when registering.

Contact persons:

Programme and sponsorship:

Olga Silnitskaya, AEB SHES Committee Coordinator, olga.silnitskaya@aebrus.ru, Tel: +7 (495) 234 27 64 ext. 119;

Maya Limonnikova, AEB Legal Advisor, maya.limonnikova@aebrus.ru, Tel: +7 (495) 495 234 27 64 ext. 131;

Registration online:

Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru, Tel.: +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127.

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Round table organised by the AEB SHES Committee “Best practices in H&S sphere in Russia”
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Presentation by the Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency
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AEB Real Estate Day 2016
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AEB Open event in Saint Petersburg – “Challenges of manufacturing companies in Russia” with factory tour to OOO “Skaala”

The AEB North-Western Regional Committee’s Manufacturing Subcommittee is pleased to invite you to an open event on “Challenges of manufacturing companies in Russia”. The round-table will be followed by a factory tour at a brand-new plant of OOO “Skaala” Finnish company - one of the largest window, door and glazing solutions service provider in the Nordic countries, known particularly for its energy-efficient product family and holistic service concept.

The event will be held on 23 September, 2016, from 10:00 to 12:30 (registration will start at 9:30 am) at the premises of the OOO “Skaala” in St. Petersburg (Ul. Babushkina, 123 KB, build. 12 (entrance from ul.Gribakhinykh 25. Please, see the attached map).

The event will be held in the format of round-table discussion of the main issues of concern of manufacturing companies in Russia and, in particular, in North-Western region. Also, the future activities of the AEB NWRC’s Manufacturing Subcommittee will be outlined. The event is supposed to become a base for series of meetings devoted to the mentioned issue in various industries.

The working languages of the meeting are Russian and English; interpretation will NOT be provided.

Attendance Fees

The participation is free of charge.

To register, please, send an e-mail to the Coordinator of the North-Western Regional Committee, Alla Oganesian at spb@aebrus.ru by 18:00, Thursday, September 15, 2016.

ATTENTION: Since the entrance to the premises of OOO “Skaala” is checked by security we kindly ask you to accompany your registration letter with the copy of the first page of your passport.

Please note that the registration will close as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants.

Programme and registration: Alla Oganesian, AEB North-Western Regional Committee Coordinator, Tel. +7-911-012-6746, E-mail: alla.oganesian@aebrus.ru

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AEB Open event and Reception in Saint Petersburg launching the business season

The AEB North-Western Regional Committee and the Consulate General of the Netherlands are pleased to invite you to an open event and reception launching the business season.

The event will take place on 20 September, 2016, from 16:30 to 20:00 (registration will start at 16:00) at the premises of the Residence of the Consul General of the Netherlands in St. Petersburg (Angliyskaja naberezhnaya, 12).

This is the first event after the holiday season and shall open the new business year. Officials from the St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region administration are invited for the briefing.

Please have a look at the sponsorship packages.

Attendance Fees

The participation is free of charge.

Please register online for this event. The registration is open only for two executives from each company.

Please note that the registration will close as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants.

Programme: Alla Oganesian, AEB North-Western Regional Committee Coordinator, Tel. +7-911-012-6746, E-mail: alla.oganesian@aebrus.ru

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, Tel. +7 (495) 234-27-64, ext.127, E-mail: Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru

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AEB Cocktail launching the business season
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AEB Sponsor open event organised by ManpowerGroup “HR Workshop: Fresh view for Career Management and Outstaffing”
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AEB Open event “Electronic insurance in Russia”
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Round Table organised by the AEB SHES Committee “CARBON PRICING”: MODELS, ISSUES AND PROPOSALS
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AEB Taxation Committee Event: “Development of the Russian Tax System: results of the first half of 2016 and perspectives”
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AEB Polish EuroReception
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AEB Open event in Saint Petersburg: Presentation of AEB Annual Survey’s results “Strategies and prospects for European companies in Russia”
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AEB Open Event: Presentation of AEB Annual Survey’s results “Strategies and prospects for European companies in Russia”
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Round table organised by the AEB SHES Committee “Best practices in H&S sphere in Russia”
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AEB French EuroReception
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AEB Open Event in Saint-Petersburg: “Localization of production in Russia: tendencies, opportunities and challenges”
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AEB Open Event: Briefing by Alexey Komissarov, Director of Industrial Development Fund
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AEB Open event: Round table “Dialogue between European business and education in North-Western Region: expectations, opportunities and potential cooperation”

The AEB North-Western Regional Committee’s HR and Migration Sub-committee is pleased to invite you to an open event on “Dialog between European business and education in North-Western Region: expectations, opportunities and potential cooperation”.

The event will be held on May 31st, 2016, at the St. Peterburg State University (Universitetskaya naberezhnaya, 7/9, Assembly Hall (Law faculty), St. Peterburg) from 10:00 to 12:30 (registration will start at 9:30 am).

Please register online for this event.

The purpose of the meeting is to bring together the representatives of European companies and those of the St. Petersburg State University (SPSU) to discuss the existing needs, programs with high-grade students and graduates, requirements to professional qualification and the knowledge necessary for young specialists who are applying to the companies. Meanwhile the SPSU will present its programs for inclusion of the professional community in the evaluation and improvement of the quality of education to meet the needs of companies. The event should provide a lively platform for discussion and exchange of practical experience, concerns and proposals.

Please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN. The programme is liable to changes upon receipt of final confirmations from the speaker.

The working language of the meeting is Russian; interpretation will NOT be provided.

Attendance Fees

The participation is free of charge.

N.B. Please bring an ID with you for security checks at the entrance.

Please note that the registration will close as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants.

Programme: Alla Oganesian, AEB North-Western Regional Committee Coordinator, Tel. +7-911-012-6746, E-mail: alla.oganesian@aebrus.ru

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru

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AEB PR & Communications Committee meeting: Meeting the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts”

The AEB PR & Communications Committee is pleased to invite you to its open meeting with the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts. The event will take place on Monday, 16 May 2016, from 15:00 to 17:00 (registration starts at 14:30 a.m.) at the AEB Conference centre (ul. Krasnoproletarskaya, 16, bld. 3, entrance 8, floor 4, office 8).

The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts’ representatives will focus in their presentation on the following aspects:

Brief history of the Museum

New activities & projects of the Museum

Opportunities for cooperation and partnership

Benefits of cooperation with the Museum

The working languages of the conference are English and Russian. Simultaneous translation will not be provided.

AEB assigned and additional members’ participation is free of charge.

Representatives of non-member companies are not admitted.

Contact persons:

Program and sponsorship:

Tatiana Morozova, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 120; Tatiana.Morozova@aebrus.ru .

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru .

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, Vera.Solovaya@aebrus.ru .

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AEB Open Event: Business Breakfast ”Corporate Culture As a Context For Employees’ and Clients’ Loyalty”

The Association of European Businesses is pleased to invite you to its open event Business Breakfast ”Corporate Culture As a Context For Employees’ and Clients’ Loyalty”. The event will take place on Thursday, 19 May 2016, from 10:00 to 12:00 (registration starts at 09:30 a.m.) at DoubleTree by Hilton Moscow-Marina Hotel, Cherry Room (Bld.1, 39 Leningradskoe schosse, Moscow).

The working languages of the conference are English and Russian. Simultaneous translation will be provided.

The event is hosted by DoubleTree by Hilton Moscow-Marina Hotel.

Please kindly note that the number of participants is limited. The registration will be closed as soon as the maximum number of participants is reached.

The transportation sponsor of the event is Volvo Cars LLC. The transfers will be arranged from-to the nearest to DoubleTree by Hilton metro station ’Vodnyi Stadion’. If you need a transfer, please kindly mark this option, while registering. The schedule of transfers will be communicated to registered participants closer to the date of event.

Attendance fees:

AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge;

Fee for AEB additional members is 3,850 RUB (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 7,700 RUB (+18% VAT).

All payments are to be made through bank transfer or credit card ahead of the event. Once the transfer is made, the sum is not refundable. Please note that online payment with personal or corporate credit card is available. Please choose the “online payment” link when registering.

Contact persons:

Program and sponsorship:

Tatiana Morozova, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 120; Tatiana.Morozova@aebrus.ru .

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru .

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, Vera.Solovaya@aebrus.ru .

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AEB Round Table “Machine Building Market trends in Russia (first half of 2016)”
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Open event organised by the AEB Safety, Health, Environment and Security Committee, titled - Corporate investigations: how to avoid mistakes
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Press-Conference on Code of Conduct for pharmaceutical producers
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World Bank Briefing (St. Petersburg)
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Round Table organised by the AEB SHES and Energy Efficiency Committee “Russian Climate Policy: Developments and Prospects”

The AEB is pleased to invite you to participate in the Round Table organised by the AEB Safety, Health, Environment and Security and Energy Efficiency Committees, titled “Russian Climate Policy: Developments & Prospects”.

The event will be held on April 5-th, 2016, from 09:30 am to 11:30 am (registration starts at 9:00), at AEB Conference Centre (Krasnoproletarskaya str., 16, bld. 3, ent. 8, fl. 4, office 8).

The organizers of the Round Table would like to show that the connection between high level decisions taken in the climate changes field and the business should be more evident and more “down-to-earth”. The business was rather split after Kyoto which was a great disappointment. In new situation Russia may make big benefits by overcomplying with the requirements. The round table will gather the professionals from Russian Minsitries of Economic Dedelopment and Natural Resources & Ecology as well as representatives of different industries.

The Round Table will be chaired by Valery Kucherov, Chairman of the Safety, Health, Environnment & Security Committee, and Vincent de Rul, Chairman of the Energy Efficiency Cemmittee.

Working languages are Russian & English. Interpretation will not be provided.

Attendance Fees

Fee for representatives of AEB members is free;

Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable.

Contact persons:


Olga Silnitskaya, AEB SHES Committee Coordinator, olga.silnitskaya@aebrus.ru , +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 119;

Svetlana Lomidze, AEB Director for External affairs, Chief Committee Coordinator, MBE Committee coordinator, Svetlana.Lomidze@aebrus.ru , Tel. :+7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.122;

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru Tel.: +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.127;

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru .

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AEB open event organised by the AEB Real Estate Committe: Foreign Currency Lease

The AEB is pleased to invite you to participate in the open event organised by the AEB Real Estate Committee, titled “Foreign Currency Lease”.

The event will be held on April 28, 2016, from 09:00 am to 11:30 am (registration starts at 8:30), at AEB Conference Centre (Krasnoproletarskaya str., 16, bld. 3, ent. 8, fl. 4, office 8).

February 2016 was marked by a key event for the Russian commercial real estate market. The Moscow City Commercial Court finally released the full text of its high-profile decision in PAO Vimpel-Communications v. PAO Tizpribor. The court judicially modified a lease agreement, thus establishing upper and lower limits on the ruble / US dollar (RUB/USD) exchange rate, which the parties may use when calculating rent payments. If the VympelCom decision is upheld by the higher courts, this could trigger numerous lawsuits by tenants and completely turn the Russian commercial lease market into a rouble-based one.

The main goal of the upcoming Real Estate Committee’s Open event is to look into the rationale on which the court’s decision was based and to discuss with attendees whether this reasoning may trigger a wave of attempts to revise foreign-currency-denominated agreements on the Moscow lease market.

In addition, we will share our views on the legal instruments, which can be applied by tenants under foreign-currency-denominated leases in order to protect their rights and interests in the current volatile market circumstances.

The working language of the event is English. Interpretation into Russian will be provided.

Attendance fees:

Fee for representatives of AEB members is free;

Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 3,500 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made through bank transfer or credit card, ahead of the event. Once the transfer is made, the sum is not refundable. Please note that online payment with personal or corporate credit card is available. Please choose the “online payment” link when registering.

Contact persons:

Programme: Saida Makhmudova, AEB Real Estate Committee Coordinator, saida.makhmudova@aebrus.ru , +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 151;

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru , +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127;

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru .

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Presentation of the Investment Potential of Armenia
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XIII AEB Flagship Conference: Russian regions and foreign investors
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AEB Open Event: Compliance & Ethics and HR Committees’ Round Table “Compliance and HR: cross-functional collaboration in a company”

The Association of European Businesses is pleased to invite you to the Round Table “Compliance and HR: cross-functional collaboration in a company” organized by the AEB Compliance & Ethics and AEB HR Committees.

The event will take place on Tuesday, 29 March 2016, from 10:00 to 12:30 (registration starts at 09:30) at the AEB Conference Room (ul. Krasnoproletarskaya, 16, bld. 3, entrance 8, floor 4, office 8).

The presentation will be held in Russian; English translation will not be provided.

The Round Table aims at discussing ways and methods of cross-functional collaboration between HR and Compliance functions in a company as well as sharing practices and exchange opinions.

Attendance fees

AEB members’ participation for assigned representatives is free of charge;

Price for additional representatives of AEB members is 3,850 RUR (+ 18 % VAT);

Price for representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUR (+ 18 % VAT).

Contact persons:

Programme and sponsorship: Irina Ochirova, Committees Coordinator, Irina.Ochirova@aebrus.ru, Tel. (495) 27 64 ext. 115; Tatiana Morozova, Committees Coordinator, Tatiana.Morozova@aebrus.ru, Tel. (495) 234-27-64, ext. 120;

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, Vera.Solovaya@aebrus.ru

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IT-Telecom Round Table - "Blockchain technology: how in the present to be ready for the future?"
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AEB Open event in Saint Petersburg – “Market of Building Materials in the North-Western Federal District: tendencies and forecasts”
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Finnish Euroreception
The Ambassador of Finland in the Russian Federation, H.E. Hannu Himanen, and the Association of European Businesses are pleased to invite you to an AEB Finnish EuroReception

The Reception will take place on 10 March, 2016, (Thursday) at the Ambassador’s Residence (15-17, Kropotkinsky pereulok, Moscow), from 19:00 until 21:00

Please note that this reception is open to the top management of AEB member companies only and that registration will be closed as soon as the maximum number of participants is reached. 




Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor


You can download the invitation by clicking HERE

We can accept only one participant from each AEB member company and two participants from each AEB sponsor company. 

Сontact persons: 

Tatiana Barysheva
, AEB Events Coordinator, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru, tel. +7 495 234 27 64 (ext. 127) 

Login and password:
Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, Vera.Solovaya@aebrus.ru, tel. +7 495 234 27 64 (ext. 149), . 

In view of the security checks at the entrance, we kindly ask that you come along with your passport.
Only registered participants will be allowed to enter the Embassy’s territory.
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13th AEB HR Conference
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AEB Taxation Committee Business Meeting: “Crisis and Taxes: Realities and Prospects”
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Open Event organized by the AEB Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Committee: AEB BUSINESS DATING

The Association of European Businesses is pleased to invite you to its open event ”AEB Business Dating”, organized by the AEB Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Committee. The event will take place on Tuesday, 15 March 2016, from 09:30 to 12:00 (registration starts at 09:00 a.m.) at the AEB Conference centre (ul. Krasnoproletarskaya, 16, bld. 3, entrance 8, floor 4, office 8).

The event is aimed at facilitating the efforts by small and medium-sized companies in establishing contacts with the Russia operating international companies. The ”AEB Business Dating” event is offering you 7 min individual face to face meetings to introduce your solutions and services to invited international companies (the list of companies is TBC).

The AEB SME Committee would like to invite the AEB Members representing big international companies to delegate its representatives in charge of management, HR related processes, procurement, communications, logistics or events organization, to take part in the event.

The AEB SME Committee would appreciate your feedback on the possibility of your company’s participation in this event to Tatiana Morozova, AEB SME Committee Coordinator, by e-mail: Tatiana.Morozova@aebrus.ru

Working languages are English and Russian, no interpretation will be provided.

The registration for the AEB SME companies is available. Please note that the registration will close as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants and in any case by 14 March at noon.

Attendance fees:

AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge;

Fee for AEB additional members is 3,850 RUB (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 7,700 RUB (+18% VAT).

All payments are to be made through bank transfer or credit card ahead of the event. Once the transfer is made, the sum is not refundable. Please note that online payment with personal or corporate credit card is available. Please choose the “online payment” link when registering.

Contact persons:

Program and sponsorship:

Tatiana Morozova, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 120; Tatiana.Morozova@aebrus.ru.

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, Vera.Solovaya@aebrus.ru.

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Open Event of the AEB Intellectual Property Committee and AEB IT and Telecom Committee “ IT in the aspect of intellectual property rights”
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The Seventh Northern Dimension Forum, Saint-Petersburg
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Nordic Companies Breakfast Meeting

Meet the Media with Mikhail Fishman, Editor in CHief, The Moscow Times

The Association of European Businesses is pleased to invite you to its open event ”Meet the Media” with Mikhail Fishman, Editor in Chief, The Moscow Times, organised by the AEB PR & Communications Committee.

The event will take place on Friday, February 12th, 2016, from 10:00 to 12:00 (registration from 09:30), at the AEB Conference Center (ul. Krasnoproletarskaya 16, bld. 3, entrance 8, 4th floor, office 8).

The event will be moderated by Igor Reichlin, Chair of the AEB PR & Communications Committee, Managing Partner, Reichlin & Partners.

“Meet the Media” is a series of meetings with the Russia’s leading media top managers, organized by the AEB PR & Communications Committee. The meetings are conducted in form of round tables and provide its participants with first-hand information.

The Moscow Times and its online edition themoscowtimes.com is nowadays the only media platform in Russia that remains available to international audience in English and conducts independent information policy. At the end of 2015, The Moscow Times changed the owners and its editorial concept. Mikhail Fishman, media’s new editor-in-chief and one of the most experienced Russian journalists, will brief the audience on how his publication plans to work with foreign investors in Russia, and will talk about the unique and attractive options offered by this media platform.

For details please see the programme in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

The working languages of the event are English and Russian. Interpretation will not be provided.

Attendance fees:

AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge;

Fee for AEB additional members is 3,850 RUB (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 7,700 RUB (+18% VAT).

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable.

Contact persons:

Program: Tatiana Morozova, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 120; Tatiana.Morozova@aebrus.ru.

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, Vera.Solovaya@aebrus.ru

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AEB Winter Cocktail
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AEB Open Event: Presentation and Meeting with the Governor of the Krasnodar region
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B2B Meeting with Oleg Belozerov, President, RZD
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Briefing by Gabriel Di Bella, Resident Representative of Interntational Monetary Fund in RF
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Briefing by Maxim Topilin, RF Minister of Labor & Social Protection
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AEB Open Event: Presentation of AEB Arbitration Court
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Briefing by Alexey Ulyukaev, RF Minister of Economic Development
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The AEB North-Western Regional Committee’s Customs, Transport & Logistics Subcommittee is pleased to invite you to Round table with participation of the representatives of North-Western Customs on “News of the customs legislation and practice"

The event will be held on Thursday, February 04th, 2016, from 10:00 to 12:00 (registration will begin at 09:30), at DLA Piper office in St. Petersburg (4th floor, Singer business centre, 28 Nevskij pr., St Petersburg)

The open event will focus on

1. Situation with TIR: law enforcement practice of customs authorities SZTU

2. The use of information technology for customs declaration - current status and prospects

3. The practice of working with the authorized economic operators in the North-West: the main achievements, difficulties

4. The practice of provision by SZTU of preliminary decisions on classification of goods under HS EAEC: results, basic recommendations for application package

The representatives of the responsible structural units of NWCA will participate in the briefing and will clarify the corresponding issues.

The programme of the event is available in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN. The programme is liable to changes upon receipt of final confirmations from the speakers.

The working languages of the meeting is RUSSIAN. Interpretation will NOT be provided.

The event should provide a lively platform for discussion and exchange of practical experience, concerns and discussions.

As we have limited number of places, please note that the registration will be closed as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants.

Attendance fees:

Participation of 2 (two) top management representatives (equal to AEB Assigned Members) from the AEB member companies is free of charge;

Fee for additional representatives from member companies (equal to of AEB Additional Members): 3,850 RUR (+ 18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUR (+ 18% VAT);

Your registration will be valid only upon receipt of payment. All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable.

Contact Persons:

Programme: Alla Hovhannissyan, AEB North-Western Regional Committee Coordinator, Tel. +7-911-012-6746, E-mail: alla.hovhannissyan@aebrus.ru

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru

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AEB Open event: Briefing by Peter Tabak, Associate Director, Lead Regional Economist, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
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Registration for media for AEB Automobile Manufacturers Committee press-conference

Corporate Pensions: What you should do in the current realities
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AEB SME Committee's open event ”AEB Business Dating”

The Association of European Businesses is pleased to invite you to its open event ”AEB Business Dating”, organized by the AEB Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Committee. The event will take place on Thursday, 10 December 2015, from 09:30 to 12:00 (registration starts at 09:00 a.m.) at the AEB Conference centre (ul. Krasnoproletarskaya, 16, bld. 3, entrance 8, floor 4, office 8).

Please note that the registration will close as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants and in any case by 9 December at noon.

The event is aimed at facilitating the efforts by small and medium-sized companies in establishing contacts with the Russia operating international companies. The ”AEB Business Dating” event is offering you 5 min individual face to face meetings to introduce your solutions and services to the following companies:

- ALD Automotive Russia ALD Automotive is one of the world’s leading Full Service Car Leasing and Fleet Management companies, presented in 42 countries. A real service integrator, ALD has conquered a leading position by putting emphasis on innovations and offering companies high-performance mobility solutions.

- Allianz Allianz is a universal insurance company with Russia-wide agency network. The shareholder is Allianz New Europe Holding GMBH, a division of the leading international insurer Allianz SE, comprising companies in Central and Eastern Europe.

- CEB SHL Talent Measurement Solutions (Business Psychologists Ltd) The main SHL services include personnel assessment and development, HR consulting focused on talent and performance management and HR technologies' trainings. SHL solutions help maximise business performance and deliver real return on HR investment.

- ENGIE (known as GDF SUEZ) ENGIE, one of the world's leading energy companies, has been present in Russia for over 20 years. Several subsidiaries, especially in energy services and heat, are operating in the country. ENGIE Energy Europe is responsible for gas supply, power production (thermal, nuclear, biomass, renewables), energy management, trading and marketing.

- FENICE RUS is one of the first Russian energy service companies. It was established in 2009 by EDF Fenice, Italy, a provider of energy, environmental and energy efficiency services ultimately controlled by the French energy holding EDF Group. FENICE RUS provides energy efficiency services to industrial companies operating in various sectors.

- FLSmidth Rus FLSmidth is the leading supplier of equipment and services to the global cement and minerals industries. The company has established its presence in Russia as FLSmidth Rus company to provide its customers in Russia and CIS countries the best solutions and services in all projects.

- Messe Frankfurt RUS Messe Frankfurt is the German leading trade fair organizer, holding more than 120 exhibitions every year worldwide. Messe Frankfurt Rus runs professional trade fairs in Moscow and St. Petersburg under the world-known international brands of Messe Frankfurt GmbH - Automechanika, Techtextil, Heimtextil, Texcare, Paperworld, Musikmesse, Prolight+Sound, and Light+Building.

- ROCA Roca Group is a world leader in the conception, design, manufacturing and sale of products for the bathroom space. Currently it has 77 production centers and is presented in over 135 countries across five continents. Roca is a leader of the Russian market of bath spaces and moreover is the first Spanish company in investment volume terms.

- TMF Group TMF Group helps companies expand and invest seamlessly across international borders. The company’s expert accountants, legal, financial, corporate secretarial and HR and payroll professionals are located around the world, enabling clients to operate their corporate structures, finance vehicles and investment funds in different geographical locations.

- YIT YIT is a construction industry leader. The company creates better living environments in Finland, Russia, the Baltic countries, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Over 100 years of experience have secured the company a strong market position: YIT is the largest housing developer and one of the largest business premises and infrastructure developers in Finland, and the most significant foreign housing and area developer in Russia.

The companies listed above will be represented by the executives responsible for management, HR related processes, procurement, communications, logistics, events organization.

For timing details please see the programme in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

For better organization of the event, while registering, please indicate which companies you are particularly interested in. You have to indicate at least one of the listed company.

Working languages are English and Russian, no interpretation will be provided.

Attendance fees:

AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge;

Fee for AEB additional members is 3,850 RUB (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 7,700 RUB (+18% VAT).

All payments are to be made through bank transfer or credit card ahead of the event. Once the transfer is made, the sum is not refundable. Please note that online payment with personal or corporate credit card is available. Please choose the “online payment” link when registering.

Contact persons:

Program and sponsorship:

Tatiana Morozova, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 120; Tatiana.Morozova@aebrus.ru.

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, Vera.Solovaya@aebrus.ru.

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AEB open event ”Ban on Zayomny Trud: Expected Consequences for Employees and Employers after 01.01.2016”

The Association of European Businesses is pleased to invite you to its open event ”Ban on Zayomny Trud: Expected Consequences for Employees and Employers after 01.01.2016”, organized by the AEB HR Committee, Labour Law Sub-Committee.

The event will take place on Tuesday, December 8th, 2015, from 09:00 to 11:30 (registration from 08:30), at the AEB Conference Centre (Krasnoproletarskaya 16, bld.3, entrance 8, floor 4, office 8).

Please note that registration will close as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants and in any case by 7 December at 12:00.

The event will be moderated by Olga Bantsekina, First Deputy Chairperson of the AEB Board, Chief Representative, Coleman Services UK.

Unfortunately, despite major efforts of the business community, the new law materially limiting personnel secondment and outstaffing was passed by the State Duma, signed by the President in May 2014, and will enter into force from 1 January 2016. The AEB continues its legislative activities in order to let the provisions of the above-mentioned law work. The panelists will give their interpretation of possible risks and will give their advices on how to behave in the new reality.

For details please see the programme in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

The working language of the event is Russian. Interpretation will not be provided.

Attendance fees:

AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge;

Fee for AEB additional members is 3,850 RUB (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 7,700 RUB (+18% VAT).

All payments are to be made through bank transfer or credit card ahead of the event. Once the transfer is made, the sum is not refundable. Please note that online payment with personal or corporate credit card is available. Please choose the “online payment” link when registering.

Contact persons:

Program and sponsorship:

Tatiana Morozova, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 120; Tatiana.Morozova@aebrus.ru.

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, Vera.Solovaya@aebrus.ru.

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Business meeting organized by the AEB Taxation Committee: IS THE RUSSIAN TAX REFORM AT AN END?

The AEB Taxation Committee is pleased to invite you to the Business Meeting: ”Is the Russian Tax Reform at an end?”.

The event will take place on Wednesday, December 16, 2015 at 09:00-13:30 at the Ararat Park Hyatt hotel, Hall “Sargsyan” (4, Neglinnaya str., Moscow). Registration starts at 8:30.

Please register HERE for this event. Please note that the registration will close as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants and in any case by 14 December 2015 at noon.

The traditional end-of-the-year event will cover recent legislative developments in tax sphere, new taxation initiatives introduced by the Russian Government, as well as practical tax matters, such as BEPS reports, transfer pricing, beneficial ownership concept, ecological levy, court practice on tax matters, etc.

Mr. Sergey Shatalov, Deputy Minister of Finance of the RF will be our distinguished guest.

Simultaneous translation will be provided.

For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

Attendance Fees

AEB Members’ participation is 8,000 RUR (+18% VAT);

AEB Non Members’ participation is 9,000 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made through bank transfer or credit card, ahead of the event. Once the transfer is made, the sum is not refundable. Please note that online payment with personal or corporate credit card is available. Please choose the “online payment” link when registering.

Contact persons:

Programme and sponsorship: Olga Silnitskaya, AEB Taxation Committee Coordinator, olga.silnitskaya@aebrus.ru, tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64 ext. 119.

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru,

tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64 ext. 127.

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.

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AEB Machine Building & Engineering Committee open event:” ”Industrial Engineering: Import Substitution by Localized Production”

The AEB Machine Building & Engineering Committee is pleased to invite you to its open event “Industrial Engineering: Import Substitution by Localized Production”.

The event will take place on Tuesday, December 1, 2015 from 09:30 till 12:00 at the AEB Conference center (Krasnoproletarskaya str. 16, bldg. 3, Entrance 8, Floor 4). For your convenience, registration will start at 09:00.

Please register online for this event. Please note that the registration will close as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants and in any case by November 30th, 2015.

The Round Table will be devoted to one of the burning issues for many industrial companies working on the Russian market – import substitution and localization. The following issues will be raised and discussed: local outsourced engineering capabilities; engineering in European company adapted to local environment; solutions proposed by European companies with localized technologies etc. The meeting will be co-chaired by Michael Akim, AEB Board member, Vice-President, ABB, and Ilya Oshkin, Deputy Chairman of the AEB Machine Building & Engineering Committee, Business Development Director, Dow Corning. Among speakers – the representatives of Povoljskaya Engineering Academy; ABB; Alstom Transport Rus; Emerson; Schneider Electric; Tebodin.

Working languages are Russian and English.

For more information, please have a look at the programme in ENGLISH or RUSSIAN.

The working languages are Russian and English. Interpretation will not be provided.

Attendance fees:

Participation is free of charge;

Contact persons:

Programme: Svetlana Lomidze, AEB Director for External Affairs, Chief Committee Coordinator svetlana.lomidze@aebrus.ru, 234.27.64, ext.122.

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru

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AEB Open Event: Briefing by Head of the RF Federal Antimonopoly Service Igor Artemiev

The AEB is pleased to invite you to a Briefing by Head of the RF Federal Antimonopoly Service Igor Artemiev titled “Federal Antimonopoly Service: new developments, plans and perspectives”, organized by the AEB Legal Committee.

The event will take place on November 24th, 2015 at the AEB Conference Room, from 16:30 to 17:30 (registration starts from 16:00).

Mr. Artemiev graduated from St. Petersburg State University in biology (diploma, 1983) and legal studies (1998, PhD).

In 1990 Mr. Artemiev was elected to the Leningrad City Council where he was Chairman of the Committee on Environment and Urban Affairs. In 1995 he became Chairman of the Committee on Urban Affairs and Chairman of the Budget Committee of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg. From 1996 to 1999 Mr. Artemiev held a position of First Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg and Chairman of the Finance Committee of the City Administration. In 1999 he became Head of the Economic and Political Research Fund «EPICenter - St. Petersburg».

In December 1999 Mr. Artemiev entered the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the third convocation. In the State Duma, he was Deputy Chairman of the “Yabloko” fraction and Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Credit organizations and Financial Markets.

Igor Artemiev was appointed to the position of Head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service on March 10th, 2004. From 2015, after the unification of the Federal Antimonopoly Service and Federal Tariff Service, Igor Artemiev acts as the head of the unified body.

The Association of European Businesses highly appreciates the fact that Mr. Artemiev always finds time in his busy schedule to hold up the tradition of regular meetings with representatives of European companies in Russia.

For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

The working language of the meeting is Russian; English translation will be provided.

Attendance fees

AEB members’ participation for assigned representatives is free of charge;

Price for additional representatives of AEB members is 3,850 RUR (+ 18 % VAT);

Price for representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUR (+ 18 % VAT);

All payments are to be made through bank transfer or credit card, ahead of the event. Once the transfer is made, the sum is not refundable. Please note that online payment with personal or corporate credit card is available. Please choose the “online payment” link when registering.

Contact persons:

Programme: Irina Ochirova, Committees Coordinator, Irina.Ochirova@aebrus.ru Tel. (495) 27 64 ext. 115

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, Vera.Solovaya@aebrus.ru

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AEB Open event in Saint Petersburg – Briefing on “Latest changes in migration legislation and procedure of application of immigration rules in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region”

The AEB North-Western Regional Committee’s HR & Migration Sub-Committee is pleased to invite you to a Briefing of the representatives of the Federal Migration Services in St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region on “Latest changes in migration legislation and procedure of application of immigration rules in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region”.

The event will be held on December 8th, 2015, 10:00 - 12:00 (registration - at 09:30), and is kindly hosted by the Consulate General of the Netherlands in St. Petersburg (Moika 11, St. Petersburg)

As we have limited number of places, please note that the registration will be closed as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants and in any case on December 7th, 2015 at noon.

During the event the participants will be able to get first-hand information from the high-level representatives of the Federal Migration Services in St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region and get answers to their questions.

The programme of the event is available in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN. The programme is liable to changes upon receipt of final confirmations from the speakers.

The working language of the meeting is Russian; English translation will NOT be provided.

Attendance fees:

This event is free of charge.

Contact Persons:

Programme: Alla Hovhannissyan, AEB North-Western Regional Committee Coordinator, Tel. +7-911-012-6746, E-mail: alla.hovhannissyan@aebrus.ru

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru

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AEB Sponsor event organized by ManpowerGroup: TALENT IN THE HUMAN AGE – CERTAIN UNCERTAINTY

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The Association of European Businesses together with ManpowerGroup Russia & Region conducted an open event on November 25th in Moscow. The topic of the event was “Talent in the Human Age – Certain Uncertainty”.

We gladly present you the materials of the event. Our intention was to further clarify the implications of the new law 116-FZ and the opportunities it can bring about as well as other associated services available from ManpowerGroup Russia, present and discuss some of the strategic and practical issues impacting on the world of work.

The event was opened with welcome speech by Lars Petter Orving, Managing Director, Northern Europe East Region, ManpowerGroup. Lars Petter was proud to say ManpowerGroup has been operating for over 20 years in Russia and it looks forward to many more successful years.

Please find below the link to the presentations delivered through the event.

- The Human Age: Talent as the Driver of Business Success by Hugh Piper, Operations Director (Strategic Clients), Manpower UK

We show the depth of our Global Reach and Knowledge in the “New Normal” environment where Talent is one of the key factors for business success. This is really about impacting on your strategic resourcing decisions. We would be delighted to help you with them going forward.

- Staffing vs. Outsourcing in 2016: Practical Aspects of Working in New Legal Environment by Ivan Berdinskikh, Legal & Compliance Director, ManpowerGroup Russia & Region

We review the main models of contract relations in labor market in 2016. We answer the typical questions and give comments on typical risks. This subject is an ongoing issue we will be very happy to discuss with you further.

- Aligning Business for Competitive Advantages by Nikita Zotov, Director of ManpowerGroup Solutions Russia & Region

The new law forces to make changes which in fact is an opportunity! Following the right approach we look to align with your business towards the same goals into 2016 and beyond to realize those goals. It is an exciting opportunity to work together.

- Outplacement and Career Management Programs: Best Practices and Benefits for the Company by Anna Burova, Head of HR Consulting, ManpowerGroup Russia & Region

We show why and how Outplacement can be an efficient tool to bring benefits to the company.

Please follow the link to see the presentations: http://manpowergroup.ru/news/talent-in-the-human-age/

Contact person:

Ilya Evseev, Head of Bids Department, ManpowerGroup

+7 (495) 937 34 35 ext. 1295


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AEB Sponsor event organized by insurance company Allianz: “Innovations in insurance”


The AEB is delighted to invite you to participate to the AEB Sponsor open event organized by insurance company Allianz “Innovations in insurance”.

The event will take place on Tuesday, 24 November 2015, from 09.20 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. (registration starts at 09.00 a.m.), at the AEB Conference centre (ul. Krasnoproletarskaya, 16, bld. 3, entrance 8, floor 4, office 8).

Please note that registration will close as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants and the latest on 23 November 2015 at noon.

· For the past two years, there have been a few amendments to the Russian Law that toughened personal liability of Directors. Moreover penalties for wrongful actions increased for Companies and Directors.
· Central Bank states that annual amount of third party claims to Companies and Directors sums up into 9 billion Rubles.
· In addition to that, current legislation implies that financial losses might be charged from personal savings or assets of Directors or Officers.

To respond to these market challenges, as well as to learn about other Allianz innovative solutions, you are welcome to join our event.

For more information, please have a look at the programme in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

Working languages are English and Russian. Interpretation will be provided.

Attendance Fees:

The event is free of charge.

Contact persons:

Programme: Pavel Ozerov, Head of Market-management, Allianz, Tel.: +7 495 232 33 33 ext. 5135

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, Vera.Solovaya@aebrus.ru

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Round table organised by the AEB Safety, Health, Environment and Security Committee: “Best practices in health and safety sphere in Russia”

The AEB is pleased to invite you to participate in the round table organised by the AEB Safety, Health, Environment and Security Committee, titled “Best practices in health and safety sphere in Russia”.

The event will be held on November 18th, 2015, from 09:30 am to 11:30 am (registration starts at 9:00), at AEB Conference Centre (Krasnoproletarskaya str., 16, bld. 3, ent. 8, fl. 4, office 8).

The round table will gather the professionals from different industries who will share their practical experience and offer a starting point for discussion and finding common solutions to existing challenges.

The working language of the event is English and Russian. Interpretation will not be provided.

For further details, please see the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

Please note that registration will close on 17 November at noon.

Attendance fees:

Fee for representatives of AEB members is free;

Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 3,500 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made through bank transfer or credit card, ahead of the event. Once the transfer is made, the sum is not refundable. Please note that online payment with personal or corporate credit card is available. Please choose the “online payment” link when registering.

Contact persons:

Programme: Olga Silnitskaya, AEB SHES Committee Coordinator, olga.silnitskaya@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 119;

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127;

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.

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AEB HR Committee’s Business Meeting: “Overview of Salary Surveys in Russia”

The Association of European Businesses is pleased to invite you to the business meeting ”Overview of Salary Surveys in Russia”, organized by the AEB Compensations & Benefits Sub-Committee of the AEB HR Committee.

The event will take place on Tuesday, November 17th, 2015, from 09:30 to 12:00 (registration from 09:00), at the AEB Conference Centre (Krasnoproletarskaya 16, bld.3, entrance 8, floor 4, office 8).

Please note that registration will close on 16 November at 12:00.

The event will be moderated by Olga Gracheva, Chairperson of the AEB Compensation & Benefits Sub-Committee, Manager, Tax & Law Department, Human Capital Group, EY.

The event which has been held annually for the past eighteen years, follows the format of a panel discussion. All the major providers of salary surveys in Russia will update you on the current trends on Russia’s labour market and salary surveys. The speakers will cover the following topics:

- remuneration and headcount: actual changes and plans;

- HR-Strategy: key approaches;

- staff efficiency: managing through incentive plans;

- reduction of companies’ expenses in the crisis;

- salaries review during the year–main trend;

- traditional salary surveys from the point of staff attracting and retaining;

- general guidelines for conducting salary surveys during market turbulence and uncertainty;
- salary survey as a unique tool for HR Managers in motivation and enhancing employees’ involvement, etc.

For details please see the programme in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

The working language of the event is English. Interpretation will not be provided.

Attendance fees:

Fee for AEB members is 4,000 RUB (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 5,000 RUB (+18% VAT).

All payments are to be made through bank transfer or credit card, ahead of the event. Once the transfer is made, the sum is not refundable. Please note that online payment with personal or corporate credit card is available. Please choose the “online payment” link when registering.

Contact persons:

Program and sponsorship:

Tatiana Morozova, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 120; Tatiana.Morozova@aebrus.ru.

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, Vera.Solovaya@aebrus.ru.

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AEB Open event: Presentation of the Investment potential of the Rostov Region and meeting with the Governor of the region

The AEB is pleased to invite you to the “Presentation of the Investment potential of the Rostov Region and meeting with the Governor of the region”.

The event will take place on November 19th, 2015 at Hotel Baltschug Kempinski, Library hall, 8th floor (Ul. Balchug 1, Moscow), from 12:00 till 14:30 (registration starts from 11:30).

Registration will close as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants and in any case by November 18th,2015, 12:00.

The discussion will be focused on the Investment Climate, as well as the Industrial potential of the Region.

Speakers at the event will include:

- Mr.Vasily Golubev, Governor of Rostov Region;

- Mr.Igor Burakov, CEO of Investment Promotion Agency of Rostov Region;

- Representatives of European companies active in the Region

Please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN. The programme is liable to changes upon receipt of final confirmations from the speakers.

Please note that participation is open only to the management of AEB member companies.

The working languages of the meeting are Russian and English. Interpretation will be provided.

Attendance Fees

Assigned representatives of AEB member companies - free of charge.

Fee for additional representatives of AEB members is 3,850 RUR (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 7,700 RUB per (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made through bank transfer or credit card, ahead of the event. Once the transfer is made, the sum is not refundable. Please note that online payment with personal or corporate credit card is available. Please choose the “online payment” link when registering.

Contact persons:

Programme: Olga Pavlyuk, Regional Development Director, olga.pavlyuk@aebrus.ru

Tel.234 27 64 ext. 130

Online registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru

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AEB Norwegian EuroReception

The Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway in the Russian Federation, H.E. Leidulv Namtvedt and the Association of European Businesses are pleased to invite you to an AEB Norwegian EuroReception.

The Reception will take place on Tuesday, November 17th, 2015 at the Ambassador’s Residence (Ul. Povarskaya 7, Moscow), from 19:00 until 21:00.

Please note that this reception is open to the top management of AEB member companies only and that registration will be closed as soon as the maximum number of participants is reached.

You can download the invitation by clicking HERE. Please note that this invitation is personal and not transferrable.

We can accept only one participant from each AEB member company and two participants from each AEB sponsor company.

Sponsor of the event:

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Сontact persons:

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru , Tel, +7 495 234 27 64 (ext. 127)

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. +7 495 234 27 64 (ext. 149), Vera.Solovaya@aebrus.ru

In view of the security checks at the entrance, we kindly ask that you come along with your passport. Only registered participants will be allowed to enter the Embassy’s territory.

We look forward to seeing you there! 

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AEB press-conference - Risks of legalisation of parallel imports for investors in Russia

AEB Open Event in St. Petersburg “Anti-crisis solutions to support staff during high business turbulence”

The AEB North-Western Regional Committee’s HR & Migration Sub-Committee is pleased to invite you to the Open Event in St. Petersburg “Anti-crisis solutions to support staff during high business turbulence”.

The event will be held on 12 November, 2015, 09:30 - 13:00 (registration - at 09:00) at Hotel “Corinthia St. Petersburg” (Hall “Stremyannaya, Nevskij prospect, 57, St. Petersburg).

Please register HERE for this event:

The event will be devoted to the experience of the European companies in Russia on optimization of staff costs during the crisis time. Also a legal outlook will be provided as referred to the new Law on Outsourcing (FL 116) to come into force starting from January 2016. Such well-known companies as Heineken, British-Amreican Tobaco, Coleman Services, Pepeliaev Group, Alhers, Beiten Burkhard are invited to share their views and experience. The event should provide a lively platform for discussion and exchange of practical experience, concerns and proposals.

The programme of the event is available in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN. The programme is liable to changes upon receipt of final confirmations from the speaker.

The working language of the event is Russian. Interpretation will not be provided.

Sponsorship opportunities are available.

Attendance fees:

Participation of 2 (two) top management representatives (equal to AEB Assigned Members) from the AEB member companies is free of charge;

Fee for additional representatives from member companies (equal to of AEB Additional Members): 3,850 RUR (+ 18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUR (+ 18% VAT);

All payments are to be made through bank transfer or credit card, ahead of the event. Once the transfer is made, the sum is not refundable. Please note that online payment with personal or corporate credit card is available. Please choose the “online payment” link when registering.

Registration will close on 11 November 2015 at noon.

Gold Sponsor:

Contact Persons:

Programme and Sponsorship: Alla Hovhannissyan, AEB North-Western Regional Committee Coordinator, Tel. +7-911-012-6746, E-mail: alla.hovhannissyan@aebrus.ru

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru

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AEB Open event “Accommodation and Hospitality at the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™”

The AEB Finance and Investments Committee and the AEB Hotels and Tourism Working Group are delighted to invite you to participate in the open event “Accommodation and Hospitality at the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™”.

The event will take place on Tuesday, 10 November 2015, from 09:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (registration starts at 09:00 a.m.), at the AEB Conference centre (ul. Krasnoproletarskaya, 16, bld. 3, entrance 8, floor 4, office 8).

Please note that registration will close as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants and the latest on 9 November 2015 at noon.

The event will give you the opportunity to hear first-hand information with regard to accommodation and hospitality at the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™. It will also serve as a platform for exchange of ideas and experiences and as a forum to air your thoughts on issues related to the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™. The event will be moderated by Stuart Lawson, AEB Finance and Investments Committee Chairman / Executive Director, EY, and Armin Eberhard, AEB Hotels and Tourism Working Group Chairman / General Manager, Renaissance Moscow Monarch Centre Hotel.

For more information, please have a look at the programme in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

Working language is English. Interpretation into Russian will be provided.

The event is sponsored by MATCH Accommodation 2018 (platinum sponsor).

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Attendance Fees:

AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge;

Fee for AEB additional members is 3,850 RUB (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 7,700 RUB (+18% VAT).

All payments are to be made through bank transfer or credit card, ahead of the event. Once the transfer is made, the sum is not refundable. Please note that online payment with personal or corporate credit card is available. Please choose the “online payment” link when registering.

Contact persons:

Programme: Anna Tsiulina, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext.124, Anna.Tsiulina@aebrus.ru

Tatiana Morozova, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 120; Tatiana.Morozova@aebrus.ru

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, Vera.Solovaya@aebrus.ru

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AEB Open Event: Briefing by Boris Titov, Presidential Commissioner for Entrepreneurs’ Rights Protection

The AEB Finance and Investments Committee is delighted to invite you to participate in the briefing by Boris Titov, Presidential Commissioner for Entrepreneurs’ Rights Protection.

The event will take place on Friday, 30 October 2015, from 15:00 to 16:30 (registration starts at 14:30), at the AEB Conference centre (ul. Krasnoproletarskaya, 16, bld. 3, entrance 8, floor 4, office 8).

In order to improve the investment climate in Russia in June 2012 President Putin announced the establishment of a post of Commissioner for Entrepreneurs’ Rights Protection. During the event you will have the opportunity to hear achievements and prospects of the Commissioner three years later. It will also give you a forum to air your thoughts on key investment issues. The event will be chaired by Frank Schauff, AEB CEO, and Stuart Lawson, AEB Finance and Investments Committee Chairman / Executive Director, EY.

For more information, please have a look at the programme in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

The working languages of the event are Russian and English. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided.

Attendance Fees:

AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge;

Fee for AEB additional members is 3,850 RUB (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 7,700 RUB (+18% VAT).

All payments are to be made through bank transfer or credit card, ahead of the event. Once the transfer is made, the sum is not refundable. Please note that online payment with personal or corporate credit card is available. Please choose the “online payment” link when registering.

Registration will close as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants and the latest on 29 October 2015 at noon.

Contact persons:

Programme: Anna Tsiulina, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext.124, at@aebrus.ru.

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru

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AEB Open Event: ”Talent Management: Survival Mode?”

The Association of European Businesses is pleased to invite you to its open event “Talent Management: Survival Mode”, organised by the AEB HR Committee, Assessment, Training & Development Sub-Committee.

The event will take place on Tuesday, October 20th, 2015, from 09:30 to 11:30 (registration from 09:00), at the AEB Conference Center (ul. Krasnoproletarskaya 16, bld. 3, entrance 8, 4th floor, office 8).

Does tough time mean a survival mode for the companies? Are difficult circumstances pushing for restructuring of the work as a whole? What are the challenges for HR today? Is there anything we may or have to refuse of in the current situation?

We are inviting you to take part in the event to discuss all these topics and to share our best practices. The event will be moderated by Irina Zarina, Chairperson of the AEB Assessment, Training & Development Sub-Committee, Managing Director, CEB SHL Talent Measurement Solutions.

For details please see the programme in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

The working language of the event is Russian. Interpretation will not be provided.

Attendance fees:

AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge;

Fee for AEB additional members is 3,850 RUB (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 7,700 RUB (+18% VAT).

All payments are to be made through bank transfer or credit card ahead of the event. Once the transfer is made, the sum is not refundable. Please note that online payment with personal or corporate credit card is available. Please choose the “online payment” link when registering.

Registration will close on 19 October 2015 at noon.

Contact persons:

Program: Tatiana Morozova, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 120; Tatiana.Morozova@aebrus.ru.

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, Vera.Solovaya@aebrus.ru

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AEB 20th Anniversary

AEB Taxation Committee Business Brerakfast: “Property taxation: problems and possible solutions”

The AEB Taxation Committee is pleased to invite you to its business breakfast meeting: “Property taxation: problems and possible solutions”.

For further details, please have a look at the UPDATED programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

The event will take place on Thursday, October 29th, 2015 at 09:00-12:00 (registration and breakfast start at 09:00) at the Ararat Park Hyatt hotel, Hall “Sargsyan” (4, Neglinnaya str.).

Please register HERE for this event.

The event will highlight recent changes the property taxation legislation and practical issues of its application. A number of experts will share their expertise and will give recommendations on important tax matters including cadastral value for property tax purposes, property tax exemption with respect to movable property and regional property tax exemptions.

Simultaneous translation will be provided.

Please note that sponsorship opportunities are available. Please have a look HERE.

Attendance Fees

AEB Members’ participation is 8,000 RUR (+18% VAT);

AEB Non Members’ participation is 9,000 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made through bank transfer or credit card ahead of the event. Once the transfer is made, the sum is not refundable. Please note that online payment with personal or corporate credit card is available. Please choose the “online payment” link when registering.

Registration will close on 28 October 2015 at noon.

Contact persons:

Programme and sponsorship: Olga Silnitskaya, AEB Taxation Committee Coordinator, olga.silnitskaya@aebrus.ru +7 (495) 234 27 64 ext. 119.

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office manager tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru

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AEB Open Event: Briefing by Gabriel Di Bella, Resident Representative of the International Monetary Fund in the Russian Federation - “Russia: Recent Economic Developments & Challenges”

The AEB is pleased to invite you to a briefing by Gabriel Di Bella, Resident Representative of the International Monetary Fund in the Russian Federation - “Russia: Recent Economic Developments & Challenges”.

The event will be held on October 21st, 2015, at the AEB Conference Hall (Krasnoproletarskaya ul., 16, bld.3, entrance 8, floor 4, office 7) from 9:30 to 11:00 (registration will start at 9:00 am).

The AEB is happy to invite you to a meeting with Gabriel Di Bella, Resident Representative of the IMF in Russia. This event will be the continuation of a most welcome and longstanding six-year tradition. Joerg Bongartz from Deutsche Bank & Stuart Lawson from E&Y, will moderate this event and assist Gabriel in delivering his brief to all those who will be present.

Gabriel Di Bella is the IMF's Resident Representative in the Russian Federation. He was mission chief for Haiti (2013-15), senior desk for the United States desk (2012-13) and prior to that he was the IMF’s Resident Representative in Nicaragua and worked as a desk on a number of emerging and low-income countries. Before joining the Fund in 2002, he worked in an economic and financial consulting firm in Buenos Aires. Some of his work has focused on issues related to public debt sustainability, real exchange rates, energy subsidies and program design issues in low-income countries. He is an Argentinean national, and holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Meetings with high ranking experts from international financial organisations are a long and well established AEB tradition. The event promises to be very enlightening and we hope that you will once again use this opportunity to gain valuable insight into the Russian economy.

Please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

The working language of the meeting is English; Russian translation will not be provided

Attendance Fees:

AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge;

Fee for the AEB additional members is 3,500 RUB (+18% VAT);

Fee for non AEB Members.is 7,000 RUB (+18% VAT)

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable.

Contact persons:

Programme: Svetlana Lomidze, AEB Director for External Affairs, Chief Committee Coordinator Svetlana.Lomidze@aebrus.ru, 234.27.64, ext.122,

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru

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AEB Polish EuroReception

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The Embassy of the Republic of Poland in the Russian Federation and the Association of European Businesses are pleased to invite you to the AEB Polish EuroReception.

The Reception will take place on Thusrday, October 15th, 2015 at the Embassy of the Republic of Poland (Ul. Klimashkina 4, Moscow), from 19:00 until 21:00.

Please note that this reception is open to the top management of AEB member companies only and that registration will be closed as soon as the maximum number of participants is reached.

You can download the invitation by clicking HERE. Please note that this invitation is personal and not transferrable.

We can accept only one participant from each AEB member company and two participants from each AEB sponsor company.


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Сontact persons:

Registration: Svetlana Lomidze, AEB External Affairs Director, Svetlana.Lomidze@aebrus.ru, Tel.: + 7 495 234 27 64 (ext. 122)

Technical issues with the online registration system: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru , Tel, +7 495 234 27 64 (ext. 127)

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. +7 495 234 27 64 (ext. 149), Vera.Solovaya@aebrus.ru

In view of the security checks at the entrance, we kindly ask that you come along with your passport. Only registered participants will be allowed to enter the Embassy’s territory.

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AEB Open Event “How normal is the new normal?”

The Association of European Businesses is pleased to invite you to its Open Event “How normal is the new normal?” organised by the AEB Finance and Investments Committee.

The event will take place on Thursday, 15 October 2015, from 09:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (registration starts at 09:00 a.m.), at the AEB Conference centre (ul. Krasnoproletarskaya, 16, bld. 3, entrance 8, floor 4, office 8).

It is critical for businesses to adjust to the realities of the current situation. It is time to take stock of the challenges facing companies operating in Russia and to take a view on how long and deep the crisis might be. The event will be moderated by Stuart Lawson, AEB Finance and Investments Committee Chairman / Executive Director, EY.

For details please see the programme in ENGLISH.

The working language of the event is English. Simultaneous interpretation will not be provided.

Please note that sponsorship opportunities are available. Please have a look HERE.

Attendance Fees:

AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge;

Fee for AEB additional members is 3,850 RUB (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 7,700 RUB (+18% VAT).

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable.

Contact persons:

Programme and sponsorship: Anna Tsiulina, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext.124, at@aebrus.ru.

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru

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Round table organised by the AEB Safety, Health, Environment and Security Committee “Best practices in health and safety sphere in Russia”.

The AEB is pleased to invite you to participate in the round table organised by the AEB Safety, Health, Environment and Security Committee, titled “Best practices in health and safety sphere in Russia”.

The event will be held on October 7th, 2015, from 09:30 am to 11:30 am (registration starts at 9:00), at AEB Conference Centre (Krasnoproletarskaya str., 16, bld. 3, ent. 8, fl. 4, office 8).

The round table will gather the professionals from different industries who will share their practical experience and offer a starting point for discussion and finding common solutions to existing challenges.

The working language of the event is English and Russian. Interpretation will not be provided.

For further details, please see the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

Please click HERE to register for this event online.

Attendance fees:

Fee for representatives of AEB members is free;

Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 3,500 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made by bank transfer or by credit card. Once the registration is closed the fee is non-refundable.

Contact persons:

Programme: Olga Silnitskaya, AEB SHES Committee Coordinator, olga.silnitskaya@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 119;

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127;

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.

You can download the video presentation HERE

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AEB Open Event: World Bank briefing based on the World Bank’s “Russia Economic Report #34: Balancing Economic Adjustment and Transformation”

Following a well established tradition, the AEB is pleased to announce the next World Bank briefing based on the World Bank’s “Russia Economic Report #34: Balancing Economic Adjustment and Transformation”.

The briefing will take place at the Residence of the British Ambassador in Moscow (Sofiyskaya Naberezhnaya, 14) on Monday 5 October 2015 from 09:30 – 11:30 (registration from 09:00).

Please register HERE for this event.

You will have the privilege to hear Birgit Hansl, Lead Economist, Country Sector Coordinator for the Russian Federation.

This time the Russia Economic Report #33 will focus on:

  • Recent Economic Developments
  • Economic Outlook
  • In Focus: The Fiscal Implications of an Aging Population and the Diminishing Economic Role of the Natural Resource Sector

Please have a look at the PROGRAMME.

The working language is English. Translation into Russian will not be provided.

Attendance Fees

AEB members’ participation for assigned representatives is free of charge;

Price for additional representatives of AEB members is 3,850 RUR (+ 18 % VAT);

Price for representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUR (+ 18 % VAT);

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable.

N.B. Please bring an ID with you for security checks at the entrance.

Please note that the registration will close as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants and that in any case we will not accept any more participants after 2 October 2015 at 2.00 PM.

Contact person:

Programme: Marie Rondelez, AEB Events Director, +7 495 234 27 64 (ext. 118), Marie.Rondelez@aebrus.ru

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, +7 495 234 27 64 (ext. 127), Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru

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AEB Open event in Saint Petersburg – World Bank Briefing

Following a well established tradition, the AEB is pleased to announce the next World Bank briefing in St. Petersburg based on the World Bank’s “Russia Economic Report #34: Balancing Economic Adjustment and Transformation”

The briefing will take place at the Consulate General of Finland in St. Petersburg (Preobrazhenskaya ploschad', 4, St. Petersburg) on Friday, 09 October, 2015 from 13:30 to 15:00 (registration starts at 13:00).

You will have the privilege to hear Birgit Hansl, Lead Economist for the Russian Federation.

This time the Russia Economic Report #34 will focus on:

  • Recent Economic Developments
  • Economic Outlook

· In Focus: The Fiscal Implications of an Aging Population and the Diminishing Economic Role of the Natural Resource Sector

Please have a look at the PROGRAMME.

The working language is English. Translation into Russian will not be provided.

Attendance Fees

The participation is free of charge

N.B. Please bring an ID with you for security checks at the entrance.

Please note that the registration will close as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants.

Programme: Alla Hovhannissyan, AEB North-Western Regional Committee Coordinator, Tel. +7-911-012-6746, E-mail: alla.hovhannissyan@aebrus.ru

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru

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AEB Real Estate Committee Conference: “AEB Real Estate Day”

The AEB Real Estate Committee is pleased to invite you to its Conference “AEB Real Estate Day”.

The event will take place on Thursday, 1st October 2015 from 09:00 till 13:30 at the Congress center of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Ul. Ilinka 6, Moscow). Registration will start at 08:15.

During the conference, we shall discuss the state of the real estate market, current strategies and opportunities of the private real estate funds in Russia and learn about intentions of foreign investors. Event participants will have an opportunity to get a unique overview from the leading real estate market players. The three sessions of the conference will feature top speakers who will share their expert opinion and plans for the future.

For further details, please have a look at the program of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

Working language is English. Russian interpretation will be provided.

Please note that sponsorship opportunities are available. Please have a look HERE.

Attendance Fees

Free of charge for AEB and non-AEB members.

Contact persons:

Programme and Sponsorship: Saida Makhmudova, AEB Real Estate Committee Coordinator, +7 (495) 234 2764, ext.151; saida.makhmudova@aebrus.ru

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.

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AEB Open Event: ”HR in Social Networks”

The Association of European Businesses is pleased to invite you to its open event “HR in Social Networks”, organised by the AEB HR Committee.

The event will take place on Tuesday, September 8th, 2015, from 14:30 to 17:30 (registration from 14:00), at the AEB Conference Center (ul. Krasnoproletarskaya 16, bld. 3, entrance 8, 4th floor, office 8).

Finding job candidates with the skills your company needs can be a challenging responsibility for any HR professional. That’s why HR managers, recruiters and hiring managers are using social networks which offers advantages that can make a big difference in recruiting success. Social media can also help companies streamline employee engagement, keep an eye on the competition and perform a variety of other HR functions.

At the event, the speakers will cover the following topics:

- audience of social networks in Russia;

- tools applied by companies for using social networks towards HR;

- difference in perception of a professional social networks by a recruiter and a candidate;

- secrets of effective communication in social networks: how to interest the right professional;

- social networks as a competitive advantage of an employer;

- best practices of working in social networks.

The event will be moderated by Dennis Kaminsky, Chair of the AEB Recruitment Sub-Committee, Partner, FutureToday.

Please click HERE to register for this event.

For details please see the programme in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

The working language of the event is Russian. Interpretation will not be provided.

Attendance fees:

AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge;

Fee for AEB additional members is 3,850 RUB (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 7,700 RUB (+18% VAT).

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable.

Contact persons:

Program: Tatiana Morozova, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 120; Tatiana.Morozova@aebrus.ru.

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, Vera.Solovaya@aebrus.ru

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Open event organized by the AEB IT-Telecom Committee:B2B Meeting with Rostelecom

The AEB IT-Telecom Committee and its Working Group on Personal Data are pleased to invite you to the AEB B2B Meeting with Rostelecom.

The event will take place on Thursday, August 27th, 2015 from 9:30 till 11:30 at the AEB Conference center (Krasnoproletarskaya str. 16, bldg. 3, Entrance 8, Floor 4). The registration starts at 9:00.

The AEB IT-Telecom Committee and its Working Group on Data Protection continue to inform the AEB members on the issues and problems related to the Federal law 242 on Personal Data Processing in order to facilitate the period after entering the Law into force on September 1-st, 2015.

This time, in the frame of the business meetings format existing in the AEB – B2B format –, we are pleased to announce that we will receive Olga Rumyantseva, Rostelecom top manager, Vice-President for Corporate & Government Segments, and her colleague Mikhail Kozlov, Director of Business Platform Project Office. During the meeting you are invited to discuss thoroughly your concerns and proposals with the representatives of one of the biggest players on the Russian market.

For details, please see the programme in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

Working language is Russian. English interpretation will not be provided.

Attendance Fees

Fee for representatives of AEB members is free;

Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable.

Contact persons:

Programme: Svetlana Lomidze, AEB Director for External affairs, Chief Committee Coordinator, MBE Committee coordinator, Svetlana.Lomidze@aebrus.ru, Tel. :+7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.122;

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru Tel.: +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.127;

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.

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AEB Open Event: Presentation «Localization of production in Moscow: key success factors for European companies in new economic environment»

The AEB is pleased to invite you to the Presentation “ Localization of production in Moscow: key success factors for European companies in new economic environment” with Moscow city government.

The event will take place on September 15th , 2015 at AEB Conference Center (ul. Krasnoproleraskya, 16 bld. 3 entrance 8, 4th floor,office 8) from 15:00 till 17:30 (registration starts from 14:30).

The discussion will be focused on the Investment Climate, as well as the Industrial potential of the Region.

Speakers at the event will include:

- Maksim Reshetnikov, Minister of Economic Policy and Development, Moscow City Government

- Oleg Bocharov, Head of the Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship,

Moscow City Government

- Representatives of European companies active in Moscow city

Please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN. The programme is liable to changes upon receipt of final confirmations from the speakers.

Please note that participation is open only to the management of AEB member companies.

The priority of registration is given to industrial companies and limited to one representative from a company.

The working languages of the meeting are Russian and English. Interpretation will be provided.

Attendance Fees

Assigned representatives of AEB member companies - free of charge.

Fee for additional representatives of AEB members is 3,850 RUR (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 7,700 RUB per (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable.

Contact persons:

Programme: Olga Pavlyuk, Regional Development Director, olga.pavlyuk@aebrus.ru

Tel.234 27 64 ext. 130

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru

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Conference dedicated to AEB 20th anniversary in Krasnodar

The Association of European Businesses requests the pleasure of your company at the Conference dedicated to AEB 20th anniversary Foreign investment attraction as a factor of economic development of Krasnodar region and Krasnodar: experience and prospects followed by cocktail on Friday, 25 September, 2015 at 15:00-17:30. The programme will include speeches by guests of honor

Venue: Hotel Intourist-Krasnodar, Conference- hall “Intourist” (Krasnaya str, 109, Krasnodar)

The programme of the event is available in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN. The programme is liable to changes upon receipt of final confirmations.

Sponsorship opportunities are available HERE

We would be grateful for considering the opportunity to sponsor this event, which is so significant for the European and Russian business communities. According to established practice, sponsors of events organized by the Association of European Businesses have the unique opportunity to draw attention to the company, and to promote their products and services throughout the preparation of the event and the event itself.

Contact person

Registration, programme and sponsorship opportunities:

Juliana Perederiy, AEB Southern Regional Committee Coordinator, tel. 7 (918) 416-93-23,


We look forward to hosting you at our event!

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The Association of European Businesses requests the pleasure of your company at the 20th Anniversary Celebration followed by reception on Thursday, 8 October, 2015 at 17:30–21:30. The programme will include speeches by guests of honor. The official part of the event will be followed by a reception and a musical program.

Venue: Hotel “Corinthia St. Petersburg” (Nevskij prospect, 57, St. Petersburg)

Dress code: business attire

Attendance Fees

AEB Members’ participation is 2,400 RUR (+18% VAT);

AEB Non Members’ participation is 2,900 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made through bank transfer. Once the payment is made, the fee is non-refundable.

Assigned Members from Category D member companies can attend the event free of charge.

The programme of the event is available in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN. The programme is liable to changes upon receipt of final confirmations.

Sponsorship opportunities are available HERE. According to established practice, sponsors of events organised by the Association of European Businesses have the unique opportunity to draw attention to the company, and to promote their products and services throughout the preparation of the event and the event itself.

Contact persons:

Programme and sponsorship opportunities:

Alla Hovhannissyan, AEB North-Western Regional Committee Coordinator, alla.hovhannissyan@aebrus.ru, tel. +7(911) 012-67-46

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. 7 (495) 234-27-64, ext. 127, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234-27-64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.

We look forward to hosting you at our event!

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System Test 72

AEB open event “Presentation of «Digital one-window approach regarding migration documents for highly-qualified specialists on the web-page of the Federal Migration Service” with Konstantin Romodanovsky, Head of the Federal Migration Service.

The AEB Migration Committee is pleased to invite you to its open event “Presentation of «Digital one-window approach regarding migration documents for highly-qualified specialists on the web-page of the Federal Migration Service” with Konstantin Romodanovsky, Head of the Federal Migration Service.

The event will take place on Thursday 16 July 2015 from 17:00 till 18:00 at the AEB Conference center (Krasnoproletarskaya str. 16, bldg. 3, Entrance 8, Floor 4). For your convenience, registration will start at 16:30.

Please register HERE for this event.

Working language is Russian. English interpretation will not be provided.

For further details, please have a look at the program of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

Attendance Fees

Fee for representatives of AEB assigned members is free;

Fee for representatives of AEB additional members: 3,500 RUR (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable.

Contact persons:

Programme: Anna Arsentyeva, AEB Work Permit & Visa Manager; +7 495 234 27 64, ext.135, Anna.Arsentyeva@aebrus.ru

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.

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AEB Insurance and Pensions Committee’s open event “Electronic insurance in Russia”

The AEB is pleased to invite you to the Insurance and Pensions Committee’s open event “Electronic insurance in Russia”.

The event will take place on 9 July 2015, from 09:30 to 13:00 (registration starts at 09:00), at the AEB Conference centre (ul. Krasnoproletarskaya, 16, bld. 3, entrance 8, floor 4, office 8).

Please click HERE to register online for this event.

The event will focus on recent trends and developments in electronic insurance in Russia. It will give the audience a legislative and regulatory update, as well as an overview of practical aspects and IT technologies. The event will also serve as a platform for exchange of experiences and discussion of development of electronic insurance in Russia.

For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event in RUSSIAN. Please kindly note that the programme is liable to changes upon receipt of final confirmations from the speakers.

The working language of the event is Russian. Simultaneous translation will not be provided.

Please note that sponsorship opportunities are available. Please have a look HERE.

Attendance fees:

AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge;

Fee for AEB additional members is 3,850 RUB (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 7,700 RUB (+18% VAT).

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable.

Contact persons:

Programme: Anna Tsiulina, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext.124, at@aebrus.ru.

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.

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AEB Open Event: ”Social Media: Profit, Loss or Necessity?”

The Association of European Businesses is pleased to invite you to its open event “Social Media: Profit, Loss or Necessity?”, organised by the AEB PR & Communications Committee.

The event will take place on Friday, June 26th, 2015, from 09:30 to 12:00 (registration from 09:00), at the AEB Conference Center (ul. Krasnoproletarskaya 16, bld. 3, entrance 8, 4th floor, office 8).

Please click HERE to register for this event.

Effective use of social media can bring great opportunities for business. With the help of social media it is now easier than ever to directly target customers with marketing campaigns, promote new products or services, build brand awareness, personally interact with existing and potential customers, measure referrals from a social media activity to sales. Social media gives you the chance to build brand awareness and customer loyalty.

However, there are also dangers in participating in a public conversation forum. You need to have a clear idea of how to handle negative feedback about your business. You need to ensure that what you post and how you interact with people defends and builds up your company’s reputation.

The event will be moderated by Igor Reichlin, Chair of the AEB PR & Communications Committee, Managing Partner, Reichlin & Partners.

For details please see the programme in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

The working language of the event is Russian. Interpretation will not be provided.

Attendance fees:

AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge;

Fee for AEB additional members is 3,850 RUB (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 7,700 RUB (+18% VAT).

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable.

Contact persons:

Program: Tatiana Morozova, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 120; Tatiana.Morozova@aebrus.ru.

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, Vera.Solovaya@aebrus.ru

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Round Table “Latest Cloud Solutions from the Leading Providers in the Context of the New Personal Data Legislation Requirements”

The AEB IT-Telecom Committee and its Working Group on Personal Data are pleased to invite you to the Round Table “Latest Cloud Solutions from the Leading Providers in the Context of the New Personal Data Legislation Requirements”.

The event will take place on Thursday, June 25th, 2015 from 9:40 till 12:00 at the AEB Conference center (Krasnoproletarskaya str. 16, bldg. 3, Entrance 8, Floor 4). The registration starts at 9:10.

Please click HERE to register for this event.

In the past, the AEB IT-Telecom Committee has organized several events related to the Federal law 242 on Personal Data Processing.

This one is dedicated to the cloud solutions in preparing to comply with FL-242 requirements, with speakers from SAP CIS, IBM, Group Linx, Detecon International GmbH, VimpelCom. The organizers wish to focus on concrete steps for giving you the possibility to find the appropriate solutions and to be ready when the FL-242 will enter into force in September 2015. 

For details, please see the programme in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

Working language is Russian. English interpretation will not be provided.

Attendance Fees

Fee for representatives of AEB members is free;

Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable.



Contact persons:

Programme: Svetlana Lomidze, AEB Director for External affairs, Chief Committee Coordinator, MBE Committee coordinator, Svetlana.Lomidze@aebrus.ru, Tel. :+7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.122;

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru Tel.: +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.127;

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.


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The AEB Taxation Committee is pleased to invite you to its event: “Development of the Russian Tax System: results of the first half of 2015 and perspectives”.

The event will take place on Wednesday, June 24th, 2014 at 09:00-13:00 (registration starts at 08:30) at the Ararat Park Hyatt hotel, Hall “Sargsyan” (4, Neglinnaya str.).

The event will highlight recent changes in tax legislation, new taxation initiatives and prospects for the next few years and will provide an excellent platform for discussion and exchange of knowledge by professionals. A number of experts will share their expertise and will give recommendations on important tax matters. Mr. Sergey Shatalov, Deputy Minister of Finance of the RF, will be our distinguished guest and will address key directions of the tax policy for years 2016 - 2018.
Simultaneous translation will be provided. 

Please note that sponsorship opportunities are available. Please have a look HERE.

For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN

Attendance Fees

AEB Members’ participation is 8,000 RUR (+18% VAT);
AEB Non Members’ participation is 9,000 RUR (+18% VAT);
All payments are to be made through bank transfer.
Contact persons:
Programme and sponsorship: Olga Silnitskaya, AEB Taxation Committee Coordinator, olga.silnitskaya@aebrus.ru +7 (495) 234 27 64 ext. 119.

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru  
Login and password: Elena Khlebnikova, AEB Trainings manager tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 114, elena.khlebnikova@aebrus.ru. 



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AEB Open event in Saint Petersburg: Presentation of AEB Annual Survey’s results “Strategies and prospects for European companies in Russia”

The AEB is pleased to invite you to attend the official presentation of the results of the eighth AEB Annual Survey “Strategies and Prospects for European Companies in Russia”.

The event will take place on Wednesday, 17 June 2015, from 16:00 to 18:00 (registration starts at 15:30), at the Consulate General of Sweden in St. Petersburg (Ul. Malaya Konyushennaya, 1/3)

Please click HERE to register online for this event.

For several years, the Survey has been a highly valuable source of first-hand information that gives an overview of the Russian investment climate attractiveness and highlights the key challenges and strategies that impact European companies while doing business in Russia. This year the AEB investigates how the estimations evolved in the context the Ukraine’s crisis, the sanctions imposed by the EU and the US on Russia, the counter-sanctions imposed by Russia, the devaluation of the rouble and Russian Government policy on import substitution.

At the event the key findings of the Survey will be presented. The presentation of the results will be followed by a Q&A session and discussion of the investment climate in Russia.

For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

The working language of the event is Russian. Simultaneous translation will NOT be provided.


Attendance fees:

This event is free of charge.


Contact Persons:

Programme: Alla Hovhannissyan, AEB North-Western Regional Committee Coordinator, Tel. +7-911-012-6746, E-mail: alla.hovhannissyan@aebrus.ru

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru


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AEB Open Event: Presentation of AEB Annual Survey’s results “Strategies and prospects for European companies in Russia”

The AEB is pleased to invite you to attend the official presentation of the results of the eighth AEB Annual Survey “Strategies and Prospects for European Companies in Russia”.

The event will take place on Tuesday, 16 June 2015, from 10:00 to 12:00 (registration starts at 09:30), at the AEB Conference centre (ul. Krasnoproletarskaya, 16, bld. 3, entrance 8, floor 4, office 8).

Please click HERE to register online for this event.

For several years, the Survey has been a highly valuable source of first-hand information that gives an overview of the Russian investment climate attractiveness and highlights the key challenges and strategies that impact European companies while doing business in Russia. This year the AEB investigates how the estimations evolved in the context the Ukraine’s crisis, the sanctions imposed by the EU and the US on Russia, the counter-sanctions imposed by Russia, the devaluation of the rouble and Russian Government policy on import substitution.

At the event the key findings of the Survey will be presented. The presentation of the results will be followed by a Q&A session and discussion of the investment climate in Russia.

For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

The working languages of the event are English and Russian. Simultaneous translation will be provided.


Attendance Fees:

AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge;

Fee for AEB additional members is 3,850 RUB (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 7,700 RUB (+18% VAT).

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. 


Contact persons:

Programme: Anna Tsiulina, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext.124, at@aebrus.ru.   

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.

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Round table organised by the AEB SHES Committee “Best Health&Safety practices in pharmaceutical sector in Russia”, June 10th, 2015, AEB Conference Centre.

The AEB is pleased to invite you to participate in the round table organised by the AEB Safety, Health, Environment and Security Committee, titled “Best Health&Safety practices in health and pharmaceutical sector  in Russia”.

The event will be held on June 10th, 2015, from 09:30 to 11:30 (registration starts at 9:00), at the AEB Conference Centre located at Krasnoproletarskaya str., 16, bld. 3, ent. 8, fl. 4, office 8. 

This round table will gather professionals from health and pharmaceutical sector who will share their practical experience and offer a starting point for discussion on finding common solutions to existing challenges.

The working language of the event is English. Interpretation will not be provided.

The event program will be sent out later.

Attendance fees:

Fee for representatives of AEB members is free;

Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 3,500 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable.

Contact persons:

Programme: Olga Silnitskaya, AEB SHES Committee Coordinator, olga.silnitskaya@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 153;

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.

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Round Table organized by the AEB Machine Building & Engineering Committee “Machine Building Market Trends in Russia (first half of 2015)”

The AEB is pleased to invite you to a Round Table - “Machine Building Market trends in Russia (first half of 2015)”, organized by the AEB Machine Building & Engineering Committee.


The event will take place on 9 June 2015 at the AEB Conference center, Krasnoproletarskaya Ul. 16, bld.3, entrance 8, 4th floor, from 9:30 to 11:30 (registration starts at 9:00).

Please register for this event online.


The event proposed to the AEB members by the Machine Building & Engineering Committee, in cooperation with AEB Automobile Manufacturers, Automotive Components, Commercial Vehicles and Construction Equipment Committees, is the continuation of a longstanding tradition and good example of the AEB Committees’ interaction.

This unique event gives you the rare possibility to get a various and multicolored picture of the machine building sector in Russia in its largest perception.

Speakers at the Round Table will include representatives of companies such as ABB, Alstom, Transmachholding, Volvo Vostok Construction, Johnson Matthey PLC, Scania Rus LLC, and Renault in Russia.


For more information, please have a look at the programme in ENGLISH or RUSSIAN.

The working languages are Russian and English. Interpretation will not be provided.

Attendance fees:

Participation is free of charge;


Contact persons:

Programme: Svetlana Lomidze, AEB Director for External Affairs, Chief Committee Coordinator svetlana.lomidze@aebrus.ru, 234.27.64, ext.122.


Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.  

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru


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AEB Open event “Intellectual Property Rights: recent trends, court practices, problems and solutions”

The AEB Intellectual Property Committee is pleased to invite you to its open event “Intellectual Property Rights: recent trends, court practices, problems and solutions”.

The event will take place on Thursday, 4 June 2015 at the Delegation of the European Union to Russia (Moscow, Kadashevskaya naberezhnaya, 14/1), from 9:15 to 14:40. Registration starts at 8:30. 

Please register online for this event.

The conference will touch upon key issues in the sphere of intellectual property.

For further details, please have a look at the draft programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.


Please note, that due to the passport control at the Delegation of the European Union, conference participants are kindly asked to bring an ID with them and come early enough to allow smooth registration process.


Please note that sponsorship opportunities are available for that event. Please contact Irina Ochirova, AEB Committees Coordinator, Tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 115; Irina.Ochirova@aebrus.ru for further information.


The working language of the meeting is Russian. Interpretation will not be provided.


Attendance Fees

AEB members’ participation for assigned representatives is free of charge;

Fee for additional representatives of AEB members is 3,850 RUR (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable.


Contact persons:


Programme and sponsorship:

Irina Ochirova, AEB Intellectual Property Committee Coordinator, Irina.Ochirova@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.115

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru



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Workshop organised by the AEB SHES and HR Committees, titled “Security and legal aspects of recruitment and labor conflicts”

The AEB is pleased to invite you to participate in the workshop organised by the AEB SHES and HR  Committees, titled “Security and legal aspects of recruitment and labor conflicts”.

The event will be held on May 26th, 2015, from 14:00 to 16:15 (registration starts at 13:30), at AEB Conference Centre located at Krasnoproletarskaya str., 16, bld. 3, ent. 8, fl. 4, office 8.   

The workshop will allow HR and security professionls to share their best practices in pre-employment screening and background checks as well as resolution of labor conflicts.

The participants of the workshop will be offered a possibility to make a CASE analysis and discuss its possible solution.

For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

The workshiop will be conducted in Russian. Interpretation into English will not be provided.


Please register online for this event online.


Attendance fees:

Fee for representatives of AEB members is free;

Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 3,500 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable.


Contact persons:

Programme: Olga Silnitskaya, AEB SHES Committee Coordinator, olga.silnitskaya@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 119; Tatiana Morozova, AEB HR Committee Coordinator, tatiana.morozova@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 120

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.


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AEB Open Event: ”Anti-Crisis Measures for SMEs: Government and Business Initiatives”

The Association of European Businesses is pleased to invite you to its open event “Anti-Crisis Measures for SMEs: Government and Business Initiatives”, organised by the AEB SME Committee.


The event will take place on Friday, May 29th, 2015, from 09:00 to 11:30 (registration from 08:30), at the AEB Conference Center (ul. Krasnoproletarskaya 16, bld. 3, entrance 8, 4th floor, office 8).


Please register online for this event.


The impact of economic crisis on small and medium-sized businesses is significant. SMEs are now considered the most sensitive sector and worst affected by the economic climate.


The event will give an overview of the anti-crisis measures provided by the Russian authorities at federal and regional levels - by the Ministry of economic development of the RF and the Moscow City Government; it will provide its participants with recommendations on how to get access to specific anti-crisis solutions and tackle difficulties arising for SMEs in current financial environment.


The event will be moderated by Orlin Efremov, Chair of the AEB SME Committee, Managing Director, Performance Partners LLC.



For details please see the programme in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.


The working language of the event is Russian. Interpretation will not be provided.


Attendance fees:

AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge;

Fee for AEB additional members is 3,850 RUB (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 7,700 RUB (+18% VAT).

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. 

Contact persons:

Program: Tatiana Morozova, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 120; Tatiana.Morozova@aebrus.ru.

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, Vera.Solovaya@aebrus.ru



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AEB Legal Committee Business Meeting: “New changes to contract law provisions in the Civil Code: implications for AEB companies”

The AEB Legal Committee is pleased to invite you to its business meeting “New changes to contract law provisions in the Civil Code: implications for AEB companies”.

The event will take place on Tuesday, 2 June 2015 at 10:00-14:00 (registration starts at 09:30) at the AEB premises (Krasnoproletarskaya ul., 16, bld.3, entrance 8, 4th floor, office 8).

Please register on line for this event.

The event will focus on the latest massive changes to the Russian Civil Code affecting various aspects of the contractual work and claim management. It aims at discussing practical aspects, challenges and opportunities which lawyers of AEB member companies may face after the amendments will come into force.                                                                                               

Working language is Russian. Translation will not be provided.

For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event in RUSSIAN.

Please note that sponsorship opportunities are open. Please click HERE for more details.


Attendance Fees

AEB Members’ participation is 4,500 RUR (+18% VAT);

AEB Non Members’ participation is 5,500 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made through bank transfer.


Contact persons:

Programme and Sponsorship: Irina Ochirova, AEB Committee Coordinator, Irina.Ochirova@aebrus.ru, Tel.+7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 115

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru Tel.+7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, Tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.

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AEB Belgian EuroReception

The Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium in the Russian Federation, H.E. Mr. Alex Van Meeuwen together with the Association of European Businesses and the Belgian-Russian Business Club are pleased to invite you to an AEB Belgian EuroReception.


The Reception will take place on Wednesday 20 May 2015 at the Ambassador’s Residence (Khlebny per. 15, Moscow), from 19:00 until 21:00.

Please note that this reception is open to the top management of AEB member companies only and that registration will be closed as soon as the maximum number of participants is reached.


You can download the invitation HERE. Please note that this invitation is personal and not transferrable.


We can accept only one participant from each AEB member company and two participants from each AEB sponsor company.


Сontact persons:

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru , Tel, +7 495 234 27 64 (ext. 127)

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. +7 495 234 27 64 (ext. 149), Vera.Solovaya@aebrus.ru



In view of the security checks at the entrance, we kindly ask that you come along with your invitation and passport. Only registered participants will be allowed to enter the Embassy’s territory.



We look forward to seeing you there! 

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It is with great pleasure that the Association of European Businesses invites you to be a part of the AEB Business mission to Tula.

The mission will take place on 26 May 2015.

Please click HERE to register online.

The mission programme includes:

● Meeting with the Governor of Tula region Vladimir Gruzdev

● Participation in Conference on localization

● B2B meetings with local companies

  (please mark the companies you are interested in on the list attached)


Please see the detailed programme in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.


Please note that PRIORITY REGISTRATION IS GIVEN TO INDUSTRIAL COMPANIES. Once the maximum number of participants is reached the registration will be closed.


Participation is free of charge and is limited to ONE TOP EXECUTIVE of a company


For more information and registration please contact AEB Regional Development Director, Olga Pavlyuk

at olga.pavlyuk@aebrus.ru , tel. +7 495 234 27 64 (ext 130).

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Round table organised by the AEB SHES Committee “HSE: Risks assessment and management”

The AEB is pleased to invite you to participate in the Round Table organised by the AEB Safety, Health, Environment and Security Committee, titled “HSE: Risks assessment and management”.

The event will be held on April 28th, 2015, from 14:30 to 16:30 (registration starts at 14:00), at AEB Conference Centre (Krasnoproletarskaya str., 16, bld. 3, ent. 8, fl. 4, office 8).  

Please register for this event online.

The round table will be dedicated to risks assesment and management in HSE area including practical experience of using HAZID/ENVID studies and combination of  world best practices with local knowledge.

For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

Attendance fees:

This event is free of charge for all participants.


Contact persons:

Programme: Olga Silnitskaya, AEB SHES Committee Coordinator, olga.silnitskaya@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 119;

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127;

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.

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AEB Machine Building & Engineering Committee open event: Meeting with Valentin Gapanovich, Senior Vice-President, RZD

The AEB Machine Building & Engineering Committee is pleased to invite you to its open event “Innovative Development of RZD and Import Substitution” with Valentin Gapanovich, Senior Vice-President, RZD.

The event will take place on Friday 24 April, 2015 from 14:00 till 15:30 at the AEB Conference center (Krasnoproletarskaya str. 16, bldg. 3, Entrance 8, Floor 4). For your convenience, registration will start at 13:30.

Please register online for this event.

Valentin Gapanovich was appointed to the position of Senior Vice-President of RZD in 2008, following a career working in many of Russia's railways. After his service in the Soviet Army he worked as a Rolling Stock Repairer in Novokuznetsk Locomotive Depot of Kemerovo Railways and Assistant Traffic Security Controller of the locomotive unit of Novokuznetsk Branch. From 1989 to 1998, he was Head of Novokuznetsk Locomotive Depot of Kemerovo Railways, Chief Engineer of Novokuznetsk Branch of Kemerovo Railways and Deputy Chief Engineer of Kuzbass Branch of West-Siberian Railways. From 1998-99, he was Deputy Head of the locomotive and car units of West-Siberian Railways and Deputy Head of the railways. In 2000, he became Chief Engineer of October Railways and, in 2003, he took over as Vice-President of JSCo "RZD" before becoming Senior Vice President and Chief Engineer. Mr Gapanovich graduated from the Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers in 1992, where he specialized in railway transportation process management. Having graduated from Gomel Technical School of Railway Transport, he worked as an Assistant Diesel Locomotive Driver and Chief Rolling Stock Repairer of Topkinskiy Cement Plant.

Working language is Russian. English interpretation will be provided.

For further details, please have a look at the program of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.


Attendance Fees

Fee for representatives of AEB members is free;

Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 3,500 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable.


Contact persons:

Programme: Svetlana Lomidze, AEB Director for External affairs, Chief Committee Coordinator, MBE Committee coordinator, Svetlana.Lomidze@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.122;

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.


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From theory to practice: preparing to comply with the requirements of FL-242

The AEB IT-Telecom Committee and its Working Group on Personal Data are pleased to invite you to the Round Table “From Theory to Practice: Preparing to Comply with FL-242 Requirements”.

The event will take place on Tuesday, April 28th, 2015 from 9:30 till 12:00 at the AEB Conference center (Krasnoproletarskaya str. 16, bldg. 3, Entrance 8, Floor 4). The registration starts at 9:00.

In the past, the AEB IT-Telecom Committee has organized several events related to the Federal law 242 on Personal Data Processing.

You will learn more about experience in preparing to comply with FL-242 requirements, with speakers from Beiten Burkhardt, PwC, Philips, and Atos. The organizers wish to focus not on general topics and law interpretation or understanding but on concrete steps for giving you the possibility to find the appropriate solutions and to be ready when the FL-242 will enter into force in September 2015.

For details, please see the programme in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

Please  register online for this event.

Working language is Russian. English interpretation will not be provided.


Attendance Fees

Fee for representatives of AEB members is free;


Contact persons:

Programme: Svetlana Lomidze, AEB Director for External affairs, Chief Committee Coordinator, MBE Committee coordinator, Svetlana.Lomidze@aebrus.ru, Tel. :+7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.122;

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru Tel.: +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.127;

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.


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AEB Open event “How Does Investment Climate Influence Business Communications, What Does Change?”

The Association of European Businesses is pleased to invite you to its open event How Does Investment Climate Influence Business Communications, What Does Change?organised by the AEB PR & Communications Committee.


The event will take place on Wednesday, April 8th, 2015, from 10:00 to 12:30 (registration from 09:30), at the AEB Conference Center (ul. Krasnoproletarskaya 16, bld. 3, entrance 8, 4th floor, office 8).


Please register online for this event.


The event will be co-moderated by Igor Reichlin, Chair of the AEB PR & Communications Committee, Managing Partner, Reichlin & Partners, and Yan Khanov, Managing Partner, Publicity.


The change the investment climate in Russia and cooling in international relations leads to a change in the paradigm of communication, information agenda. The current situation gives rise to many questions, including:


• What do the foreign companies and investors operating in Russia or planning to work with Russia need to take into account?


• How to maintain communications in Russia under the new conditions?


• What is the threat of import substitution policies, what are the advantages for Russian companies and what steps the state is able to offer to foreign investors and companies?


• Is it possible to speak the same language, the language of business?


• What are the trends for communications in the Russian and international media in relation to foreign and domestic companies operating in Russia?


• What are the benchmarks, what you can trust in terms of political and economic sanctions for doing business in Russia?


For details please see the programme in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.


The working language of the event is Russian. Interpretation will not be provided.


Attendance fees:


AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge;

Fee for AEB additional members is 3,850 RUB (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 7,700 RUB (+18% VAT).

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. 


Contact persons:


Program: Tatiana Morozova, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 120; Tatiana.Morozova@aebrus.ru.

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, Vera.Solovaya@aebrus.ru

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12th Flagship Conference - “Russian Economy: Quo Vadis?”

The AEB is pleased to invite you to its 12th Flagship Conference - “Russian Economy: Quo Vadis?”.

The conference will take place on May 27th, 2015, in Moscow, at the Hotel Mercure Moscow Paveletskaya (ul. Bakhrushina, 11, Moscow, Paveletskaya metro station), from 09:00 to 13:00 (registration will start from 08:15).

The conference will be followed by a cocktail reception.

Please register online for this event.

During the Conference, we shall discuss the current state and perspectives of the Russian economy: what challenges the Russian economy will face this year and further. One of the sessions will be devoted to the Russian energy sector: is Russia still the major energy player in the world? Is its energy sector ready for serious changes in the world energy market happened during several last years? The closing session of the conference will be devoted to our perception of the history: in crucial times may we shape the future without gaining an experience from the past? These are some of the key issues that will be addressed at this event.

For more details, please have a look at the programme in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.


The working languages of the conference are English and Russian. Simultaneous translation will be provided.


Please note that sponsorship opportunities are still open. Please click HERE for more details.


Attendance Fees

AEB members’ participation for assigned representatives is free of charge;

Fee for additional representatives of AEB members is 3,850 RUR (+VAT 18 %);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUR (+VAT 18 %);

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable.


Contact persons:

Programme and Sponsorship: Svetlana Lomidze, AEB Director for External Affairs, Chief Committee Coordinator, Svetlana.Lomidze@aebrus.ru, tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.122

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru Tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.127

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru







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AEB Open event in Saint Petersburg – E-Trade in Russia: Current situation, Challenges and Opportunities

The AEB North-Western Regional Committee is pleased to invite you to the Open Event in St. Petersburg on E-Trade in Russia: Current situation, challenges and opportunitieS.

The event will take place at the Vlerick Business School (17 Italianskaya St. Petersburg, see the attached map) on Thursday, 16 April, 2015 from 09:30 to 13:00 (registration starts at 09:00).


Please  register online for this event.


The event will be devoted to the main tendencies in development of E-Commerce in Russia, including payment systems and delivery methods. Such outstanding in the mentioned area companies as Yandex, Avito, Nokian Tyres, ITELLA, East-West Digital News, Russian E-Money Association, Traffic Isobar will present their success stories and share practical experience. Also a legal outlook will be provided as referred to the e-commerce contracts, consumer rights and risk management in e-commerce by well-known ATTORNEYS AT LAW BORENIUS RUSSIA and Baker & McKenzie companies.


Please have a look at the programme in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.


The working languages are English and Russian. Translation into Russian will be provided.


Attendance fees:

Participation of 2 (two) top management representatives (equal to AEB Assigned Members) from the AEB member companies is free of charge;

Fee for additional representatives from member companies (equal to of AEB Additional Members): 3,850 RUR (+ 18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUR (+ 18% VAT);


Your registration will be valid only upon receipt of payment. All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable.


Contact Persons:

Programme: Alla Hovhannissyan, AEB North-Western Regional Committee Coordinator, Tel. +7-911-012-6746, E-mail: alla.hovhannissyan@aebrus.ru

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru


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AEB Open event in Saint Petersburg – World Bank Briefing

Following a well established tradition, the AEB is pleased to announce the next World Bank briefing in St. Petersburg based on the World Bank’s “Russia Economic Report #33”.

The briefing will take place at the Consulate General of Finland in St. Petersburg (Preobrazhenskaya ploschad', 4, St. Petersburg) on Tuesday, 14 April, 2015 from 10:00 to 12:00 (registration starts at 09:30).

Please register HERE for this event.

You will have the privilege to hear Birgit Hansl, Lead Economist, Country Sector Coordinator for the Russian Federation.  

This time the Russia Economic Report #33 will focus on:

  • Recent Economic Developments
  • Economic Outlook
  • In Focus: The Impact of Economic Sanctions

Please have a look at the PROGRAMME.


The working language is English. Translation into Russian will not be provided.


Attendance Fees

The participation is free of charge.


N.B. Please bring an ID with you for security checks at the entrance.


Please note that the registration will close as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants. 


Programme: Alla Hovhannissyan, AEB North-Western Regional Committee Coordinator, Tel. +7-911-012-6746, E-mail: alla.hovhannissyan@aebrus.ru

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru

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World Bank Briefing based on Russia Economic Report #33

Following a well established tradition, the AEB is pleased to announce the next World Bank briefing based on the World Bank’s “Russia Economic Report #33” .

The briefing will take place at the Residence of the British Ambassador in Moscow (Sofiyskaya Naberezhnaya, 14) on Thursday 2 April 2015 from 09:30 – 11:30 (registration from 09:00).

Please register online for this event.

You will have the privilege to hear Birgit Hansl, Lead Economist, Country Sector Coordinator for the Russian Federation.  

This time the Russia Economic Report #33 will focus on:

  • Recent Economic Developments
  • Economic Outlook
  • In Focus: The Impact of Economic Sanctions

Please have a look at the PROGRAMME.


The working language is English. Translation into Russian will not be provided.


Attendance Fees

AEB members’ participation for assigned representatives is free of charge;

Price for additional representatives of AEB members is 3,850 RUR (+ 18 % VAT);

Price for representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUR (+ 18 % VAT);

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable.



N.B. Please bring an ID with you for security checks at the entrance.


Please note that the registration will close as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants and that in any case we will not accept any more participants after 31 March 2015 at 3.00 PM.


Contact person:

Programme: Marie Rondelez, AEB Events Director, +7 495 234 27 64 (ext. 118), Marie.Rondelez@aebrus.ru

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, +7 495 234 27 64 (ext. 127), Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru


opean Businesses


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AEB Taxation Committee Event: ”Cross-border intercompany transactions: risks and solutions”

The AEB Taxation Committee is pleased to invite you to its Event: ”Cross-border intercompany transactions: risks and solutions”.

The event will take place on Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at 09:00-13:00 at the Ararat Park Hyatt hotel, Hall “Sargsyan” (4, Neglinnaya str., Moscow). Registration starts at 8:30.

Please register online for this event.

The event will cover recent court practice and new legislative initiatives in the area of cross-border intercompany transactions as well as practical matters and advice from the leading tax professionals.

Simultaneous translation will be provided.

For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN

Please note that sponsorship opportunities are available. Please have a look HERE.

Attendance Fees

AEB Members’ participation is 8,000 RUR (+18% VAT);

AEB Non Members’ participation is 9,000 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made through bank transfer.


Contact persons:

Programme: Olga Silnitskaya, AEB Taxation Committee Coordinator, olga.silnitskaya@aebrus.ru  

tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64 ext. 119.

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru,

tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64 ext. 127.

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.


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The AEB Energy Efficiency Committee is pleased to invite you to its Round Table “Return on Energy Saving Investment for Industrial & Warehouse Complexes”


The event will take place on Friday, April 3-d, 2015 from 9:30 till 12:00 at the AEB Conference center (Krasnoproletarskaya str. 16, bldg. 3, Entrance 8, Floor 4). The registration starts at 9:00.


The AEB Energy Efficiency Committee organized in the past several events related to the Energy Efficiency in the real estate sector: in the center of its interest were green buildings, commercial buildings, and industrial sector. This time the warehouses are in the spotlight.

You will learn more about experience in realizing successful projects, with the speakers from Radius Group, KNX, Lindab, TABLOGIX, and IKEA. The organizers want to put the main accent not on general topics but on concrete projects for giving you the possibility to find appropriate energy efficient solutions.


For details please see the programme in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.



Working language is English. Russian interpretation will not be provided.



Attendance Fees


Fee for representatives of AEB members is free;



Contact persons:


Programme: Svetlana Lomidze, AEB Director for External affairs, Chief Committee Coordinator, MBE Committee coordinator, Svetlana.Lomidze@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.122;


Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru


Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.

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AEB Events: AEB 11th Annual Customs Conference “New in customs legislation: from good to the best”

The AEB Customs and Transport Committee is pleased to invite you to its 11th Annual Customs Conference “New in customs legislation: from good to the best”.


The event will take place on Tuesday, April 7th, 2015 at 10:00 (registration at 9:30) in the InterContinental Moscow Tverskaya Hotel, ul. Tverskaya 22, Moscow


Please register HERE for this event.


The conference will focus on current customs legislation and practice, as well as hot customs topics such as customs risk management system, customs control on post released goods, perspective legislative changes in administrative responsibility on violation of customs rules, parallel import, customs valuation issues, e-documents management and others.


For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN. The programme is liable to slight changes upon receipt of final confirmations from the speakers.


Please note that sponsorship opportunities are available. Please contact Ksenia Bortnik, AEB Committees Coordinator, Tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 121; Ksenya.bortnik@aebrus.ru for further information.


The conference will be conducted in English and Russian. Interpretation will be available.


Attendance fees


9,000 RUR + VAT for AEB members;

10,000 +VAT for non-members.


All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable.


Registration is opened until 6 April 2014, 12 PM. Your registration will be confirmed upon receipt of payment. Guarantee letters will also be accepted.



Contact persons


Programme and sponsorship: Ksenia Bortnik, AEB Transport and Customs Committee coordinator, Ksenya.Bortnik@aebrus.ru


Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru


Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.

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AEB Open Event “Tax Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Transactions”

The AEB Intellectual Property Committee and the AEB Taxation Committee are pleased to invite you to their Open Event ”Tax Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Transactions”.


The event will take place on Friday, April 3rd, 2015 at 14:30-17:30 (registration from 14:00) at the AEB Conference center (Krasnoproletarskaya str. 16, bldg. 3, Entrance 8, Floor 4).


The Event will provide a platform for discussion of most important tax aspects of intellectual property transactions including licensing relationships, transfer pricing, free EULAs taxation and others.


For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.


The conference will be conducted in Russian and English. Translation will not be provided.


Please note that sponsorship opportunities are available. Please have a look HERE.


Please contact Irina Ochirova, AEB Committee Coordinator, Tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 115; Irina.Ochirova@aebrus.ru, and Olga Silnitskaya, AEB Committee Coordinator, Tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 119, Olga.Silnitskaya@aebrus.ru, for further information.


Attendance Fees


Fee for representatives of AEB members is free;

Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 3,500 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable.



Contact persons:


Programme and sponsorship: Irina Ochirova, AEB Committee Coordinator,  Irina.Ochirova@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 115; Olga Silnitskaya, AEB Committee Coordinator, Tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 119, Olga.Silnitskaya@aebrus.ru.


Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru  


Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru


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AEB IT-Telecom Committee Open Meeting with our guest speaker Leonid Konik, ComNews group

The AEB IT-Telecom Committee is pleased to invite you to its Open Meeting with our guest speaker Leonid Konik, ComNews group. You will also get an update on the results of the Mobile Congress in Barcelona.

The meeting will take place on Tuesday, March 24, 2015 from 9:30 till 11:00 at the AEB Conference center (Krasnoproletarskaya str. 16, bldg. 3, Entrance 8, Floor 4).

Leonid Konik was born on February 28, 1970 in St.-Petersburg, Russia. In 1995 got his Master’s Degree in Computer Science at St.-Petersburg State Polytechnic University.

On February 1995 joined “Business Petersburg” newspaper (owned by Bonnier Business Press of Sweden) and worked there until June 1998 (the last positions – Editor of News Department and Editor of “Information Technologies” weekly supplement).

In July 1998 became a co-founder of ComNews Group. From that moment and up to now Leonid Konik is acting Editor-in-Chief of all media published by ComNews Group.

Leonid Konik is also a Partner with ComNews Research - research and consulting arm of ComNews group, and a constant moderator of various industrial forums in Russia and abroad, including the events produced by ComNews Conferences.

Please register online for this event.

Working language is English. Russian interpretation will not be provided.

Attendance Fees

Fee for representatives of AEB members is free;

Please note that this meeting is not open to non-members.


Contact persons:

Programme: Svetlana Lomidze, AEB Director for External affairs, Chief Committee Coordinator, MBE Committee coordinator, Svetlana.Lomidze@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.122;

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.


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Annual General Meeting of the AEB North-Western Regional Committee 2015 (AEB NWRC)

We are pleased to invite you to the Annual General Meeting of the AEB North-Western Regional Committee 2015 (AEB NWRC).


The event will take place on March 25th, 2015 starting at 17:00 (registration from 16:30) in the Sokos Hotel Olympia Garden, hall “Athens” (St.Petersburg, Bataisky pereulok, 3A, St. Petersburg).


You are kindly invited to participate in the AEB NWRC Annual General Meeting of the 2015 and exercise your rights as members of the Association of European Businesses (AEB).


The participation in the Annual General Meeting of the AEB North-Western Regional Committee is limited to 1 executive from each of the AEB member company.



The deadline for registration is Monday, March 23, 2015.

We have also invited the representatives of the St. Petersburg administration to the meeting for a brief report on city investment climate and perspectives in new economic realities.


Please have a look at the agenda of the AEB NWRC Annual General Meeting in St. Petersburg in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.


Please be aware that only the AEB Members that have paid their membership fees for 2015 will be allowed to participate in the AGM 2015.


Your participation in the AGM is extremely important. According to our Charter, we must achieve a quorum of 50% of the AEB NWRC members in order for any decisions made at the AGM to be valid.


For more details, please contact Alla Hovhannissyan, AEB North-Western Regional Committee Coordinator, alla.hovhannissyan@aebrus.ru, tel. +7(911) 012-67-46


We look forward to you active participation in the Annual General Meeting!

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AEB Open Event: "Best Practices in health & safety sphere in Russia"

The AEB is pleased to invite you to participate in the round table organised by the AEB Safety, Health, Environment and Security Committee, titled “Best practices in health and safety sphere in Russia”.

The event will be held on March 18th, 2015, from 09:30 am to 11:30 am (registration starts at 9:00), at AEB Conference Centre located at Krasnoproletarskaya str., 16, bld. 3, ent. 8, fl. 4, office 8.

Following the success of events held in 2014 the Committee decided to continue a series of expert meetings designed to provide first-hand information about existing policies, challenges and corporate practices in the sphere of health & safety in a constantly changing regulatory and business environment.

This round table will gather again professionals from diferent industrial sectors who will share their practical experience and offer a starting point for discussion and finding common solutions to existing challenges.

The working language of the event is English.


Event program will be sent out later


Attendance fees:


Fee for representatives of AEB members is free;

Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 3,500 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable.



Contact persons:


Programme: Olga Silnitskaya, AEB SHES Committee Coordinator, olga.silnitskaya@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 119;


Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127;


Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.


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AEB 12th Annual HR Conference "HR fitness: Doing more with less"

The AEB HR Committee is pleased to invite you to its Twelfth Annual HR Conference HR Fitness: Doing More with Less”.


The event will take place on Thursday, April 9th, 2015 at 09:30-17:00 at the Intercontinental Moscow Tverskaya Hotel (ul. Tverskaya 22, Moscow).

Attendance Fees

Fee for representatives of AEB members is 12,000 RUR (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 14,000 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable.


Contact persons:


Programme and sponsorship: Tatiana Morozova, AEB HR Committee Coordinator, Tatiana.Morozova@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.120.

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.

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AEB Annual General Meeting 2015

We are pleased to invite all AEB Members to take part in the AEB Annual General Meeting 2015.


The event will take place on the 22 April 2015 starting at 17:00 (registration from 16:15) in Swissôtel Conference Centre, (Moscow, Kosmodamianskaya nabereshnaya 52 bld. 7, near the House of Music and Swissôtel Krasnye Holmy).


Please note that the online registration is closed. In order to register, you have to download and fill in the registration and proxy form and send it by fax to the AEB office. Please see below for further details.

Please note that we will be accepting all registration and proxy forms until the start of the AGM. 


Your participation in the AGM – either by attending in person or nominating a proxy – is extremely important. According to our Charter, we have to achieve a quorum of 50% of members in order for any decision made at the AGM to be valid.


In particular, members will be given the opportunity to elect the AEB Auditing Commission member.   


Please click on the links below to download the documents:


1.         Agenda of the meeting in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN


2.         Registration and Proxy Form

- If one of your assigned members will participate to the AEB Annual General Meeting on April the 22nd, 2015, please fill in the first two pages, sign it and send it back to the AEB office by fax at + 7 495 234 28 07.

- If none of the assigned members of your company is able to participate to the AEB Annual General Meeting on April the 22nd, 2015, please fill in the three pages of the form, sign it, stamp it and send it back to the AEB office by fax at + 7 495 234 28 07.


3.         Candidate for the AEB Auditing Commission


Please note that if none of the assigned members of your company will participate in the AEB Annual General Meeting 2015 on April the 22nd, 2015, your company will be given the opportunity starting from April the 1st, 2015 to vote for the candidate for the AEB Auditing Commission by the Remote Voting (according to point 5.2.11 of the AEB Charter).


In this case you should send the completed proxy form to the AEB office under fax + 7 495 234 28 07 and request ballots for Remote Voting for the AEB Auditing Commission and related documents. Upon your request the AEB office will send to you the confirmation form and one ballot (for the AEB Auditing Commission election) under your e-mail address. You should complete the respective form according to the instruction and send the completed confirmation form and the ballot by faх to the law firm Gide Loyrette Nouel Vostok by fax +7 495 258 33 24 or by registered mail to 7 ul. Petrovka 107031 Moscow, for the attention of Ms Nadezhda Goncharova before 21st April 2015, 18:00 Moscow time. The ballot, sent by registered mail, should be delivered to Gide Loyrette Nouel Vostok before 21st April 2015, 18:00 Moscow time.


Please be aware that each company has only one vote and that only AEB Members that have paid their membership fees for 2015 will be allowed to vote during the AGM 2015.


For more details, please contact Ruslan Kokarev, AEB Chief Operations Officer, at: 234 27 64 ext. 139/149 or by e-mail: ruslan.kokarev@aebrus.ru.


We look forward to seeing you at this year’s AGM!

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Round Table “New waste management regulation and its impact on business”

The Association of European Businesses is pleased to invite you to its open event “New waste management regulations and its impact on business” organised by the AEB SHES Committee, Environmental Sub-Committee.


The event will take place on Thursday, March 19th, 2015, from 10:00 to 13:15 (registration starts at 09:30), at the AEB Conference Centre (ul. Krasnoproletarskaya 16, bld. 3, entrance 8, 4th floor, office 8).


At the end of December 2014, Russian lawmakers finally approved changes to production and consumer waste legislation that had been under discussion since 2011. Newly introduced changes were aimed at creating economic incentives for incorporating waste products into the marketplace as a secondary material resource. Most of the Federal Law No. 458-FZ, "On amending the Law 'On production and consumer waste,' and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" provisions came into effect on January 1, 2015. On the other hand, the list of specific goods and packaging subject to recycling, normative recycling standards, and the procedures for submitting reports are still to be established by the Government of the Russian Federation. We would like to invite all AEB member-companies to take part in a discussion on the new bylaws prepared by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and listen to the reports on different industries waste recycling experience in the European countries.

For details please see the programme in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.


The working language of the event is Russian. Interpretation will not be provided.

Attendance fees:

Fee for representatives of AEB members is free;

Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 3,500 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. 


Contact persons:

Program and sponsorship: Olga Silnitskaya, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 119; Olga.Silnitskaya@aebrus.ru 

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, Vera.Solovaya@aebrus.ru.

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Briefing on “Latest changes in migration legislation and procedure of application of immigration rules in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region”

The AEB North-Western Regional Committee’s HR & Migration Sub-Committee is pleased to invite you to a Briefing by Elena Dunaeva, Head of Federal Migration Services in St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region on “Latest changes in migration legislation and procedure of application of immigration rules in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region”.


The event will be held on March 03, 2015, 10:00 - 12:00 (registration - at 09:30), and is kindly hosted by the Consulate General of the Netherlands in St. Petersburg (Moika 11, St. Petersburg)


Please register online for this event.


As we have limited number of places, please note that the registration will be closed as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants.

Elena Dunaeva and representatives of the Federal Migration Service in St. Petersburg and LR will brief the audience on the new FMS legislative initiatives in the framework of the Russian migration policy concept implementation for the period up to 2025: upcoming changes in immigration system, as well as practical migration matters, such as new patent system for foreign employees from non-visa countries, notification of the FMS of Russia on dual citizenship, exams for foreign employees, HQS in Representative offices, new rules of employment contracts with a foreign employee, etc. During the event the participants will be provided an opportunity to receive first-hand information and clarify specific issues related to migration regulations within their own organizations. The event should also provide a lively platform for networking.

Born in 1965 Elena Dunaeva in 1986 graduated from Elabuzhskij State Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Philology, qualifying as a teacher of Russian language and literature. In 1998, after graduating from the St. Petersburg State University she was qualified as lawyer. From August 1998 to January 2006 Elena Dunaeva served in the Department of Legal and International Cooperation of the General Internal Affairs Department (GUVD) in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region in positions from senior legal adviser to the deputy head of the department. From December 2006 to April 2009 she served in the GUVD of the city of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region as Head of Legal Support Department. Since May 2009, leads the Federal Migration Services in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region.


The programme of the event is available in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN. The programme is liable to changes upon receipt of final confirmations from the speaker.


The working language of the meeting is Russian; English translation will not be provided. 


Attendance fees:

This event is free of charge.


Contact Persons:


Programme: Alla Hovhannissyan, AEB North-Western Regional Committee Coordinator, Tel. +7-911-012-6746, E-mail: alla.hovhannissyan@aebrus.ru


Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru


Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru

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Briefing by Knut Fleckenstein, Vice-Chairman of the Group of Socialists & Democrats for Foreign Affairs, European Parliament

The AEB is pleased to invite you to participate at a Briefing by Knut Fleckenstein, Vice-Chairman of the Group of Socialists & Democrats for Foreign Affairs, European Parliament.

The briefing will be held on February 16th, 2015, in Moscow, at the AEB Conference Centre, (Ul Krasnoproletarskaya 16, bld.3, entrance 8, 4th floor) from 16:00 till 17:30 (registration starts at 15:30).

Please register for this event online.

Mr. Fleckenstein serves as a Member of the European Parliament for the Social Democratic Party of Germany. He was elected to the European Parliament in 2009, prior to which he had managed the Workers' Samaritan Federation in Hamburg. During his previous term, Mr. Fleckenstein headed the Delegation to the EU-Russia Parliamentary Cooperation Committee. For more information, please have a look at his RESUME.


The program of the event is available in ENGLISH.

The working language of the event is English. Simultaneous translation into Russian will not be provided.

 Attendance fees

Assigned representatives of AEB member companies - free of charge.

Additional representatives of AEB members: 3,850 RUR (+18% VAT);

Representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUB (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable.


Contact person:

Programme: Marie Rondelez, AEB Events Director and Adviser on EU Affairs, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 118, Marie.Rondelez@aebrus.ru

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru      

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru


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AEB Czech EuroReception

The Ambassador of the Czech Republic in the Russian Federation, Mr. Vladimir Remek and the Association of European Businesses are pleased to invite you to an AEB Czech EuroReception.

The Reception will take place on Wednesday 25 February 2015 at the Ambassador’s Residence (Ul. Yuliusa Fuchika 13/14, Moscow), from 19:00 until 21:00.

In order to register, please log on to your personal AEB account at www.aebrus.ru and follow the following link http://www.aebrus.ru/en/aeb-events/detail.php?ELEMENT_ID=1719405 :

Please note that this reception is open to the top management of AEB member companies only and that registration will be closed as soon as the maximum number of participants is reached.

You can download the invitation HERE. Please note that this invitation is personal and not transferrable.

We can accept only one participant from each AEB member company and two participants from each AEB sponsor company.

Сontact persons:

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru , Tel, +7 495 234 27 64 (ext. 127)

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. +7 495 234 27 64 (ext. 149), Vera.Solovaya@aebrus.ru

In view of the security checks at the entrance, we kindly ask that you come along with your invitation and passport. Only registered participants will be allowed to enter the Embassy’s territory.



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Briefing by Konstantin Romodanovsky, Head of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation

The AEB is pleased to invite you to participate at a Briefing by Konstantin Romodanovsky, Head of Federal Migration Service, organized by the AEB Migration Committee.

The briefing will be held on February 16th, 2015, in Moscow, at the AEB Conference Centre, (Ul Krasnoproletarskaya 16, bld.3, entrance 8, 4th floor) from 11:00 till 13:00 (registration starts at 10:30).

Mr. Romodanovsky, and representatives of Federal Migration Service will brief the audience on the new FMS legislative initiatives in the framework of the Russian migration policy concept implementation for the period up to 2025: upcoming changes in immigration system, as well as practical migration matters, such as new patent system for foreign employees from non-visa countries, notification of the FMS of Russia on dual citizenship, exams for foreign employees, HQS in Representative offices, new rules of employment contracts with a foreign employee and other changes to the Labor Code and administrative liability of foreign employees. 

Please be informed, that FMS of Russia and High school of economics based on the RF Government Decree, have issued the questionnaire to monitor the business needs for hiring of foreign specialists in Russia. The questionnaire will be distributed at the Event. Therefore, you are kindly requested to fill in the survey during the Event and give it back to Ksenia Bortnik, AEB Migration Committee coordinator after it. Your opinion is very important.

The program of the event of the event is available in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

The working language of the event is Russian. Simultaneous translation into English will be provided.


 Attendance fees

Assigned representatives of AEB member companies - free of charge.

Additional representatives of AEB members: 3,850 RUR (+18% VAT);

Representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUB (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable.

Please note that the registration will close as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants.


Contact person:

Programme: Ksenya Bortnik, Committees Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 121, Ksenya.Bortnik@aebrus.ru

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru      

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru


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AEB Relocation Conference ”Bringing Expats to Russia”

The Association of European Businesses is pleased to invite you to its Relocation Conference ”Bringing Expats to Russia” organised by the AEB HR Committee, Relocation Sub-Committee.


The event will take place on Tuesday, February 17th, 2015, from 09:00 to 12:00 (registration from 08:30), at the AEB Conference Center (ul. Krasnoproletarskaya 16, bld. 3, entrance 8, 4th floor, office 8).


The AEB Relocation Conference has been held annually during the past seven years and traditionally focused on the latest developments in the areas of property and relocation, corporate relocation policies, settling in Moscow, market for hotels and serviced accommodation, schooling, support systems for families, departure services, immigration and labour law, employment of foreign nationals in Russia, etc. It provides a platform gathering up to 100 professionals to discuss the most actual topics for the branch.


This year, AEB Relocation Conference ”Bringing Expats to Russia” will be a half-day event organized in an interactive format. The conference will consist of three sessions which will focus on latest trends and challenges in the following sectors:


-Session 1: Relocation industry and rental market;

-Session 2: Outbound relocations;

-Session 3: Recent legislative developments in immigration and labour law   


Please register online for this event.


For details please see the programme in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.



The working language of the event is English. Interpretation will not be provided.


Attendance fees:

Fee for AEB members (except Category D Assigned Members) is 4,000 RUB (+18% VAT);

For Category D Assigned Members, this event is free of charge.

Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 5,000 RUB (+18% VAT).

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. 


Contact persons:


Program and sponsorship: Tatiana Morozova, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 120; Tatiana.Morozova@aebrus.ru.

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, Vera.Solovaya@aebrus.ru.

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Briefing by Andrey Nikitin, Director General of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives

The AEB is pleased to invite you to its Open Event: Briefing by Andrey Nikitin, Director General of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives. For more information please have a look at the CV of Mr. Nikitin.


The event will take place on February 13th, 2015 at the AEB Conference Centre (office 8, 4th floor, entrance 8, 16 bld.3, Krasnoproletarskaya st. Moscow), from 10AM to 11:30AM (registration starts at 09:30AM).


Click register online at the event.

The Event is meant to provide the AEB members with key information on the ASI projects of improving business climate in Russian regions, share concerns and ideas regarding possible involvement into the ASI’s instruments.     

The working language of the meeting is Russian; English translation will be provided.


The program of the event of the event is available in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.




Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects was created in 2011 to coordinate the processes of improving national business climate, support business and reform education models. This initiative belongs to Vladimir Putin who remains the chairman of the supervisory board of the Agency.

The Agency makes the life of foreign investors easier. Whenever one wants to start a business in Russia or join an existing project, ASI would be his guide — free of charge. On top of that the Agency puts a lot of effort into creating and maintaining a proper business climate — in each one of 85 Russian regions.

ASI works closely with Russian business associations to provide a much needed support for small and medium sized enterprises. Acting on errand of the President of Russia, the Agency became an influential partner for many – capable of changing things for the better.

Since its appearance ASI holds the functions of think-tank and national coordinator of the activities aimed to facilitate the business processes. Working closely with major consulting companies, business associations and thousands of businessmen in regions, it entrenches the advanced practices of business support and regulation.

One of the Agency’s strategic initiatives is to create a new approach to education. ASI compiled a list of current and future occupations, launched a project of vocational education and started cooperating with Russian federal authorities on creating a whole new system of competencies and qualifications.



 Attendance fees


Assigned representatives of AEB member companies - free of charge.

Additional representatives of AEB members: 3,850 RUR (+18% VAT);

Representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUB (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable.


Contact person:


Programme: Irina Ochirova, Committees Coordinator, irina.ochirova@aebrus.ru Tel. 234 27 64 ext. 115


Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru      


Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru


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AEB Business Mission to Tyumen, 17-18 February 2015

It is with great pleasure that the Association of European Businesses invites you to be a part of the AEB Business mission to Tyumen.


The mission will take place on 17-18 February 2015.


The mission programme includes:


● Meeting with the Governor of Tyumen region Vladimir Yakushev

● Participation in II Tyumen Investment Forum

● Visit to the production sites



Please see the detailed programme in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN as well as the recommended flights and accommodation.




Participation fees:


  • 15,000 RUR (+18% VAT)


Cost includes: Transportation in Tyumen, Business programme, translation services*.

* Transfer from and to the airport is guaranteed if the recommended flights are chosen.


Flight to Tyumen and hotel accommodation are not included in the rate and remain the sole responsibility of the participants.

For more information and registration please contact AEB Regional Development Director, Olga Pavlyuk

at olga.pavlyuk@aebrus.ru , tel. +7 495 234 27 64 (ext 130).

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AEB Open Event: Briefing by Boris Titov, Presidential Commissioner for Entrepreneurs’ Rights Protection

Open Event “Where are we headed? Deoffshorisation, sanctions, the economy and some practical crisis management advice”

The Association of European Businesses is pleased to invite you to its Open Event “Where are we headed? Deoffshorisation, sanctions, the economy and some practical crisis management advice” organised by the AEB Finance and Investments Committee.

The event will take place on Thursday, 12 February 2015, from 09:30 to 12:30 (registration starts at 09:00), at the AEB Conference Centre (ul. Krasnoproletarskaya, 16, bld. 3, entrance 8, floor 4, office 8).

It is critical for businesses to adjust to the new realities of the current situation. It is time to take stock of the challenges facing companies operating in Russia, to take a view on how long and deep the crisis might be and to consider strategies and tactics that might help management navigate the increasingly complex environment. The event will be moderated by Stuart Lawson, AEB Finance and Investments Committee Chairman / Executive Director, EY.

Please register online for this event.

For details please see the programme in ENGLISH.

The working language of the event is English. Simultaneous interpretation will not be provided.

The event is sponsored by EY (silver sponsor).

Attendance Fees:

AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge;

Fee for AEB additional members is 3,850 RUB (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 7,700 RUB (+18% VAT).

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. 


Contact persons:

Programme and sponsorship: Anna Tsiulina, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext.124, at@aebrus.ru.   

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.

Silver Sponsor 

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AEB “Open Doors”

The Association of European Businesses is pleased to invite you to its “Open Doors” event aimed at meeting AEB potential members. 


The event will take place on Thursday, 19th February, 2015, from 9:20 to 12:00 (registration from 9:00), at the AEB Conference Centre (Krasnoproletarskaya 16, bld.3, entrance 8, floor 4, office 8). 



During the event, you will have the opportunity to meet with Frank Schauff, AEB CEO and Antonio Linares, General Director of ROCA in Russia and CIS, AEB Board member as well as ask all questions regarding AEB membership benefits.


Are you looking for                                                                       

-       Networking and visibility,

-       Discovering AEB, its people and opportunities AEB can offer,

-       High quality information from AEB Management,

-       Meeting your business objectives assigned by your shareholders, managers and / or customers,

-       Finding new clients?


Then, don’t miss our AEB Open Doors Speed Dating, on the morning of 19th February, 2015. 


Within an innovative “straight to the point” 10 minutes format, our colleagues will present AEB membership benefits and highlights of AEB Lobbying activities. 


In only one morning you will be connected to the leading Russia operating Western companies.


During speed dating you will be able to meet representatives from the following departments: Membership, Publications, Legal and Regional Development.


Working languages are English and Russian, no translation will be provided



Participation fees: The event is free of charge. 



Programme and registration: Lyudmila Sahakyan, AEB Membership Development Manager Lyudmila.Sahakyan@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234.27.64, ext.117 


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AEB Open Event: Presentation of the Russian Venture Company: ”Opportunities and Mechanisms for Cooperation”

The AEB is pleased to invite you to its Open Event: Presentation of the Russian Venture Company: ”Opportunities and Mechanisms for Cooperation”.


The event will take place on February 6th, 2015 at the AEB Conference Centre (Krasnoproletarskaya ul. 16, bld.3, entrance 8, 4th floor, office 8, Moscow), from 10:00 to 11:30 (registration starts from 09:30).


Please  register online for this event.

The Russian Venture Company (RVC) is a government fund of funds and a development institute of the Russian Federation, one of Russia's key tools in building its own national innovation system.


RVC was established by Russian Government on June 7, 2006. Its mission is to encourage Russia’s own VC industry and boost capital of VC funds. RVC’s mission is to keep in line with the state’s priorities, increase the volume, accelerate the growth, and adjust the areas of development of the Russian venture capital market with the aim of improving the competitiveness of the innovative sector of the country's economy globally.


RVC will be represented by Evgeny Kuznetsov, Deputy CEO, Project Office Director. Mr. Kuznetsov will provide an overview of the venture activities of RVC as well as the possibilities to support small and medium enterprises by RVC with the aim of their integration into the supply chains of the international companies.


Preliminary information can be found in Mr. Kuznetsov’s ARTICLE which was published in the AEB Business Quarterly, Spring 2014 Issue on Innovations and Modernization.


The working language of the meeting is Russian; English translation will provided.


Please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.



Attendance fees


Assigned representatives of AEB member companies - free of charge.

Additional representatives of AEB members: 3,850 RUR (+18% VAT);

Representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUB (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable.


Contact person:


Programme: Irina Ochirova, Committees Coordinator, irina.ochirova@aebrus.ru Tel. 234 27 64 ext. 115


Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru      


Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru

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AEB Open Event: Round Table ”HR Solutions in Uncertain Times: Doing More With Less”

The Association of European Businesses is pleased to invite you to its open event “HR Solutions in Uncertain Times. Doing More With Less” organised by the AEB HR Committee, Assessment, Training and Development Sub-Committee.

The event will take place on Thursday, January 29th, 2015, from 09:30 to 12:30 (registration from 09:00), at the AEB Conference Center (ul. Krasnoproletarskaya 16, bld. 3, entrance 8, 4th floor, office 8).

The event will be moderated by Irina Zarina, Chair of the AEB Assessment, Training and Development Sub-Committee, Managing Director, СEB SHL Talent Measurement Solutions.

The crisis in the economy threatens the company not only with financial problems and loss of its market position but also with the loss of skilled personnel, without whom it is impossible to overcome the crisis. 

Numerous studies have concluded that for people with satisfactory salaries, some non-financial motivators are more effective than extra cash in building long-term employee engagement in most sectors, job functions, and business contexts.

The event ”HR Solutions in Uncertain Times: Doing More With Less” will be devoted to the practices the leading companies apply in uncertain times: non-material reward and motivation, customized and very focused approach in learning and development.

Please register online for this event.

For details please see the programme in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

The working language of the event is Russian. Interpretation will not be provided.

Attendance fees:

AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge;

Fee for AEB additional members is 3,850 RUB (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 7,700 RUB (+18% VAT).

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. 


Contact persons:

Program and sponsorship: Tatiana Morozova, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 120; Tatiana.Morozova@aebrus.ru.

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, Vera.Solovaya@aebrus.ru.


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AEB Open event in Saint Petersburg – ECONOMIC-FINANCIAL OUTLOOK: CHALLENGES AND PERSPECTIVES FOR 2015, Briefing by EBRD and Danske Bank

The AEB North-Western Regional Committee is pleased to invite you to the Open Event in St. Petersburg on ECONOMIC-FINANCIAL OUTLOOK: CHALLENGES AND PERSPECTIVES FOR 2015”, Briefing by EBRD and Danske Bank.


The briefing will take place at the Consulate General of Finland in St. Petersburg (Preobrazhenskaya ploschad', 4, St. Petersburg) on Tuesday, January 27th, 2015 from 10:00 to 12:00 (registration starts at 09:30).


Please register online for this event at


You will have the privilege to hear Peter Tabak, Lead Economist, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and Vladimir Miklashevsky, Helsinki based Economist, Danske Bank


Please have a look at the PROGRAMME attached.


The working language is English. Translation into Russian will not be provided.


Attendance fees:

This event is free of charge.

Contact Persons:


Programme: Alla Hovhannissyan, AEB North-Western Regional Committee Coordinator, Tel. +7-911-012-6746, E-mail: alla.hovhannissyan@aebrus.ru


Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru


Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru

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AEB Events: The Sixth Northern Dimension Forum

Генеральные партнёры:


"...Главный секрет успеха «Северного измерения» -- его функционирование на коллективных началах согласия выработки общеприемлемых подходов..."
(Сергей Лавров, Министр иностранных дел РФ, на брифинге Ассоциации европейского бизнеса 14 октября 2014 г.)

Приглашаем вас принять участие в VI Форуме Северное измерение, организуемом Деловым советом Северного измерения и Ассоциацией европейского бизнеса.

Форум пройдет в отеле Sokos Hotel Olympia Garden 26 марта 2015 года (Санкт-Петербург, Батайский переулок, 3А).

В этом году форум будет посвящен вопросам, связанным с межрегиональным трансграничным сотрудничеством в изменившейся реальности, включая новые подходы к развитию бизнеса в странах Северного измерения. Традиционно особое внимание будет уделено регионам Северо-западного федерального округа РФ и граничащим с ним европейским странам.

Ожидается участие более 300 делегатов.

Ключевыми темами пленарного заседания и круглых столов будут:

  1. Электроэнергетика и энергоэффективность.
  2. Экология и природосбережение.
  3. Профессиональное образование.
  4. Транспорт и логистика.
  5. Медицина и фармацевтика.
  6. Творческие индустрии.

К участию в Форуме также приглашены представители российских и европейских министерств, агентств, региональных администраций, а также российских и иностранных деловых кругов и гражданского общества.

! Обращаем ваше внимание: выездной семинар «Новое в теплоэнергетике и использовании электрического транспорта в городской среде» (Эстония, Таллин и Пярну) переносится на более поздний срок. О новой дате будет сообщено дополнительно. 

Более подробная информация доступна в файлах с программой на русском и английском языке в конце сообщения.

Рабочие языки форума -- английский и русский. Синхронный перевод будет обеспечен.

Стоимость участия:

Для компаний-членов АЕБ и Делового совета Северного измерения участие 1 делегата бесплатно.

Стоимость делегатского места для остальных участников 10,000 RUR (+ НДС 18%);

Оплата осуществляется безналичным путем. После закрытия регистрации стоимость участия не возвращается.


Регистрация: Татьяна Барышева, Координатор мероприятий АЕБ, +7 (495) 234-27-64, доб. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru

Логин и пароль: Вера Соловая, Административный менеджер АЕБ, +7 (495) 234 27 64, доб. 149, vs@aebrus.ru

Серебряный спонсор:





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AEB Annual Press Reception


The AEB is pleased to invite you to the AEB Sponsor event organized by Stupino 1 Industrial Park:” Industrial Park Development Experience in Stupino, Moscow Region”


The event will take place on Thursday, January 29, 2014 at 15:00-17:30 at the AEB Conference room (ul. Krasnoproletarskaya 16, bld.3, entrance 8, 4th floor). Registration starts at 14:30.

 The meeting will be held in English. Simultaneous translation will be provided.


For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH.


Attendance Fees


AEB Members’ participation is free of charge;

AEB Non Members’ participation is free of charge;


Contact persons:


Programme: Valeriy Shatalin, Commercial Director, vs@industrialpark.org ,

tel. : +7 495 518 73 11.


Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru,

tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64 ext. 127.


Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.




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AEB Co-organised Event: Round Tables on “Remote Security” and “Integrated Security Systems” within the frame of the 20th International Exhibition “TB Forum 2015 powered by Intersec”

The AEB is pleased to invite you to participate in the open events organised by the AEB Safety, Health, Environment and Security Committee and Messe Frankfurt RUS within the frame of the 20th International Exhibition “TB Forum 2015 powered by Intersec”.


Round table “Remote security as one of the most dynamic type of private security. Tendencies and perspectives”.

The event will be held on February, 10th, 2015, from 11.30 to 14.00 (registration starts at 11:00) at Crocus Expo, Pavilion 2-8, Hall 3.


The round table will focus on the most important and pressing aspects of the remote security and will be a good platform for discussion for both remote security indusry professionals and service end users. The following topics will be on the agenda of the event:

-       Remote Security as an important aspect of crime prevention in residential sectors and small and medium-sized enterprises;

-       Use of subcontracts for delivery of remote security services;

-       State supporte of small security companies as equal participants of small-sized enterprises market;

-       Could private security firms fill up the gap if state security companies wihdraw from market?


Round table “Integration as an evolution of security systems. Problems of implementation of integrated systems in corporate sector”.

The event will be held on February, 12th, 2015, from 11.00 to 13.30 (registration starts at 10:30) at Crocus Expo, Pavilion 2-8, Hall 3.


Integrated Security Systems concept becomes more interesting among customers. High-tech solutions and wide opportunities allow improving, securing and at the same time simplifying control over many business processes. ISS concept has not been well developed in Russia, yet, and many questions remain unanswered. The round table will be dedicated to both industry start-ups and advanced systems details. You will have a unique chance not only to listen to the high-level professionals reports but also to address your questions to the representatives of manufacturers and integrators, including UTC Fire&Security.


The following topics will be on the agenda of the event:

-       Application areas of the Integrated Security Systems (ISS).

-       Advantages of the use of Integrated Systems in the implementation of security and safety means.

-       Trends in the ISS in Russia.

-       Difficulties, complexity, disadvantages.


The working language of the event is Russian. Translation into English will be provided.



How to Participate:

Please write a request for participation to Alena Chulkova at Alena.Chulkova@russia.messefrankfurt.com or by tel: +7 495 649 87 75.


Attendance fees:

The event is free of charge.

Forum’s program: Olga Silnitskaya, AEB SHES Committee coordinator olga.silnitskaya@aebrus.ru+ 7 495 234 27 64, ext. 119


Registration: Alena Chulkova, Messe Frankfurt Head of Forum Management at Alena.Chulkova@russia.messefrankfurt.com, +7 495 649 87 75.



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AEB Business Meeting: "Labour migration – results and perspectives"

The AEB Migration Committee is pleased to invite you to the Business Meeting: ”Labour migration: year  results and perspectives” with participation of the Federal Migration Service representatives.

The event will take place on Friday, December 19, 2014 at 10:00-12:00 at the AEB Conference Centre (ul. Krasnoproletarskaya 16, bld.3, entrance 8, 4th floor). Registration starts at 9:30.

Please register on line for this event.

The traditional year-end event will cover recent legislative developments in migration sphere, new initiatives introduced in legislation, in particular, the new patent system for foreign employees from non-visa countries, draft law on migration control, as well as practical migration matters, such as notification of the FMS of Russia on dual citizenship, requirement of biometric personal data, exams for foreign employees, changes to the Labor Code and etc.

The meeting will be held in Russian. Simultaneous translation will be provided.

For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN


We apologize for short notice and any inconvenience. 


Attendance Fees

AEB Members’ participation is 3,000 RUR (+18% VAT);

AEB Non Members’ participation is 4,000 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made through bank transfer. Once the payment is made, the fee is not refundable.


Contact persons:

Programme: Ksenia Bortnik, AEB Migration Committee Coordinator, ksenya.bortnik@aebrus.ru,

tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64 ext. 121.

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru,

tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64 ext. 127.

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.


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8th Press Conference of the AEB Automobile Manufacturers' Committee “REVIEW 2014”

Platinum sponsor

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AEB Winter Cocktail

The Association of European Businesses is pleased to invite you to its Winter Cocktail.

The event will take place on Tuesday January 20th, 2015, from 19:00 to 23:00, in the Restaurant Pavillion on Patriarch Ponds (Bolshoy Patriarshy per. 7, Moscow).

Please register online for this event.

This cocktail is the first networking event after the Christmas break and shall open the new business year. Representatives of Russian official bodies (Ministries, Agencies, Federal Migration and Customs Services, etc.) as well as European officials – Delegation of the European Union and European Embassies are invited to this event.


Please have a look at the sponsorship packages:




Fees are as follows:

Tickets for AEB Member companies: 5,500 RUR (+18% VAT) per person.

Non-member companies pay 6,500 RUR (+18% VAT) per person.

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable.


Contact persons:

Programme and Sponsorship:

Marie Rondelez, AEB Events Director, Marie.Rondelez@aebrus.ru, Mobile: + 7 (903) 715-42-16

Natalia Trembovetskaya, AEB Head of membership & Sales, Natalia.Trembovetskaya@aebrus.ru Mobile: +7 (906) 057-23-89


Registration online:

Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru Tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.127 

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AEB Open event in Saint Petersburg – “Briefing of the First Deputy Head of the North-Western Customs Department on Customs Control, a customs service Major General, Yuri Lyamkin on “News of the customs legislation and practice"

The AEB North-Western Regional Committee’s Customs, Transport & Logistics Subcommittee and the AEB Moscow Customs & Transport Committee are pleased to invite you to its Open Event in St. Petersburg: Briefing of the First Deputy Head of the North-Western Customs Department on Customs Control, A Customs Service Major General, Yuri Lyamkin on “News of the Customs Legislation and Practice”.


The event will be held on Friday, December 19th, 2014, from 11:00 to 12:30 (registration will begin at 10:30), at DLA Piper office in St. Petersburg (4th floor, Singer business centre, 28 Nevskij pr., St Petersburg).


Please register for this event online.


The open event will focus on:

1.     - Categorization of participants of foreign trade: a practical approach FCS / SZTU.

2.    -  AEO - enforcement practice in the region.

3.    -  Checking of the correctness of the declared customs value and the HS code - the practice of customs checks by the customs authorities of SZTU.

4.    -  The use of information technology for customs declaration - current status and prospect


The representatives of the responsible structural units of SZTU will also attend the briefing and clarify corresponding issues.


The programme of the event is available in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN. The programme is liable to changes upon receipt of final confirmations from the speakers.


The working language of the meeting is RUSSIAN. Interpretation will NOT be provided.  


The event should provide a lively platform for discussion and exchange of practical experience, concerns and discussions.


As we have limited number of places, please note that the registration will be closed as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants.


Attendance fees:


Participation of 2 (two) top management representatives (equal to AEB Assigned Members) from the AEB member companies is free of charge;

Fee for additional representatives from member companies (equal to of AEB Additional Members): 3,850 RUR (+ 18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUR (+ 18% VAT);


Your registration will be valid only upon receipt of payment. All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable.


Contact Persons:


Programme: Alla Hovhannissyan, AEB North-Western Regional Committee Coordinator, Tel. +7-911-012-6746, E-mail: alla.hovhannissyan@aebrus.ru


Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru


Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru

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AEB Taxation Committee Business Meeting: ”Is the Russian Tax Reform at an end?”

The AEB Taxation Committee is pleased to invite you to the Business Meeting: ”Is the Russian Tax Reform at an end?”.

The event will take place on Wednesday, December 17, 2014 at 09:00-13:00 at the Ararat Park Hyatt hotel, Hall “Sargsyan” (4, Neglinnaya str., Moscow). Registration starts at 8:30.

Please register online for this event.

The traditional end-of-the-year event will cover recent legislative developments in tax sphere, new taxation initiatives introduced by the Russian Government, as well as practical tax matters, such as VAT on bonuses, inventory losses, interesting court practices, etc.

Mr. S. Shatalov, Deputy Minister of Finance of the RF will be our distinguished guest.

Simultaneous translation will be provided.

For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN

Attendance Fees

AEB Members’ participation is 8,000 RUR (+18% VAT);

AEB Non Members’ participation is 9,000 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made through bank transfer.


Contact persons:

Programme: Julia Kucherova, AEB Taxation Committee Coordinator, Julia.Kucherova@aebrus.ru,

tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64 ext. 150.

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru,

tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64 ext. 127.

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.

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AEB Open Events: Round Table ”Meet the Media”with Yulia Yarosh, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the business newspaper “RBC Daily”

The Association of European Businesses is pleased to invite you to its open event “Meet the Media” with Yulia Yarosh, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the business newspaper “RBC Daily”.

The event will take place on Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014, from 10:00 to 12:00 (registration from 09:30), at the AEB Conference Center (ul. Krasnoproletarskaya 16, bld. 3, entrance 8, 4th floor, office 8).

In the first part of the event Yulia Yarosh will deliver a presentation devoted to the latest changes in the structure of the RBK publishing house and the company’s new communication approaches applied in the new realities. The second part of the event will be held in the form of a questions & answers session. The event will be moderated by Igor Reichlin, Chair of the AEB PR & Communications Committee, Managing Partner, Reichlin & Partners LLC.

“RBC Daily” is a daily analytical newspaper, part of the RBC media group. The paper presents an analysis of trends in various sectors of the Russian economy and is daily read by 80,000-110,000 Internet users. The circulation of the paper version of newspaper, which comes out 5 days a week, is 80,000 copies. 


Please register for this event online.

For details please see the programme in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.


The working language of the event is Russian. Interpretation will not be provided.


Attendance fees:

AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge;

Fee for AEB additional members is 3,850 RUB (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 7,700 RUB (+18% VAT).

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. 


Contact persons:


Program and sponsorship: Tatiana Morozova, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 120; Tatiana.Morozova@aebrus.ru.

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, Vera.Solovaya@aebrus.ru.

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AEB Open event in Saint Petersburg – World Bank Briefing

Following a well-established tradition, the AEB North-Western Regional Committee is pleased to announce the next World Bank briefing based on the World Bank’s “Russia Economic Report #32” titled “Policy Uncertainty Clouds Medium-Term Prospect”.

The briefing will take place at the Consulate General of the Netherlands in St. Petersburg (Moika Nab. 11, St. Petersburg) on Friday, December 5th, 2014 from 15:30 to 17:30 (registration starts at 15:00).

Please register for this event online using the form below or by entering your AEB personal account.

You will have the privilege to hear Birgit Hansl, Lead Economist, Country Sector Coordinator for the Russian Federation.

This time the Russia Economic Report #32 will focus on:

  • Recent Economic Developments
  • Economic Outlook
  • In Focus: Paths to Diversified Development in Russia

 Please have a look at the PROGRAMME.


The working language is English. Translation into Russian will not be provided.


 Attendance fees:

This event is free of charge.

Contact Persons:

Programme: Alla Hovhannissyan, AEB North-Western Regional Committee Coordinator, Tel. +7-911-012-6746, E-mail: alla.hovhannissyan@aebrus.ru

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru

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AEB Sponsor Event: ORANGE BUSINESS SERVICES “Managed Mobility for Business”

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The AEB is pleased to invite you to take part in the ORANGE BUSINESS SERVICES Sponsor Event devoted to “Managed Mobility for Business”.

The event will take place on December 5th, 2014 at 09:30 (registration starts at 09:00) in the AEB Conference Centre (Ul. Krasnoproletarskaya 16, bld. 3, entrance 8, 4th floor).

Please click HERE to register for this event.

Today, every employee has a mobile phone, tablet and/or laptop. Solutions allowing working remotely become more widespread. Independently of your location, it allows employees to be available and have full access to corporate systems from different kind of devices, including private.

At the same time, companies have to deal with questions such as how to organize remote working from security and cost optimization points of view and how to ensure the safety of corporate data stored on employees mobile devices. Finally CIOs and CFOs are looking for effective corporate mobile expense management and business process optimization.

This open event is intended for General Directors, IT-Directors and Financial Directors who are willing to learn more on those issues.

For more information, please have a look at the PROGRAMME.

The event will be held in English, interpretation will not be provided.

Participation fee:

The event is free of charge.

Contact persons:

Programme : Tatyana Romanova, Operational Marketing Manager, Tel.:+7 (495) 777 0800 ext. 5815, email: tatyana.romanova@orange.com     


Registration on-line: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, Tel.: +7495 234 27 64, ext. 127, e-mail: Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.

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AEB Open Event: "Presentation of the Investment potential of the Tyumen region"

AEB Southern Regional Committee Open Event: Conference “Social Investment as a Factor of Sustainable Development of the Business and the Region”



The event will take place on Wednesday December 3rd, 2014 at 14:00-17:00 at the Hotel “Intourist” (Krasnodar, Krasnaya str. 109).


The conference will focus on social investments of businesses. The programme of the conference consists of two sessions:

1.     Business as a social partner in the development of the regional community

2.     Business as an engine for social-economic growth of the region.


The conference will be conducted in Russian, translation into English will not be provided. 


For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN (please, kindly note that it is liable to slight changes upon receipt of final confirmations from the speakers).


Please register for this event online using the form below or by entering your AEB personal account.


Attendance Fees

Participation in the conference is free


Contact persons:

Programme: Juliana Perederiy, AEB Southern Regional Committee Coordinator, Tel. +7 (918) 416 93 23, Juliana.Perederiy.aeb@bk.ru.

Registration on-line: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, Tel.: +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysehva@aebrus.ru .

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru  

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The AEB North-Western Regional Committee’s Legal & Tax Subcommittee is pleased to invite you to the Open Event in St. Petersburg on “RECENT AMENDMENTS TO CORPORATE LAW: PRACTICAL ASPECTS ”.

The event will be held on Wednesday, November 26th, 2014, from 10:00 to 12:30 (registration will begin at 09:30), at Corinthia Hotel St. Petersburg, Hall “Landskrona”, 8th floor (Nevskij Prospekt, 57).

Please register online  for this eventusing the form below or by entering your AEB personal account.

The open event will focus on main amendments to corporate law, which will come in force in 2015; new rules on shareholders' agreements: impact on existing and new joint venture projects; new procedure for accrediting branches and representative offices of foreign legal entities in 2015; latest amendments to the legislation on restructuring (reorganization and liquidation). Also, a panel discussion on the practice of transferring shareholder register to a specialized registrar in terms of practical issues and peculiarities for foreign shareholders, in particular, related to the recent amendments of the law will be organized.

The programme of the event is available in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN . The programme is liable to changes upon receipt of final confirmations from the speakers. 

The working languages of the meeting is RUSSIAN. Interpretation will NOT be provided.  

The event should provide a lively platform for discussion and exchange of practical experience, concerns and discussions.

As we have limited number of places, please note that the registration will be closed as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants.

Attendance fees:

Participation of 2 (two) top management representatives (equal to AEB Assigned Members) from the AEB member companies is free of charge;

Fee for additional representatives from member companies (equal to of AEB Additional Members): 3,850 RUR (+ 18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUR (+ 18% VAT);

Your registration will be valid only upon receipt of payment. All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable.

Contact Persons:

Programme: Alla Hovhannissyan, AEB North-Western Regional Committee Coordinator, Tel. +7-911-012-6746, E-mail: alla.hovhannissyan@aebrus.ru

Registration : Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru


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AEB Open Event: "Health and Safety in the Energy Sector"

The AEB is pleased to invite you to participate in its Open event organised by the AEB Safety, Health, Environment and Security Committee, “Health and Safety in the Energy Sector”.

The event will be held on November 19th, 2014, from 09:00 am to 11:00 am (registration starts at 8:30), at the AEB Conference Centre (Krasnoproletarskaya str., 16, bld. 3, ent. 8, fl. 4, office 8).

This open event will focus on best corporate practices in health and safety in the energy sector.

The working language of the event is English. Interpretation will not be provided.

For further details, please have a look at the event’s agenda in ENGLISH.

Please register for this event online using the form below or by entering yur AEB personal account.

Attendance fees:

Fee for representatives of AEB members is free;

Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 3,500 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable.



Contact persons:

Programme: Olga Silnitskaya, AEB SHES Committee Coordinator, olga.silnitskaya@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 119;

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127;

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.


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AEB HR Committee’s Business Meeting: “Overview of Salary Surveys in Russia”

The Association of European Businesses is pleased to invite you to the business meeting ”Overview of Salary Surveys in Russia”, organized by the AEB Compensations & Benefits Sub-Committee of the AEB HR Committee, which will take place on Thursday, November 13th, 2014, from 09:30 to 11:00 (registration from 09:30), at the AEB Conference Centre (Krasnoproletarskaya 16, bld.3, entrance 8, floor 4, office 8). The event will be moderated by Ekaterina Kibis. Chair of the Compensation & Benefits Sub-Committee, Manager, Tax & Law Department, Human capital Group, EY.

The event which has been held annually for the past seventeen years, follows the format of a panel discussion. All the major providers of salary surveys in Russia including EY, PwC, HayGroup and Human Capital Solutions are invited as speakers and will take part in the event.

Please register on line using the form below or by enetreing your AEB personal account.

For details please see the programme in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

The working language of the event is English. Interpretation will not be provided.

Attendance fees:

Fee for AEB members is 4,000 RUB (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 5,000 RUB (+18% VAT).

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. 

Registration will close on 11 November at 16:00.



Contact persons:

Program and sponsorship:

Tatiana Morozova, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 120; Tatiana.Morozova@aebrus.ru.

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatyana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, Vera.Solovaya@aebrus.ru.


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AEB Legal Committee Business Meeting: “In-house Counsel Day”

The AEB Legal Committee is pleased to invite you to its business meetingIn-house Counsel Day”.

The event will take place on Friday, November 21st, 2014 at 10:00-14:00 (registration starts at 09:30) at the Hotel Hilton Leningradskaya (ul. Kalanchevskaya, 21/40, Hall Leningrad).

Please register for this event using the form below or by entering your AEB personal account.

In-House Counsel Day is a Legal Committee open event which provides a unique opportunity to general counsels and senior in-house lawyers to share their experience and challenges they face and discuss such topics as legal department management, interaction with regulators, litigation, ethics and compliance issues. Please note that this is already a second event following a very successful In-house Counsel Day which took place in November last year.

Working languages: Russian and English. Simultaneous translation will be provided.

For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN

Please note that sponsorship opportunities are open. Please click HERE for more details.

Attendance Fees

AEB Members’ participation is 7,000 RUR (+18% VAT);

AEB Non Members’ participation is 8,000 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made through bank transfer. Once the payment is made the sum is not refundabale.

Please note that the registration will close on 19 November 2014 at 16:00.


Contact persons:

Programme and Sponsorship: Irina Ochirova, AEB Committee Coordinator, Irina.Ochirova@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.115

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.


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AEB German EuroReception

The Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in the Russian Federation, Mr. Rüdiger Freiherr von Fritsch and the Association of European Businesses are pleased to invite you to an AEB German EuroReception.

The Reception will take place on Wednesday 12 November 2014 at the Ambassador’s Residence (Ul. Povarskaya 46, Moscow), from 19:00 until 21:00.

In order to see the event, you will need first to log onto your AEB personal cabinet and then choose the event “AEB German EuroReception”.

Please note that this reception is open to the top management of AEB member companies only and that registration will be closed as soon as the maximum number of participants is reached.

Please note that this invitation is personal and not transferrable. Please download the invitation HERE.

We can accept only one participant from each AEB member company and two participants from each AEB sponsor company.

Сontact persons:

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru , Tel, +7 495 234 27 64 (ext. 127)

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. +7 495 234 27 64 (ext. 149), Vera.Solovaya@aebrus.ru


In view of the security checks at the entrance, we kindly ask that you come along with your invitation and passport. Only registered participants will be allowed to enter the Embassy’s territory.


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AEB Open Event: “Mega Moscow – Mega Projects”

The AEB Real Estate Committee is pleased to invite you to its Open Event “Mega Moscow – Mega Projects”.

The event will take place on November 12, 2014 at the AEB premises (Krasnoproletarskaya ul., 16, bld.3, entrance 8, 4th floor, office 8), from 09:00 to 12:00 (registration starts from 08:30).

Please register online for this event using the form below or by entering your AEB personal account.

During the event, specialists will cover such topical issues as:

-       - Strategic development of Moscow oblast

-       - Financing Mega projects

-       - Sports element in a large scale mix-use – Is it an asset or an Encumbrance?

-       - Mega projects full cycle


For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.


Please note that sponsorship opportunities are available for that event. Please contact Saida Makhmudova, AEB Committees Coordinator, Tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 151; Saida.Makhmudova@aebrus.ru for further information.


The working languages of the meeting are English and Russian.


Attendance Fees: 

AEB members’ participation for assigned representatives is free of charge;

Fee for additional representatives of AEB members is 3,850 RUR (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable.


Contact persons:

Programme and sponsorship: Saida Makhmudova, AEB Real Estate Committee Coordinator, saida.makhmudova@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.151.

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.

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AEB Open Event: Presentation and Meeting with the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region

The AEB is pleased to invite you to the Presentation of the Investment potential of the Sverdlovsk Region and meeting with the Governor of the region.

The event will take place on November 10th, 2014 at AEB Conference Center (ul. Krasnoproleraskya, 16 bld. 3 entrance 8, 4th floor,office 8) from 14:30 till 17:00 (registration starts from 14:00).

Please register online for this event using the form below or by entering your personal AEB account.

The discussion will be focused on the Investment Climate, as well as the Industrial potential of the Region.


Speakers at the event will include:

-    Mr. Evgeny Kuivashev,  Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region;

-    Mr. Alexey Orlov, Deputy Head of Administration of the Sverdlovsk Region, Minister of investment and development of the region;

-    Mr. Alexander Petrov, Deputy of State Duma of the Russian Federation

-    Mr. Artemy Kyzlasov, CEO of OJSC SEZ “Titanovaya dolina”

-    Representatives of European companies active in the Sverdlovsk Region


Please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN. The programme is liable to changes upon receipt of final confirmations from the speakers.


Please note that participation is open only to the management of AEB member companies.


The working languages of the meeting are Russian and English. Interpretation will be provided.


Attendance Fees

Assigned representatives of AEB member companies - free of charge.

Fee for additional representatives of AEB members is 3,850 RUR (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 7,700 RUB per (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable.



Contact persons:


Programme: Olga Pavlyuk,  Regional Development Director, olga.pavlyuk@aebrus.ru

Tel.234 27 64 ext. 130


Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru       


Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru 


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AEB Open Event “Association Dynamo Projects”

The AEB Construction Industry and Building Material Suppliers Committee is pleased to invite you to its Exceptional Open Event “Association Dynamo Projects”.

The event will take place on November 6th, 2014 at the AEB premises (Krasnoproletarskaya ul., 16, bld.3, entrance 8, 4th floor, office 8), from 09:00 to 11:00 (registration starts from 08:30).

Mr. Vladimir Pronichev, Chairman of the Association Dynamo will address the AEB members.

You will learn more about the Association Dynamo as well as its investment projects in Russia. A unique chance not to be missed by all those willing to set up contacts and participate in Dynamo’s projects!

For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

Please register online for this event using the form below or by entering your AEB personal account.

The working language of the meeting is Russian. English translation will be provided.


Attendance Fees

AEB members’ participation for assigned representatives is free of charge;

Fee for additional representatives of AEB members is 3,850 RUR (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable.


Contact persons:


Programme:  Saida Makhmudova, AEB Construction Industry and Building Material Suppliers Committee Coordinator, tel.: +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.151, saida.makhmudova@aebrus.ru.


Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru


Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.

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AEB Open Event “Approximation of Customs Union and European Union legislation in the field of energy efficiency labeling”

The AEB Home Appliances Manufacturers Committee and EuropeAid Project 132827 - "Approximation of EU and RF technical regulation and standardisation systems" are pleased to invite you to their open event “Approximation of Customs Union and European Union legislation in the field of energy efficiency labeling”.

The event will take place on Friday, October 24, 2014 from 09:00 till 12:00 at the AEB Conference center (Krasnoproletarskaya str. 16, bldg. 3, Entrance 8, Floor 4). Registration will start at 08:30.

Please register for this event using the form below or by entering your AEB personal account.

The open event will be devoted to questions related to the regulation of energy efficiency labeling in the Customs Union and in the European Union. During this event, you will receive the latest update on the status of development of the draft CU Technical Regulation and the European Union legislation regarding energy efficiency labeling. European Union and Russian experts will give you their conclusions on the comparative analysis between the CU and EU documents.

The meeting will be moderated by Alexey Soldatov, AEB Home Appliances Manufacturers Committee and Han Zuyderwijk, Team Leader of the Program.

Working languages are Russian and English.

For further details, please have a look at the program of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN

Attendance Fees

The event is free of charge.


Contact persons:

Programme: Saida Makhmudova, AEB Home Appliances Manufacturers Committee Coordinator, saida.makhmudova@aebrus.ru  +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.151;

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.

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AEB Open Event: Briefing by Boris Titov, Presidential Commissioner for Entrepreneurs’ Rights Protection

The AEB Finance and Investments Committee is delighted to invite you to participate in the briefing by Boris Titov, Presidential Commissioner for Entrepreneurs’ Rights Protection.

The event will take place on Thursday, 30 October, 2014, from 16:00 to 17:30 (registration starts at 15:30), at the AEB Conference centre (ul. Krasnoproletarskaya, 16, bld. 3, entrance 8, floor 4, office 8).

Please register online for this event using the form below or by entering your AEB personal account.

In order to improve the investment climate in Russia in June 2012 President Putin announced the establishment of a post of Commissioner for Entrepreneurs’ Rights. During the event you will have the opportunity to hear achievements and prospects of the Commissioner two years later. It will also give you a forum to air your thoughts on key investment issues. A unique event not to be missed by all those interested in the development of the investment climate in Russia. The event will be chaired by Frank Schauff, AEB CEO, and Stuart Lawson, AEB Finance and Investments Committee Chairman / Executive Director, EY.

For more information, please have a look at the programme in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

The AEB is collecting questions which will be sent to Mr. Titov before the briefing. You are welcome to forward your questions to Anna Tsiulina, AEB Finance and Investments Committee Coordinator, at anna.tsiulina@aebrus.ru by 23 October 2014.

The working languages of the event are Russian and English. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided.


Attendance Fees:

AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge;

Fee for AEB additional members is 3,850 RUB (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 7,700 RUB (+18% VAT).

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. 


Contact persons:

Programme: Anna Tsiulina, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext.124, at@aebrus.ru.   

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.

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The AEB North-Western Regional Committee in cooperation with the North-Western branch of Russian-German Chamber of Commerce (AHK) is pleased to invite you to the Open Event in St. Petersburg on “Future of Pulkovo Airport and perspectives for businesses”.


The event will be held on Thursday, October 23rd, 2014, from 16:00 to 19:30 (registration will begin at 15:30), at Park Inn by Radisson Pulkovo Airport Hotel (Pulkovskoye Shosse 41, building ZD, St. Petersburg)


Please register online for this event:


New Pulkovo Aiport in St. Petersburg is one of the major PPP projects in Russia. Approximately 4,000 people are currently employed in the airport project; the new airport has 88 check-in desks, 17 gates and 110 aircraft parking positions. This year the number of passengers increased by 15% compared to the same period last year. The expansion works of the airport are still in process. The existing Terminal 1 will be expanded and will be opened in the near future for aviation. During the event you will meet with the management of the new airport, who will present the further plans of extension and perspectives for business community of the region. There will be also a tour to the Terminal 1, which is currently being expanded and a networking reception at the end of the event.


The programme of the event is available in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN. The programme is liable to changes upon receipt of final confirmations from the speakers. 


The working languages of the meeting is ENGLISH. Interpretation will NOT be provided.  


The event should provide a lively platform for discussion and exchange of practical experience, concerns and proposals


As we have limited number of places, please note that the registration will be closed as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants.


Attendance fees:


Participation of 2 (two) top management representatives (equal to AEB Assigned Members) from the AEB member companies is free of charge;

Fee for additional representatives from member companies (equal to of AEB Additional Members): 3,850 RUR (+ 18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUR (+ 18% VAT);


Your registration will be valid only upon receipt of payment. All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable.

Contact Persons:


Programme: Alla Hovhannissyan, AEB North-Western Regional Committee Coordinator, Tel. +7-911-012-6746, E-mail: alla.hovhannissyan@aebrus.ru


Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru


Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru

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AEB Taxation Committee Business Meeting "Deoffshorization - Taxation Aspects"

The event will take place on Wednesday, October 29th, 2014 at 08:30-13:30 at the Ararat Park Hyatt hotel, Hall “Sargsyan” (4, Neglinnaya str.).


Please register for this event using the form below or by entering your AEB personal account.


The open event will focus on tax aspects of the recent deoffshorization campaign, we plan the round table discussion with participation of Mr. S.Shatalov, Deputy Minister of Finance. The taxation experts will provide professional opinion on beneficial ownership concept, CFC and tax residency rules for legal entities and other important tax matters.


Simultaneous translation will be provided.


For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.



Attendance Fees


AEB Members’ participation is 8,000 RUR (+18% VAT);

AEB Non Members’ participation is 9,000 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made through bank transfer.


Contact persons:


Programme: Julia Kucherova, AEB Taxation Committee Coordinator, Julia.Kucherova@aebrus.ru,

+7 (495) 234 27 64 ext. 150.


Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru


Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.


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AEB business meeting ”Stress-Test of Corporate Reputation: A Business Game”

The Association of European Businesses is pleased to invite you to the business meeting ”Stress-Test of Corporate Reputation: A Business Game”, organized by the AEB PR & Communications Committee”.

The event will take place on Tuesday, October 21st, 2014, from 11:00 to 15:00 (registration from 10:30), at the AEB Conference Centre (Krasnoproletarskaya 16, bld.3, entrance 8, floor 4, office 8).

The event will be moderated by Igor Reichlin, PR & Communications Committee Chairman and Managing Partner at “Reichlin & Partners. Reputation Management”.

Please register on-line using the form below or by entering your AEB personal account.

The event entitled Stress-Test of Corporate Reputation: A Business Game” will be an interactive workshop, structured as a role-playing business game. Its participants will form a number of groups, each with a distinct  role that is relevant in a crisis situation. The purpose of this workshop is to provide a vivid overview of communications challenges arising within a company in a crisis situation and to offer ways to organize a corporate response that will minimize reputation damage from such a crisis. This exercise will also give corporate PR practitioners an opportunity to freshen up their crisis communications toolkits and share their experience and insights with their peers within the professional community.

The amount of seats is limited; registration will be closed as soon as the maximum number of participants is reached.

For details please see the programme in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

The working language of the event is Russian. Interpretation will not be provided.

Attendance fees:

Fee for AEB members is 4,000 RUB (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 5,000 RUB (+18% VAT).

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. 


Contact persons:

Program and sponsorship: Tatiana Morozova, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 120; Tatiana.Morozova@aebrus.ru.

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatyana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, Vera.Solovaya@aebrus.ru.

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World Bank Briefing based on the World Bank’s Russia Economic Report #32: “Policy Uncertainty Clouds Medium-Term Prospect”

Following a well established tradition, the AEB is pleased to announce the next World Bank briefing based on the World Bank’s “Russia Economic Report #32” titled “Policy Uncertainty Clouds Medium-Term Prospect”.

The briefing will take place at the Residence of the British Ambassador in Moscow (Sofiyskaya Naberezhnaya, 14) on Tuesday 7 October 2014 from 10:00 – 12:00 (registration from 09:30).

Please register on line for this event using the form below or by entering your AEB personal account.

You will have the privilege to hear Birgit Hansl, Lead Economist, Country Sector Coordinator for the Russian Federation and Sergei Ulatov, Senior Economist.

This time the Russia Economic Report #32 will focus on:

  • Recent Economic Developments
  • Economic Outlook
  • In Focus: Paths to Diversified Development in Russia

Please have a look at the PROGRAMME.


The working language is English. Translation into Russian will not be provided.


Attendance Fees

AEB members’ participation for assigned representatives is free of charge;

Price for additional representatives of AEB members is 3,850 RUR (+ 18 % VAT);

Price for representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUR (+ 18 % VAT);

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable.



N.B. Please bring an ID with you for security checks at the entrance.


Please note that the registration will close as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants and that in any case we will not accept any more participants after 3 October 2014 at 12.00 PM.

Contact person:

Programme: Marie Rondelez, AEB Events Director, +7 495 234 27 64 (ext. 118), Marie.Rondelez@aebrus.ru

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, +7 495 234 27 64 (ext. 127), Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru


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AEB Co-organised Event: The International Forum «Building Automation and Energy Efficiency 2014»

The Association of European Businesses (AEB) is pleased to invite you to the International Forum «Building Automation and Energy Efficiency 2014», organized by the AEB and Messe Frankfurt RUS, that will take place November 13th, 2014 in Expocentre, within the international exhibition “Interlight Moscow powered by Light+Building 2014” (November 11-14, 2014; Expocentre, Moscow, Russia).

Energy efficiency is a topical issue in the context of Building Automation exposition. "Building Automation and Energy Efficiency" International Forum covers the core subjects of the industry.

The main theme of the III International Building Automation and Energy Efficiency Forum 2014 is “Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings – Why and How it Can Happen in Russia”.

For the first time in the frame of the Forum will be organised a parallel speed-dating event with some companies, members of Association of European Businesses in Russia. 10-minute direct personal meetings with the representatives of AEB member companies from the Energy Efficiency Committee will give you the opportunity to get acquainted with their solutions in the sphere of energy efficiency and share their experience. Speed-dating meetings will start after the Forum sessions. In order to prepare your personal time-table, please tick the boxes of the companies whom you wish to meet in the application form.

The Forum will provide the overview of the industry, its development prospects, problems and possible solutions. Get “first hand” information on issues like:

-       Global Energy Efficiency Solution for Commercial Buildings

-       Energy-Efficiency Solutions for Heating & Cooling of Commercial Buildings

-       Approach, Structure and Application of Energy Efficiency in Hotels

-       Commercial Buildings Lighting Management, Practical Energy Saving Solutions


For more information, please have a look at the programme of the Forum in ENGLISH AND RUSSIAN.

Partnership opportunities are available. Please get more information on the sponsorship packages by clicking HERE.

How to Participate:

Please fill in the registration form in RUSSIAN or ENGLISH and send it to Alena Chulkova at Alena.Chulkova@russia.messefrankfurt.com or by fax: +7 495 649 87 85. Should you have any questions, please call +7 495 649 87 75.

Attendance fees:

The event is free of charge.


Interpretation English/Russian will be provided.

Contact persons:

Forum’s programme: Svetlana Lomidze, AEB Director for External Affairs, svetlana.lomidze@aebrus.ru, + 7 495 234 27 64, ext. 122

Registration and sponsorship: Alena Chulkova, Messe Frankfurt Head of Forum Management at Alena.Chulkova@russia.messefrankfurt.com, +7 495 649 87 75 .


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AEB Open Event: Briefing by Vygaudas Usackas, Head of the EU Delegation to Russia

The AEB is pleased to invite you to take part in a Briefing by H.E. Mr. Vygaudas Ušackas, Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Russia dedicated to the current situation between the European Union and Russia.

This meeting will take place on September 22nd, 2014 at the AEB Conference Hall (Ul. Krasnoproletarskaya, 16, bld. 3, entrance 8, 4th floor, Moscow), from 15:30 till 17:00 (registration starts at 14:45).

Please register for this event using the form below or by logging in your AEB personal cabinet.

Please note that this invitation is personal and not transferrable. The number of seats being limited, the registration will be closed as soon as the maximum number of participants is reached.

Contact persons:

Programme: Marie Rondelez, Events Director, EU Affairs Adviser, tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 118, Marie.Rondelez@aebrus.ru

Registration on-line: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.   

AEB Open Event: Briefing by Sergey Lavrov, RF Minister of Foreign Affairs
The registration will open on 29 September 2014.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that we will accept only one representative from each AEB Member company and two - from AEB Sponsor companies. This event is closed for non-members.

The Association of European Businesses is pleased to invite you to a briefing by Sergey Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

The event will take place on Tuesday, October 14, 2014, from 11:15 to 12:30 (registration starts at 10:15) at the Hotel Radisson Royal (Ukraina) Moscow, Column hall, Kutuzovsky pr., 2/1.

Please click register online for this event by entering through your personal AEB Account.

The briefing will be conducted in Russian; English translation will be provided.

The meeting with Minister Lavrov is the continuation of a long-standing tradition at the AEB – every two years, our members meet one of the highest ranking and most popular person within the Russian government and are briefed on the international situation, the Russian foreign policy and its choices, as well as the perspectives of EU-Russian cooperation, both at the economic and political levels.

This time, Minister Lavrov will address the AEB members on the current political situation, the impact of the EU sanctions on the process of cooperation on the European continent.

The AEB would like to take this opportunity to once again express its most sincere gratitude to the Minister for maintaining this highly valued and fruitful cooperation. The Association is most appreciative of the effort made by Mr. Lavrov to find time in his busy schedule to meet with representatives of the European business in Russia. 

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that we will accept only one representative from each AEB Member company and two - from AEB Sponsor companies. This event is closed for non-members.

Please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

Attendance fees

Assigned representatives of AEB member companies - free of charge.

Additional representatives of AEB members: 3,850 RUR (+18% VAT);

Representatives of non-member companies: not admissible

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable.


Contact persons:

Programme: Svetlana Lomidze, AEB Director for External Affairs, Chief Committee Coordinator, tel. +(495) 234 27 64, ext. 122, svetlana.lomidze@aebrus.ru,

Registration on-line: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.   

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru

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AEB Open Event: Briefing by Igor Artemiev, Head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation

The AEB is pleased to invite you to a Briefing by Head of the RF Federal Antimonopoly Service Igor Artemiev, organized by the AEB Legal Committee.


The event will take place on September 23rd, 2014 at the AEB Conference Room, from 15:00 to 16:00 (registration starts from 14:30).

Mr. Artemiev graduated from St. Petersburg State University in biology (diploma, 1983) and legal studies (1998, PhD). 


In 1990 Mr. Artemiev was elected to the Leningrad City Council where he was Chairman of the Committee on Environment and Urban Affairs. In 1995 he became Chairman of the Committee on Urban Affairs and Chairman of the Budget Committee of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg. From 1996 to 1999 Mr. Artemiev held a position of First Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg and Chairman of the Finance Committee of the City Administration. In 1999 he became Head of the Economic and Political Research Fund «EPICenter - St. Petersburg».


In December 1999 Mr. Artemiev entered the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the third convocation. In the State Duma, he was Deputy Chairman of the “Yabloko” fraction and Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Credit organizations and Financial Markets.


Igor Artemiev was appointed to the position of Head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service on March 10th, 2004.


The Association of European Businesses highly appreciates the fact that Mr. Artemiev always finds time in his busy schedule to hold up the tradition of regular meetings with representatives of European companies in Russia.


For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN


The working language of the meeting is Russian; English translation will be provided.



Attendance fees


Assigned representatives of AEB member companies - free of charge.

Additional representatives of AEB members: 3,850 RUR (+18% VAT);

Representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUB (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable.


Contact persons:


Programme: Irina Ochirova, Committees Coordinator, Irina.Ochirova@aebrus.ru Tel. (495) 27 64 ext. 115


Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru     


Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, Vera.Solovaya@aebrus.ru

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AEB Open Event: Engineering in Industrial Sector as a Key Factor of Development
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AEB Open event in Saint Petersburg – “Market and regulatory update in construction and real estate industry of North-Western Region”

The AEB North-Western Regional Committee’s Construction and Real estate subcommittee is pleased to invite you to its regular Open Event in St. Petersburg on “Market and regulatory update in construction and real estate industry of North-Western Region”.

The event will be held on Wednesday, September 24th, 2014, from 09:30 to 12:00 (registration will begin at 09:00), at the conference hall of DLA Piper in St. Petersburg (Nevskij pr., 28, 4th floor).

Please register for this event using the form below or by entering your AEB personal cabinet.

During the event, specialists will cover such topical issues as:

- Real Estate Investment Activity. Resume of Q1 2014 and forecast

- Structuring of construction projects

- Protection of the interests of investors in construction sector

- Particularities of determination and contestation of the cadastral value of permanent structures

- New ways of developer’s securing obligations under the agreement of participation in shared construction

- Construction site status for foreign companies working in Russia: Tax aspects


The programme of the event is available in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN. The programme is liable to changes upon receipt of final confirmations from the speakers.


The working language of the meeting is Russian. Interpretation will NOT be provided.  


The event should provide a lively platform for discussion and exchange of practical experience, concerns and proposals


As we have limited number of places, please note that the registration will be closed as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants.


Sponsorship opportunities are available. For sponsorship details please contact Alla Hovhannissyan at alla.hovhannissyan@aebrus.ru.


Attendance fees:


Participation of 2 (two) top management representatives (equal to AEB Assigned Members) from the AEB member companies is free of charge;

Fee for additional representatives from member companies (equal to of AEB Additional Members): 3,850 RUR (+ 18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUR (+ 18% VAT);


Your registration will be valid only upon receipt of payment. All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable.


Contact Persons:


Programme: Alla Hovhannissyan, AEB North-Western Regional Committee Coordinator, Tel. +7-911-012-6746, E-mail: alla.hovhannissyan@aebrus.ru


Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru


Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru


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AEB Business mission to Vologda region (Vologda, Cherepovets)


It is with great regret that we inform you that following the request from the Government of Vologda region, we are in the obligation to postpone the Business Mission to Vologda region that was meant to take place on 01-03 October, 2014 in Vologda and Cherepovets


Please accept our deepest apologies for the inconvenience it might cause to you.


We stay at your disposal if you have questions regarding your registration and the reimbursement of your participation fees.


We would inform you about the new date of the mission as soon as it is confirmed.


Contact person:

Reimbursement of participation fees: Olga Andrianova, AEB Accountant, tel.: + 7 (495) 234 27 64 (ext. 125, Email: olga.andrianova@aebrus.ru

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AEB open event organised by the AEB Safety, Health, Environment and Security Committee, titled “Cybercrime: made in Russia”

The AEB is pleased to invite you to participate in an open event organised by the AEB Safety, Health, Environment and Security Committee, titled “Cybercrime: made in Russia”.

The event will be held on September 16th, 2014, from 09.00 to 11.00 a.m. (registration starts at 08:30), at the AEB Conference Centre located at Krasnoproletarskaya str., 16, bld. 3, ent. 8, fl. 4, office 8.   

The SHES Committee is delighted to invite you to take this terrific opportunity to hear about cybercrime in Russia and its implications for business from founder and General Director of Group-IB Ilya Sachkov, a highly respected consultant in the cybersecurity industry. You will be provided with first-hand information on IT security trends and challenges to be considered in a constantly changing digital environment. A unique chance not to be missed by all those willing to be aware of and protected against high-tech threats.

The working language of the event is Russian. Interpretation will not be provided.

For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN, as well as Ilya Sachkov’s short biography in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

Please  register for this event online using the form below or by login into your personal cabinet.

Attendance fees:

Fee for representatives of AEB members is free;

Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 3,500 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable.

Contact persons:

Program: Anna Tsiulina, AEB SHES Committee Coordinator, +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 124, anna.tsiulina@aebrus.ru;

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru;    

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.

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AEB Executive Evening in Novaya Opera

The Director of the Novaya Opera Theatre, Mr. Dmitry Sibirtsev and the Association of European Businesses are pleased to invite you to an AEB Executive Evening at Novaya Opera.

This exclusive event shall gather CEOs of AEB Member companies during an entertaining evening where our guests will have the opportunity to network in the elegant surroundings of the Novaya Opera theatre,  exchange views and impressions after the summer break, listen to the prominent Novaya Opera soloists, Vasily Ladyuk (Baritone), Margarita Nekrasova (Mezzo-Soprano) and Vitaly Efanov (Bass) during a short concert and visit the building and the theatre’s scene during a rehearsal.

The event will take place on Monday, September 8th, 2014 at the Novaya Opera Theatre (3/2 Karetny Ryad, Hermitage Garden, Moscow), from 18:30 until 22:00.

Please note that this reception is open to the CEOs of AEB member companies only and that registration will be closed as soon as the maximum number of participants is reached.

The invitation can be found HERE and is personal and not transferrable.

Сontact persons:

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru , Tel, +7 495 234 27 64 (ext. 127)

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. +7 495 234 27 64 (ext. 149), Vera.Solovaya@aebrus.ru


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The Association of European Businesses is pleased to invite you to its open event  ”HR GAME”, organized by the AEB HR Committee.

The event will take place on 27 August 2014, from 10:00 to 14:00 (registration from 09:30), at the AEB Conference Centre (Krasnoproletarskaya 16, bld.3, entrance 8, floor 4, office 8).

The event will be moderated by Irina Zarina, Chair of the AEB Assessment, Training and Development Sub-Committee, Managing Director, СEB SHL Talent Measurement Solutions.

The event entitled ”HR GAME” will be a business simulation, structured as a business game. The concept of this event was jointly developed by the AEB Assessment, Training and Development Sub-Committee, and by Oleg Zamyshlyaev Lab. The game is designed for HR-managers and for everyone who needs to get the tools of human resource management process, to understand the relationship and the consequences of decisions, work out in the development of management strategies and employee motivation. The participants will form several teams competing in one market and struggling for talent. The participants will have a chance to discuss the outcomes and relate them to the real-life Talent management strategies.

The amount of seats is limited; registration will be closed as soon as the maximum number of participants is reached.

For details please see the programme in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

The working languages of the event is Russian. Interpretation will not be provided.

Attendance fees:

AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge;
Fee for AEB additional members is 3,850 RUB (+18% VAT);
Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 7,700 RUB (+18% VAT).

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. 


Contact persons:

Program and sponsorship: Tatiana Morozova, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 120; Tatiana.Morozova@aebrus.ru.

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatyana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, Vera.Solovaya@aebrus.ru.

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AEB Cocktail "Launching the Business Season"

The Association of European Businesses is pleased to invite you to its Cocktail “Launching the Business Season”.

The event will take place on Monday September 22nd, 2014, from 19:30 to 23:00, in the Hotel InterContinental Moscow – Tverskaya (Ul. Tverskaya 22, Moscow).

Please register online for this event using the form below.

This cocktail is the first networking event after the summer break and shall open the business season. Representatives of Russian official bodies (Ministries, Agencies, Federal Migration and Customs Services, etc.) as well as European officials – Delegation of the European Union and European Embassies are invited to this event.

Please have a look at the sponsorship packages:




Fees are as follows:

Tickets for AEB Member companies: 4,500 RUR (+18% VAT) per person.

Non-member companies pay 5,500 RUR (+18% VAT) per person.

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable.


Contact persons:

Programme and Sponsorship:

Marie Rondelez, AEB Events Director, Marie.Rondelez@aebrus.ru, Mobile: + 7 (903) 715-42-16

Natalia Trembovetskaya, AEB Head of membership & Sales, Natalia.Trembovetskaya@aebrus.ru Mobile: +7 (906) 057-23-89


Registration online:

Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru Tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.127 or

Diana Gizatullina, Conference@aebrus.ru Tel. +7 *495) 234 27 64, ext.128


Hilton Garden Inn.jpg


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AEB Open Event: Challenges to Existing Business Models: IT Legislation Changes

The AEB IT-Telecom Committee is pleased to invite you to its open event “Challenges to Existing Business Models: IT Legislation Changes”.

The event will take place on Thursday, October 23, 2014 from 09:30 till 12:00 at the AEB Conference center (Krasnoproletarskaya str. 16, bldg. 3, Entrance 8, Floor 4). For your convenience, registration will start at 09:00.

Please register for this event using the form below or by entering your personal AEB account.

The Round Table will be devoted to the recent changes in the Russian legislation – Federal Law 242 which will touch a great range of companies, both Russian and foreign.

In July 2014 the AEB Intercommittee Working group was created in order to monitor the situation and to undertake necessary measures helping the AEB members to face a new situation in a better way. Our IT and legal experts will provide the information on different aspects of this law implementation, from specific technological to those of legal interest. The speakers from such companies as Pepeliaev Group, Forma1, and GM-Russia will address the AEB members.  The representatives of partner business organizations – AHK, AmCham, RATEK, RSPP - are also invited to present their points of view.

The meeting will be chaired by Edgars Puzo, Chairman of the AEB IT-Telecom Committee, Chairman of the Intercommittee Working Group on Data Protection, Atos.


Working languages are Russian and English.

For further details, please have a look at the program of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

Attendance Fees

Fee for representatives of AEB members is free;

Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 3,500 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable.


Contact persons:

Programme: Svetlana Lomidze, AEB IT-Telecom Committee Coordinator, Svetlana.Lomidze@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.122;

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.

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AEB Open Event:Talks on the Russian Economy
This February we have launched a new format event “Talks on the Russian Economy” inviting widely known and recognised experts, Russians and foreigners, for discussing the most burning and vital issues for the development of the Russian economy, proposing fine and deep analysis and probably offering some solutions.

We are pleased to invite you to the second round of these talks: "Financial System. Financial Markets. Monetary Policy”.

The participants of the second round are well known and highly appreciated by the AEB members experts – all of them have participated in the AEB Flagship Conferences and have addressed us in various occasions:

Sergey Dubinin, Head of the Supervisory Board, VTB

Natalia Orlova, Chief Economist, Alfa Bank

Evgueny Nadorshin, Senior Economist, AFK Sistema

The event will be chaired by Joerg Bongartz, AEB Board member, Chairman of the AEB Banking Committee, Chairman of the Board, Deutsche Bank, and Frank Schauff, AEB CEO.

The event will take place on October 9th, 2014 at the AEB premises (Krasnoproletarskaya ul. 16, bld.3, entrance 8, 4th floor, office 8), from 11:00 am to 12:30 am (registration starts from 10:30 am).

Please register online for this event by filling in the form below or loging into your personal AEB account.

Please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

The working languages of the meeting is Russian. Interpretation into English will be provided.

Attendance fees

Assigned representatives of AEB member companies - free of charge.

Additional representatives of AEB members: 3,850 RUR (+18% VAT);

Representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUB per (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable.

Contact persons:


Svetlana Lomidze, AEB Director od External Affairs, Chief Committees Coordinator, svetlana.lomidze@aebrus.ru Tel. 234 27 64 ext. 122

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru

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AEB Open Event: Briefing by Bikas Joshi, Senior Resident Representative of the International Monetary Fund in the Russian Federation

The AEB is pleased to invite you to a briefing by Bikas Joshi, Resident Representative of the International Monetary Fund in the Russian Federation - “Economic Policies for Stability & Growth. Discussion on the Findings & Conclusions of the Annual IMF Review of the Russian Economy.

The event will be held on October 15th, 2014, at the AEB Conference Hall (Krasnoproletarskaya ul., 16, bld.3, entrance 8, floor 4, office 7) from 9:30 to 11:00 (registration will start at 9:00 am).

Please register on line for this event using the form below or by entering your personal AEB account.

The AEB is happy to invite you to a meeting with Bikas Joshi, Senior Representative of the IMF in Russia. This event will be the continuation of a most welcome and longstanding six-year tradition. Stuart Lawson from E&Y and Frank Schauff, AEB CEO, will moderate this event and assist Bikas in delivering his brief to all those who will be present.

Please have a look at Mr. Bikas Joshi’s CV HERE.

Please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

The working language of the meeting is English; Russian translation will not be provided

Attendance Fees:

AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge;

Fee for the AEB additional members is 3,500 RUB (+18% VAT);

Fee for non AEB Members.is 7,000 RUB (+18% VAT)

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. 



Contact persons:

Programme: Svetlana Lomidze, AEB Director for External Affairs, Chief Committee Coordinator Svetlana.Lomidze@aebrus.ru, 234.27.64, ext.122,

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru     

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru 


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AEB Business Meeting: "Ukraine-related challenges for business: what to know and how to respond?"

The AEB Legal Committee is pleased to invite you to its business meetingUkraine-related challenges for business: what to know and how to respond?”.

The event will take place on Monday, July 7th, 2014 at 15:00-17:30 (registration starts at 14:30) at the AEB premises (Krasnoproletarskaya ul., 16, bld.3, entrance 8, 4th floor, office 8).

Please register online for this event using the form below.

The event serves as a special platform for in-house lawyers, consultants and other representatives of AEB member-companies to analyze the impact of EU and US sanctions on the economic activities of companies operating in the Russian Federation, discuss problems which the companies face when carrying out their economic activities in Crimea, share their experiences and concerns and get practical advice from experts.

Special discussion points are: US and EU economic sanctions, difficulties of the new legal environment, impact on current business structures, contracts, customs issues, taxation, distribution and logistics problems.

Working languages: Russian and English. Simultaneous translation will be provided.

For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

Please note that sponsorship opportunities are open. Please click HERE for more details.


Attendance Fees

AEB Members’ participation is 4,000 RUR (+18% VAT);

AEB Non Members’ participation is 5,000 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made through bank transfer.


Contact persons:

Programme and Sponsorship: Irina Ochirova, AEB Committee Coordinator, Irina.Ochirova@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.115

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.

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EuroReception at the Embassy of Poland

We would like to thank our sponsors:

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AEB Open Event: ”Social Networks in Business for Internal & External Using”

The AEB IT-Telecom Committee is pleased to invite you to the open event “Social Networks in Business for Internal & External Using”

The event will take place on Tuesday, July 8, 2014 at 09:30-12:00 at the AEB Conference center (Krasnoproletarskaya str. 16, bldg. 3, Entrance 8, Floor 4). For your convenience, registration will start at 09:00.

Please register online for this event using the form below.

OurIT experts will provide information on different aspects of social networks, from specific technological   to those of general interest. The speakers from such companies as Atos, SAP CIS, Ericsson, Antal Russia, Siemens, Leroy merlin will address the AEB members.  

Working languages are Russian and English.

For further details, please have a look at the program of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

Attendance Fees

Fee for representatives of AEB members is free;

Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 3,500 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable.


Contact persons:

Programme: Svetlana Lomidze, AEB IT-Telecom Committee Coordinator, Svetlana.Lomidze@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.122;

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, Tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.

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Round table organised by the AEB SHES Committee “Health & safety practices in Russia: tips from professionals”

The AEB is pleased to invite you to participate in the round table organised by the AEB Safety, Health, Environment and Security Committee, titled Health & safety practices in Russia: tips from professionals”.

The event will be held on July 2nd, 2014, from 09:30 am to 11:30 am (registration starts at 9:00), at AEB Conference Centre located at Krasnoproletarskaya str., 16, bld. 3, ent. 8, fl. 4, office 8.    

This round table will provide case study analysis of concrete situations and lessons to be learnt as well as will focus on best corporate practices in health and safety sphere.

The working language of the event is English.

For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

Please register for this event online using the form below.

Attendance fees:

Fee for representatives of AEB members is free;

Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 3,500 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable.

Contact persons:

Program: Elena Kuznetsova, AEB SHES Committee Coordinator, elena.kuznetsova@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 153;

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.

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AEB Open event: Improvement of incentive mechanisms for the involvement of the European business into R&D in Russia

The AEB Working Group on Modernization and Innovations is pleased to invite you to its open event “Improvement of incentive mechanisms for the involvement of the European business into R&D in Russia”.

The Round Table will be held in cooperation with the Innovation Development Working Group of Foreign Investment Advisory Council (FIAC).

The event will take place on June 30, 2014 at the AEB premises (Krasnoproletarskaya ul., 16, bld.3, entrance 8, 4th floor, office 8), from 15:00 to 17:00 (registration starts from 14:30).

Please register online for this event using the form below.


The event offers a platform for representatives of business and the state (Ministry of Education and Science) to provide the information on the available state support programs, give feedback on opportunities and restrains for business participation at these programs as well as share related experiences. In particular, it is planned to discuss recommendations on changes in the regulatory and legal framework (such as decree No. 218, 220 etc.), on state stimulation of the innovation development with the purpose of facilitation of the involvement of foreign company community into innovation development programs of the Russian Federation as well as to take use of the relative expertise of world leaders, and to contribute to the collaboration in R&D.  

For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

The working language of the meeting is Russian. Interpretation will not be provided.

Attendance Fees

AEB members’ participation for assigned representatives is free of charge;

Fee for additional representatives of AEB members is 3,850 RUR (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable.


Contact persons:


Irina Ochirova, AEB Committee Coordinator, Irina.Ochirova@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.115

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, Vera.Solovaya@aebrus.ru.


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Intellectual Property Rights: Recent trends, court practices, problems and solutions

The AEB Intellectual Property Committee is pleased to invite you to its open event “Intellectual Property Rights: recent trends, court practices, problems and solutions”.

The event will take place on June 26, 2014 at the building of EU Delegation (Moscow, Kadashevskaya naberezhnaya, 14/1), from 9:15 to 15:00. Registration starts at 8:30. 

Please click HERE to register online for this event.

The conference will touch upon key issues in the sphere of intellectual property.

For further details, please have a look at the draft programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

Please note that sponsorship opportunities are available for that event. Please contact Irina Ochirova, AEB Committees Coordinator, Tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 115; Irina.Ochirova@aebrus.ru for further information.

The working languages of the meeting are English and Russian. Interpretation will be provided.

Attendance Fees

AEB members’ participation for assigned representatives is free of charge;

Fee for additional representatives of AEB members is 3,850 RUR (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable.


Contact persons:

Programme and sponsorship:

Irina Ochirova, AEB Intellectual Property Committee Coordinator, Irina.Ochirova@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.115

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, Vera.Solovaya@aebrus.ru.



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AEB Conference: ”Automotive industry in Russia: localization challenges and perspectives”

The AEB is pleased to invite you to an open event “Automotive industry in Russia: localization challenges and perspectives”.


The conference will take place on July 1st, 2014, in Moscow, at the AEB office (Ul. Krasnoproletarskaya 16, bld. 3, entrance 8, 4th floor), from 09:00 to 15:00 (registration will start from 08:30).

The conference will be followed by a buffet lunch.

Please  register online for this event using the form below.

Localization of industrial production in Russia has been a priority topic on the Agenda of the Government of the Russian Federation since many years. OEMs’ programs of suppliers’ support and development, a demand to increase a local content are undoubtedly the most important matters. To be up to date and to keep our members abreast, the AEB will be organizing a one-day conference on automotive industry localization.

Representatives of the RF government, experts, as well as representatives of European companies (OEMs and OESs) doing business in Russia will take part in a discussion focusing on the current situation in the field of localization of the automotive industry; its further perspectives and business response to the present demands.

For more details, please have a look at the programme in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

The working languages of the conference are English and Russian. Simultaneous translation will be provided.

Please note that sponsorship opportunities are still open. Please click HERE for more details.                                                             

Attendance Fees

AEB members’ participation for assigned representatives is free of charge;

Fee for additional representatives of AEB members is 3,850 RUR (+VAT 18 %);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUR (+VAT 18 %);

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable.


Contact persons:

Programme and Sponsorship: Asker Nakhushev, Commercial Vehicles and Autocomponents Committees Coordinator, Asker.Nakhushev@aebrus.ru, tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.116

Olga Zueva, Automobile Manufacturers Committee Coordinator, Olga.Zueva@aebrus.ru, tel.: +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.123

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru Tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.122


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AEB Business Meeting: "Development of the Russian Tax System in 2014 and Prospects for 2015 – 2017"

The AEB Taxation Committee is pleased to invite you to its event Development of the Russian Tax System in 2014 and Prospects for 2015 – 2017.  

The event will take place on Wednesday, June 25th, 2014 at 09:00-13:00 (registration starts at 08:30) at the Ararat Park Hyatt hotel, Hall “Sargsyan” (4, Neglinnaya str.).

Please register HERE for this event.

The event will highlight the recent changes in tax legislation and prospects for the next few years and will provide an excellent platform for discussion and exchange of knowledge by professionals. A number of high level governmental representatives and experts will share their expertise and will give recommendations on important tax matters. In particular, Mr. Sergey Shatalov, Deputy Minister of Finance of the RF and Sergey Belyakov, Deputy Minister of economic development of the RF will be our special guests.

Simultaneous translation will be provided. 

For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

Attendance Fees

AEB Members’ participation is 8,000 RUR (+18% VAT);

AEB Non Members’ participation is 9,000 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made through bank transfer.

Contact persons:

Programme: Julia Kucherova, AEB Taxation Committee Coordinator, Julia.Kucherova@aebrus.ru

+7 (495) 234 27 64 ext. 150.

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.


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AEB Open Event: Round Table ”Internal Communications: Best Practices”

The Association of European Businesses is pleased to invite you to the round table ”Internal Communications: Best Practices”, organized by the AEB PR & Communications Committee”.

The event will take place on Thursday, June 19th, 2014, from 9:00 to 11:30 (registration from 08:30), at the AEB Conference Centre (Krasnoproletarskaya 16, bld.3, entrance 8, floor 4, office 8).

During the event, the following topical issues will be discussed:

-       How and why communications professionals should be leading their organisations’ efforts at building a brighter future;

-       Special projects helping companies to create effective internal communications platforms;

-       What are the most topical challenges for creating internal communications platform in the RF regions on example of the Krasnodar region;

-       Special projects helping companies to create effective internal communications platforms;

-       Engagement as a priority task for internal communications 

Please register HERE for this event.

For details please see the programme in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

The working languages of the event are English and  Russian. Interpretation will not be provided.


Attendance fees:

AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge;

Fee for AEB additional members is 3,850 RUB (+18% VAT);

Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 7,700 RUB (+18% VAT).

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. 


Contact persons:


Program and sponsorship:Tatiana Morozova, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 120; Tatiana.Morozova@aebrus.ru.

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatyana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, Vera.Solovaya@aebrus.ru.

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AEB Open event in Saint-Petersburg: Presentation of the results of the seventh AEB Annual Survey “Strategies and Prospects for European Companies in Russia”

The AEB is pleased to invite you to attend the official presentation of the results of the seventh AEB Annual Survey “Strategies and Prospects for European Companies in Russia”.


The event will take place on Thursday, 19 June 2014, from 09:30 to 11:00 (registration starts at 09:00), at the Consulate General of Finland in St. Petersburg (Preobrazhenskaya pl., 4, St. Petersburg).


Please register online for this event.


For several years, the Survey has been a highly valuable source of first-hand information that gives an overview of the Russian investment climate attractiveness and highlights the key challenges and strategies that impact European companies while doing business in Russia. This year the AEB investigates how the estimations evolved in the context of Russia’s accession to the WTO, economic situation in Europe, crisis in Ukraine and XXII Olympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi.


At the event the key findings of the Survey will be presented. The presentation of the results will be followed by a Q&A session and discussion of the investment climate in Russia.


For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.


The working language of the event is Russian. Simultaneous translation will NOT be provided.


Attendance Fees:


Free of charge.


Contact persons:


Programme: Alla Hovhannissyan, AEB North-Western Regional Coordinator, tel. +7-911-012-6746, ah@aebrus.ru.

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.


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Fifth International Forum “Automotive Industry and Autocomponents Market in Russia”


The Association of European Businesses (AEB) is pleased to invite you to the 5th International Forum, “Automotive Industry and Autocomponents Market in Russia”, organized by the AEB, Messe Frankfurt and ITE Expo, that will take place on August 25th, 2014, in the frameworks of the international exhibition – «MIMS powered by Automechanika Moscow 2014», which will gather key professionals of the automotive industry from August 25th to 28th, 2014 in Expocentre, Moscow (14, Krasnopresnenskaya nab.)

The Forum will address issues and elaborate on business opportunities within the Russian automotive industry. Get first-hand information by taking part in the following sessions of the Forum:

  • The latest policies of the Russian Government in the automotive industry
  • Strategies of the leading OEM
  • Regulatory issues: Customs / VAT challenges and optimization methods, localization issues, waste management, quality management, patent law, IPR aspects, technical regulations
  • Costs optimization on the OEM and supplier level: economic feasibility of localization
  • Supply chain optimization for parts within Russia
  • Improving results of in-dealer service departments.


The Forum offers an opportunity to meet and interact with representatives of the government bodies, potential partners and customers. For more information, please see the draft programmes of the Forum in Russian or English.

Attendance fee:

1 delegate – 30.000 RUR (+VAT);

2nd and any further delegate– 26.000 RUR (+VAT);

Exhibitors of „MIMS powered by Automechanika Moscow 2014” – 24.000 RUR (+VAT);

AEB members – 24.000 RUR (+VAT).

You will also receive a 10% discount if you register for the Forum by 22 June 2014.

Attendance fee includes:

  • 1 day participation in the Forum (simultaneous translation will be provided);
  • Participant’s package of documents, catalogue of the exhibition „MIMS powered by Automechanika Moscow 2014”;
  • Provision of speakers’ presentations (after the Forum);
  • Free of charge visit of the exhibition „MIMS powered by Automechanika Moscow 2014”;
  • С offee-breaks and lunch;
  • Closing reception.

You are also invited to take advantage of the sponsorship opportunities to promote your company’s interests.

How to Participate:

Please fill in the registration form in English or Russian and send it to Alena Chulkova at Alena.Chulkova@russia.messefrankfurt.com

or by fax: +7 495 649 87 85 . Should you have any questions, please call +7 495 649 87 75.

Contact persons on Forum’s program and sponsorship:

Asker Nakhushev,  asker.nakhushev@aebrus.ru  , + 7 495 234 27 64, ext. 116

Julia Bendel, julia.bendel@aebrus.ru, + 7 495 234 27 64, ext. 126

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AEB Sponsor Event organised by YIT Group: "EU and US sanctions and their implications for foreign companies operating in Russia"


The AEB is pleased to invite the top management of AEB Member companies to take part in the YIT Group Sponsor event “EU and US sanctions and their implications for foreign companies operating in Russia”. 

The event will take place on June 4, 2014 at 17:00 (registration starts at 16:30) in the AEB Conference Centre (Ul. Krasnoproletarskaya 16, bld. 3, entrance 8, 4th floor) and will be followed by a cocktail reception. 

Please register online for this event. 

For more information please have a look at the programme in ENGLISH. 

The event will be held in English, interpretation will not be provided. 

Contact person for registration: 
Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, Tel.: +7495 234 27 64, ext. 127, e-mail: Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.


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On 22 May 2014, the Sixth Annual HR Conference "Trends in the field of HR management" organized by the AEB Southern Regional committee took place. Conference was held in a conference room of the Intourist Hotel in Krasnodar and brought together representatives of regional HR community.

This year, the Conference was kindly supported by the AEB HR Committee. Participants of the conference were welcomed by Olga Bantsekina, First Deputy of the AEB Board Chairman and Oleg Zharko, Chairman of the AEB Southern Regional Committee. Igor Brener, HR director of Cargill in Russia, moderated the conference.

Among the conference speakers were HR experts from Moscow, St. Petersburg and Krasnodar, representing companies like JSC Philip Morris Kuban, JSC Cargill, EY, Ancor, Hay Group, Kelly Services, JSC commercial bank Kuban Credit.

Conference participants could learn about main trends in the regional HR market in comparison with the world and Russian markets, hear about innovative solutions in the field of human resource management, discuss roles and problems of HR divisions at the present time, share experience in the area of selection and adaptation, motivation and development of generation "Y" representatives.

Currently, the HR Conference in Krasnodar became one of the best platforms for sharing best practices and discussing topical issues in the HR area.

The AEB sincerely thanks for support JSC Philip Morris Kuban and JSC Cargill as well as information partners Yug-Times and HeadHunter.

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AEB 11th Flagship Conference - “EU-Russia; Where Are We?”
The AEB is pleased to invite you to its 11th Flagship Conference - “EU-Russia; Where Are We?”. 

The conference will take place on June 17th, 2014, in Moscow, at the Hotel Ararat Park Hyatt (ul. Neglinnaya, 4, Moscow, hall Sargsyan), from 09:00 to 13:00 (registration will start from 08:15). 

The conference will be followed by a cocktail reception. 

Please register online for this event. 

At the Conference we will to discuss the current state and perspectives of the EU-Russian economic relations. Would we be able to keep the achievements of previous years? Is the Russian market still attractive for European investors? What was done by the Russian authorities during the last years for improving the investment climate and what should be done? These are some of the key issues that will be addressed at this event. 

For more details, please have a look at the programme below. 

The working languages of the conference are English and Russian. Simultaneous translation will be provided. 

Please note that sponsorship opportunities are open. Please see below for the details.

Attendance Fees:
AEB members’ participation for assigned representatives is free of charge; 
Fee for additional representatives of AEB members is 3,850 RUR (+VAT 18 %); 
Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUR (+VAT 18 %); 
All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. 

Contact persons: 

Programme and Sponsorship: Svetlana Lomidze, AEB Director for External Affairs, Chief Committee Coordinator, Svetlana.Lomidze@aebrus.ru, tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.122 

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru Tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.127





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AEB Open Event: “Intellectual Property and Social Media”
The AEB Intellectual Property Committee and AEB PR-Committee are pleased to invite you to their Open Event “Intellectual Property and Social Media”

The event will take place on April 25, 2014 at the AEB premises (Krasnoproletarskaya ul., 16, bld.3, entrance 8, 4th floor, office 8), from 09:00 to 12:00 (registration starts from 08:30). 

Please register online for this event using the form below. 

During the event, will be covered such topical issues as: 
- Qualification of Intellectual Property infringements in social media 
- Ways of responding to IP infringement claims in social media 
- Corporate social media in the internal communication and PR 
- Russian and European practices of intellectual property in social media 

For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN. 

Please note that sponsorship opportunities are available for that event. Please contact Irina Ochirova, AEB Committees Coordinator, Tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 115; Irina.Ochirova@aebrus.ru and Tatiana Morozova, AEB Committees Coordinator, Tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 120; Tatiana.Morozova@aebrus.ru , for further information. 

The working languages of the meeting are English and Russian. Interpretation will not be provided. 

Attendance Fees 
AEB members’ participation for assigned representatives is free of charge;
Fee for additional representatives of AEB members is 3,850 RUR (+18% VAT);
 Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUR (+18% VAT); 
All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable. 

Contact persons: 

Programme and sponsorship: 
Irina Ochirova, AEB Intellectual Property Committee Coordinator, Irina.Ochirova@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.115, and 
Tatiana Morozova, AEB PR-Committee Coordinator, Tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 120; Tatiana.Morozova@aebrus.ru , 

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru 

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, Vera.Solovaya@aebrus.ru.
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AEB Open Event: “Transport Infrastructure of Moscow: which way?”
The AEB Real Estate Committee is pleased to invite you to its Open Event “Transport Infrastructure of Moscow: which way?”.

The event will take place on April 25, 2014 at the AEB premises (Krasnoproletarskaya ul., 16, bld.3, entrance 8, 4th floor, office 8), from 14:00 to 17:00 (registration starts from 13:30). 

Please register online for this event. 

 During the event, specialists will cover such topical issues as: 
- Transport in Moscow and Moscow oblast 
- Moscow underground 
- PPP in Moscow and Moscow oblast in the sphere of transport 
- Practical aspects of the financing of the infrastructure projects 

For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event below. 

Please note that sponsorship opportunities are available for that event. Please contact Saida Makhmudova, AEB Committees Coordinator, Tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 151; Saida.Makhmudova@aebrus.ru for further information. 

The working languages of the meeting are English and Russian

Attendance Fees 
AEB members’ participation for assigned representatives is free of charge; 
Fee for additional representatives of AEB members is 3,850 RUR (+18% VAT); 
Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUR (+18% VAT); 
All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable. 

Contact persons: 

Programme and sponsorship: Saida Makhmudova, AEB Real Estate Committee Coordinator, saida.makhmudova@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.151.

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru 

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.
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Briefing by RF Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov
The AEB is pleased to invite you to a Briefing by RF Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov. 

The event will take place on April 23rd, 2014 at the Hotel Nikolskaya Kempinski (ul. Nikolskaya, 12, hall Kandinsky), from 11:00 to 12:30 (registration starts from 10:30). 

Please register online for this event. 

The working language of the meeting is Russian; English translation will be provided. 

Born February 23, 1969 in Murmansk. 
1994: Graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University with a degree in Sociology. 
1997: Completed his PhD in Economics at Lomonosov Moscow State University. 
2000 – 2002: Doctoral programme at the Moscow Aviation Institute. 
2006: Graduated from the Presidential Academy of Public Administration with a degree in Law. 
1998 – 2000: Deputy Director General of the Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant. 
2000 – 2001: Business Director of the Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant. 
2001 – 2003: Deputy Chairman of the State Investment Corporation (Gosincor). 
2003 – September 2007: Director General of Oboronprom. 
September 11, 2007: Appointed Deputy Minister of Industry and Energy by a government executive order. 
May 19, 2008: Appointed Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade by Government Executive Order No. 700. 
February 2, 2012: Appointed Acting Minister of Industry and Trade.
May 21, 2012: Appointed Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation by a presidential decree. 

Attendance fees:
Assigned representatives of AEB member companies - free of charge. 
Additional representatives of AEB members: 3,850 RUR (+18% VAT); 
Representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUB (+18% VAT); 
All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. 

Contact persons: 

Programme: Svetlana Lomidze, Chief Committees Coordinator, Svetlana.Lomidze@aebrus.ru Tel. 234 27 64 ext. 122 
Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru 
Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, Vera.Solovaya@aebrus.ru 

AEB Events: HR Debates ”General Manager at the Age of 30. Is this the Future?”
The Association of European Businesses is pleased to invite you to the HR Debates ”General Manager at the Age of 30. Is this the Future?” organized by the AEB HR Committee, Recruitment Sub-Committee. 

The event will take place on Thursday, April 24th, 2014, from 15:00 to 18:00, at the AEB Conference Centre (Krasnoproletarskaya 16, bld.3, entrance 8, floor 4, office 8). 

Please register online for this event.  

In the debates will take part two teams: affirmative and negative. The three members of the affirmative team will try to prove how and why the statement ”General Manager at the age of 30 is the future” is true. The three members of the negative team will try to do the opposite. Each speaking member of the teams will provide his/ her arguments and ideas. 

The event will be followed by a questions and answers session. 

Affirmative Speakers: 
 - Ilya Ilyin, Operational Director, Kelly Services 
- Felix Heinicke, General Director, Heinicke Consulting LLC 
- Denis Chalov, General Manager, AGroup Russia 

Negative Speakers: 
- Natalia Tikhomirova, Senior Manager, HR Consulting, PwC
- Susanne Doenitz, Managing Partner, Alexander Hughes CIS 
- Irina Maltseva, Director of the International Institute of Administration and Business (IIAB), Higher School of Economics 

The Chair of the debates is Michael Germershausen, General Manager, Antal Russia, Chair of the AEB HR Committee.

The working language of the event is Russian. Interpretation will not be provided. 

Attendance fees: 
AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge; 
Fee for AEB additional members is 3,850 RUB (+18% VAT); 
Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 7,700 RUB (+18% VAT). 
All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. 

Contact persons: 

Program and sponsorship: Tatiana Morozova, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 120; Tatiana.Morozova@aebrus.ru

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatyana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, Vera.Solovaya@aebrus.ru.
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AEB Webinar «Growing from small to medium sized company: business and administrative aspects», 22 April 2014, EBRD Conference Centre

The AEB is pleased to invite you to participate in the second webinar, jointly organized by the AEB SME Committee and AEB Finance and Investments Committee, titled Growing from small to medium sized company: business and administrative aspects. The event is hosted by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) with free of charge broadcasting on-line, as well as in EBRD offices in several regions of Russia. It is expected that EBRD offices will attract regional authorities and local SMEs.

The webinar will take place on Tuesday, 22 April 2014, from 09:30 to 12:00 Moscow time (registration starts at 09:00), at the EBRD Conference Centre (Moscow, 6 Gasheka Str., Ducat Place III Business Centre, 11th floor).

For details please see the programme in English and Russian

The working language of the event is Russian. Interpretation will not be provided. 

EBRD is a partner of the event. The silver sponsors of the event are Businessland Services Ltd. and EY. The information partners are European Information Consulting (Correspondent) Center in Russia and Russian Agency for Small and Medium Business Support.

There are two options to take part in the event:

1)  Attending the webinar at the EBRD Conference Centre in Moscow. Please register BELOW no later than 13.00, Monday, 21 April 2014. Registration will be closed as soon as the maximum number of participants is reached.
    Attendance fees: 
         §  AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge
         §  Fee for AEB additional members is 3,850 RUB (+18% VAT); 
         §  Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 7,700 RUB (+18% VAT)
All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable.

2) Watching the webinar on-line. To access the online broadcasting, please follow the link http://bcove.me/05phps56 – the link will be activated at the date of the event. Participation on-line is free of charge. Registration is not needed.

Contact persons:

Program and sponsorship: Tatiana Morozova, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 120; tatiana.morozova@aebrus.ru; Anna Tsiulina, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext.124; anna.tsiulina@aebrus.ru.
Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatyana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.


Ассоциация европейского бизнеса (АЕБ) приглашает Вас принять участие во втором вебинаре АЕБ: «Развитие компании и переход из малого в средний бизнес: экономические и административные аспекты», совместно организованном Комитетом АЕБ по малому и среднему бизнесу и Комитетом АЕБ по финансам и инвестициям. Мероприятие будет проводиться в конференц-центре Европейского банка реконструкции и развития (ЕБРР) в Москве c бесплатной видеотрансляцией он-лайн, а также в офисах ЕБРР в регионах России. Ожидается, что офисы ЕБРР в регионах пригласят к участию представителей региональных администраций и предприятий малого и среднего бизнеса.

Вебинар состоится во вторник, 22 апреля 2014 г. с 09:30 до 12:00 по московскому времени (регистрация с 09:00) в конференц-центре ЕБРР (г. Москва, Бизнес-центр Дукат III, ул. Гашека, д. 6, этаж 11).

Для дополнительной информации ознакомьтесь с программой на русском и английском языках.

Рабочим языком мероприятия является русский. Перевод не предоставляется.

ЕБРР - партнер мероприятия. Серебряные спонсоры мероприятия ООО "Бизнеслэнд Сервисиз" и EYИнформационные партнеры мероприятия – Европейский Информационный Консультационный (Корреспондентский) Центр в России и Российское агентство поддержки малого и среднего бизнеса.

Предлагаем два формата участия в данном мероприятии:

1)    Участие в вебинаре в конференц-центре ЕБРР в Москве. Пожалуйста, зарегистрируйтесь НИЖЕ не позднее 13.00 час., понедельник, 21 апреля 2014. Регистрация будет закрыта, как только максимальное количество участников будет достигнуто.
     Условия участия:
   §  Для аккредитованных представителей компаний-членов АЕБ участие бесплатно;
   §  Для дополнительных представителей компаний-членов АЕБ стоимость участия 3,850 руб. (+18% НДС);
   §  Для представителей компаний, не являющихся членами АЕБ, стоимость участия – 7,700 руб. (+18% НДС).
Все платежи осуществляются по безналичному расчету. После закрытия регистрации оплата за участие в мероприятии не возвращается.

2)    Просмотр вебинара он-лайн. Для получения доступа к он-лайн вебинару, пожалуйста, пройдите по следующей ссылке http://bcove.me/05phps56 – ссылка будет актирована в день проведения мероприятия. Участие в формате он-лайн бесплатное, регистрация не требуется.

Контактные лица:
Программа и спонсорство: Татьяна Морозова, Координатор Комитетов АЕБ, тел. +7 495 234 27 64, доб. 120; tatiana.morozova@aebrus.ru; Анна Циулина, Координатор Комитетов АЕБ, тел. +7 495 234 27 64, доб.124; anna.tsiulina@aebrus.ru.
Регистрация: Татьяна Барышева, Координатор мероприятий АЕБ, тел. (495) 234 27 64, доб. 127, events@aebrus.ru.

Получение логина и пароля: Вера Соловая, Административный менеджер АЕБ, тел. (495) 234 27 64, доб. 149, vs@aebrus.ru

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Meeting of the AEB member companies in Rostov-on-Don

AEB 10th Annual Customs Conference “New in customs legislation: practice and procedure”
The AEB Customs and Transport Committee is pleased to invite you to its 10th Annual Customs Conference “New in customs legislation: practice and procedure”.  

The event will take place on Wednesday, April 9th, 2014 at 10:00 (registration at 9:30) in the Ararat Park Hyatt Moscow, 4 Neglinnaya St., Hall “Sargisyan”. 

Please register on line for this event. 

The conference will focus on current customs legislation and practice, as well as hot customs topics such as customs risk management system, customs control on post released goods, administrative responsibility on violation of customs rules, customs benefits for foreign investors localizing manufacturing in Russia, TIR procedure in the Russian Federation and others. Traditionally, the conference brings together about 140 participants. 

The programme is liable to slight changes upon receipt of final confirmations from the speakers. 

Please note that sponsorship opportunities are available. Please contact Ksenia Bortnik, AEB Committees Coordinator, Tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 121; Ksenya.bortnik@aebrus.ru for further information.

The conference will be conducted in English and Russian. Interpretation will be available. 

Attendance fees:
12,000 RUR + VAT for AEB members; 
14,000 +VAT for non-members. 
All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable. Registration is opened until 8 April 2014, 12 PM. Your registration will be confirmed upon receipt of payment. Guarantee letters will also be accepted. 

Contact persons 
Programme and sponsorship: Ksenia Bortnik, AEB Transport and Customs committee coordinator, Ksenya.Bortnik@aebrus.ru 
Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru 
Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.
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Briefing by the Head of EU Delegation to Russia, Vygaudas Usackas


On behalf of H.E. Mr. Vygaudas Ušackas, Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Russia, it is our pleasure to invite you personally a briefing dedicated to the current situation between the European Union and Russia and practical implications for European companies in Russia

This meeting will take place on March 31st, 2014 at the EU Delegation (Kadashevskaya Nab. 14/1, Moscow), at 11:00 AM. 

Please note that the invitation is personal and not transferrable. The number of seats being limited, the registration will be closed as soon as the maximum number of participants is reached. Only one top executive from each AEB Member company will be allowed. 

Contact persons: 
Programme: Marie Rondelez, Events Director, EU Affairs Adviser, tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 118, Marie.Rondelez@aebrus.ru 
Registration on-line: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru.

AEB North-Western Regional Committee Open Event: World Bank Briefing in Saint-Petersburg

Following a well-established tradition, the AEB North-Western Regional Committee is pleased to announce the next World Bank briefing based on the World Bank’s “Russia Economic Report #31”.

The briefing will take place at the Consulate General of Finland in St. Petersburg (Preobrazhenskaya ploschad', 4, St. Petersburg) on Thursday, April 10th, 2014 from 15:00 to 17:00 (registration starts at 14:30).

Please register on line for this event.

You will have the privilege to hear Birgit Hansl, Lead Economist, Country Sector Coordinator for the Russian Federation and Sergei Ulatov, Senior Economist.

This time the Russia Economic Report #31 will focus on:
• Recent Economic Developments
• Socio-Economic Outlook
• In Focus: Economic Mobility and the Emergence of the Middle Class in Russia

Please have a look at the programme below.

The working language is English. Translation into Russian will not be provided.

Attendance fees:
This event is free of charge.

Contact Persons:

Programme: Alla Hovhannissyan, AEB North-Western Regional Committee Coordinator, Tel. +7-911-012-6746, E-mail: alla.hovhannissyan@aebrus.ru

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru

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AEB Taxation Committee open event: ”Deoffshorization prospects: consequences for international companies in Russia”

The AEB Taxation Committee is pleased to invite you to its event ”Deoffshorization prospects: consequences for international companies in Russia”.

The event will take place on Wednesday, April 23d, 2014 at 08:30-13:30 at the Ararat Park Hyatt hotel, Hall “Sargsyan” (4, Neglinnaya str.).

Please register on-line for this event.

The open event will focus on deoffshorization and other Russia-specific issues. The taxation experts and lawyers will provide professional opinion on such new concept as beneficial owner, ratification of the convention on bilateral administrative assistance, taxation peculiarities for foreign-controlled companies, etc.

Simultaneous translation will be provided.

For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event in  ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.


Attendance Fees

AEB Members’ participation is 8,000 RUR (+18% VAT);

AEB Non Members’ participation is 9,000 RUR (+18% VAT);

All payments are to be made through bank transfer.


Contact persons:

Programme: Julia Kucherova, AEB Taxation Committee Coordinator, Julia.Kucherova@aebrus.ru,

+7 (495) 234 27 64 ext. 150. 

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.

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AEB Annual General Meeting 2014
The AEB Annual General Meeting 2014 will take place on 17 April 2014 starting at 17:00 (registration from 16.15) in Swissôtel Conference Centre, Moscow, Kosmodamianskaya nabereshnaya 52 bld. 7. 

AEB Members are kindly invited to participate in the AEB Annual General Meeting 2014. 

At the AGM members will be given the opportunity to elect members of the AEB Board and the Auditing Commission (AC). 

You may have a look at the lists of candidates for the AEB Board and Auditing Commission (AC) together with their biographies and photo in the presentations below. 

Please note that if none of the assigned members of your company will participate in the AEB Annual General Meeting 2014 on April the 17th, 2014, your company will be given the opportunity starting from March the 27th, 2014 to vote for the candidates for the AEB Board and Auditing Commission (AC) by the Remote Voting (according to point 5.2.11 of the AEB Charter) by sending completed ballots by faх or registered mail to the law firm Gide Loyrette Nouel Vostok before 16 April 2014, 18:00 Moscow time (detailed information on this you will receive through the AEB mailing system on March the 27th, 2014 together with the Registration and Proxy forms for the Annual General Meeting). 

Please be aware that each company has only one vote and that only AEB Members that have paid their membership fees for 2014 will be allowed to vote during the AGM 2014

For more details, you may contact Ruslan Kokarev, Chief Operations Officer, at: Tel: 234 27 64 ext. 139/149 or by e-mail: ruslan.kokarev@aebrus.ru.
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AEB open event “Tax and Legal Issues in the IT-Telecom Industry”
The AEB IT-Telecom and Taxation Committees are pleased to invite you to the joint open event “Tax and Legal Issues in the IT-Telecom Industry”. 

The event will take place on Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014 at 09:00-11:30 at the AEB Conference center (Krasnoproletarskaya str. 16, bldg. 3, Entrance 8, Floor 4).

Please register HERE for this event.

The open event will focus on specific legal and tax issues that exist in the modern IT-Telecom sphere. The taxation experts and lawyers will provide the AEB members with professional opinion on anti-terrorist law package, social charges, VAT exemption and R&D tax credits.

Working language is Russian

For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN. 

Attendance Fees Fee

for representatives of AEB members is free;
Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 3,500 RUR (+18% VAT);
All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable.

Contact persons: 

Programme: Svetlana Lomidze, AEB IT-Telecom Committee Coordinator, Svetlana.Lomidze@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.122; 

Julia Kucherova, AEB Taxation Committee Coordinator, Julia.Kucherova@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234 27 64 ext. 150.

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru  

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru
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Briefing of the World Bank based on the Economic Report #31
Following a well established tradition, the AEB is pleased to announce the next World Bank briefing based on the World Bank’s “Russia Economic Report #31”. 

The briefing will take place at the Residence of the British Ambassador in Moscow (Sofiyskaya Naberezhnaya, 14) on Friday 28 March 2014 from 10:00 – 12:00 (registration from 09:30). 

Please register online for this event. 

You will have the privilege to hear Michal Rutkowski, Country Director, Birgit Hansl, Lead Economist, Country Sector Coordinator for the Russian Federation and Sergei Ulatov, Senior Economist. 

This time the Russia Economic Report #31 will focus on: 
• Recent Economic Developments 
• Economic Outlook 
• In Focus: Economic Mobility and the Emergence of the Middle Class in Russia 

The working language is English. Translation into Russian will not be provided. 

Attendance Fees 
AEB members’ participation for assigned representatives is free of charge; 
Price for additional representatives of AEB members is 3,850 RUR (+ 18 % VAT); 
Price for representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUR (+ 18 % VAT); 
All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable. 

N.B. Please bring an ID with you for security checks at the entrance. Please note that the registration will close on 25 March 2014 at 12.00 PM and that we will not accept any more participants after that date. 

Contact persons:

Programme: Marie Rondelez, AEB Events Director, +7 495 234 27 64 (ext. 118), Marie.Rondelez@aebrus.ru  

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, +7 495 234 27 64 (ext. 127), Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru
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AEB open event: Energy Efficiency Speed Dating
The Association of European Businesses is pleased to invite you to a Second Energy Efficiency Speed Dating organized by the AEB Energy Efficiency Committee. 

The event will take place on Thursday, April 10th, 2014, from 9:30 to 13:00, at the AEB Conference Centre (Krasnoproletarskaya 16, bld.3, entrance 8, floor 4, office 8). 

The event is sponsored by Bayer AG. 

Are you looking for the latest innovative solution to: 
- Save Energy? 
- Increase your Quality of Energy? 
- Finance your Energy Efficient Investment? 
- Decrease your Operating Expenses? 
- Improve working conditions and increase life expectancy of your investments? 
- Meet your “Green” objectives assigned by your shareholders, managers and / or customers? 

Then, don’t miss out our AEB Energy Efficiency Committee Speed Dating, on the morning of April 10th, 2014. 

Within an innovative “straight to the point” 10 minutes format, our members companies will introduce to you their solutions and ways to solve your Energy Efficiency burden. 

In only one morning you will be connected to the leading Russia operating Western companies on Energy Efficiency from ESCO (financing) and project management to material and building suppliers. 

Please have a look at the list of participating companies in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.

For better organization of the event, while registering, please indicate which companies you are particularly interested in. You have to indicate at least one company. 

Working languages are English and Russian, no translation will be provided

Be Efficient! Don’t waste your energy and time: meet us on April 10th. 

Participation fees: The event is free of charge. 

Contact persons: 

Programme: Svetlana Lomidze, AEB Director for External Affairs, Chief Committee Coordinator, svetlana.lomidze@aebrus.ru, 234.27.64, ext.122 

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, +7 495 234 47 64 (ext. 127), Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru
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POSTPONED AEB Conference: “Regulatory Update: Where to with Systematically Important Banks; Basel, and FATCA regulations?”
It is with great regret that we inform you that the AEB Conference “Regulatory Update: Where to with Systematically Important Banks; Basel, and FATCA regulations?” which was meant to take place on Thursday, March 13th, 2014, at Ararat Park Hyatt (4 Neglinnaya Str.), Hall “Sargsyan”, at 09:00–13:00, has been postponed to a later date in the year. 

Since a few aspects (e.g. on FATCA) we were expecting to be clarified by mid-March are still pending, it has been decided to postpone the conference to have a more substantiated discussion. 

We will keep you updated on the new date and will circulate a new invitation as soon as the date of the event will be confirmed. 

Please accept our deepest apologies for the inconvenience it might cause to you. 

 We stay at your disposal if you have some questions. 

 We will be pleased to see you at our conference later this year. 

Cancellation of your participation fees: 

Olga Andrianova, AEB Accountantoa@aebrus.ru , 8 (495) 234 27 64 ext. 125 
Anna Tsiulina, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext.124, at@aebrus.ru 
Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru

AEB Open Event: Briefing by Richard Burger, Research & Innovation Counselor, Head of Science & Technology Section, Delegation of the European Union to the Russian Federation: ”Horizon 2020 – Opportunities and Mechanisms”
The AEB is pleased to invite you to a Briefing by Richard Burger, Research & Innovation Counselor, Head of Science & Technology Section, Delegation of the European Union to the Russian Federation: ”Horizon 2020 – Opportunities and Mechanisms”. 

The briefing will continue the discussion raised by EU Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn in November 2013 and will provide detailed information on the EU financial instrument Horizon 2020. 

Special focus will be made on the opportunities for companies operating in Russia to participate in Horizon 2020 and in its projects. The Event also foresees the participation of Irina Kuklina, Executive Director of the International Centre for Innovations in Science, Technology and Education who will brief on the EU-Russia Year of Science 2014 and possibilities for AEB companies to participate in the Russian programs in the field of innovations and technology. 

The event will take place on March 17th, 2014 at the AEB premises (Krasnoproletarskaya ul. 16, bld.3, entrance 8, 4th floor, office 8), from 15:00 to 17:00 (registration starts from 14:30). 

 Please register online for this event. 

 The working language of the meeting is English; Russian translation will not be provided. Please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN. 

Attendance fees 
Assigned representatives of AEB member companies - free of charge. 
Additional representatives of AEB members: 3,850 RUR (+18% VAT); 
Representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUB (+18% VAT); All payments are to be made by bank transfer. 
Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. 

Contact person

Programme: Irina Ochirova, Committees Coordinator, irina.ochirova@aebrus.ru Tel. 234 27 64 ext. 115 
Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru 
Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru
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AEB Open event in Saint Petersburg – Briefing on “Latest changes in migration legislation and procedure of application of immigration rules in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region”
The AEB North-Western Regional Committee’s HR & Migration Sub-Committee is pleased to invite you to a Briefing by Elena Dunaeva, Head of Federal Migration Services in St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region on “Latest changes in migration legislation and procedure of application of immigration rules in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region”. 

The event will be held on March 25th, 2014, 10:00 - 11:30 (registration - at 09:30), and is kindly hosted by the Consulate General of the Netherlands in St. Petersburg (Moika 11, St. Petersburg). 

Please register online for this event: As we have limited number of places, please note that the registration will be closed as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants. 

Born in 1965 Elena Dunaeva in 1986 graduated from Elabuzhskij State Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Philology, qualifying as a teacher of Russian language and literature. In 1998, after graduating from the St. Petersburg State University she was qualified as lawyer. From August 1998 to January 2006 Elena Dunaeva served in the Department of Legal and International Cooperation of the General Internal Affairs Department (GUVD) in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region in positions from senior legal adviser to the deputy head of the department. From December 2006 to April 2009 she served in the GUVD of the city of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region as Head of Legal Support Department. Since May 2009, leads the Federal Migration Services in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region. 

During the event the participants will be provided an opportunity to receive first-hand information and clarify specific issues related to migration regulations within their own organizations. The event should also provide a lively platform for networking. 

The programme of the event is available in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN. The programme is liable to changes upon receipt of final confirmations from the speaker. 

 The working language of the meeting is Russian; English translation will not be provided. 

Attendance fees: 
This event is free of charge. 

Contact Persons:

Programme: Alla Hovhannissyan, AEB North-Western Regional Committee Coordinator, Tel. +7-911-012-6746, E-mail: alla.hovhannissyan@aebrus.ru  

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru 

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru
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AEB Swedish EuroReception
Upon invitation only. This invitation is personal and not transferrable.

Only invited participants that have registered online will be allowed to enter the Embassy's territory.

Gold Sponsor:

Silver Sponsors:

1208459-DENTSPLY Implants primary logotype blue-D light.jpg        



AEB Open Event: Briefing by Eric Peters
The AEB is pleased to invite you to a Briefing by Eric Peters, Adviser, Bureau of European Policy Advisers (BEPA) to the President of the European Commission: ”2014 – Pivotal Year for Europe”. 

The event will take place on March 6th, 2014 at the AEB premises (Krasnoproletarskaya ul. 16, bld.3, entrance 8, 4th floor, office 8), from 9:30 am to 11:00 am (registration starts from 9:00 am). 

Born on 25 January 1970, Eric Peters from 2001 to 2005 worked as an administrator within the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Trade and then served as an adviser to the Cabinet of Christine Lagarde, France's Trade minister, for European and international issues. 

In May 2007 he was appointed diplomatic adviser to Christine Lagarde, who was then Minister of Agriculture and subsequently became Minister for Economic Affairs, Finance and Employment. 

In December 2007 he was appointed deputy Head of Cabinet to Peter Mandelson, European Trade Commissioner and then served Baroness Catherine Ashton of Upholland, European Trade Commissioner, as deputy Head of Cabinet. 

Before joining the BEPA and since mid-2010, he was adviser to the French Permanent representative to EU institutions on international issues and strategic partnerships. He finally joined the Bureau of European Policy Advisers of the President of the European Commission in 2011 as adviser for international and economic issues. 

It will be our third meeting with Eric Peters who addresses the AEB members at the beginning of last three years. 

The working language of the meeting is English; Russian translation will not be provided. 

Attendance fees 
Assigned representatives of AEB member companies - free of charge. 
Additional representatives of AEB members: 3,850 RUR (+18% VAT); 
Representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUB (+18% VAT); 
All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. 

Contact persons: 

Programme: Svetlana Lomidze, Chief Committees Coordinator, svetlana.lomidze@aebrus.ru Tel. 234 27 64 ext. 122 

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, svetlana.lomidze@aebrus.ru  

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru 
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5th Northern Dimension Forum "How to Increase Future Competitiveness? Public-Private Partnerships in Regional Infrastructure and Education Development"

Информация на русском языке находится ниже по тексту

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to participate in the Fifth Northern Dimension Forum, organized by the Northern Dimension Business Council and the Association of European Businesses. 

The Forum will take place at the Sokos Hotel Olympia Garden on April 3rd, 2014 (Bataisky pereulok, 3A, 190013 St. Petersburg). 

This year’s Forum will be devoted to important issues associated with increasing of future competitiveness of national economies within the Northern Dimension by using model of public-private partnership for development of regional infrastructure and vocational education. As is traditional, special attention will be paid to the regions of the North-Western Federal District of the Russian Federation and neighbouring European regions.

The Forum is expected to attract more than 250 participants representing Russian and European key actors in the Northern Dimension area. 

Key topics for the plenary sessions and round-table discussions will include: 

1. Electric Power and Energy Saving; 
2. Ecology and Environmental Protection; 
3. Vocational Education and Training; 
4. Transport and Logistics; 
5. Health and Pharmaceuticals 
6. Creative Industries 

Representatives from Russian and European ministries, agencies, regional administrations as well as national and foreign business circles and civil society have been invited to participate in the Forum. 

Among them are 
- Mr. Vladimir Bulavin, Plenipotentiary Presidential Representative in the North Western Federal District
- Mr. Sergey Belyakov, Deputy Minister of Economic Development of Russian Federation 
- Mr. Vygaudas Usackas, Head of the EU Delegation to the RF 
- Mr. Alexander Drozdenko, Governor of Leningrad region 
- Mr. Oleg Kuvshinnikov, Governor of Vologda region 

The working languages of the Forum are English and Russian. Simultaneous translation will be provided. 

Attendance Fees: 
AEB and Northern Dimension Business Council members’ participation for one company representative is free of charge; 
Fee for other guests is 8,000 RUR (+ VAT 18%); 
All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable. 

Contact Persons: 

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru 

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru

С большим удовольствием приглашаем Вас принять участие в V Форуме «Северного измерения», организованном Деловым Советом Северного Измерения совместно с Ассоциацией европейского бизнеса. 

Форум будет проходить в Sokos Hotel Olympia Garden 3 апреля 2014 г. (Батайский переулок, 3А , 190013 Санкт-Петербург). 

В этом году Форум будет посвящен актуальным вопросам, связанным с повышением конкурентоспособности в регионах Северного Измерения. В частности, акцент будет сделан на развитие государственно-частного партнерства в региональной инфраструктуре и профессионального образования. Особое внимание будет уделяться регионам, входящим в Северо-Западного федерального округа РФ, и сопредельные европейские регионы. 

Традиционно форум собирает более 250 участников, которые являются российскими и европейскими ключевыми представителями Северо-Западного региона. 

Предусмотрена развернутая дискуссия в рамках экспертного диалога на Круглых столах, посвященных следующим темам: 

1. Электроэнергетика и Энергосбережение; 
2. Экология и Природосбережение; 
3. Профессиональное образование; 
4. Транспорт и Логистика; 
5. Медицина и Фармацевтика; 
6. Творческие индустрии. 

 К участию в Форуме приглашены представители российских и европейских министерств, ведомств и регионов, а также представители отечественного и зарубежного бизнеса.

Среди них: 
Булавин В.И., Полномочный представитель Президента РФ в Северо-Западном федеральном округе 
Беляков С.Ю., Заместитель Министра экономического развития РФ 
Вигаудас Ушацкас, глава представительства ЕС в России 
Дрозденко А.Ю., губернатор Ленинградской области 
Кувшинников О.А., губернатор Вологодской области 
• и другие представители российских и европейских органов государственной власти, бизнеса и гражданского общества. 

Рабочими языками Форума являются русский и английский. Синхронный перевод предоставляется

Стоимость участия: 
Участие одного представителя компаний-членов АЕБ и Делового Совета Северного Измерения бесплатно; 
Стоимость участия других гостей 8000 рублей (+ НДС 18%); 
Все платежи должны быть произведены банковским переводом. Отказ на участие в мероприятии с возвращением оплаты может быть осуществлен только до закрытия регистрации или (После закрытия регистрации возврат денежных средств не может быть осуществлен) 

Контактные лица: 

Регистрация: Татьяна Барышева, Координатор мероприятий, тел. (495) 234 27 64 , доб. 127 , Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru  

Логин и пароль: Вера Соловая, Административный менеджер, тел. (495) 234 27 64 , доб. 149 , vs@aebrus.ru  




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AEB Open Event: “Pulse of the Real Estate Market in Moscow: 2013 Review and Projections 2014”
The AEB Real Estate Committee is pleased to invite you to its Open Event “Pulse of the Real Estate Market in Moscow: 2013 Review and Projections 2014”. 

The event will take place on February 14, 2014 at the AEB premises (Krasnoproletarskaya ul., 16, bld.3, entrance 8, 4th floor, office 8), from 09:00 to 12:00 (registration starts from 08:30). 

During the event, specialists will cover such topical issues as: 
- State of the Russian economy, key macroeconomic indicators
- Overview of the Moscow real estate market 
- Moscow residential property market forecast for 2014 
- Development of the city of Moscow in the next 2-3 years in terms of architecture and urban planning 
- Perspectives of use of offshores for real estate acquisitions 

For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event below. 

Please note that sponsorship opportunities are available for that event. Please contact Saida Makhmudova, AEB Committees Coordinator, Tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 151; Saida.Makhmudova@aebrus.ru for further information. 

The working languages of the meeting are English and Russian. 

Attendance Fees:
AEB members’ participation for assigned representatives is free of charge
Fee for additional representatives of AEB members is 3,850 RUR (+18% VAT); 
Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUR (+18% VAT); 
All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable. 

Contact persons: 

Programme and sponsorship: Saida Makhmudova, AEB Real Estate Committee Coordinator, saida.makhmudova@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.151. 

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru 

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru
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AEB Open Event in Saint-Petersburg: "Investment potentials in North-Western region: presentation of Pskov, Republic of Karelia, and Vologda regions"
The AEB North-Western Regional Committee is pleased to invite you to the Open Event in St. Petersburg titled Investment potentials in North-Western region: presentation of Pskov, Republic of Karelia, and Vologda regions

The event will be held on February 26th, 2014, 10:00 - 13:30 (registration - at 09:30), and is kindly hosted by the Consulate General of Finland in St. Petersburg (Preobrazhenskaya ploschad', 4, St. Petersburg) 

As we have limited number of places, please note that the registration will be closed as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants. 

During the event the delegations from the mentioned regions, headed by vice-governor of Pskov region, Sergey Pernikov, the head of the Republic of Karelia, Alexander Khudilainen, and the vice-governor of Vologda region, Alexey Kozhevnikov, will present the investment potentials of the regions and current and potential investment projects. The event should provide a lively platform for networking directly with the decision-makers of the mentioned regions.  

The programme is liable to changes upon receipt of final confirmations from the speakers. 

 The working languages of the meeting are English and Russian. Interpretation will be provided. 

Attendance fees:
This event is free of charge. 

Contact Persons: 

Programme: Alla Hovhannissyan, AEB North-Western Regional Committee Coordinator, Tel. +7-911-012-6746, E-mail: alla.hovhannissyan@aebrus.ru 

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru 

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru
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AEB Open event in Saint Petersburg – “Sustainable green building: challenges, practice and solutions”
The AEB North-Western Regional Committee’s Construction and Real estate subcommittee is pleased to invite you to the Open Event in St. Petersburg titled Sustainable Green Building: Challenges, Practice and Solutions. 

The event will be held on February 19th, 2014, 09:30 - 13:30 (registration at 09:00), at Novotel St. Petersburg Centre (St. Petersburg, Mayakovskaya St. 3A). 

As we have limited number of places, please note that the registration will be closed as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants. 

During the event, specialists will cover such topical issues as: 
- Challenges and solutions of the sustainable building in Russia 
- Financing and technical assistance for energy and resource efficiency in commercial buildings and retail 
- Russian market overview on commonly applied green standards 
- Overview of the existing Russian regulatory framework and potential hidden pitfalls 
- Characteristics of green standards in Russia 
 - Economic effectiveness of green building certification 
- The practical reality of green building implementation (experience of European companies in Russia, in particular, in North-Western region and Europe) 

The programme is liable to changes upon receipt of final confirmations from the speakers.

The working languages of the meeting are English and Russian. Interpretation will be provided. 

The event should provide a lively platform for discussion and exchange of practical experience, concerns and proposals 

Sponsorship opportunities are available. For sponsorship details please contact Alla Hovhannissyan at alla.hovhannissyan@aebrus.ru

Attendance fees: 
Participation of 2 (two) top management representatives (equal to AEB Assigned Members) from the AEB member companies is free of charge; Fee for additional representatives from member companies (equal to of AEB Additional Members) : 3,850 RUR (+ 18% VAT); 
Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUR (+ 18% VAT)

Your registration will be valid only upon receipt of payment. All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. 

Contact Persons: 
Programme: Alla Hovhannissyan, AEB North-Western Regional Committee Coordinator, Tel. +7-911-012-6746, E-mail: alla.hovhannissyan@aebrus.ru 
Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru 
Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru

Silver sponsors:

logo Astron.jpg


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AEB HR Conference: Modern Trends in HR
The AEB HR Committee is pleased to invite you to its Eleventh Annual HR Conference ”Modern Trends in HR”. 

The event will take place on Thursday, March 27th, 2014 at 09:30-17:00 at the Marriott Grand Hotel (ul. Tverskaya 26/1, Moscow). 

Please register online for this event. 

This year the conference will be focused on modern trends in HR. The event will provide the platform for discussion of ways that help companies to adapt their global strategies to local market. The HR professionals will exchange views on how efficiently manage emerging trends affecting the workplace and its potential. 

The programme of the conference will consist of four special sessions focused on modern trends in employer branding, compensations & benefits, assessment, training & development, and labour law. The HR Directors’ panel discussion will be closing the conference. 

The conference will be conducted in English except for the session on labour law that will be conducted in Russian with simultaneous translation into English. 

All participants will have the possibility to ask questions and share their views during the Q & A sessions that will follow the presentations. 

For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN (please, kindly note that it is liable to slight changes upon receipt of final confirmations from the speakers). 

Please note that sponsorship opportunities are available. Please contact Tatiana Morozova, AEB Committees Coordinator, Tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 120; Tatiana.Morozova@aebrus.ru for further information. 

Attendance Fees:
Fee for representatives of AEB members is 12,000 RUR (+18% VAT); 
Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 14,000 RUR (+18% VAT); 
All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable. 

Contact persons: 

Programme and sponsorship: Tatiana Morozova, AEB HR Committee Coordinator, Tatiana.Morozova@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.120.

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru 

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru

Silver sponsor:
Coleman services.jpg

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AEB Relocation Conference: "Bringing Expats to Russia"
The AEB HR Committee is pleased to invite you to its Relocation Conference ”Bringing Expats to Russia”. 

The event will take place on Thursday, February 27th 2014 at 09:30-16:00 at the Marriott Tverskaya Hotel (1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya 34, Moscow). 

This is a full-day conference focused on the latest developments in the areas of property and relocation, corporate relocation policies, settling in Moscow, market for hotels and serviced accommodation, schooling, support systems for families, immigration and labour law, employment of foreign nationals in Russia, etc. 

 The AEB Conference ”Bringing Expats to Russia” has been held annually during last six years. It provides a platform gathering up to 100 professionals to discuss the hot topics for the branch. 

 For further details, please have a look at the programme of the event (please, kindly note that it is liable to slight changes upon receipt of final confirmations from the speakers). 

Please note that sponsorship opportunities are available. Please contact Tatiana Morozova, AEB Committees Coordinator, Tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 120; Tatiana.Morozova@aebrus.ru for further information. 

The conference will be conducted in English

Attendance Fees
Fee for representatives of AEB members is 12,000 RUR (+18% VAT); 
Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 14,000 RUR (+18% VAT); 
All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable. 

Contact persons: 
Programme and sponsorship: Tatiana Morozova, AEB HR Committee Coordinator, Tatiana.Morozova@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.120. 
Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru 
Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.
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AEB Open Event:“Federal Contract System: an impetus to improve the quality of the healthcare and social system”
The AEB is pleased to invite you to participate to the open event, organised by the Health and Pharmaceuticals Committee “Federal Contract System: an impetus to improve the quality of the healthcare and social system”.

The event will take place on 29 January 2014, from 09:00 to 13:00 (registration starts at 8:30), at the AEB premises (Krasnoproletarskaya ul., 16, bld.3, entrance 8, 4th floor, office 8). 

The event will provide a unique opportunity to get insights of the special aspects and features of the upcoming Federal Contract System of the Russian Federation and the perspectives of its development from the representatives of the state bodies and experts. Particular focus will be dedicated to the pharmaceutical and medical industry sphere. Representatives of business will share their experiences and expectations related to the public procurement system in the healthcare sector as well as will brief on their interaction with the Moscow government on these matters. 

The working language of the event is Russian and English. Translation will be provided. 

Attendance fees: 

Assigned representatives of AEB member companies - free of charge. 
Additional representatives of AEB members: 3,850 RUR (+18% VAT); 
Representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUB per (+18% VAT); 
All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. Your registration will be valid only upon receipt of payment. Registration will be closed as soon as the maximum number of participants is reached.

Contact persons: 

Programme: Irina Ochirova, AEB Committees Coordinator, Tel. 234 27 64 ext. 115, irina.ochirova@aebrus.ru 

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru 

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru


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AEB Open Event: Round Table “AEB-Skolkovo Partnership”
The AEB Machine Building & Engineering Committee and the AEB Working Group on Modernization and Innovation are pleased to invite you to the ROUND TABLE “AEB – SKOLKOVO PARTNERSHIP”. 

The event will take place on January 30th, 2014 at the AEB premises (Krasnoproletarskaya ul. 16, bld.3, entrance 8, 4th floor, office 8), from 9:30 am to 11:30 am (registration starts from 9:00 am). 

It is the third time that members of the AEB are meeting with representatives from Skolkovo to discuss what it really means to be Skolkovo’s foreign partner. We have not only invited the representatives of Skolkovo’s top-management like for instance Vasily Belov, Senior Vice-President of the Skolkovo Foundation for Innovations, to give a general overview of the Skolkovo project and lead the discussion on the possibilities for cooperation, which promises to be lively and informative, but we will also give floor to the representatives of the AEB members to share their experiences as residents of Skolkovo. This meeting provides a unique opportunity to get first-hand information and may potentially convince some of the AEB members to join their colleagues from Alstom, Schneider Electric and Siemens in this new experience. 

The working languages of the meeting are Russian and English. Interpretation will not be provided. 

Attendance fees 
Assigned representatives of AEB member companies - free of charge. 
Additional representatives of AEB members: 3,850 RUR (+18% VAT); 
Representatives of non-member companies: 7,700 RUB per (+18% VAT); 
All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. 

Contact persons: 

Svetlana Lomidze, Chief Committees Coordinator, svetlana.lomidze@aebrus.ru Tel. 234 27 64 ext. 122 
Irina Ochirova, AEB Committees Coordinator, irina.ochirova@aebrus.ru Tel. 234 27 64 ext. 115; 

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru 

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru 
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Media Reception


Мероприятие состоится 30 января 2014 г. в 19.00.
Отель MaMaison Spa, Москва, ул. Покровка, 40, стр. 2



The A
ssociation of European Businesses is pleased to announce its Annual Media Reception. 

The event will take place on 30 January 2014 at 7.00 PM at the Mamaison All-Suites Spa Hotel Pokrovka, Pokrovka st. 40, Building 2 in Moscow. 


In case of troubles with registration, please address: 
Natalia Zaboltina, AEB Press Secretary, at natalia.zaboltina@aebrus.ru

AEB Open Event: “Talks on Russian Economy with Evgeny Gavrilenkov, Chris Weafer, Vladimir Andrienko”
This year we have decided to launch a new format event “Talks on Russian Economy” inviting wildly known and recognised experts, Russians and foreigners, for discussing the most burning and vital issues for the development of the Russian economy, proposing fine and deep analysis and probably offering some solutions. Several such talks will be organized this year. 

We are pleased to invite you to the first round: "What is to be done to turn around the Russian economy? Forecasts and Perspectives for 2014”

To mark the launching of this new format we have invited experts well known and highly appreciated by the AEB members – all of them have participated in the AEB Flagship Conferences and have addressed us in different occasions: 

- Evgeny Gavrilenkov, Managing Director and Chief Economist at CJSC "Sberbank CIB" and Sberbank Investment Research 
- Christopher Weafer, Partner and Co-Founder, Macro Advisory Ltd 
 - Vladimir Andrienko, Managing Director of Russia Partners 

 For more information, please see the Speakers CVs below. 

The event will be chaired by Stuart Lawson, the Chairman of the AEB Finance and Investments Committee. Executive Director, E & Y. 

The event will take place on February 04th, 2014 at the AEB premises (Krasnoproletarskaya ul. 16, bld.3, entrance 8, 4th floor, office 8), from 9:30 am to 11:30 am (registration starts from 9:00 am). 

Please register online for this event using the form below

The working languages of the meeting is English. The Russian transaltion will not be provided. 

Attendance fees 
Assigned representatives of AEB member companies - free of charge. 
Additional representatives of AEB members: 3,850 RUR (+18% VAT)

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. 

Contact persons: 

Programme: Svetlana Lomidze, AEB Director od External Affairs, Chief Committees Coordinator, svetlana.lomidze@aebrus.ru Tel. 234 27 64 ext. 122 

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru 

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru 
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AEB Sponsor Event: Conference "D&O:Global Solutions for the Russian Market" organized by Zurich Global Corporate Russia
The Association of European Businesses is pleased to invite you to the “D&O: Global Solutions for the Russian Market” conference organized by Zurich Global Corporate Russia

The event will take place on January 21st, 2014 at the AEB premises (127473, Moscow, Krasnoproletarskaya ul. 16 bld. 3, entrance 8 (4th floor)). 

The working languages of the event is English. Simultaneous translation will be provided.

Registration will be closed as soon as the maximum number of participants is reached. 

Attendance Fees: 
This event is free of charge. 

Contact persons: 
Programme: Alina Yashukina, Marketing & Customer Relationship Manager, Global Corporate Russia, Zurich Insurance Company at alina.yashukhina@ru.zurich.com . 

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru 

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru 
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The Automobile Manufacturers’ Committee of the Association of European Businesses is pleased to announce its 7th Press Conference “REVIEW 2013”. 

At the Press Conference, the sales results of the Russian automotive market in 2013 and prospects for 2014 will be presented. It will also feature main issues on the AMC agenda. Please see the draft Programme below. 

The Press Conference starts at 12:00 am, the registration begins at 11:00 am.


In case of troubles with registration, please address:
Media accreditation: Natalia Zaboltina, AEB Press Secretary, at natalia.zaboltina@aebrus.ru

AMC members registration: 
Olga Zueva, AMC Coordinator, at olga.zueva@aebrus.ru
Darya Khlynina, AMC Assistant, at darya.khlynina@aebrus.ru





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AEB Business Meeting - Tax Forum “Development of the Russian Tax System in 2014 and prospects for 2015-2018”
The AEB Taxation Committee is pleased to invite you to participate in the AEB business meeting “Development of the Russian Tax System in 2013 and Prospects for 2014 – 2017”. 

The event will take place on December 18th, 2013, from 9:00 am to 14:00 pm (registration starts at 8:30), at Ararat Park Hyatt, Hall “Sargsyan” (Neglinnaya str., 4). 

The event will highlight the recent changes in tax legislation and prospects for the next few years and will provide an excellent platform for discussion and exchange of knowledge by professionals. A number of high level governmental representatives and experts will share their expertise and will give recommendations on important tax matters. In partiuclar, Mr. S. Shatalov, Deputy Minister of Finance of the RF and Mr. D. Egorov, Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service of the RF will be our special guests. 

 For details please see the programme below. The program is liable to minor changes upon receipt of final speaker and topic confirmation. 

The working languages of the event are English and Russian. Simultaneous translation will be provided. 

Attendance fees: 

AEB Members’ participation is 8,000 RUR (+18% VAT); 
AEB Non Members’ participation is 9,000 RUR (+18% VAT); 
All payments are to be made through bank transfer. 

Contact persons: 

Programme: Julia Kucherova, Taxation Committee Coordinator, at julia.kucherova@aebrus.ru , tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext.150. 

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru  

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru
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AEB Open Event in Saint-Petersburg: "Procedure of customs transit: practical aspects of the procedure application by the countries of the Customs Union, perspectives of customs transit enforcement"
The AEB North-Western Regional Committee is pleased to invite you to the open event on "Procedure of customs transit: practical aspects of the procedure application by the countries of the Customs Union, perspectives of customs transit enforcement" organized jointly by AEB NWRC Customs, Transport & Logistics Subcommittee and the AEB Moscow Customs & Transport Committee. 

The Acting Head of the North-Western Customs Administration Mr. Yuri Lyamkin is invited for briefing on the mentioned topic. 

The event will take place on December 19th, 2013 (9:30 – 12:30) and will be hosted by DLA Piper St. Petersburg office (“Singer” BC, Nevskij prospect, 28, 4th floor, St. Petersburg). 

Attention: The AEB members in Moscow will be able to participate in the meeting by joining teleconference at the DLA Piper office in Moscow (Moscow, Leontievsky pereulok, 25, 5th floor). Parking place can be booked per request (paid) at Reception.Moscow@dlapiper.com 

For details please see below the programme in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN. The program is liable to minor changes upon receipt of final speaker and topic confirmation. 

The working language is Russian. Translation into English will not be provided. 

To participate in the event, please register below. The registration will close on December 18, 2013 at 12:00 PM and that we will not accept any more participants after that date. 

Attendance fees: 
Participation of 2 (two) AEB NWRC members’ representatives (AEB Assigned Members) from the AEB member companies is free of charge; 
Fee for additional representatives from member companies (equal to of AEB Additional Members) is 3,500 RUR (+ 18% VAT); 
Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 7,000 RUR (+ 18% VAT)
All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once the registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. 

Contact Persons: 

Alla Hovhannissyan, AEB North-Western Regional Committee Coordinator, Tel. +7-911-012-6746, E-mail: alla.hovhannissyan@aebrus.ru 

Ksenia Bortnik, AEB Customs and Transport Committee Coordinator (Moscow), Tel. +7-495-234-27-64, (ext. 121), E-mail: ksenya.bortnik@aebrus.ru 

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru
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The AEB Real Estate Committee is pleased to invite you to its Open Event “RUSSIA AND EUROPE – DIALOGUE ON SUSTAINABLITY”.

The event will take place on November 27th, 2013 at the AEB premises, Krasnoproletarskaya ul., 16, bld.3, entrance 8, 4th floor, office 8, from 09:00 to 13:00 (registration starts from 08:30). 

 During the event, specialists will cover such topical issues as:
- Challenges and solutions of the sustainable building in Russia 
- Governmental support in promoting green initiatives in real estate outside Russia 
- Russian market overview on commonly applied green standards 
- Characteristics of green standards in Russia 
- The practical reality of green building implementation 

The programme of the event is available below in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN. The programme is liable to changes upon receipt of final confirmations from the speakers. 

The working languages of the meeting are English and Russian. Interpretation will be provided.  

Please be aware that the event will be videotaped and that representatives from the media will be also present.

Attendance Fees 

AEB members’ participation for assigned representatives is free of charge; 
Fee for additional representatives of AEB members is 3,500 RUR (+18% VAT); 
Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 7,000 RUR (+18% VAT); 
All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable. 

Contact persons: 

Programme: Saida Makhmudova, AEB Real Estate Committee Coordinator, saida.makhmudova@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.151. 

Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Manager, tatiana.barysheva@aebrus.ru 

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. 7 (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.

This event is sponsored by:

Gold Sponsor:


Silver Sponsor:

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AEB Open Event: Briefing by EU Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science Máire Geoghegan-Quinn
The AEB is pleased to invite you to a briefing by EU Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science Máire Geoghegan-Quinn “Opportunities for Russian organizations and companies to participate in Horizon 2020”. 

The event will be held on Tuesday, 26th November 2013 from 11:30 to 12:30 (registration will start at 11:00) at the AEB Conference Center (Ul. Krasnoproletarskaya 16, bld. 3, entrance 8, 4th floor, Moscow). 

 The briefing will provide a unique opportunity to get first-hand information on EU innovation policy in general and its financial instruments including Horizon 2020 in particular. Special focus will be made on the opportunities for companies operating in Russia to participate in Horizon 2020 and in its projects. In addition, Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn will brief on the goals and role of the EU-Russia Year of Science 2014. 

Máire Geoghegan-Quinn was appointed the European Commissioner with responsibility for Research, Innovation and Science in February 2010. Since then, she has spearheaded the development of the Innovation Union and the proposals for the new EU research and innovation program, Horizon 2020. Please have a look at Ms. Geoghegan-Quinn’s CV by clicking on the link below. 

The programme is available in ENGLISH and RUSSIAN below. The programme is liable to changes upon receipt of final confirmations from the speakers. 

The working language of the meeting is English; Russian translation will not be provided. 

Attendance fees:

To cover the costs associated with the organization of the event, participants will be asked to attend according to the following scheme: 
Assigned representatives of AEB member companies - free of charge
Additional representatives of AEB members: 3,500 RUR (+18% VAT); 
Representatives of non-member companies: 7,000 RUB per (+18% VAT); 
All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. 

Contact persons: 

Programme: Irina Ochirova, AEB Committees Coordinator, irina.ochirova@aebrus.ru, Tel.234 27 64 ext. 130 

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru 

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru

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AEB Open Event: Presentation of the Investment Potential of the Tyumen Region: meeting with the Governor
The AEB is pleased to invite you to the Presentation of the Investment potential of the Tyumen Region and meeting with the Governor of the region. 

The event will take place on November 25th, 2013 at AEB Conference Center, ul. Krasnoproleraskya, 16 bld. 3 entrance 8, 4th floor,office 8 from 15:30 till 17:00 (registration starts from 15:00). 

The discussion will be focused on the Investment Climate, as well as the Industrial potential of the Region. 

Speakers at the event will include: 
 - Mr. Vladimir Yuakushev, Governor of the Tyumen Region;
 - Representatives of European companies active in the Tyumen Region 

Please find the programme in English and Russian below. The programme is liable to changes upon receipt of final confirmations from the speakers. 

Please note that participation is open only to the management of AEB member companies. 

The working languages of the meeting are Russian and English. Interpretation will be provided. 

Attendance Fees 

Assigned representatives of AEB member companies - free of charge. 
Fee for additional representatives of AEB members is 3,500 RUR (+18% VAT); 
Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 7,000 RUB per (+18% VAT); 
All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. 

Contact persons: 

Programme: Olga Pavlyuk, Regional Development Director, olga.pavlyuk@aebrus.ru Tel.234 27 64 ext. 130 

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, tb2@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru 
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AEB Open Event: Briefing by Bikas Joshi, Senior Resident Representative of the International Monetary Fund in the Russian Federation
The AEB is pleased to invite you to a briefing by Bikas Joshi, Senior Resident Representative of the International Monetary Fund in the Russian Federation - “Economic Policies for Stability & Growth. A discussion of the findings & conclusions of the annual IMF review of the Russia Economy”. 

The event will be held on November 26th, 2013, at the AEB Conference Hall, Krasnoproletarskaya ul., 16, bld.3, entrance 8, floor 4, office 7, from 15:00 to 16:30 (registration will start at 14:30). 

 The AEB is happy to invite you to a meeting with Bikas Joshi, newly appointed as Senior Representative of the IMF in Russia. This event will be continuation of a most welcome and longstanding tradition, which started five years ago with Odd Per Brekk. Joerg Bongartz from Deutsche Bank, and Frank Schauff, the AEB CEO, will moderate this event and assist Bikas in delivering his brief to all those who will be present.  

Meetings with high ranking experts from international financial organisations are a long and well established AEB tradition. The event promises to be very enlightening and we hope that you will once again use this opportunity to gain valuable insight into the Russian economy.  

The programme of the event is available in English and Russian below. The programme is liable to slight changes upon receipt of final confirmations from the speakers. 

The working language of the meeting is English; Russian translation will not be provided.

Attendance Fees: 
AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge; 
Fee for the AEB additional members is 3,500 RUB (+18% VAT); 
Fee for non AEB Members.is 7,000 RUB (+18% VAT).
All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. 

Contact persons: 

Programme: Svetlana Lomidze, AEB Director for External Affairs, Chief Committee Coordinator svetlana.lomidze@aebrus.ru, 234.27.64, ext.122. 

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, events@aebrus.ru 

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru 

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AEB Events: 6th AEB Annual Migration Conference
The AEB is pleased to invite you to participate in the 6th AEB Annual Migration Conference, organized by the AEB Migration Committee

 The event will be held on the 5th of December, 2013, in Moscow, at the Metropol Hotel, Red room Teatralny proezd 2, from 9:30 till 14:00 (registration starts at 9:00). 

The conference is aimed to provide information on the most recent changes to the Russian migration legislation and various aspects of its practical implementation. The AEB has invited the representatives of the Federal Migration Service, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation and Federal Tax Service to brief the audience on recent developments in the Russian legislation. The representatives from various businesses will also talk about the practical issues related to migration area. 

Please note that the program is liable to minor changes upon receipt of final speaker and topic confirmation. 

The working language of the event is Russian. Simultaneous translation into English will be provided.

Sponsorship opportunities are available. Please find the sponsorship packages below. For sponsorship details please contact Ksenia Bortnik, AEB Migration committee coordinator, at Ksenya.bortnik@aebrus.ru

Attendance fees: 
The registration fee for AEB members is 7,000 RUB (plus 18% VAT) 
For non-members, the fee is 8,000 RUB (plus 18% VAT). 
All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. Registration is open until 12:00, December 3rd, 2013. Your registration will be valid only upon receipt of payment. 

Contact persons: 

Program and sponsorship: Ksenia Bortnik, AEB Committees Coordinator, at ksenya.bortnik@aebrus.ru, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext.121 

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, events@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru.
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AEB open event: Webinar «Energizing SME sector in Russia: practical aspects of cooperation with multinational companies and financial sector»


09:00 – 09:10



 Франк Шауфф, Генеральный директор АЕБ

 09:10 – 09:30


 Наталья Ларионова, Директор Департамента развития малого и среднего   предпринимательства и конкуренции, Министерство экономического развития РФ

 09:30 – 09:50



 Агрис Прейманис, Старший экономист по финансовым институтам, Европейский банк  реконструкции и развития (ЕБРР)

 Сергей Сафонов, Партнер, компания EY

 09:50 – 10:30



 Стюарт Лоусон, Председатель Комитета АЕБ по финансам и инвестициям;  Исполнительный  директор, компания  EY


 Вирджил Нае, Глава Постоянного представительства Европейского инвестиционного банка  (ЕИБ) в РФ (презентация на английском языке)

 Наталья Ханженкова, Управляющий директор по России, Европейский банк реконструкции и развития (ЕБРР)

 10:30 – 10:50


 10:50 – 11:30



 Орлин Ефремов, Председатель Комитета АЕБ по малому и среднему бизнесу; Генеральный  директор, ООО "Перфоманс Партнерс"


 Георгий Ротов, Генеральный директор, OOO «Континентал Калуга»

 Ольга Чугунова, Руководитель отдела продовольственных товаров с маленьким сроком хра- нения, МЕТРО Кэш энд Керри Россия

 11:30 – 11:50

 Дискуссия. Вопросы и ответы.

 11:50 – 12:30



 Кирилл Семенов, Заместитель Председателя Правления, ОАО «МСП Банк»


 Сергей Мартыненко, Советник председателя правления по развитию малого бизнеса, Транскапиталбанк

 Елена Курина, Руководитель Дирекции кредитных продуктов Управления продуктового и процессного менеджмента Главной исполнительной дирекции малого бизнеса, ОАО «БАНК УРАЛСИБ»

 Ирина Газарян, Начальник Управления партнерских программ и крупного  бизнеса, Банк "Возрождение" (ОАО)

 12:30 – 13:00

 Дискуссия. Вопросы и ответы.


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AEB Business Meeting organised by the Legal Committee: “In-house Counsel Day”
The AEB is pleased to invite you to participate in the Business meeting, organised by the AEB Legal Committee, titled “In-house Counsel Day”. 

The event will take place on November 22nd, 2013, from 10:00 am to 15:00 am (registration starts at 9:30), at Hotel Metropol located at Teatralny pr., 2, in the Red Hall. 

In-House Counsel Day is a Legal Committee open event which provides a unique opportunity to general counsels and senior in-house lawyers to share their experience and discuss such topics as legal department management, interaction with regulators, litigation, ethics and compliance issues. 

The programme is liable to slight changes upon receipt of final confirmations from the speakers. 

The working language of the event is Russian and English. Translation will not be provided. 

If your company is interested in sponsoring this event, please confirm by Friday, 8 November, 2013 to: Irina Ochirova, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 115; Irina.Ochirova@aebrus.ru

Attendance fees: 
The registration fee for AEB members is 7,000 RUB (plus 18% VAT); 
For non-members the fee is 8,000 RUB (plus 18%); 
All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. Your registration will be valid only upon receipt of payment. R

egistration will be closed as soon as the maximum number of participants is reached.

Contact persons: 

Program and sponsorship: Irina Ochirova, AEB Committees Coordinator, at Irina.Ochirova@aebrus.ru, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext.115. 

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, events@aebrus.ru  

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru

This event is sponsored by:

Gold Sponsor:

Silver Sponsor:


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AEB Open Event “Efficient interaction between investors and government”, organized by the AEB PR Committee
The AEB PR & Communications Committee is pleased to invite you to its open event “Efficient interaction between investors and government”, a round table which will be held on November 15th, 2013, 10:00-12:30 (registration from 09:30) at the AEB Conference Center, (Krasnoproletarskaya Ul. 16, bld.3, entrance 8, 4th floor). The event will be chaired by Igor Reichlin, Chairman of the AEB Public Relations and Communications Committee. 

The round table will provide the platform for sharing experiences and discussion of the following topics:
- Federal endorsement and interaction with regional authorities; 
- Russian and foreign investors in energy power industry after RAO UES’s dismissal: experience of interaction with federal authorities; 
- Interaction between government and business in the Northern Caucasus; 
- Practical aspects of legal lobbying in Russia; - Interaction between business and government in high-tech industry. 

The programme is liable to changes upon receipt of final confirmations from the speakers. 

The working language of the event is Russian. Interpretation will not be provided. 

Sponsorship opportunities are open; please see the conference package attached. 

Attendance fees:
AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge; 
Price for additional AEB members is 3,500 RUB (plus 18% VAT); 
Price for non-members is 7,000 RUB (plus 18%); 
All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. 

Contact persons: 
Programme: Tatiana Morozova, AEB Committees Coordinator, Tatiana.Morozova@aebrus.ru
Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, events@aebrus.ru
Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru 
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Round table organized by the AEB Safety, Health, Environment and Security Committee “Good models of Health & Safety practice in Russia”
The AEB is pleased to invite you to participate in the round table, organised by the AEB Safety, Health, Environment and Security Committee, titled “Good models of H&S practice in Russia”.

The event will take place on November 20th, 2013, from 10:00 am to 13:00 am (registration starts at 9:30), at AEB Conference Hall located at Krasnoproletarskaya str., 16, bldg. 3, Entrance 8, Floor 4, Office 8. 

The event provides the audience with an opportunity to receive the first-hand information about existing policies, challenges and corporate practices in the sphere of Health & Safety and to try to find solutions through establishing a dialogue.

The working language of the event is English. Interpretation into Russian will not be provided. 

Attendance fees: 
AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge; 
Price for additional AEB members the fee is 3,500 RUB (plus 18% VAT); 
 Price for non-members is 7,000 RUB (plus 18%); 
All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. Your registration will be valid only upon receipt of payment. 

Registration will be closed as soon as the maximum number of participants is reached. 

Contact persons: 

Programme: Julia Kucherova, AEB Committees Coordinator, at julia.kucherova@aebrus.ru, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext.150. 

 Registration: Marie Rondelez, AEB Events Director, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 118, events@aebrus.ru
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Joint round table of the AEB Migration committee and the State Registration Chamber
We are pleased to invite you to attend a joint round table of the AEB Migration Committee and the State Registration Chamber named “Accreditation of representative and branch offices in Russia and visa support”. The event will be held on Tuesday, November 5th, 2013, from 10:00 to 11:30 (registration starts at 9:30) in the AEB Conference Centre (Krasnoproletarskaya 16, bld.3, entrance 8).

At the event, we will discuss the current procedure and requirements for applying for the accreditation of representative and branch offices of foreign companies in Russia. The round table will also cover practical aspects of visa application process for foreign employees of representative and branch offices of the foreign legal entities in Russia. The presentation will be followed by a questions and answers session.

The working language of the meeting is Russian. Please note that translation into English will not be provided.

For details please see below the program.

For all AEB members, participation in the event is free of change.

To ensure that the meeting is conducted in a constructive manner, covering all topics of interest, Mr. Andrey Kubyshkin, Director, Accreditation and Visa Support Department, Federal Budgetary Institution State Registration Chamber with the RF Ministry of Justice, expects a list of questions to be sent in advance. Therefore, we kindly ask you to submit your questions not later than November 1st, 2013, to Ksenia Bortnik (kb@aebrus.ru).

Contact persons:

Program: Ksenia Bortnik, AEB Committees Coordinator, kb@aebrus.ru, tel.8 495 234 27 64 ext. 121
Registration: Tatyana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, events@aebrus.ru. Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

AEB Open Event “Retention & Engagement: What Smart Companies Really Do”
The AEB HR Committee is pleased to invite you to its open event “Retention & Engagement: What Smart Companies Really Do” which will be held on November 13th, 2013, 15:00-18:00 (registration from 14:30) at the AEB Conference Center, (Krasnoproletarskaya Ul. 16, bld.3, entrance 8, 4th floor). 

The event will be chared by Tatiana Khvatinina, Chair of the AEB Assessment, Training and Development Sub-Committee, Managing Director, SHL Russia & CIS. 

In the circumstances of increasing global competition for talents, the programs on enhancing retention & engagement of personnel become a key priority for HR professionals occupied in different branches. The surveys’ results prove that engagement of personnel contributes to business efficiency; increased retention and reduced rotation ensure significant cost savings. 

The open event “Retention & Engagement: What Smart Companies Really Do” will provide a platform for discussion of new approaches applied by the companies. With a focus on current and upcoming trends, HR experts will share their expertise and offer recommendations on how to retain and engage the best talents. For further details, please see the attached programme. 

The programme is liable to slight changes upon receipt of final confirmations from the speakers. The working language of the event is English. Interpretation will not be provided. 

Attendance fees: 
AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge; 
Price for additional AEB members the fee is 3,500 RUB (plus 18% VAT); Price for non-members is 7,000 RUB (plus 18%); 

All payments are to be made by bank transfer. 
Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. 

Contact persons: 
Tatiana Morozova, AEB Committees Coordinator, Tatiana.Morozova@aebrus.ru. Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, events@aebrus.ru 
Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Administrative Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru
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AEB open event: “Asset management of insurance companies: role of asset management companies and specialized depositories”, 30 October 2013, AEB Conference Center
The AEB is pleased to invite you to participate at the AEB open event “Asset management of insurance companies: role of asset management companies and specialized depositories”, organized by the Insurance and Pensions Committee. 

The event will be held on Wednesday, 30 October 2013, in Moscow at the AEB Conference Center, ul. Krasnoproletarskaya 16 bld. 3, entrance 8, floor 4, office 8, from 9:00 till 12:30 (registration starts at 08:30). 

The open event will give the audience a update on strategies in asset management of insurance companies as well as role of specialized depositories in monitoring the investment of insurance reserves and own funds of insurance companies. The event will also serve as a platform for discussion of possibilities and solutions in asset management of insurance companies and provide a unique networking opportunity.

Please note that the programme is liable to change upon confirmation of speakers. 

The working language of the event is Russian. Translation will not be provided. 

Attendance fees: 
AEB members’ participation for assigned representatives is free of charge; 
Fee for additional representatives of AEB members is 3,500 RUR (+18% VAT); 
Fee for representatives of non-member companies: 7,000 RUR (+18% VAT); 
All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable. 

Contact persons: 

Programme: Anna Tsiulina, AEB Committees Coordinator, tel. (495) 234.27.64, ext.124, at@aebrus.ru.

Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, events@aebrus.ru

Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru

Gold sponsor of the event:

Райффайзен Капитал.jpg
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AEB Co-organised Event: The International Forum “Energy Efficiency and Automation in Office Buildings 2013 – New Developments and Latest Trends”
The Association of European Businesses (AEB) is pleased to invite you to the International Forum “Energy Efficiency and Automation in Office Buildings 2013 – New Developments and Latest Trends”, organized by the AEB and Messe Frankfurt RUS, that will take place November 7th, 2013 in Expocentre, within the international exhibition “Interlight Moscow powered by Light+Building 2013” (November 5-8, 2013; Expocentre, Moscow, Russia). 

The Forum will provide the overview of the industry, its development prospects, problems and possible solutions. Get “first hand” information on issues like:
    • Growth in Green & Intelligent Buildings
    • Office Lighting Management, Practical Energy Saving Solutions
    • Multi-Service Chiled Beams. Ventilation, Heating, Cooling & Lighting Control
    • Automation and Energy Efficiency – New Quality of the Real Estate
    • Office Building Reconstruction in Moscow. Problems and solutions for energy efficiency improvement in major renovation projects
    • Energy Efficient Construction and Renovation: Turnkey Approach. Financial Model
    • Return on Investment of Building Automation by Energy Saving

      Sponsorship opportunities are available.

      The attendance is free of charge. 

      Interpretation English/Russian will be provided. 

      Contact persons: 

      Forum’s programme: Svetlana Lomidzesvetlana.lomidze@aebrus.ru, + 7 495 234 27 64, ext. 122 

      Sponsorship: Julia Bendel, julia.bendel@aebrus.ru, + 7 495 234 27 64, ext. 126 

      Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, events@aebrus.ru
      Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru
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      AEB HR Committee Business Meeting: “Overview of Salary Surveys in Russia”
      The AEB HR Committee is pleased to invite you to the business meeting, “Overview of Salary Surveys in Russia”, which will be held at the AEB Conference Center (Krasnoproletarskaya 16, entrance 8, 4 floor, office 8) on Friday, October 25th, 2013 at 09:30-12:00 (registration from 09:00). The meeting will be chaired by Ekaterina Ukhova, Chair of the AEB HR’s Compensation & Benefits Sub-Committee, Partner, EY. 

      This event, which has been held annually for the past sixteen years, follows the format of a panel discussion. All the major providers of salary surveys in Russia including EY, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Human Capital Solutions, Towers Watson, Hay Group are invited as speakers and will take part in the event. 

       The meeting will be conducted in English. Please be aware that translation will not be provided. 

      Attendance fees: 
      Fee for representatives of AEB member companies is 2,500 RUR (plus VAT 18 %); 
      Fee for non-members is 3,000 RUR (plus VAT 18%).
      All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable. 

      Contact persons: 

      Programme: Tatiana Morozova, HR Committee Coordinator, 234 27 64 ext. 120 Tatiana.Morozova@aebrus.ru 

      Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, events@aebrus.ru 

       Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru
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      AEB Sponsor Event: “Creating better living environments and buildings” organised by YIT and Caverion
      It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the AEB event organised by YIT and Caverion titled “Creating better living environments and buildings”. 

      The event will be held on October 31st, 2013 from 14:00 to 18:00 (registration starts at 13:30) at the AEB conference hall, Krasnoproletarskaya ul. 16 bld. 3, entrance 8 (4th floor). 

      Working languages: Russian and English, simultaneous translation will be provided 

      Attendance Fees: 
      This event is free of charge. 

      Contact persons: 

      YIT - Ludmila Duneva, Ludmila.Duneva@yit.ru, tel: +7 985 766 83 78, 
      YIT - Olga Sidorovskaya, Olga.Sidorovskaya@yit.ru , tel. +7 985 764 08 39 
      Caverion – Irina ZerkinaIrina.Zerkina@caverion.ru , tel. +7 985 929 12 18. 

      Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, events@aebrus.ru 

      Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru
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      AEB Sponsor Event: "Recent Changes to Russia's Civil Code: Implications for Business" organised by Pepeliaev Group, 23 October 2013
      It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the conference organised by Pepeliaev Group titled “Recent changes to Russia’s Civil Code: implications for business”

      The event will be held on 23rd October 2013 from 10.00 am to 1.30 pm (registration starts at 9.30 am) at the AEB conference hall, Krasnoproletarskaya ul. 16 bld. 3, entrance 8 (4th floor).

       Issues addressed at the conference will include
      • amendments to the Civil Code in terms of regulating whether transactions are valid, 
      • overview of the changes to the Civil Code dealing with relationships that have a foreign element, corporate relations and shareholders’ agreements, 
      • draft amendments to the Russian Civil Code in terms of regulating title to immovable property, among others.  

      Working languages: Russian and English, simultaneous translation will be provided. 
      We ask that all interested participants register on or before 21st October 2013.

      Attendance Fees: 
      This event is free of charge. 

      Contact persons: 

      Programme: Alina Zoreva, Pepeliaev Group at a.zoreva@pgplaw.ru . 

      Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru 

      Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru
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      AEB Saint-Petersburg Open Event: “Market and regulatory update in construction and real estate industry of North-Western Region”
      The AEB North-Western Regional Committee’ s Construction and Real estate subcommittee is pleased to invite you to the Open Event in St.Petersburg on “Market and regulatory update in construction and real estate industry of North-Western region”

      The event will be held on Thursday, October 17th, 2013, from 09:30 to 13:30 (registration will begin at 09:00), at Radisson Royal Hotel (Hall "Stasov/Ushakov"), St.Petersburg, Nevsky prospect 49/2

      The event will focus to the investment climate in the area of construction and real estate, market overview of commercial and residential real estate, land resources and apartment market, recent developments in the regulatory environment and prospects in construction and real estate industry in North-Western Region of Russia, and should provide a lively platform for discussion and exchange of practical experience, concerns and proposals. We have invited a number of professionals and government representatives to take part in the event. 

      The working language of the event is Russian. Simultaneous translation will NOT be provided

      Sponsorship opportunities are available. For sponsorship details please contact Alla Hovhannissyan at alla.hovhannissyan@aebrus.ru .

      As we have a limited number of places, please note that the registration will be closed as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants. 

      Attendance fees: 
      Participation of 2 (two) top management representatives (equal to AEB Assigned Members) from the AEB member companies is free of charge; 
      Fee for additional representatives from member companies (equal to of AEB Additional Members) is 3,500 RUR (+ 18% VAT); 
      Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 7,000 RUR (+ 18% VAT); 
      Your registration will be valid only upon receipt of payment. All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. 

      Contact Persons: 

      Programme: Alla Hovhannissyan, AEB North-Western Regional Committee Coordinator, Tel. +7-911-012-6746, E-mail: alla.hovhannissyan@aebrus.ru

      Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru 

      Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru
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      AEB North-Western Regional Committee Event, Briefing by the World Bank, 11 October 2013, Saint-Petersburg
      The AEB North-Western Regional Committee is pleased to invite you  to the World Bank briefing in St. Petersburg based on the World Bank’s “Russia Economic Report #30”.

      You will have the privilege to hear Birgit Hansl, Lead Economist, Country Sector Coordinator for the Russian Federation, Sergei Ulatov, Senior Economist and Alvaro Gonzalez, Lead Economist. 

      The briefing will be kindly hosted by the Consulate General of Finland in St. Petersburg (Preobrazhenskaya ploschad', 4, St. Petersburg) on October 11th, 2013 from 10:00 to 12:00 (the registration starts at 9:30).

      The working language is English. Translation into Russian will not be provided. 

      N.B. Please bring a photo-identity with you for security checks at the entrance. Please note that the registration will close on 10 October 2013 at 12:00 PM and that we will not accept any more participants after that date.

      Attendance fees: 
      This event is free of charge.
      Priority will be given to AEB Members during the registration process.

      Contact Person: 

      Programme: Alla Hovhannissyan, AEB North-Western Regional Committee Coordinator, Tel. +7-911-012-6746, E-mail: alla.hovhannissyan@aebrus.ru

      Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru 

      Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru
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      AEB EuroReception at the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania (for top management and upon personal invitation only)
      The Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in the Russian Federation and the Association of European Businesses are pleased to invite you to an AEB Lithuanian EuroReception. 

      The Reception will take place on Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013 at the premises of the Embassy (Borisoglebskij per. 10, Moscow) at 19:00 – 21:00

      Please note that this reception is open only to the top management of AEB member companies and that registration will be closed as soon as the maximum number of participants is reached. 

      Please note that only people that have received a personal invitation will be allowed to participate. This invitation is not transferable.

      Please also bear in mind that we can accept only one participant from each AEB member company and two participants from the AEB sponsor companies. 

      Сontact persons: 

      Registration: Svetlana Lomidze, AEB External Affairs Director, svetlana.lomidze@aebrus.ru, tel.: + 7 495 234 27 64 (ext. 122) 

      Technical issues with the online registration system: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, events@aebrus.ru , tel, +7 495 234 27 64 (ext. 127) 

      Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru

      In view of the security checks at the entrance, we kindly ask that you come along with your invitation and passport. Only registered participants will be allowed to enter the Embassy’s territory.

      Supported by:



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      AEB Open Event: « Opportunities and challenges in international logistics in the Russian Federation» organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania and the AEB Customs and Transport Committee
      We are pleased to invite you to a round table titled “Opportunities and challenges in international logistics in the Russian Federation” organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania and AEB Customs and transport committee. 

      The Event will take place on Tuesday, October 22nd 2013 from 16:00 to 18:30 (registration from 15:30) at the premises of the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania, ul. Povarskaya 24

      The round table will be officially opened by H.E. Mr. Renatas Norkus, Ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania in RF. During the dialog within the framework of the round table, experts will discuss the recent developments in the customs legislation, transport infrastructure, international customs transit and share best practices. 

       The working language of the meeting is Russian. The interpretation will not be provided. 

      Attendance fees
      AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge; 
      Fee for AEB additional members is 3,500 RUB (+18% VAT); 
      Price for non-members is 7,000 RUB (plus 18%); 
      All payments are to be made by bank transfer. 
      Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. 

      N.B. Please bring an ID with you in view of security checks at the entrance. 

      Contact persons: 

      Programme: Ksenia Bortnik, AEB Committees Coordinator ksenya.bortnik@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.121. 

      Registration online: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events coordinator, events@aebrus.ru 

      Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru
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      10th anniversary of the AEB Krasnodar Committee

      AEB Business Meeting: “Transfer pricing – new challenges”
      The AEB Taxation Committee is pleased to invite you to participate in the event “Transfer pricing – new challenges”.

      The event will take place on 24th of October, 2013, from 9:30 am to 12:30 am (registration starts at 9:00), at Ararat Park Hyatt, Hall “Sargsyan” (Neglinnaya str., 4). 

      The event will highlight the recent changes in transfer pricing legislation and will provide an excellent platform for discussion and exchange of knowledge by professionals. A number of high level governmental representatives and experts will share their expertise and give recommendations on important tax matters. 

      The working languages of the event are English and Russian. Simultaneous translation will be provided. 

      Attendance fees: 
      AEB Members’ participation is 7,000 RUR (+18% VAT); 
      AEB Non Members’ participation is 8,000 RUR (+18% VAT) 
      All payments are to be made through bank transfer. 

      Contact persons: 
      Programme: Julia Kucherova, Taxation Committee Coordinator, at julia.kucherova@aebrus.ru, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext.150. 

      Registration: Tatiana Barysheva, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Tatiana.Barysheva@aebrus.ru  

      Login and password: Vera Solovaya, AEB Office Manager, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 149, vs@aebrus.ru
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      AEB Open Event: Round Table “The Role of Electronic Document Exchange and Mobile Systems in Virtualization Time 2013”
      The AEB IT-Telecom Committee is pleased to invite you to its Round Table “The Role of Electronic Document Exchange and Mobile Systems in Virtualization Time” 

      The event will take place on October 4th, 2013 at the AEB premises, Krasnoproletarskaya ul., 16, bld.3, entrance 8, 4th floor, office 8, from 9.30 am to 11.30 pm (registration starts from 9.00 am). 

      During the round table important IT topics relevant to any business and specifically to Russia and CIS will be presented and followed by a short Q&A. The topics presented are of great variety and from senior executives in renowned companies. 

      They include:
       • Electronic and paper workflow 
       • Major technologies of the mobile market 
       • Peculiarities of hiring the IT Staff 
       • Why technology will never replace people 

      The working languages of the meeting are Russian and English. The interpretation will not be provided. 

      Attendance fees AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge; 
      Fee for AEB additional members is 3,500 RUB (+18% VAT); 
      Price for non-members is 7,000 RUB (plus 18%); 

      All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. 

      Contact person: 
      Programme: Svetlana Lomidze, AEB Director for External Affairs, Chief Committee Coordinator svetlana.lomidze@aebrus.ru, +7 (495) 234 27 64, ext.122. 

      Registration online: Marie Rondelez, AEB Events Director, events@aebrus.ru
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      AEB Business Meeting: Stress-Test of Corporate Reputation: A Business Game

      AEB Open Event: World Bank Briefing
      Following a well established tradition, the AEB is pleased to announce the next World Bank briefing based on the World Bank’s “Russia Economic Report #30”

      You will have the privilege to hear Michal Rutkowski, Country Director, Birgit Hansl, Lead Economist, Country Sector Coordinator for the Russian Federation, Sergei Ulatov, Senior Economist and Alvaro Gonzalez, Lead Economist. 

      The briefing will take place at the Residence of the British Ambassador in Moscow, Sofiyskaya Naberezhnaya, 14 on Thursday September 26th, 2013 from 10:00 – 12:00 (registration from 09:15). 

      The working language is English. Translation into Russian will not be provided. 

      Attendance Fees AEB members’ participation for assigned representatives is free of charge;
      Price for additional representatives of AEB members is 3,500 RUR (+ 18 % VAT); 
      Price for representatives of non-member companies: 7,000 RUR (+ 18 % VAT); All payments are to be made by bank transfer.

      Once registration is closed the fee is non-refundable. 

      N.B. Please bring a photo-identity with you for security checks at the entrance. Please note that the registration will close on 24 September 2013 at 5.00 PM and that we will not accept any more participants after that date.

      Contact person: 
      Registration online and programme: Marie Rondelez, AEB Events Director, events@aebrus.ru
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      AEB Open Event: “How to optimize office real estate for end-users’ business needs?”
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      AEB-EBRD Launch Event “Energy Efficiency Labeling: Stimulating investment in energy efficient equipment in Russia”
      The AEB is pleased to invite you to participate in the joint AEB-EBRD launch event, organized by the AEB and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), titled “Energy Efficiency Labeling: Stimulating investment in energy efficient equipment in Russia”

      The event will take place on Wednesday, 18 September 2013, from 09:00 to 11:00 (registration starts at 08:30), at the AEB Conference centre (ul. Krasnoproletarskaya, 16, bld. 3, entrance 8, floor 4, office 8). 

      We expect about 70 energy efficiency experts, high-ranking Russian Officials, as well as press to attend the Launch event. For details please see the attached program. 

      The working language: English. Russian translation will be provided.

      Please note that registration is only possible on-line. If you wish to receive your login and password, please contact Vera Solovaya at vs@aebrus.ru. 

      Attendance Fees: 
      The participation is free of charge; 

      Contact persons: 
      Program: Fedor Plaskovitskiy, EE Label Scheme Marketing Manager, AEB, fedor.plaskovitskiy@aebrus.ru, tel. +7 (495) 234 27 64 ext. 152. 

      Registration: Marie Rondelez, AEB Events Director, events@aebrus.ru, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 118.
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      AEB Events: Round table organised by the AEB SHES Committee “Good models of H&S practice in Russia”
      The AEB is pleased to invite you to participate in the round table, organised by the AEB Safety, Health, Environment and Security Committee, titled “Good models of H&S practice in Russia”. 

      The event will take place on September 18th, 2013, from 10:00 am to 12:00 am (registration starts at 9:30), at AEB Board room located at Krasnoproletarskaya str., 16, bldg. 3, Entrance 8, Floor 4, Office 8. 

      The event provides the audience with an opportunity to receive the first-hand information about existing policies, challenges and corporate practices in the sphere of Health & Safety and to try to find solutions through establishing a dialogue. The working language of the event is English. 

      Attendance fees: 
      AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge
      Price for additional AEB members the fee is 3,500 RUB (plus 18% VAT); Price for non-members is 7,000 RUB (plus 18%); All payments are to be made by bank transfer. 

      Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. Your registration will be valid only upon receipt of payment. Registration will be closed as soon as the maximum number of participants is reached. 

      Contact persons: 
      Program: Julia Kucherova, AEB Committees Coordinator, at julia.kucherova@aebrus.ru, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext.150. Registration: Marie Rondelez, AEB Events Director, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 118, Marie.Rondelez@aebrus.ru
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      AEB Open Event “Best-In-Class Talent Acquisition” organized by the AEB HR Committee
      The AEB is pleased in invite you to its open event “Best-In-Class Talent Acquisition” organized by the AEB HR Committee. 

      The event will take place on September 18th, 2013, 15:00-18:00 (registration from 14:30) at the AEB Conference Center, (Krasnoproletarskaya Ul. 16, bld.3, entrance 8, 4th floor). 

      Talent acquisition is a strategic approach to identifying, attracting and onboarding top talent to efficiently and effectively meet dynamic business needs. Nowadays, the Russian labour market experiences the same difficulties as many other economies: baby-boomers’ retirement, lack of qualified engineers and technical professionals. Like some other developing economies, Russia does not have enough experienced managers. In these circumstances, it has become a real challenge for HR professionals to provide companies with necessary quality and quantity of Talent. 

      The open event “Best-In-Class Talent Acquisition” will provide a platform for discussion of the most up-to-date approaches in talent acquisition and development. With a focus on current and future trends, HR experts will share their expertise and offer recommendations on how to attract the best talents. For further details, please see the attached programme. The programme is liable to slight changes upon receipt of final confirmations from the speakers. 

      The working language of the event is English. Interpretation will not be provided. 

      Sponsorship opportunities are open; please see the conference package attached. 

      Attendance fees: 
      AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge; Price for additional AEB members the fee is 3,500 RUB (plus 18% VAT); Price for non-members is 7,000 RUB (plus 18%); All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. 

      Contact persons: 
      Programme and sponsorship: Tatiana Morozova, AEB Committees Coordinator, Tatiana.Morozova@aebrus.ru. Registration online: Marie Rondelez, AEB Events Director, events@aebrus.ru.
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      AEB Open Event: Financial and Economic Consequences of Parallel Imports’ Liberalization in Russia
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      AEB NWRC (Saint-Petersburg) Cocktail “Opening of the Business Season in North-Western Region”
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      CANCELED AEB Cocktail “Launching the Business Season” in the framework of ART MOSCOW fair

      AEB Sponsor Event: Blue Building and DGNB-Certification Standards and Benefits organised by Raiffeisen Evolution Project Management
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      Present situation and new trends in the Russian software development industry

      AEB Events: Briefing by Konstantin O. Romodanovsky, Minister, Head of Federal Migration Service
      The AEB is pleased to invite you to participate in Briefing by Konstantin O. Romodanovsky, Head of Federal Migration Service, organized by the AEB Migration Committee.

      The briefing will be held on the 30th of July, 2013, in Moscow, at the AEB Conference room, ul Krasnoproletarskaya 16, bld.3, entrance 8, 4th floor from 11:00 till 13:00 (registration starts at 10:30). 

      Mr. Romodanovsky will brief the audience on the new FMS legislative initiatives in the framework of the Russian migration policy concept implementation for the period up to 2025: RF Migration Code, upcoming changes in immigration system, which include replacement of work permits and visas by temporary and permanent residence permits, the introduction of a simplified procedure for obtaining of Russian citizenship for entrepreneurs, investors, highly-qualified specialists and reform of the quota mechanism in Russia as well. 

      The working language of the event is Russian. Simultaneous translation into English will be provided. 

      Registration is open until 12:00, July 29th, 2013.

      Contact persons: 
      Programme: Ksenia Bortnik, AEB Committees Coordinator, at ksenya.bortnik@aebrus.ru, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext.121 
      Registration: Ekaterina Ostrikova, AEB Events Coordinator, events@aebrus.ru, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 117.
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      Presentation of the AEB guide “How to Invest in Russia 2013”
      AEB Open Event: Presentation of the AEB "How to Invest in Russia 2013" guide, AEB Conference centre, 17 July 2013, 09:00 – 11:00 

      The AEB Finance & Investments Committee is pleased to announce the release of the 2013 edition of the AEB’s “How to Invest in Russia” guide. 

      The official presentation of the Guide will take place on Wednesday, July 17th, 2013, from 09:00 to 11:00 (registration starts at 08:30), at the AEB Conference centre (ul. Krasnoproletarskaya, 16, bld. 3, entrance 8, floor 4, office 8). 

      The Guide brings you the most recent updates on migration legislation, taxation, joint ventures, industry-specific aspects of investing, and investing in the regions. Special attention is paid to the topic of Russia’s WTO accession. In addition, this Guide gives an inside look into investing in Russia, from the companies’ perspectives, and provides examples of successful business cases. The working languages of the event are Russian and English. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided. For details please see the attached program. Please note that the program is liable to slight changes upon final confirmations from speakers.

      Please note that registration is only possible on-line. If you wish to receive your login and password, please contact Vera Prokopenko at vera.prokopenko@aebrus.ru

      Attendance Fees: 
      AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge;
      Fee for AEB additional members is 3,500 RUB (+18% VAT); 
      Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 7,000 RUB (+18% VAT).
      All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable.

      Contact persons: 

      Program: Anna Tsiulina, AEB Committees Coordinator, at@aebrus.ru, tel. (495) 234 27 64 ext. 124; 
      Registration: Marie Rondelez, AEB Events Director, events@aebrus.ru, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 118.
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      AEB Open Event: “Implementing Ethics Standards through Multinational Supply Chains: A Proposal for a Russian Certification Model”
      The AEB is pleased to invite you to participate in the open event, organised by the AEB Safety, Health, Environment and Security Committee, titled “Implementing Ethics Standards through Multinational Supply Chains: A Proposal for a Russian Certification Model”

      The event will take place on July 1st, 2013, from 14:00 pm to 18:00 pm (registration starts at 13:30), at AEB Conference room located at Krasnoproletarskaya str., 16, bldg. 3, Entrance 8, Floor 4, Office 8. 

      Risk Advisory Group is the Golden Sponsor of the event. 

      The event provides the opportunity to discuss various compliance certification models and the international and Russian legal requirements with experts working in the sphere of combatting corruption in emerging economies. Interpretation will be provided. Please click here to register for this event. Please note that registration is only possible on-line. If you wish to receive your login and password, please contact Vera Solovaya at vs@aebrus.ru . 

      Attendance fees: 

      AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge; Price for additional AEB members the fee is 3,500 RUB (plus 18% VAT); Price for non-members is 7,000 RUB (plus 18%); All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. Your registration will be valid only upon receipt of payment. Registration will be closed as soon as the maximum number of participants is reached. 

      Contact persons: Program: Julia Kucherova, AEB Committees Coordinator, at julia.kucherova@aebrus.ru, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext.150. 
      Registration: Ekaterina Ostrikova, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, events@aebrus.ru.
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      AEB UK EuroReception


      Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Russian Federation, Mr. Tim Barrow and the Association of European Businesses are pleased to invite you to a UK EuroReception.

      The Reception will take place on Thursday, June 27th, 2013 at the Ambassador’s Residence (Sofiyskaya Naberezhnaya 14, Moscow) at 18:30 – 20:30.

      Please note that this reception is open only to the top management of AEB member companies and that registration will be closed as soon as the maximum number of participants is reached. Please note that this invitation is personal and not transferrable.

      Please bear in mind that we can accept only one participant from each AEB member company and two participants from the AEB sponsor companies.


      Svetlana Lomidze, AEB External Affairs Director, svetlana.lomidze@aebrus.ru, tel.: + 7 495 234 27 64 (ext. 122)

      Registration online:

      Ekaterina Ostrikova, AEB Events Coordinator, events@aebrus.ru , tel, +7 495 234 27 64 (ext. 127)

      In view of the security checks at the entrance, we kindly ask that you come along with your invitation, confirmation number and passport.

      We look forward to seeing you there!

      Platinum Sponsor


      Official Car Partner


      Silver Sponsor

      JCB DISPLAY LOGO small.jpg


      AEB Seminar and Reception organised on the occasion of the Mission for Growth led by EU Commission Vice-President Tajani

      The AEB is pleased to invite you to a seminar followed by a reception organised on the occasion of the Vice-President Tajani Mission for Growth to Russia.

      This event will take place on 17 June 2013 starting at 5 PM in the presence of Mr. Tajani in the Hotel Nikolskaya Kempinski (Ul. Nikolskaya 12).

      Please find attached the programme.

      A European business delegation (so-called “Mission for Growth”), led by Vice-President and Commissioner for Enterprise and Industry, Antonio Tajani, will come to Russia between 17 and 19 June 2013. High-level political meetings and business opportunities events are being organised in the framework of this mission.

      These visits will have the objectives to (1) promote sustainable and inclusive growth in both trading partners; (2) help companies – SMEs in particular – to operate in Russia; and (3) promote European industry in targeted sectors by participating in matchmaking events with local entrepreneurs.

      Please note that this event is open only to the top management of AEB member companies and that registration will be closed as soon as the maximum number of participants is reached. Please bear in mind that we can accept only one participant from each AEB member company.

      Please click here to register.

      Sponsorship opportunities are still available. Please find attached the sponsorship packages.


      Programme and sponsorship:

      Marie Rondelez, AEB Events Director and Adviser on EU Affairs, marie.rondelez@aebrus.ru , tel. +7 495 234 27 64, ext. 118

      Julia Bendel, AEB Marketing and Communications Director, Julia.bendel@aebrus.ru, tel. +7 495 234 27 64 ext. 126.

      Registration online: Ekaterina Ostrikova, events@aebrus.ru , tel: + 7 495 234 27 64 (ext. 127)

      We look forward to seeing you there!

      AEB Open Event “Best-In-Class Talent Acquisition”

      AEB business meeting “Development of the Russian Tax System in 2013 and Prospects for 2014 – 2016”
      The AEB Taxation Committee is pleased to invite you to participate in the business meeting “Development of the Russian Tax System in 2013 and Prospects for 2014 – 2016”.

      The event will take place on the 3d of July, 2013, from 9:00 am to 14:00 am (registration starts at 8:30), at Ararat Park Hyatt, Hall “Sargsyan” (Neglinnaya str., 4). The event will highlight the recent changes in tax legislation and prospects for the next few years and will provide an excellent platform for discussion and exchange of knowledge by professionals. A number of high level governmental representatives and experts will share their expertise and give recommendations on important tax matters. In partiuclar, Mr. S. Shatalov, Deputy Minister of Finance of the RF and Mr. D. Egorov, Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service of the RF will be our special guests. 

      The working languages of the event are English and Russian. Simultaneous translation will be provided. 

      Please click here to register for this event on-line. 

      Attendance fees: 
      AEB Members’ participation is 7,000 RUR (+18% VAT); AEB Non Members’ participation is 8,000 RUR (+18% VAT) All payments are to be made through bank transfer. 

      Contact persons: Programme: Julia Kucherova, Taxation Committee Coordinator, at julia.kucherova@aebrus.ru, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext.150. Registration: Ekaterina Ostrikova, AEB Events Coordinator, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127, Ekaterina.Ostrikova@aebrus.ru.
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      AEB Open Event: Presentation of the AEB Annual Survey’s results “Strategies and prospects of European companies in Russia”
      AEB Open Event: Presentation of the AEB Annual Survey’s results “Strategies and prospects of European companies in Russia”, AEB Conference centre, 19 June 2013 

      We are pleased to invite you to attend the official presentation of the results of the sixth AEB Annual Survey “Strategies and Prospects of European Companies in Russia”

      The event will take place on Wednesday, 19 June 2013, from 09:00 to 10:30 (registration starts at 08:30), at the AEB Conference centre (ul. Krasnoproletarskaya, 16, bld. 3, entrance 8, floor 4, office 8). 

      For several years, the Survey has been a highly valuable source of first-hand information that gives an overview of the Russian investment climate attractiveness and highlights the key challenges and strategies that impact European companies while doing business in Russia. This year, the AEB investigates how the estimations evolved in the context of the parliament and presidential elections 2011-2012, Russia’s accession to the WTO and economic recession in Europe. During the event the key findings of the survey will be presented and followed by a Q&A session and discussion on the investment climate in Russia. 

      The working languages of the event are Russian and English. 
      Simultaneous interpretation will be provided. 

      Attendance fees: AEB assigned members’ participation is free of charge; Fee for AEB additional members is 3,500 RUB (+18% VAT); Fee for representatives of non-member companies is 7,000 RUB (+18% VAT). All payments are to be made by bank transfer. Once registration is closed, the fee is non-refundable. 

      Contact persons: Program: Anna Tsiulina, AEB Committees Coordinator, at@aebrus.ru, tel. (495) 234 27 64 ext 124; 
      Registration: Ekaterina Ostrikova, AEB Events Coordinator, events@aebrus.ru, tel. (495) 234 27 64, ext. 127.
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      AEB Open Event: Machine Building Market Trends in Russia (first half of 2013)
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      Round Table “Energy Services in Russia – Results and Future Prospects” organized by the AEB Energy Efficiency Committee
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      AEB Sponsor Event organised by OOO "BSH Bytowaja Technika": Innovation and Energy Efficiency for home appliances
      The AEB is pleased in invite you to the AEB Sponsor Event organized by OOO «BSH Bytovaya technika»: “Innovations and Energy Efficiency for home appliances”. 

      The event will take place on June 20th, 2013, in Moscow, at the Hotel Marriott Tverskaya (1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya 34, Moscow), from 9.30 AM to 1 PM (registration will start from 9 AM) and will be followed by a cocktail. 

      The working language of the event is Russian. Interpretation will not be provided. 
      Please click here to register for this event. Participation is free of charge. 

      Registration online: Ekaterina Ostrikova, AEB Events Coordinator, events@aebrus.ru
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      AEB NW Regional Commitee Open Event in St. Petersburg: Government Briefing
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      AEB Open Event: Conference “Intellectual Property Rights: recent trends, court practices, problems and solutions”
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      Briefing by Mr. Timur M. Suleimenov, Minister of economy and financial policy, Eurasian economic commission.
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      AEB Sponsor Event organised by TMF Group: “International Structuring for Russian Corporate and Private Clients”

      AEB Open Event: Round table organised by the AEB SHES Committee “Good models of H&S practice in Russia”

      AEB HR Conference: 10 Years of HR in Russia: Achievments and Prospects
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      AEB Open Event: “Green building: from Theory to Practice”
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      AEB Open Event: Briefing by Igor Artemiev, Head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service

      AEB Events: Open event “Corporate Social Responsibility: incentives or obligations?” organised by the AEB SHES Committee
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      AEB open event: “Trends and Prospects of Pensions System in Russia”
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      AEB Sponsor Event: “Venture Capital & Stock Market of Russia. Risks & Opportunities.” organised and sponsored by OJSC IC RUSS-INVEST

      10th Flagship Conference - “Russia; What Strategy in a Changing World”
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      The Fourth Northern Dimension Forum
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      Round Table on “Construction and Real Estate in North-Western Region: current situation, recent developments in the regulatory environment and prospects”
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      Global Russia Business Meeting

      16th Russian Automotive Forum

      Italian EuroReception

      AEB Recruitment Sub-Committee Open Event “HR Excellence”
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      Real Estate Committee Open Meeting "What will influence the Real Estate Market in Moscow in 2013 and beyond?"
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      Round Table organised by the AEB SHES Committee “Outsourcing of security services”
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      Европейское измерение участия России в мировой торговой системе после вступления в ВТО
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      Annual General Meeting 2013
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      Conference on the Customs Legislation in Russia – Recent Changes and Implementation
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      Annual Press Conference of the AEB Commercial Vehicles Committeе
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      Open Event in St.Petersburg “How to improve investment climate in North-Western Federal District”
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      Presentation of the Investment Potential of the Tula Region
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      Polish Euro Reception 2013
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      Recent Developments in the Regulatory Environment for Russian Banks with Specific Focus on the Basel Recommendations
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      Briefing By Eric Peters, Advisor to the President of the European Commission "EU Priorities during the Crisis and the Relations with Russia"
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      "Status and perspectives of retail banking sector", Briefing by Mikhail Zadornov, President-Chairman of the Board, VTB 24
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      World Bank briefing based on the World Bank’s “Russia Economic Report #29”
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      Round Table organized by the AEB IT-Telecom Committee “Trends of the Information Technologies in Russia”
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      Development of the Russian Tax System in 2012 аnd Prospects for 2013 – 2015
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      Swiss Euro Reception 2012
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      How new technologies in assessment and development drive companies' business results
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      Social Media and Corporate Internet Technology
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      AMC Press Conference REVIEW 2012
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      HR Conference “Bringing Expats to Russia”
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      Round Table with Gleb Prozorov, Managing Director of Vedomosti Newspaper
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      Open Event “Managing finances in Crisis Times”
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      International Conference “Russian business after the WTO accession: expectations and prospects”
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      Round Table “Managing Investment Projects”
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      Third International Forum «Transport Infrastructure in Russia: Innovation-based Development»
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      Briefing by Michel Barnier, European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services
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      AEB HR Committee Business Meeting “Overview of Salary Surveys in Russia"
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      Business Breakfast on practical aspects of Transfer Pricing
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      Open Event by Zurich Insurance Company “Risk Management - internal and external risks: analyzing challenges and finding solutions”
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      AEB Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Committee's Open Event “Sharing SMEs experience with outsourcing: challenges and opportunities"
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      Briefing by Thane Gustafson, IHS CERA, The Coming Challenges and Opportunities for Russian Oil
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      Seminar “Voluntary Medical Insurance: Modern technologies & Allianz innovative solutions”
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      Seventh Annual Meeting with the Labour Inspection
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      The 5th AEB Annual Migration Conference
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      International Conference «Russia in the World Trade Organization: New Tools to Protect Business»
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      French-Russian First Job Forum on the 29th October in Moscow and 9th November in Saint Petersburg
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      The International Forum “Building Automation and Energy Efficiency”
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      First Moscow International Foreign Investment Forum
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      Italian Week Festival Opening Ceremony
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      World Bank Briefing
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      1st Allianz Professional Indemnity Insurance Conference
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      "Russian exchange market: press the reset button" - briefing by Sergey Sinkevich, Vice-President, MICEX
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      Hotels Road Show
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      Telecom Committee Round Table “Current trends and issues in cloud computing development in Russia”

      Round Table "Current Trends & Issues in Cloud Development in Russia"

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      Round Table "The fight against counterfeit products in the Russian market of plant protection products"
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      Cocktail "Launching the Business Season"

      Cocktail "Launching the Business Season"

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      Latest trends in Interior Design, Public and Private Spaces
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      Briefing by Sergey Lavrov, RF Minister of Foreign Affairs
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      AEB Finance & Investments Committee Open Event: Briefing with Boris Titov, Presidential Commissioner for Entrepreneurs' Rights Protection
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      St. Petersburg Summer Cocktail
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      ROI in Assessment, Training and Development

      HR committee event: An open meeting on ROI in Assessment, Training and Development

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      Conference “Intellectual Property Rights: recent trends, court practices, problems and solutions”

      Conference “Intellectual Property Rights: recent trends, court practices, problems and solutions”

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      Recruiters Day

      HR committee event: Recruiters Day

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      WTO and modernization perspectives of the Russian machine building sector

      WTO and modernization perspectives of the Russian machine building sector

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      Briefing by Sergey Dubinin, Head of the Supervisory Board, VTB Capital, “Is the second wave of the crisis here?”

      AEB External Affairs event: Briefing by Sergey Dubinin, Head of the Supervisory Board, VTB, “Is the second wave of the crisis here?”

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      AEB IT-Telecom Committee “1C & SAP: corporate clients’ success stories – implementing and using of the ERP-systems in Russia”

      AEB IT-Telecom Committee “1C & SAP: corporate clients’ success stories – implementing and using of the ERP-systems in Russia”

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      “Crisis Communications: A Business Game”

      AEB PR and Communications committee workshop: “Crisis Communications: A Business Game”

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      AEB Open Security & Compliance event on Anti-Corruption: “Combating corruption in Russia: challenges and way forward”

      AEB Open Security & Compliance event on Anti-Corruption:  “Combating corruption in Russia: challenges and way forward”, 7 June 2012, AEB Conference Centre

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      AEB Danish EuroReception

      AEB Danish EuroReception

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      AEB Energy Efficiency committee open event in a new format: Energy Efficiency Speed Dating

      AEB Energy Efficiency committee open event in a new format: Energy Efficiency Speed Dating

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      AEB North-Western Regional Committee Meeting
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      Briefing by Odd Per Brekk, Senior Resident Representative, International Monetary Fund

      Briefing by Odd Per Brekk, Senior Resident Representative, International Monetary Fund, “Economic Policies for Stability and Growth” (a discussion of the findings and conclusions of the annual IMF review of the Russian economy)

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      AEB Sponsor Event: round table “Engaging Leaders – Lessons Learned from Best Employers in Europe and Russia” organized and sponsored by Aon Hewitt, 25 April 2012

      AEB Sponsor Event: round table “Engaging Leaders – Lessons Learned from Best Employers in Europe and Russia” organized and sponsored by Aon Hewitt

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      World Bank Briefing

      World Bank Briefing RER 27

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      Tax Legislation Update - First half of 2012

      Taxation committee event: Tax legislation update - first half of 2012

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      Presentation of the Annual Survey Results "Strategies and Prospects of AEB member companies"

      Finance and Investment committee: Presentation of the Annual Survey Results "Strategies and Prospects of AEB member companies" 

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      Strike of agency employees at the client's factory: Omsk case study

      Strike of agency employees at the client's factory: Omsk case study

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      Social Media

      PR and Communications committee event: Social Media

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      Raising finances for SMEs

      SME committee event: Raising Finances for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

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      Development of VAT Legislation and Practice

      AEB Taxation committee event: Development of VAT Legislation and Practice

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      AEB Flagship conference

      AEB Flagship Conference "New Realities - New Challenges"

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      Raising Finance for SMEs

      SME committee event: "Raising Finance for SMEs"

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      Workshop on Insurance and Internet

      Insurance and Pensions committee event: Insurance and the Internet

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      Annual General Meeting 2012

      Annual General Meeting 2012

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      Introduction to Skolkovo Partnership: Case Studies
      Introduction to Skolkovo Partnership: Case Studies Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить

      Corporate Social Responsibility, 13 March 2012, AEB Conference Centre, 10:00 – 12:00

      Corporate Social Responsibility

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      AEB Open event in Saint-Petersburg: “Russia’s Accession to the WTO”, 21 February 2012, 15:00 – 17:00, Consulate of Finland, Saint-Petersburg

      AEB Open event in Saint-Petersburg: “Russia’s accession to the WTO”

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      AEB Press conference on Commercial Vehicles
      AEB Press conference on Commercial Vehicles Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить

      Briefing by Tsyganov, 2 February 2012, AEB Conference Centre, 14:30 – 16:30 (registration at 14:00)

      Briefing by Andrey Tsyganov, 2 February 2012, AEB Conference Centre, 14:30 – 16:30 (registration at 14:00)

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      Internet Economy & SME
      Internet Economy & SME Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Corporate Networks Versus Social Networks?
      Corporate Networks Versus Social Networks Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить

      How to Optimise Office Real Estate for End Users' Business Needs

      How to Optimise Office Real Estate for End Users' Business Needs

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      AEB Annual HR Conference, May 17th, 2012, Marriott Grand

      AEB Annual HR Conference

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      AEB Open Event: “Partnership with youth organisations as a tool for building your company’s future”

      Partnership with Youth Organisations as a Tool for Building your Company Future

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      Post WTO EU-Russia Trade Relations, with the representatives of the European Commission

      Post WTO EU-Russia Trade Relations, with the representatives of the European Commission

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      Briefing by Andrei Sharonov, Deputy Mayor of Moscow for the economic policy

      Briefing by Andrei Sharonov, Deputy Mayor of Moscow for the economic policy

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      Briefing by Eric Peters,Bureau of European Policy Advisers (BEPA) of the President of the Commission

      Briefing by Eric Peters,Bureau of European Policy Advisers (BEPA) of the President of the European Commission

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      REVIEW 2011: AEB Automobile Manufacturers Committee Annual Press-conference
      REVIEW 2011: AEB Automobile Manufacturers Committee Annual Press-conference Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить

      Creation and Activities of Joint Ventures in Russia
      Creation and Activities of Joint Ventures in Russia Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      The 3rd Nothern Dimension Forum

      The 3rd Nothern Dimension Forum

      Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Customs Conference
      Customs Conference Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Development of the Russian Tax System in 2011 and prospects for 2012 - 2013
      Development of the Russian Tax System in 2011 and prospects for 2012 - 2013 Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Briefing by Natalya Kasperskaya
      Briefing by Natalya Kasperskaya Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Legislative Changes for Machine Building Sector, co-organised with the Council of Federation
      Legislative Changes for Machine Building Sector, co-organised with the Council of Federation Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить

      SME Forum: How to Succeed in Russia?
      SME Forum: How to Succeed in Russia? Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить

      Briefing by Igor Yurgens, Chairman of the Board, Institute of Contemporary Development: “Pre-Electoral Period: What’s High on the Agenda?”
      Briefing by Igor Yurgens, Chairman of the Board, Institute of Contemporary Development: “Pre-Electoral Period: What’s High on the Agenda?” Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить

      October 2011, Social Media Committee meeting
      October 2011, Social Media Committee meeting Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить

      Workshop on Hospitality
      Workshop on Hospitality, Joint Event with the British Embassy Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить

      New Rules of Transfer Pricing and their Impact on Pharmaceutical Companies
      New Rules of Transfer Pricing and their Impact on Pharmaceutical Companies Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить

      Sixth Annual Meeting with the Labour Inspection. Issues of Practical Implementation. 13th October
      Sixth Annual Meeting with the Labour Inspection. Issues of Practical Implementation. Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить

      Business mission to Voronezh region, October, 27-28, 2011
      Business mission to Voronezh region, October, 27-28, 2011 Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Briefing by Sergey Shatalov, Deputy Finance Minister“:Transfer Pricing Law"
      Briefing by Sergey Shatalov, Deputy Finance Minister“:Transfer Pricing Law” Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Stakeholders Relations Committee meeting
      Stakeholders Relations Committee meeting Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Round Table “Engineering in Russia”

      Round Table “Engineering in Russia”

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      B2B Meeting, Vladimir Yakunin, President, Russian Railways

      B2B Meeting, Vladimir Yakunin, President, Russian Railways

      Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      The AEB Cocktail “Golden Autumn”
      The AEB Cocktail “Golden Autumn” Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      AEB Open event: Salary Survey
      AEB Open event: Salary Survey Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      AEB Business Meeting: Recruiter's Day
      AEB Business Meeting: Recruiter's Day Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      AEB Sponsor event organized by VSK
      AEB Sponsor event organized by VSK Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Insurance and M&A
      Insurance and M&A Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Energy Efficiency in the Industrial Sector: Practical Solutions
      Energy Efficiency in the Industrial Sector: Practical Solutions Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      AEB Annual Pension Conference
      AEB Annual Pension Conference: Recent Trends and the Future of the Pensions System in Russia Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      World Bank Briefing
      World Bank Briefing Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить

      Briefing by Mikhail Fedotov, Head of the Presidential Council for Human Rights: Public Control as One of Russia's Modernisation Tools
      Mikhail Fedotov, Head of the Presidential Council for Human Rights: Public Control as One of Russia's Modernisation Tools Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Mass media and elections. Briefing by Alexey Venediktov, Editor-in-chief, Echo of Moscow
      Mass media and elections. Briefing by Alexey Venediktov, Editor-in-chief, Echo of Moscow Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить

      Briefing by Igor Yurgens, Chairman of the Board, Institute of Contemporary Development, “Pre-Electoral Period: What’s High on the Agenda?”
      Briefing by Igor Yurgens, Chairman of the Board, Institute of Contemporary Development - “Pre-Electoral Period: What’s High on the Agenda?” Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить

      AEB COCKTAIL "LAUNCHING THE BUSINESS SEASON" Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Public-Private Partnership in Russia: Recent Trends and Scenarios for the Future

      Public-Private Partnership in Russia: Recent Trends and Scenarios for the Future

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      Pre-Electoral Landscape in Russia

      Briefing by Igor Bunin, General Director, Center of Political Technologies: "Pre-Electoral Landscape in Russia"

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      HR Solutions for the IT Industry

      HR Solutions for the IT Industry

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      Development of Legislation On Healthcare in Russian Federation. New Opportunities for Russian and Foreign Businesses

      Development of Legislation On Healthcare in Russian Federation

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      Practical Seminar 1С and SAP Solutions for Corporate Customers in Russia.
      Practical Seminar 1С and SAP Solutions for Corporate Customers in Russia Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Government Relations

      Open event: Government Relations

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      The Forum of Russian and European Businesses Partners in Modernisation: New Opportunities for Doing Business in Russia

      The Forum of Russian and European Businesses Partners in Modernisation: New Opportunities for Doing Business in Russia

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      Opportunities for Foreign Investors. Briefing by Sergey Sinkevich, Vice President,MICEX

      Briefing by Sergey Sinkevich, Vice President, MICEX: Opportunities for Foreign Investors

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      AEB Cocktail: A Summer Evening in Provence

      AEB Cocktail: A Summer Evening in Provence Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      2nd International Forum «Automotive Industry and Autocomponents Market in Russia»

      2nd International Forum "Automotive Industry and Autocomponents Market in Russia"

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      International Monetary Fund: "Growth or Stagnation? Post-Election Economy Policy Scenarios for Russia"

      Briefing by Odd Per Brekk, Senior Resident Representative, IMF: "Growth or Stagnation? Post-Election Economy Policy Scenarios for Russia"

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      Relocation Conference - Bringing expats to Russia

      Relocation Conference: "Bringing expats to Russia"

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      Practice and Legislation update for the first half of 2011

      TAXATION COMMITTEE EVENT: Practice and Legislation update for the first half of 2011

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      Presentation of State Registration chamber


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      Crisis communications: A business game by the AEB PR and communications committee

      AEB PR  AND COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE EVENT: Crisis communications - A business game organised by the AEB PR and Communications committee

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      Seminar on Energy Efficiency in the urban environment


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      Round TAble discussion on copyright dues


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      IT Round table - IT for pioneers


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      Practical Steps to Build Effective Fraud Resilience Programme

      SHES COMMITTEE EVENT: Practical Steps to Build Effective Fraud Resilience Programme

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      Annual IP Conference


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      Labour law

      HR COMMITTEE EVENT: Labout Law Issues: advice of experienced lawyers

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      AEB presentation in Rostov-on-Don on the eve of Europe Day – “Infrastructure development in the region”

      AEB REGIONAL EVENTS: AEB presentation in Rostov-on-Don on the eve of Europe Day

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      Open meeting in St Petersburg

      AEB REGIONAL EVENTS: AEB North-Western regional committee open meeting

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      Construction Equipment committee event


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      Trade Law and taxation issues in the retail & consumer industry

      TAXATION COMMITTEE EVENT: Trade law and taxation issues in the retail & consumer industry

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      Round Table “Localization in Russia. Suppliers. Medium Enterprises”.

      MACHINE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING COMMITTEE: Round table - "Localisation in Russia. Suppliers. Medium enterprises."

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      Innovative Technology Development Trends in the Auto Industry

      SPONSOR EVENT: Innovative Technoogy Development Trends in the Auto Industry

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      Non-Life Insurance


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      Yazev briefing 2011

      BRIEFING BY VALERY YAZEV, Vice-speaker of the State Duma: Legal Problems of the EU-Russia Cooperation in Gas Sphere

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      IT-TELECOM COMMITTEE EVENT: Skolkovo: Road for Innovations

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      Talking to your employees

      PR & COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE EVENT: Talking to your Employees

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      How to invest in Russia presentation 2011


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      III Annual Forum of Young Leaders GLOBE-2011

      III Annual Forum of Young Leaders GLOBE-2011: Modernisation of Russia in the 21 century. Challenges and opportunities

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      Commercial vehicles press-conference 2011

      COMMERCIAL VEHICLES COMMITTEE PRESS-CONFERENCE: Commercial vehicles sales in Russia in 2010

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      Open Event on the Legal Initiative on the ban of outstaffing on the territory of RF

      HR COMMITTEE OPEN EVENT on the Legal Initiative on the Ban of Outstaffing on the territory of the Russian Federation

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      Briefing by Chris Weafer

      BRIEFING BY CHRIS WEAFER, Chief Strategist, Uralsib Capital,  “Russia: Invest & Modernize or Stagnate”

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      Flagship conference may 2011


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      Norwegian Euroreception 2011


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      AEB Business Mission to Yekaterinburg 2011


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      Briefing by B. Simonov

      IP Committee EVENT: BRIEFING BY B. SIMONOV (Rospatent)

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      II Northern Dimension Forum


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      AEB Annual General Meeting 2011


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      M&A Trends in the Russian Agribusiness Sector

      M&A WG EVENT: M&A Trends in the Russian Agribusiness Sector 

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      Winter Reception in Saint-Petersburg Feb 2011

      REGIONAL EVENT: AEB Winter Reception in Saint-Petersburg

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      AMC Press-Conference 2011

      AEB AMC Annual Press-Conference

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      Outstaffing event

      HR COMMITTEE EVENT: HR Open Meeting on Outstaffing (DATE TBC)

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      Infrastructure development of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region

      AEB NORTH-WESTERN REGIONAL COMMITTEE EVENT: Infrastructure development of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region

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      Banks as owners of non-core real estate assets

      REAL ESTATE COMMITTEE EVENT: Banks as owners of real estate assets: risks, challenges, and ways to move forward?

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      Meeting with VP Kallas


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      Disputes and Insolvency

      LEGAL COMMITTEE EVENT: Bankruptcy Procedures & Disputes Resolution

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      Green Office

      REAL ESTATE COMMITTEE EVENT: Green office: Fancy Trend or Way out of the Crisis

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      Development of the Russian Tax System in 2010, prospects for 2011-12

      TAXATION COMMITTEE EVENT: Development of the Russian Tax System in 2010, prospects for 2011-12

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      Why it is important to invest in middle management

      HR COMMITTEE EVENT: Why it is important to invest in middle management

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      Fleet Auto Summit 2011

      SPONSOR EVENT: Fleet Auto Summit 2011

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      From C1 to SAP


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      15th anniversary


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      World Bank Briefing 23

      WORLD BANK BRIEFING based on Russia Economic Report 23

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      Pension in Russia. Role of the employer

      INSURANCE&PENSIONS COMMITTEE EVENT: Pension in Russia. Role of the employer in creating long-term retirement savings

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      Briefing by Sergey Chemezov, General Director, State Corporation ROSTECHNOLOGII

      BRIEFING BY SERGEY CHEMEZOV, General Director, State Corporation ROSTECHNOLOGII

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      Regional Forum in Krasnodar

      IV Regional Forum of the largest enterprises of the Southern Federal District and North Caucasian Federal District in Krasnodar

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      Successful sales: luck or system

      IT-TELECOM COMMITTEE EVENT: Successful sales: luck or system?

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      How to Set Up a Manufacturing Plant in Russia

      REAL ESTATE COMMITTEE EVENT: How to Set Up a Manufacturing Plant in Russia

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      AEB Sponsor event

      AEB SPONSOR EVENT AND SURVEY: Effective Rate of Corporate Profit Tax: Are you sure to pay the right tax? 

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      Business Mission to Chuvash Republic


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      Annual Migration Conference

      MIGRATION COMMITTEE EVENT: Annual Migration Conference

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      Conference: Investments in Russia: Legal Aspects

      LEGAL COMMITTEE EVENT: Conference: Investment Climate in Russia. State Support and Business Opportunities

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      CFO breakfast


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      Construction Equipment Committee event


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      AEB Presentation and B2B meetings in Stavropol

      AEB Presentation and B2B meetings in Stavropol

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      Optimization of business processes. Outsourcing in Russia – to be or Not to be?

      IT-TELECOM COMMITTEE EVENT: Optimization of business processes. Outsourcing in Russia - to be or Not to be?

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      Salary Survey 2010

      HR COMMITTEE EVENT: Salary Survey

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      Legal Conference: Recent trends in RF Corporate Legislation

      LEGAL COMMITTEE CONFERENCE: Recent Trends in RF Corporate Legislation

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      Approaching post-Kyoto: opportunities and challenges for Russia

      SHES COMMITTEE EVENT: Approaching post-Kyoto: opportunities and challenges for Russia

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      Special Economic Zones

      AEB EVENT: SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONES - Briefing by Dmitry Levchenkov, Director of Department for special economic zones and project financing, RF Ministry of Economic Development

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      Briefing by Igor Artemiev, Head of FAS Nov 2010

      BRIEFING with IGOR ARTEMIEV, Head of the RF Federal Antimonopoly Service

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      Briefing by Deputy Minister of Economic Development, Andrey Slepnev

      BRIEFING by Deputy Minister of Economic Development Andrey Slepnev 

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      Automotive industry forum


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      Recent trends in business ethics, compliance and corporate security

      SHES COMMITTEE EVENT: Recent Trends in Business Ethics, Compliance and Corporate Security

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      Dutch Euroreception 2010


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      Government Relations - GR workshop


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      HR CONFERENCE 2011


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      Recruiters day sept 2010

      HR COMMITTEE EVENT: Recruiters day

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      Bringing Expats to Russia

      RELOCATION SUBCOMMITTEE EVENT: Bringing Expats to Russia

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      Actuarial profession in Russia: A new approach


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      Droege-AEB survey presentation

      PRESENTATION OF THE RESULTS OF THE AEB SURVEY "Strategies and Prospects of AEB Member Companies in Russia"

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      Corporate Social Responsibility

      PR & COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE EVENT: Corporate Social Responsibility: How to measure it? How to manage mutual expectations of business and government?

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      AEB Tax Committee Open Event: Development of the Russian Tax System in 2010: quo vadis?

      AEB TAX COMMITTEE OPEN EVENT: Development of the Russian Tax System in 2010: quo vadis?

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      Briefing by Grozovsky

      TECHNICAL REGULATION & STANDARTISATION TASK FORCE EVENT: Briefing by Gennady I. Grozovsky, Deputy Director of VNIINMASH - "Technical Regulation on Safety of Machinery and Equipment"

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      AEB Polish EuroReception


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      AEB Summer Cocktail


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      Trends of Machine Building in Russia

      MACHINE BUILDING & ENGINEERING COMMITTEE: Trends of Machine Building in Russia 

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      Taxation issues in the Telecommunication and other High-Technology Industries

      IT-TELECOM & TAX COMMITTEES JOINT EVENT: Taxation Issues in the Telecommunications and other High-technology Industries

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      Labor LAW conference

      HR COMMITTEE EVENT: Termination of Labour Agreement: advice of experienced lawyers

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      Launch of Business Season 2010


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      Odd per Brekk briefing 2010

      BRIEFING by Odd Per Brekk, Senior Resident Representative, IMF: Strengthening Economic Policy Frameworks - Key Challenges for Russia 

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      Lavrov briefing 2010

      BRIEFING by SERGEY LAVROV, RF Minister of Foreign Affairs

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      World Bank report 22

      WORLD BANK BRIEFING: Russia Economic Report 22

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      Information Security and Modern IT Solutions

      IT-TELECOM COMMITTEE EVENT: Information Security and Modern IT-Solutions for Information Protection

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      Annual IP Conference 2010

      IP Committee EVENT: Intellectual Property: Recent Developments in Court Practice, Problems and Solutions

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      Spanish Euroreception 2010

      EuroReception at the Spanish residence

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      CVC press conference

      FIRST COMMERCIAL VEHICLES COMMITTEE PRESS-CONFERENCE: Results of commercial vehicles sales in Russia in Q1 2010

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      Regional Investment Forum - Krasnodar

      AEB SOUTH REGIONAL COMMITTEE EVENT: Presentation on the Investment potential of Krasnodar city

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      European Businesses in Russia: Scenarios of Post-Crisis Development

      AEB CONFERENCE: EUROPEAN BUSINESSES IN RUSSIA: Scenarios of Post-Crisis Development

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      Fifth annual meeting with the Labour Inspection

      HR COMMITTEE EVENT: Fifth Annual Meeting with the Labour Inspection

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      AEB trainings PWC in April and May

      AEB TRAININGS together with PricewaterhouseCoopers: Business Style for Executives, Change Management, Anti Fraud Management and HR Budget 

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      Safeguarding shareholders value: role of boards of Directors in M&A deals

      FINANCE & INVESTMENT COMMITTEE EVENT: Safeguarding Shareholders Value: Role of Boards of Directors in M&A Deals

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      AEB Trainings in April 2010

      AEB TRAININGS together with Ernst & Young : Planning and Budgeting

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      Meeting in St. Pete March 2010

      AEB EVENTS in ST.PETERSBURG: AEB Members meeting in St. Petersburg and Election of the steering group of the AEB North-Western Regional Committee

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      Voronezh Forum


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      Presentation of INSOR Report 21st Century Russia

      PRESENTATION of INSOR REPORT "21st Century Russia: the Image of Tomorrow We Want" by Evgeny Gontmacher, Member of the Board, INSOR

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      Breakfast with Sergei Shatalov, Deputy Minister, RF Ministry of Finance

      TAXATION COMMITTEE EVENT: Round Table discussion themed Transfer Pricing - the price of the deal

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      Profitable growth after the crisis

      MBE COMMITTEE EVENT: Profitable Growth after the Crisis

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      AEB Training courses on Planning and budgeting and Financial analysis

      AEB TRAINING COURSES: Planning and budgeting and Financial analysis

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      Gavrilenkov briefing 2010

      Evgeny Gavrilenkov, Chief Economist & Managing Director, Troika Dialog. Looking for More Balanced Growth: External Constraints Reshape Russia's Economy

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      North-Western Committee Meeting May 2010

      REGIONAL EVENT: 1st Official open meeting of the AEB North-Western Committee "European Business in the North-Western region: post crisis development"

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      HR BBQ Party 2010


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      Cocktail in RED


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      Round table on Anti-Counterfeiting activity: Resources and Efficient Strategy

      CROP PROTECTION SUBCOMMITTEE EVENT: Round table on Anti-Counterfeiting Activity: Resources and Efficient Strategy

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      How to Invest in Russia presentation 2010

      FINANCE & INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE: Presentation of How to Invest in Russia 2010

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      Number Portability in Russia: to Be or Not to Be

      IT-TELECOM COMMITTEE EVENT: Number Portability in Russia: to Be or Not to Be?

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      The future of electronic invoices in Russia

      IT-TELECOM COMMITTEE EVENT: The future of electronic invoices in Russia

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      Briefing by Tair Mansurov

      BRIEFING by Tair Mansurov, Secretary General, Eurasian Economic Community, "Customs Union: EurAsEC Integration Breakthrough"

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      Practice of virtual money transactions: case studies and government regulations in RF

      BANKING COMMITTEE EVENT: Practice of virtual money transactions: case studiesand government regulations in RF

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      Customs Conference 2010

      TRANSPORT & CUSTOMS COMMITTEE EVENT: Conference on Customs Legislation in Russia - Recent Changes and Implementation

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      Lessons of the Crisis: how to manage

      HR COMMITTEE EVENT: "Lessons of the Crisis: How to mabage HR out of the downturn"

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      Reward for Recovery

      HR COMMITTEE EVENT: Reward for Recovery

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      Access to the Russian machine Building Market: Possibilities & Constraints

      MBE COMMITTEE EVENT: Access to the Russian machine Building Market: Possibilities & Constraints

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      Harmonization of the EU-Russia Standards in the Machine Building

      MBE COMMITTEE EVENT: Harmonization of the EU-Russia Standards in the Machine Building

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      HR Committee Conference 2010

      HR COMMITTEE EVENT: Seventh Annual HR Conference - Smarter HR for the Recovery

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      AMC annual press-conference 2010


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      AEB EURORECEPTION at the EU Residence

      AEB EURORECEPTION at the EU Residence

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      Presentation of Step by Step

      HR COMMITTEE, RELOCATION SUBCOMMITTEE EVENT: Presentation of Russia:Step by Step brochure

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      IFRS Update 2009


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      Meet the Media - Forbes

      PR & COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE EVENT: Meet the Media with Maxim Kashulinsky, Editor-in-Chief of Forbes

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      UK EuroReception 2009


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      Annual General Meeting 2010


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      Developing E-marketplace in Russia

      IT-TELECOM COMMITTEE EVENT: Problems of developing E-marketplace in Russia

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      World Bank Briefing based on RER 20

      World Bank Briefing based on Russia Economic Report 20

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      International Career Day at MGIMO

      HR COMMITTEE EVENT: International Career Day at MGIMO

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      Insurance and Pensions Conference 2090

      INSURANCE & PENSIONS COMMITTEE EVENT: Conference on Long Term Savings and Private Pensions

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      Meeting of AEB companies in St Pete 2009


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      Briefing by Thomas Mirow, President of the EBRD

      BRIEFING BY THOMAS MIROW, President of the EBRD

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      Briefing by Spanish Ambassador

      BRIEFING by SPANISH AMBASSADOR Mr. Juan Antonio March on "Priorities of Spanish presidency in the EU"

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      AEB Annual Migration Conference

      AEB MIGRATION COMMITTEE: Annual Migration Conference

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      A round table for chief accountants of leasing companies

      AEB FINANCE AND INVESTMENT COMMITTEE: A round table for chief accountants of leasing companies

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      Business Mission to Chelyabinsk region 2009

      AEB Business Mission to Chelyabinsk

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      Overview of Salary Surveys in Russia

      HR COMMITTEE EVENT: Overview of Salary Surveys in Russia

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      AEB Conference November 2009

      AEB SIXTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE: Modernisation of the Russian Economy: Input of European & Russian Businesses

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      Finances for Tops

      AEB Training Courses: Finances for Tops

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      Business & Disability

      Business &  Disability: Best Practice, organised in cooperation with the EC Delegation

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      Presentation of a new book by Sergey Dubinin, member of board, VTB Capital

      Presentation of a new book by Sergey Dubinin, member of board, VTB Capital

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      AEB Training Courses: Finances for non-financial managers and finances for tops

      AEB Training Courses: Finances for non-financial managers and finances for tops

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      Extended PR & Communications Committee meeting with a representative of the Public Chamber of RF

      CSR Meeting with Public Chamber representative

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      AEB Training: International Standards of Business Communication, 2-day event

      AEB Training: International Standards of Business Communication

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      Recent developments of the Russian Anti-Monopoly Legislation

      LEGAL COMMITTEE EVENT: Recent Developments of the Russian Anti-Monopoly Legislation

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      AEB Business Mission to Volgograd region


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      Essentials in Bankruptcy Procedure in Russia

      LEGAL COMMITTEE EVENT: Navigating through the downturn: restructuring and bankruptcy procedures

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      Sales skills and sales teams – HR committee

      HR COMMITTEE EVENT: Sharpening your sales focus

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      AEB Presentation in Saint-Petersburg 2009

      AEB Presentation in St.Petersburg

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      The Impact of the Global Crisis on the Neighbouring Countries of the EU

      The Impact of the Global Crisis on the Neighbouring Countries of the EU

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      HR Xmas Party

      HR Xmas Party

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      Briefing with Igor Artemiev

      FINANCE & INVESTMENT COMMITTEE EVENT: Briefing with Igor Artemiev

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      Swedish EuroReception


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      Travel Safety

      SHES COMMITTEE EVENT: Travel Safety

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      Retail and Consumer Tax Forum

      TAXATION COMMITTEE EVENT: Tax Directors Forum - Retail and Consumer Sector

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      Development of the Tax system in 2009

      TAXATION COMMITTEE EVENT: Development of the Tax System in 2009

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      Information Society Strategy in the Russian Federation: Quality & Efficiency of State Services

      IT-TELECOM COMMITTEE EVENT: Information Society Strategy in Russian Federation: Quality & Efficiency of State Services

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      Bringing Family to Russa 2009

      RELOCATION SUBCOMMITTEE EVENT: Bringing Family to Russia

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      Briefing by Odd Per Brekk, IMF in Russia

      Briefing by Odd Per Brekk, Senior Resident Representative in RF, International Monetary Fund, "Russia - the Way Out of the Economic Downturn"

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      World Bank Briefing

      World Bank Briefing

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      HSE Event

      SHES COMMITTEE EVENT: Health Safety Environment (HSE) educational programmes and your staff efficiency: issues and solutions

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      Practical and Legal Issues of Relocation

      RELOCATION SUBCOMMITTEE EVENT:Practical and Legal Issues of Relocation

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      Machine Building Market Trends in Russia

      MACHINE BUILDING AND ENGINEERING COMMITTEE: Machine Building Market Trends in Russia

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      Opening of the Business Season


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      Briefing by the Ambassador of Sweden: Priorities of the Swedish EU Presidency

      BRIEFING by the Ambassador of Sweden: Priorities of the Swedish EU Presidency

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      Prospects for agricultural sector in Russia

      AGRIBUSINESS COMMITTEE: Prospects for Agricultural Sector and Related Industries in Russia

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      Briefing by Igor Shegolev, RF Minister of Telecom & Mass Communications

      IT-TELECOM EVENT: Briefing by Igor Shegolev, RF Minister of Telecom & Mass Communications

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      ISTC presentation

      ISTC Presentation

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      Leasing during crisis

      LEASING WORKING GROUP EVENT: Leasing during the Crisis: Problems, Outlook and Solutions based on practical experience

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      Conference on Kyoto Protocol


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      Volgograd Regional Investment Forum
      Volgograd Regional Investment Forum Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Crisis Business Game
      PR COMMITTEE EVENT: Crisis Communications: a Business Game Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить

      Recent trends in Russian M&A
      FINANCE AND INVESTMENT COMMITTEE, MERGERS & AQUISITIONS WG : Recent Trends in Russian M&A Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить

      Leadership styles in Crisis
      ASSESSMENT SUBCOMMITTEE EVENT: Passionate Leadership. Managing the downturn with style Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Recruiters day
      HR COMMITTEE EVENT: Recruiters day Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Briefing by Thierry de Montbrial - The State of the World in Spring 2009
      Briefing by Thierry de Montbrial - The State of the World in Spring 2009 Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить

      AEB Anti-Crisis Forum (tbc)
      AEB Anti-Crisis Forum Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Regiona Investment Forum and Reception - Ulyanovsk Region
      Regional Investment Forum and Reception - Ulyanovsk Region Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить

      Tax Directors and Tax Managers Forum
      TAX COMMITTEE EVENT: Tax Forum: Navigating through the financial crisis - Tax issues Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      HR COMMITTEE EVENT: Full Day HR Conference Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Best practice seminar - Redefining and Controlling Cost Effective Employee Benefit Plans in Russia
      BEST PRACTICE SEMINAR: Redefining and Controlling Cost Effective Employee Benefit Plans in Russia Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить

      PRESS CONFERENCE on PARALLEL IMPORT Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      IP Conference
      IP Committee EVENT: Intellectual Property Conference: Recent Developments in the Sphere of Intellectual Property: Court Practice, Problems and Solutions Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      World Bank Briefing
      World Bank Briefing Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      How to Put Down IT Costs under Current Situation
      IT and TELECOM COMMITTEE EVENT: How to Put Down IT Costs under the Current Conditions Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Stress at the Workplace
      SEMINAR: Stress and Leadership, by Dr. Christophe Bagot  Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Incineration? Landfill? Or to be buried under waste?
      MACHINE BUILDING and ENGINEERING COMMITTEE EVENT: Incineration? Landfill? Or to be Buried under Waste? Ecological Technologies in Domestic and Industrial Waste Utilization in Moscow Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Overview of Latest Developments in Russian Subsoil Legislation
      ENERGY COMMITTEE EVENT: Overview of the Latest Developments in Russian Subsoil Legislation Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Russian Financial Markets
      FINANCE AND INVESTMENT COMMITTEE ANNUAL CONFERENCE: Russian Financial Markets: Past Performance and Future Trends Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Czech EuroReception
      CZECH EURORECEPTION Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Labour Law in Russia
      FULL DAY CONFERENCE on LABOUR LAW in RUSSIA, organised by HR and LEGAL COMMITTEES Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Briefing by Lord Malloch-Brown
      Briefing by Lord Malloch-Brown Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить

      AEB Polish EuroReception
      AEB Polish EuroReception Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Meeting with Leonid Grigoriev, President of the Institute for Energy & Finance
      ENERGY COMMITTEE EVENT: Open Meeting with Leonid Grigoriev, President of the Institute for Energy & Finance - UPON COMMITTEE INVITATION ONLY Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      AEB ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Temporary Personnel Meeting
      HR COMMITTEE EVENT: Temporary Personnel Meeting Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить

      Corporate Standards of English. Corporate Approach to Language Training
      HR ASSESSMENT SUB-COMMITTEE EVENT: Corporate Standards of English. Corporate Approach to Language Training Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить

      Meeting with the Labour Inspection
      HR COMMITTEE EVENT: Meeting with the Labour Inspection Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      How to Capitalize on Human Potential During Recession
      HR COMMITTEE EVENT: How to Capitalize on Human Potential During Recession Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить

      Managing Personnel Cost
      HR COMMITTEE EVENT: Managing Personnel Cost Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Effective Use of IT Instruments in the Energy Sector

      IT-TELECOM EVENT: IT and Energy Sector: Optimization and Management of Energy Market

      Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Current Cost of an Office Fit-Out in a Downturn
      REAL ESTATE COMMITTEE EVENT: Current Cost of an Office Fit-Out in a Downturn” Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить

      Real Estate Acquasitions in a Crisis
      REAL ESTATE COMMITTEE EVENT: Real Estate Acquisitions in a Crisis Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      IRISH Euroreception
      IRISH EURORECEPTION Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Operational Costs Optimization
      REAL ESTATE COMMITTEE EVENT: Operational Costs Optimization Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Open meeting with Sergey Pugachev, Deputy Head of ROSTEHREGULIROVANIE. “Current Status on the Development and Implementation of New Technical Regulations in Russia
      TRS TF EVENT: Open meeting with Sergey Pugachev, Deputy Head of ROSTEHREGULIROVANIE. “Current Status on the Development and Implementation of New Technical Regulations in Russia” Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить

      Regular IT-Telecom Committee meeting
      IT-TELECOM COMMITTEE Regular meeting Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить

      Intangibles during the crisis: “Who moved my cheese?”, January 30, 2009, Marriott Tverskaya Hotel, Moscow
      HR COMMITTEE EVENT: Intangibles During the Crisis: Who Moved My Cheese? Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить

      Press Conference Review 2008
      AMC EVENT: Press Conference Review 2008 Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Web 2.0 - cost effective communications tool
      COMMUNICATIONS and PR COMMITTEE EVENT: Everything you wanted to know about the Social Media but were afraid to ask Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Briefing by Miroslav Kostelka, Szech Ambassador, Priorities of Czech Presidency in the EU
      Briefing by Miroslav Kostelka, Czech Ambassador, Priorities of Czech Presidency in the EU Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      AEB PRESS RECEPTION Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Belgian Euroreception
      BELGIAN EURORECEPTION Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Corporate Performance Management Technologies
      IT and TELECOM EVENT: Round Table on Corporate Performance Management Technologies Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Customs legislation in Russia - Recent Changes and Implementation
      CUSTOMS and TRANSPORT COMMITTEE: Customs Legislation in Russia - Recent Changes and Implementation" Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Crisis in Aviation Industry
      AIRLINES COMMITTEE EVENT: “Overview of the air transportation market” Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить

      Web 2.0 - cost effective communications tool
      COMMUNICATIONS&PR COMMITTEE: Web 2.0 - cost effective communications tool Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить

      Prospects of Leasing in Russia in 2009
      LEASING WG EVENT: Prospects of Leasing in Russia in 2009 Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Presentation of its annual publication “How to Invest in Russia in 2009”
      FINANCE AND INVESTMENT COMMITTEE: Presentation of its Annual Investor's Giude “How to Invest in Russia in 2009” Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Main directions of the anticorruption policy:
      LEGAL COMMITTEE EVENT: Main Directions of the Anti-Corruption Policy Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Machine Building and Global Financial Crisis
      MACHINE BUILDING & ENGINEERING COMMITTEE: Machine Building and Global Financial Crisis Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      AEB Finnish Euro Reception
      Reception: AEB Finnish Euro Reception Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Development of the tax system in 2008 and prospects for 2009-2011
      TAX COMMITTEE EVENT: Development of the tax system in 2008 and prospects for 2009-2011 Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Managing Risks in Russia: latest trends in environment, safety and security
      SHES COMMITTEE EVENT: Managing Risks in Russia: latest trends in environment, safety and security Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Fastest Developing Regional Cities

      REAL ESTATE COMMITTEE EVENT: Fastest Developing Regional Cities

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      Unit Linked Products
      Unit Linked Products Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Briefing by Erik Berglof, Chief Economist of the EBRD, “Presentation of the EBRD Transition Report”
      Briefing by Erik Berglof, Chief Economist of the EBRD, “Presentation of the EBRD Transition Report” Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Management Systems and their Integration in Business: Experience of European Companies in Russia. ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001

      Management Systems and their Integration in Business: Experience of European Companies in Russia. ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      IT for CEOs: Best Practice Update
      IT COMMITTEE EVENT: IT for CEOs: Best Practice Update

      Managing Reputation in Economic Crisis
      PR & COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE EVENT: Managing Reputation in Economic Crisis Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Overview of Salary Surveys in Russia
      HR COMMITTEE EVENT: Overview of Salary Surveys in Russia Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      MADI Career Day
      HR COMMITTEE EVENT: MADI Career Day Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Automotive Industry in Russia: Challenges and Opportunities

      AUTOMOBILE MANUFACTURERS COMMITTEE EVENT: Automotive Industry in Russia: Challenges and Opportunities

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      Career Day in MGIMO
      HR COMMITTEE EVENT: Career Day at MGIMO Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Career Day in Ekaterinburg
      HR COMMITTEE EVENT: Career Day in Ekaterinburg Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить

      Briefing by Igor Artemyev, Head of the RF Federal Anti-Monopoly Service

      BRIEFING by Igor Artemyev, Head of the RF Federal Anti-Monopoly Service

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      Inclusion of Royalty into Custom Value of Imported Goods - Recent Developments
      TAX COMMITTEE EVENT: Inclusion of Royalty into Custom Value of Imported Goods: terra incognita? Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Recent trends in Migration Legislation: one window approach for the AEB members. The Particularities of work permit applications

      VISA TASK FORCE event: Recent Trends in Migration Legislation: One window approach for AEB members. The Particularities of work permit applications

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      "World Financial Crisis: Its Reasons and Consequences", by Sergey Dubinin

      AEB OPEN EVENT: World Financial Crisis: Its Reasons and Consequences, by Sergey Dubinin, VTB Capital

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      AEB Roundtable at the International Forum in Sochi-2008

      AEB OPEN EVENT: AEB Roundtable at the Internationl Investment Forum in Sochi-2008

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      Talk with Foreign Investors, Anatoly Chubais, General Director of Russian Nanotechnology Corporation

      Talk with Foreign Investors, Anatoly Chubais, General Director of Russian Nanotechnology Corporation

      International Fair «Education and Career», Moscow (13-15 November) and Saint-Petersburg(21-22 November)

      HR COMMITTEE EVENT: International Fair «Education and Career», Moscow (13-15 November) and Saint-Petersburg(21-22 November)

      World Bank Briefing

      Press the reset button”? Russian-American relations under Obama’s administration
      Press the Reset Button”? Russian-American Relations under Obama’s Administration, by Alexei Arbatov, corresponding member of RAS, Head of the Center for International Security, Institute of World Economy and International Relations Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Opportunities for European Businesses in St. Petersburg
      OPPORTUNITIES FOR EUROPEAN BUSINESSES IN ST.PETERSBURG Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      The true cost of an office fit-out

      REAL ESTATE COMMITTEE EVENT: "The true cost of an office fit-out"

      Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Stavropol Career Day


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      COCKTAIL: LAUNCHING THE AUTUMN 2008 BUSINESS SEASON Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить

      EUROPE DAY IN ST.PETERSBURG Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить

      Presentation of the Cheliabinsk Region
      REGIONAL EVENT: Presentation of the Cheliabinsk region Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить

      Presentation of the Perm Region
      REGIONAL EVENTS: Presentation of the Perm Region Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      HR Conference on Relocation
      HR COMMITTEE EVENT: HR Conference on Relocation Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Russian Capital Markets: Recent Performance and Prospects
      FINANCE AND INVESTMENT COMMITTEE ANNUAL CONFERENCE: "Russian Capital Markets: Recent Performance and Prospects" Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Green Development - Green Building
      REAL ESTATE COMMITTEE EVENT: Green Development - Green Building Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Samara Career Day
      HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE EVENT: Samara Career Day Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Meeting with the Deputy Head of the Federal Customs Service, Sergey Shokhin
      Meeting with the Deputy Head of the Federal Customs Service, Sergey Shokhin Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить

      Danish EuroReception
      Danish EuroReception Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить

      Current Trends in Tax Dispute Resolution
      AEB Open Meeting: Current Trends in Tax Dispute Resolution Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить

      Briefing by Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Zhukov
      Briefing by Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Zhukov Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      AEB OPEN EVENT: Presentation of Nizhny Novgorod Region, EC Delegation
      AEB OPEN EVENT: Presentation of Nizhny Novgorod Region, EC Delegation Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить

      REAL ESTATE COMMITTEE: "to Rent, to Purchase or Build to Suit?"
      REAL ESTATE COMMITTEE: "to Rent, to Purchase or Build to Suit?" Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      IT & TELECOM COMMITTEE: "Round Table "Regional Development: Infrastructure"
      IT & TELECOM COMMITTEE: "Round Table "Regional Development: Infrastructure" Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      IT & TELECOM COMMITTEE: "Round Table on Retail"
      IT & TELECOM COMMITTEE: "Round Table on Retail" Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      HR COMMITTEE: AEB Business Meeting "Recruiters Day"
      HR COMMITTEE: AEB Business Meeting "Recruiters Day" Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      AEB OPEN EVENT: "Real Estate: Legal and Technical Issues", organised by the AEB Legal and Real Estate Committees
      AEB OPEN EVENT: "Real Estate: Legal and Technical Issues", organised by the AEB Legal and Real Estate Committees Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      AEB OPEN EVENT: Stanislas de Laboulaye, Ambassador of France. The Priorities of French Presidency in the EU
      AEB OPEN EVENT: Stanislas de Laboulaye, Ambassador of France. The Priorities of French Presidency in the EU Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить

      World Bank Briefing
      World Bank Briefing Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить

      Briefing by Sergey Lavrov, RF Minister for Foreign Affairs - Date to be confirmed
      Briefing by Sergey Lavrov, RF Minister for Foreign Affairs. Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      AEB OPEN EVENT: New Russian Government: Where to go and what to do?, by Leonid Grigoriev, President of the Institute for Energy and Finance
      AEB OPEN EVENT: New Russian Government: Where to go and what to do?, by Leonid Grigoriev, President of the Institute for Energy and Finance Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить

      FINANCE AND INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE, Auditing Procedures and Internal Controls Working Group: "Pitfalls to avoid when preparing IFRS financials for the first time"
      FINANCE AND INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE, AUDITING PROCEDURES and INTERNAL CONTROLS WG: "Pitfalls to avoid when preparing IFRS financials for the first time" Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      "The Future of Moscow Residential"
      REAL ESTATE COMMITTEE: "The Future of Moscow Residential" Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Round Table on Adaptation of Corporate IT systems of European Companies to the Russian Environment, Hotel Marriott Tverskaya, Hall Kaminny
      IT & TELECOM COMMITTEE: Round Table on Adaptation of Corporate IT systems of European Companies to the Russian Environment, Hotel Marriott Tverskaya, Hall Kaminny Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Briefing by medvedev

      Civil Code
      TAXATION COMMITTEE: Part IV of the Civil Code: Legal and Tax Aspects, 09.00-13.00, PwC Premises, Moscow

      Briefing by Medvedev
      BRIEFING: A. Medvedev, First Deputy Chairman (Gazprom), Hotel Marriott Courtyard, Moscow

      AGM 2008
      AEB ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2008, Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow, from 17:00

      Local Practice
      HR COMMITTEE: Local Practice and International Trends in Sales Training & Development, Moscow

      Court Disputes
      LEGAL COMMITTEE: Court Disputes and Arbitration in Russia: Implementation of the New Law on Enforcement Proceedings, Moscow

      Moscow Labour Inspection
      HR COMMITTEE: Meeting with the Moscow Labour Inspection 

      Rusoft Briefing
      IT & TELECOM COMMITTEE: Briefing by Valentin Makarov, Russoft, President Hotel, Moscow

      S and P Index Services
      FINANCE & INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE (CAPITAL MARKETS WG): Round Table and Presentation of “S&P Index Services and RTS - New in Exchange Traded Instruments“,  Standard & Poor’s Office, Moscow

      CFO Business Breakfast 2
      FINANCE & INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE: CFO Business Breakfast, Hotel Marriott Grand, Moscow

      Guide to Development of Management Competencies - HR Business Lunch
      HR COMMITTEE: HR Business Lunch - Guide to Development of Management Competencies, Moscow Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить

      HR X-mas party: Leadership in Cold Times
      HR COMITTEE EVENT: HR Xmas Party: Leadership in Cold Times Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить

      HR Breakfast Tax
      HR COMMITTEE: HR Breakfast Meeting on Tax Returns, Moscow

      Doing Business in the Ukraine
      LEGAL COMMITTEE: Doing Business in the Ukraine: Recent Trends in the Investment Climate, Marriott Grand Hotel, Moscow

      hr breakfast on outsourcing
      HR COMMITTEE: Outsourcing event   Moscow, 16.00-18.00 Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      HR Conference May
      HR COMMITTEE: HR Conference - Managing Growth, Baltschug Kempinski, Moscow Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Planning and interim
      FINANCE & INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE: Planning/Interim for the 2008 Audit Season

      Law on Strategic Sectors
      LEGAL COMMITTEE: Comparison of EU and Russian Regulations on Investments into Strategic Sectors of the Economy, Marriott Grand Hotel, Moscow Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить

      Insurance and Pensions Committee Round Table
      INSURANCE AND PENSIONS COMMITTEE: Actuarial Seminar, Moscow (full details available shortly)

      Opportunities for listing and trading in Singapour Stock Exchange
      FINANCE AND INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE, Capital Markets Working Group: Roundtable and Presentation on 'Listings Opportunities on the Singapore Stock Exchange' Moscow

      Pitfalls to avoid when preparing IFRS financials for the first time
      FINANCE AND INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE (AUDITING PROCEDURES and INTERNAL CONTROLS WG: "Pitfalls to avoid when preparing IFRS financials for the first time"

      what is the logic behind logistics in russia
      REAL ESTATE COMMITTEE:  What is the Logic behind Logistics in Russia?  March 5, 2008

      Event 05.02.2008 14:57:39

      Customs Conference
      CUSTOMS & TRANSPORT COMMITTEE: Conference on Customs Legislation in Russia – Recent Changes and Implementation, Grand Hotel Europe, St. Petersburg

      Business against AIDS
      BUSINESS AGAINST AIDS, Delegation of the European Commission to the Russian Federation, Kadashevskaya Nab., 14/1, 10.00-12.00 Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      New Year EuroReception
      AEB NEW YEAR EURORECEPTION 2008, Residence of the EC Delegation in the Russian Federation, 19.30 Registration is now closed!

      Automobile Manufacturers Committee Press Conference - Review 2007
      AUTOMOBILE MANUFACTURERS COMMITTEE PRESS CONFERENCE: Review 2007 Ritz Carlton, Moscow Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить

      Event 15.01.2008 12:03:26

      Russian Railways
      OPEN EVENT: Briefing by Vladimir Yakunin, President of the Russian Railways Company, Hotel Katerina, Moscow

      Russians are coming. Globalisation of big russian business
      AEB OPEN EVENT: The Russians Are Coming! Globalisation of Russian Big Business. Alexander Livshits, Director for International and Special Corporate Projects, RUSAL, Sheraton Palace Hotel, Moscow


      FINANCE & INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE: IV Annual National Forum, Hotel Renaissance SAS Slavyanskaya

      Nizhni Novgorod
      Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить

      Prognoz Presentation
      IT & TELECOM COMMITTEE: Business intelligence and business performance management systems for your company (Presentation by Prognoz), Hotel Katerina, Moscow Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить

      IPR Working Group: Software Contracts and Part 4 of the Civil Code: What Foreign Companies Working with Russian Software Developers Should Know Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Today's Russia: perspectives for European businesses
      AEB OPEN EVENT: Today's Russia: Perspectives for European Businesses Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Enforcement Proceedings: New rules of the Game for Recoverers and Obligors
      AEB BUSINESS BREAKFAST: "Enforcement Proceedings: New rules of the Game for Recoverers and Obligors" Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Russia in the World Economy
      AEB OPEN EVENT: Conference on "Russia in the World Economy", Swissotel Krasnye Kholmi, Moscow Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить / Загрузить

      Holdings and Corporate Governance
      LEGAL COMMITTEE: Holdings and Corporate Governance, Hotel Katerina, Nobel Hall, Moscow Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить

      How to Earn a Million by Vladimir Andrienko, Managing Director, Russia Partners
      AEB OPEN EVENT: How to Earn a Million, Vladimir Andrienko, Managing Director, Russia Partners, POSTPONED to February - Watch this space!

      World Bank
      AEB OPEN EVENT: World Bank Briefing, British Embassy, Moscow

      Development of Taxation System
      TAXATION COMMITTEE: Development of the Russian Tax System 2007 and Prospects for 2008-2010, PricewaterhouseCoopers premises, Moscow Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить / Загрузить

      Event 06.11.2007 17:58:55

      Event 02.11.2007 16:50:23

      Event 13.09.2007 09:57:17

      Special economic
      OPEN EVENT: Briefing by Alexey Overchuk, Marriott Grand Hotel, Moscow Прикрепленные файлы:  Загрузить

      MGIMO careers
      HR COMMITTEE: International Career Day at MGIMO, 10.00-18.00, MGIMO Conference Hall, Moscow

      Salary Survey
      HR COMMITTEE: Overview of Salary Surveys 2007, November 12, 16.00, Ernst & Young premises, Moscow

      Office Fit-Out/Move-Out
      REAL ESTATE COMMITTEE:  A New Office: How Much Does It Cost?, December 4, Hotel Marriott Aurora, Moscow

      How to Invest
       FINANCE AND INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE: Roundtable Discussion and Presentation of "How to Invest in Russia", 2007-2008 Edition

      Transparency and Disclosure
      FINANCE AND INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE (CAPITAL MARKETS WG): Russian Financial Markets Liquidity: Today and Tomorrow, Hotel Marriott Tverskaya, Moscow

      Russia and EU visas and work permits
      VISA TASK FORCE: Visas and Work Permits for Citizens of the EU and Russian Federation, VENUE CHANGED!!! Event will be held in the Embassy of France, ul. Bolshaya Yakimanka 45.

      Transfer Pricing
      TAXATION COMMITTEE: "Transfer Pricing: Envisaged Changes to the Tax Code", Hotel National, Moscow


      ENERGY COMMITTEE: Briefing by Valery Yazev "Energy Diplomacy in the 21st Century", Marriott Tverskaya, Moscow

      LEGAL COMMITTEE: Franchising and Distribution, Pepeliaev, Goltsblat & Partners HQ, Moscow

      Energy and Banking
      ENERGY AND BANKING COMMITTEES: presentation from RusEnergyInvestGroup, (Invitation only)

      Norwegian Euroreception
      AEB OPEN EVENT: Norwegian EuroReception, 19.00, Norwegian Embassy, Moscow.

      Alfa Capital Briefing
      AEB OPEN EVENT: Briefing by Alfa Capital, Batschug Kempinski, Vladimir Halls 1 and 2

      transparency and disclosure
      CORPORATE GOVERNANCE WG: Transparency and Disclosure Survey of Russian Banks and Corporations,  Standard & Poor's premises

      personnel administration
      KRASNODAR STEERING COMMITTEE: International Standards of Personnel Administration: Bringing Experience and Practice to the Russian Labour Market, Philip Morris Kuban, Krasnodar City

      Meeting with Deputy Prime Minister
      AEB OPEN EVENT: Meeting with Sergey Naryshkin, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Atrium, Baltschug Kempinski Hotel, Moscow

      Advantages and Opportunities of Pooling
      AEB SPONSOR PRESENTATION: Employee Benefits - Advantages and Opportunities of Pooling by ERGO LIFE, Marriott Royal Aurora

      From Strategy to Operations: Optimising SCM
      IT & TELECOM COMMITTEE: From Strategy to Operations: Optimising SCM, Katerina Hotel, Moscow

      Round Table on Recent Tax Code Amendments
      INSURANCE AND PENSIONS COMMITTEE: Round Table on Recent Tax Code Amendments, Hotel Katerina, Moscow

      Briefing by Alexey Mordashov
      B2B Meeting: Briefing by Alexey Mordashov, General Director, Severstal, Residence of the Head the European Commission Delegation, Moscow

      Portuguese EuroReception
      AEB OPEN EVENT: Portuguese EuroReception, Portuguese Embassy, Moscow.

      EU-Russia Investment Reciprocity: Making it Work
      AEB OPEN EVENT: EU-Russia Investment Reciprocity: Making it Work, Marriott Grand Hotel (26/1 Tverskaya St., Moscow).

      Strategy Partners' Grandmaster Charity Event
      AEB OPEN EVENT: AEB and Strategy Partners' Grandmaster Charity Event, Reception Hall of the GUM Department Store, Moscow   .  

      "Russia's Pre-Election Landscape", Dr. Vyacheslav A. Nikonov, President of the POLITY Foundation
      AEB OPEN EVENT: "Russia's Pre-Election Landscape", Dr. Vyacheslav A. Nikonov, President of the POLITY Foundation, Katerina Hotel, Moscow

      Climate for Russian Investments - Current Trends
      FINANCE AND INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE: Climate for Russian Investments - Current Trends, Delegation of the European Commission to Russia, Moscow

      UK-Russia Political Crisis: Impact on Business
      FINANCE AND INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE: UK-Russia Political Crisis: Impact on Business, Interview with V. Ismailov, Chairman of the Finance and Investments Committee, on Russia Today TV Channel.

      Sochi 2014: Opportunities for European Businesses
      FINANCE AND INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE: Sochi 2014, Opportunities for European Businesses, Interview with V. Ismailov, Chairman of the Finance and Investments Committee, on Russia Today TV Channel.

      US and EU Financial Markets Legislation - Translation into Russian
      FINANCIAL AND INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE: US and EU Financial Markets Legislation - Translation into Russian, Renaissance Hotel, Moscow

      Restructuring of the Russian Banking Sector
      FINANCE AND INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE, (CAPITAL MARKETS WG): Restructuring of the Russian Banking Sector; Structured Finance; The State of Basel II Implementation; Courtyard Marriott Hotel, Moscow

      Russian Financial Markets
      FINANCE AND INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE, (CAPITAL MARKETS WG): Russian Financial Markets, German Embassy, Moscow.

      New Government Initiatives in Regulating Access of Foreign Businesses to Strategic Sectors
      FINANCE AND INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE, (CAPITAL MARKETS WG): New Government Initiatives in Regulating Access of Foreign Businesses to Strategic Sectors in the Russian Economy, Interview with V. Ismailov on Russia Today TV Channel.

      The Russian Federation - Major Credit Rating Factors and Economic Prospects
      FINANCE AND INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE, CAPITAL MARKETS WGThe Russian Federation - Major Credit Rating Factors and Economic Prospects, National Hotel, Moscow

      Major Credit Rating Factors and Economic Prospects in the Russian Federation
      FINANCE AND INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE, CAPITAL MARKETS WG: The Russian Federation - Major Credit Rating Factors and Economic Prospects, Imperial Tobacco Russia, Moscow.

      Bancassurance / Credit Life Insurance
      INSURANCE AND PENSIONS COMMITTEE: Bancassurance / Credit Life Insurance, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Moscow

      CFO Business Breakfast
      FINANCE AND INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE: CFO Business Breakfast, Hotel "Aurora", Moscow.

      Logistical Trends: Regions and Rents
      REAL ESTATE COMMITTEE: Logistical Trends: Regions and Rents, Mariott Grand Hotel, Moscow

      Related Party Transactions

      HR Conference "Bringing Expats to Russia"
      HR COMMITTEE: Conference: Bringing Expats to Russia, Marriott Grand Hotel, Moscow

      Recruiter's Day
      HR COMMITTEE: Recruitment Sub-committee: Recruiter's Day, National Hotel, Moscow.

      "Priorities of the Portuguese Presidency", H.E. Manuel Marcelo Curto, Portuguese Ambassador to the Russian Federation
      AEB OPEN MEETING: Priorities of the Portuguese Presidency comments by H.E. Manuel Marcelo Curto, Portuguese Ambassador to the Russian Federation,  Grand Marriott Hotel, Moscow.

      BUSINESS MISSION: North Caucasus
      AEB BUSINESS MISSION: North Caucasus. October 15–20, 2007.

      BUSINESS MISSION: Yekaterinburg
      AEB BUSINESS MISSION: Yekaterinburg. February 6-7, 2007.

      Annual General Meeting 2006
      AEB OPEN MEETING: Annual General Meeting. French Embassy, Moscow

      Blue Elephant Reception
      AEB OPEN MEETING: Blue Elephant EuroReception. Blue Elephant Restaurant, Moscow.

      Austrian EuroReception
      AEB OPEN MEETING: Austrian EuroReception. Austrian Embassy.

      Swiss EuroReception
      AEB OPEN MEETING: Swiss EuroReception. Swiss Embassy, Moscow.

      Finnish EuroReception
      AEB OPEN MEETING: Finnish EuroReception. Finnish Embassy, Moscow.

      Irish EuroReception
      AEB OPEN MEETING: Irish EuroReception. Irish Embassy, Moscow.

      British EuroReception
      AEB OPEN MEETING: British EuroReception. British Embassy, Moscow.

      Birefing by Anna Belova
      AEB OPEN MEETING: Birefing by Anna Belova and Vladimir Kuchinov, Rosenergoatom: Nuclear Power Industry Development: New Challenges for Russia
      Legislative Framework for Restructuring
      . National Hotel, Moscow.

      Lithuanian EuroReception
      AEB OPEN MEETING: Lithuanian EuroReception. Lithuanian Embassy, Moscow.

      French EuroReception
      AEB OPEN MEETING: French EuroReception. Residence of the French Ambassador, Moscow.

      EU-Russia: Allies? Rivals? Partners?
      AEB OPEN EVENT: Meeting with Sergey Karaganov and Hans-Joachim Spanger: EU-Russia: Allies? Rivals? Partners?. National Hotel, Moscow.

      Polish EuroReception
      AEB OPEN MEETING: Polish EuroReception. Polish Embassy, Moscow.

      BUSINESS MISSION: Rostov-Krasnodar-Sochi
      AEB BUSINESS MISSION: Rostov-Krasnodar-Sochi. July 9–13, 2007.

      Financial Services: Investment and IPO
      INSURANCE AND PENSIONS COMMITTEE: Financial Services: Investment and IPO. Risks and Opportunities. Monolith Club, Moscow.

      Changes to Migration Legislation
      VISA TASK FORCE: Changes to Migration Legislation – First Results. Lithuanian Cultural Centre, Moscow.

      Investment Potential in Tyumen Region
      AEB OPEN EVENT: Investment Potential in Tyumen Region. Delegation of the European Commission to Russia, Moscow.

      Italian EuroReception
      AEB OPEN MEETING: Italian EuroReception. Italian Embassy, Moscow.

      Briefing by K.Skryabin
      AEB OPEN MEETING: Briefing by Konstantin Skryabin: National Priorities of New Technologies: Science and Technology Transfer. Delegation of European Commission to Russia, Moscow.

      Birefing by Shvydkoy
      AEB OPEN MEETING: Briefing by Mikhail Shvydkoy: Russian Culture, Market and State Guarantees. National Hotel, Moscow.

      WB Briefing
      AEB OPEN MEETING: World Bank Briefing: Russia Economic Report comments by Klaus Rohland, World Bank.  Delegation of the European Commission to Russia, Moscow.

      World Bank Russia Economic Report 2005
      AEB OPEN EVENT: World Bank Russia Economic Report — «Current Trends in Russia's Economic Development: the Impact on the Business Climate».

      Investing in Russia – Current and Future Trends
      FINANCE AND INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE: Investing in Russia – Current and Future Trends. Hotel Marriott Royal Avrora, Moscow.

      Corporate Learning in the Russian Context
      HR ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT SUB–COMMITTEE: Corporate Learning in the Russian Context: Universally Acceptable vs Locally Adaptable. Katerina Hotel, Moscow.

      Economic Programme of Communist Party of RF
      AEB OPEN MEETING: Economic Programme of Communist Party of RF. AEB Briefing by Nikolai Arefiev, Secretary of the Central Committee for Social and Economic Issues of the Communist Party of the RF. Katerina Hotel, Moscow.

      Airlines Committee Meeting
      AIRLINES COMMITTEE: Airlines Committee Meeting (upon Committee invitation only). AEB Office, Moscow.

      Credit History Bureaus
      BANKING COMMITTEE: Credit History Bureaus: Problems of Development and Perspectives. National Hotel, Moscow.

      Information and Personal Data Protection
      LEGAL COMMITTEE: Development of Russian Law in the Sphere of Information and Personal Data Protection. Marriott Aurora Hotel, Moscow.

      Responsibility for Tax Crimes and How to Escape It
      TAXATION COMMITTEE: Responsibility for Tax Crimes and How to Escape It. Trade Mission of the Republic of Hungary, Moscow.

      Briefing by Peter Mandelson, EU Commissioner for Trade
      AEB OPEN MEETING: AEB Briefing by Peter Mandelson, EU Commissioner for Trade. Sheraton Palace Hotel, Moscow.

      Real Estate Financing: What is really going on?
      REAL ESTATE COMMITTEE and BANKING COMMITTEE: Real Estate Financing: What is really going on? Hotel Marriott Royal Avrora, Moscow.

      Doing Business in Ukraine: Overview of the Investment Climate
      LEGAL COMMITTEE: Doing Business in Ukraine: Overview of the Investment Climate. Katerina Hotel, Moscow.

      Finding the Perfect Employee in the Present Market Situation
      HR COMMITTEE: The Recruitment Market: Finding the Perfect Employee in the Present Market Situation. Katerina Hotel, Moscow.

      Labour Law Violations Commonly Found during State Labour Inspections
      HR COMMITTEE: Labour Law Violations Commonly Found during State Labour Inspections. Katerina Hotel, Moscow.

      Corporate Ratings Development Dynamics
      CORPORATE GOVERNANCE WORKING GROUP: Latest Tendencies in Corporate Governance Development in Russia: Corporate Ratings Development Dynamics. Business Center "Mokhovaya", Moscow.

      New Financial Instruments: Derivatives
      BANKING COMMITTEE: New Financial Instruments: Derivatives. Katerina Hotel, Moscow. 

      Building in Russia: How to Manage Risks
      REAL ESTATE COMMITTEE: Building in Russia: How to Manage Risks. Marriott Grand Hotel, Moscow.

      TAXATION COMMITTEE: Using Trademark Rights: New Trends in Taxation.

      New Formats in the Residential Property Market
      REAL ESTATE COMMITTEE: New Formats in the Residential Property Market.

      Round Table with Duma Committee on Economic Policy
      AEB OPEN EVENT: Round Table with Duma Committee on Economic Policy.

      Mikhail Zadornov, President–Chairman of the Board VTB24
      AEB OPEN EVENT: Briefing by Mikhail Zadornov, President–Chairman of the Board VTB24. Marriott Grand Hotel, Moscow.

      Cottages in Moscow Region — Prices and Trends
      REAL ESTATE COMMITTEE: Moscow Region Residential Market — Prices and Trends. 9:00-11:00, Hotel Marriott – Tverskaya, Moscow.

      Dispute Resolution in Russia
      LEGAL COMMITTEE: Dispute Resolution in Russia. Marriott Courtyard Hotel, Moscow.

      Conference «Intellectual Property Rights»
      LEGAL COMMITTEE: Intellectual Propety Rights in Russia: Today and Tomorrow. Marriott Aurora Hotel, Moscow.

      Mikhail Schmakov, Federation of Independent Trade Unions in Russia
      AEB OPEN EVENT: Trade Unions in Russia Today: Formation and Development: Briefing by Mikhail Schmakov, Federation of Independent Trade Unions in Russia. Hotel Katerina, Moscow.

      Round Table Private–Public Partnership
      IT COMMITTEE: Round Table Private–Public Partnership. Marroitt Grand Hotel, Moscow.

      Pension Schemes
      INSURANCE AND PENSIONS COMMITTEE: Pension Schemes. PricewaterhouseCoopers, Moscow.

      Office Market Update
      REAL ESTATE COMMITTEE: Office Market Update: A Balloon or Concrete Growth?. National Hotel, Moscow.

      Criminal Responsibility for Tax Crimes and Tax Amnesty
      TAXATION COMMITTEE: Criminal Responsibility for Tax Crimes and Tax Amnesty. Trade Mission of the Republic of Hungary, Moscow.

      New RF State Duma — What Consequences for Business?
      AEB OPEN EVENT: New RF State Duma — What Consequences for Business? Hotel Tatiana, Moscow.

      Briefing by Vladimir A. Yakovlev, RF Deputy Prime Minister
      AEB OPEN EVENT: Briefing by Vladimir A. Yakovlev, RF Deputy Prime Minister. Delegation of the European Commission in Russia, Moscow.

      The Audit Battle — External vs Internal?
      CORPORATE GOVERNANCE WORKING GROUP: The Audit Battle — External vs Internal? Deloitte and Touche premises, Moscow.

      Aspects of E-Commerce in Russia
      IT COMMITTEE: Aspects of E-Commerce in Russia. Novotel Novoslobodskaya, Moscow.

      Taxation of Real Property Investment Funds in Russia
      TAXATION COMMITTEE: Taxation of Real Property Investment Funds in Russia, an International Perspective. Novotel Moscow Centre, Moscow.

      Improving Environmental Protection, in reference to TACIS Project Recommendations
      AEB OPEN EVENT: Improving Environmental Protection, in reference to TACIS Project Recommendations. Delegation of the European Commission to Russia, Moscow.

      Securitisation in Russia
      BANKING COMMITTEE: Securitisation in Russia.

      Briefing by Valery G. Draganov
      AEB OPEN EVENT: Briefing by Chairman of the Duma Committee on Economic Policy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism Valery G. Draganov.

      Anti Take–Over Defences and their Legitimacy
      CORPORATE GOVERNANCE WORKING GROUP: Anti Take–Over Defences and their Legitimacy.

      Visa Issues
      VISA TASK FORCE: Visa Issues. Hotel Katerina, Nobel Foyer, Moscow.

      Syndicated Lending
      LEGAL COMMITTEE: Syndicated Lending. Hotel Katerina, Moscow.

      HR Issues
      HR COMMITTEEHR Issues.

      Financial Instruments in Russia — New Opportunities
      TAXATION COMMITTEE: Financial Instruments in Russia — New Opportunities.

      The Role of the Corporate Secretary in Russia
      CORPORATE GOVERNANCE WORKING GROUP: The Role of the Corporate Secretary in Russia.

      Taxation and Corporate Finance in Russia
      AEB OPEN EVENT: Taxation and Corporate Finance in Russia: Benchmarking Russia 2004 Survey.

      Briefing: RF Minister for Foreign Affairs Sergei V. Lavrov
      AEB OPEN EVENT: Briefing by RF Minister for Foreign Affairs Sergei V. Lavrov.

      Management and Reorganisation of Foreign Corporate Entities in Russia
      AEB OPEN EVENT: Management and Reorganisation of Foreign Corporate Entities in Russia.

      Russo – German Economic Cooperation
      AEB OPEN EVENT: Russo – German Economic Cooperation. Organised by the AEB and the German Business Association in the RF with the support of the Embassy of Germany in Moscow. State Duma of the RF, Moscow.

      Secondments / Provision of Personnel Agreements — International Experience and Russian Reality
      HR COMMITTEE and VISA TASK FORCE: Secondments / Provision of Personnel Agreements — International Experience and Russian Reality.

      International Experience and Russian Realities
      TAXATION COMMITTEE: Practical Aspects of Portfolio Transfer: International Experience and Russian Realities.

      Russia's Credit Rating Upgrade
      BANKING COMMITTEE: Briefing at Standard & Poor's: Russia's Credit Rating Upgrade.

      Russian Gas Market: Utopia or Reality?
      AEB OPEN EVENT: European Business in Russian Gas Market: Utopia or Reality?. Organised by the AEB and «Gas Market Coordinator».

      RF Baking Sector Development Strategy 2004-2008
      BANKING COMMITTEERF Baking Sector Development Strategy 2004–2008.

      Briefing by Dr. Aleksei Mozhin
      AEB OPEN EVENT: Briefing by Dr. Aleksei Mozhin, Executive Director, International Monetary Fund (IMF). National Hotel, Moscow.

      Developments in Russian Taxation / Transfer Pricing
      TAXATION COMMITTEE: Developments in Russian Taxation: Transfer Pricing.

      Currency Legislation
      LEGAL COMMITTEE: Currency Legislation. Lithuanian Cultural Centre, Moscow.

      HR Issues in Mergers and Aquisitions
      HR COMMITTEE: HR Issues in Mergers and Aquisitions.

      Dialogue with European Business
      AEB OPEN EVENT: «Dialogue with European Business» with RF Minister for Economic Development and Trade, German O. Gref. Baltschug Hotel, Moscow.

      International Image of Russian Banks
      BANKING COMMITTEE: International Image of Russian Banks.

      Meeting with the Deputy Head
      CUSTOMS AND TRANSPORT COMMITTEE, together with FIAC and AmCham: Meeting with the Deputy Head of the Federal Customs Service, FCS.

      OECD Principles of Corporate Governance

      Due Diligence in Real Estate
      REAL ESTATE COMMITTEE: Due Diligence in Real Estate. Katerina Hotel, Moscow.

      Technical Issues Relating to Empoyees
      HR COMMITTEE: Technical Issues Relating to Empoyees.

      Development of a Viable Mortgage System
      BANKING COMMITTEEDevelopment of a Viable Mortgage System.

      Project Financing by International Financial Institutions
      KRASNODAR STEERING COMMITTEE: Project Financing by International Financial Institutions.

      Total Reward

      First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank
      BANKING COMMITTEE: Meeting with Andrei A. Kozlov, First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

      Efficiency of Companies' HR Departments
      HR COMMITTEE: Efficiency of Companies' HR Departments.

      Anti–Monopoly Legislation
      LEGAL COMMITTEE: Anti–Monopoly Legislation. Trade Mission of the Republic of Hungary, Moscow.

      The Moscow Residential Real Estate Market
      REAL ESTATE COMMITTEE: The Moscow Residential Real Estate Market.

      Investment Activities in Russia
      BANKING COMMITTEE: Briefing by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and International Finance Corporation: Investment Activities in Russia.

      The Role of Internal Control and Risk Management
      CORPORATE GOVERNANCE WORKING GROUP: The Role of Internal Control and Risk Management as Corporate Governance Mechanisms.

      Concept of a Bona Fide Taxpayer
      TAXATION COMMITTEE: Concept of a Bona Fide Taxpayer or the Doctrine of Business Purpose in Current Legislation.

      Russia's accession to the WTO
      EC DELEGATION TO RUSSIA: Russia's accession to the WTO.

      Seminar on GPS Navigation
      AEB OPEN EVENT: Seminar on GPS Navigation hosted by RF Ministry of Transport and the Federal Agency of Cartography.

      HR Cultural Differences in Russia
      HR COMMITTEE: HR Cultural Differences in Russia.

      Field Trip
      CUSTOMS AND TRANSPORT COMMITTEE: Field Trip to Kashirski Customs Post Regarding Electronic Declaration.

      Recent Developments and Perspectives on Russian Corporate Legislation
      CORPORATE GOVERNANCE WORKING GROUP: Recent Developments and Perspectives on Russian Corporate Legislation.

      Briefing by Malcolm Wicks, UK Minister of State for Energy
      ENERGY COMMITTEE and BP: Briefing by Malcolm Wicks, UK Minister of State for Energy.

      Recruiters' Day

      The Effectiveness of Independant Directors
      CORPORATE GOVERNANCE WORKING GROUP: The Effectiveness of Independent Directors.

      Office Fit–out and Layout
      REAL ESTATE COMMITTEE: Office Fit–out and Layout.

      Company Taxation: Recent Changes
      TAXATION COMMITTEE: Company Taxation: Recent Changes.

      Fit–out and Layout of Offices (Part II)
      REAL ESTATE COMMITTEE: Fit–out and Layout of Offices (Part II)

      Rating Standards Round Table

      The Hotel Market in Russia
      REAL ESTATE COMMITTEE: The Hotel Market in Russia.

      Currency Regulation and Control
      BANKING COMMITTEE: Currency Regulation and Control.

      IT Use in the Food Industry
      IT COMMITTEE: IT Use in the Food Industry.

      AEB Briefing on the Results of the Most Recent EU Russia Summit
      AEB OPEN MEETING: AEB Briefing on the Results of the Most Recent EU Russia Summit.

      Business Ethics: Face to Face with Regulatory Authorities
      LEGAL COMMITTEE: Business Ethics: Face to Face with Regulatory Authorities. Lithuanian Cultural Centre, Moscow.

      Update on Work Permits, Visas and Registration for Foreigners in the Russian
      VISA TASK FORCE and HR COMMITTEE: Update on Work Permits, Visas and Registration for Foreigners in the Russian Federation. Hungarian Trade Mission, Moscow.

      Internal Controls and Audit Procedures, Fraud
      FINANCE AND INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE (AUDIT WG): Internal Controls and Audit Procedures, Fraud.

      Taxation of Leasehold Investments: Latest Developments
      TAXATION COMMITTEE: Taxation of Leasehold Investments: Latest Developments.

      Banking and Insurance Markets in Russia
      INSURANCE AND PENSIONS COMMITTEE: Banking and Insurance Markets in Russia.

      Compensation Surveys

      Regional Expansion of Foreign Banks in Russia
      BANKING COMMITTEE: Regional Expansion of Foreign Banks in Russia.

      Standard & Poor’s Transparency and Disclosure Survey — 2005
      CORPORATE GOVERNANCE WORKING GROUP: Standard & Poor’s Transparency and Disclosure Survey — 2005.

      Job descriptions, evaluations and grading
      HR COMMITTEE: Job descriptions, evaluations and grading.

      Traffic and Real Estate in Moscow
      REAL ESTATE COMMITTEE: Traffic and Real Estate in Moscow.

      AEB 10 Year Gala Celebration
      AEB OPEN EVENT: AEB 10 Year Gala Celebration.

      Work thorugh Financial Statement Audit Finance Committee Open Event
      FINANCE AND INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE (AUDIT WG): Working with Financial Statements

      Thin Capitalisation
      TAXATION COMMITTEE: Thin Caitalisation.

      Creditworthiness, Ratings and Debt Issuance Trends in CEE
      FINANCE AND INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE (CAPITAL MARKETS WG): Creditworthiness, Ratings and Debt Issuance Trends in CEE.

      Warehouses in Moscow: Demand and Supply
      REAL ESTATE COMMITTEE and CUSTOMS AND TRANSPORT COMMITTEE: Logistic Locations in and around Moscow - Where You Want to Be Today and In 10 Years.

      Recent Experience in Corporate Pensions Provision
      INSURANCE AND PENSIONS COMMITTEE: Recent Experience in Corporate Pensions Provision. PricewaterhouseCoopers, Moscow.

      Company Reorganisation: Accounting and Tax Aspects
      FINANCE AND INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE (ACCOUNTING WORKING GROUP): Company Reorganisation: Accounting and Tax Aspects.

      Doing Business in Ukraine: Overview of Investment Climate
      LEGAL COMMITTEE and TAXATION COMMITTEE: Doing Business in Ukraine: Overview of Investment Climate.

      IT for CEOs - Best Practices Updated
      IT COMMITTEE: IT for CEOs - Best Practices Updated. National Hotel, St. Petersburg Hall, Moscow.

      Regional Development: Problems and Perspectives
      REAL ESTATE COMMITTEE: Regional Development: Problems and Perspectives.

      Bringing Davos to Moscow
      «PricewaterhouseCoopers», AEB Sponsor Presentation: Bringing Davos to Moscow — Russia and the 9th Annual Global CEO Survey.

      Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods
      LEGAL COMMITTEE: Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods. Katerina Hotel, Moscow.

      Briefing by representatives of the RF Ministry of Economic Development and Trade
      AEB OPEN EVENT: Briefing by representatives of the RF Ministry of Economic Development and Trade: Kirill Androssov, Galina Balandina, Dmitry Nekrasov.

      Latest Trends in Human Resources Management
      HR COMMITTEE: HR Conference in St. Petersburg: Latest Trends in Human Resources Management. Corinthia Nevsky Palace Hotel, St. Petersburg.

      Accounting Software: What Choice to Make?

      Pension Plans in Russia
      INSURANCE AND PENSIONS COMMITTEE: Pension Plans in Russia.

      Russian M&A: Peculiarities and Trends
      BANKING COMMITTEE: Russian «M&A»: Peculiarities and Trends.

      Open Meeting. From Russia with Software
      IT COMMITTEE: From Russia with Software: Dmitry Loschinin, President and CEO, Luxoft. DaimlerChrysler Moscau Haus, Moscow.

      Latest Trends in HR Management
      HR COMMITTEE: Latest Trends in HR Management. Baltschug Kempinski Hotel, Moscow.

      Actual Trends in Russia's Economic Development: the Impact on Foreign Businesses
      AEB OPEN EVENT: World Bank Russia Economic Report — «Actual Trends in Russia's Economic Development: the Impact on Foreign Businesses». State Pushkin Museum, Moscow

      Tax Planning Techniques and Practical Examples
      TAXATION COMMITTEE: International Tax Structures for Russian and CIS Companies: Tax Planning Techniques and Practical Examples. Grand Marriott Hotel. Moscow.

      Syndicated Lending in Russia
      BANKING COMMITTEE: Syndicated Lending in Russia. Hotel Katerina, Moscow.

      Risk of Buying Apartments in Moscow
      REAL ESTATE COMMITTEE: Risk of Buying Apartments in Moscow. Hotel Katerina, Moscow

      Briefing by N. Kaspersky, Kaspersky Labs
      IT COMMITTEE: Briefing by N. Kaspersky, Kaspersky Labs. "Modern Computers Threats: Challenges Faced by Business". Katerina Hotel, Moscow.

      Success in Succession
      HR ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT SUB–COMMITTEE: Success in Succession. Baltschug Kempinski Hotel, Moscow.

      Briefing by Sergey Aristov, Minstry of Transport RF
      AEB OPEN MEETING: Briefing by Sergey Aristov, Minstry of Transport RF. Hotel National, Moscow.

      New Investment Opportunities
      AEB OPEN EVENT: Development Strategy of Nizhny Novgorod: New Investment Opportunities.

      Open Meeting. Weaving a New Urban Fabric: From Business Parks to High Rises
      REAL ESTATE COMMITTEEWeaving a New Urban Fabric: From Business Parks to High Rises. Hotel National, Moscow.

      Open Meeting. Human Resouces management in the IT Sector
      IT COMMITTEE and HR COMMITTEE: Human Resouces management in the IT Sector.

      Open Meeting. Presentation of BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2006
      ENERGY COMMITTEE: Meeting with Peter Davies, Vice-President and Chief Economist of BP. Presentation of BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2006.

      Legal, Tax and Other Deal Issues
      REAL ESTATE COMMITTEE: Commercial Real Estate Acquisition: Legal, Tax and Other Deal Issues. Hotel Marriott Avrora, Moscow.

      Recruiters' day
      HR RECRUITMENT SUB-COMMITTEE: Recruiters' day. Katerina Hotel, Moscow

      Briefing by A.Venediktov, editor-in-chief, Echo of Moscow
      AEB OPEN MEETING (in cooperation with the FINANCE AND INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE, Capital Markets WG): Briefing by A.Venediktov, Editor–in–Chief, «Echo of Moscow». Marriott Royal Aurora Hotel, Moscow

      What is Important for AEB Members?
      LEGAL COMMITTEE: New Labour Code: What is Important for AEB Members? Lithuanian Cultural Centre, Moscow.

      Round Table Tax Administration in 2007
      TAXATION COMMITTEE: Tax Administration in 2007.

      HR Conference, Bringing Foreigners to Russia
      HR COMMITTEE: Bringing Foreigners to Russia. National Hotel, Moscow

      Open Meeting with Alexander Izosimov, General Director, Vimpelkom
      IT COMMITTEE: Meeting with Alexander Izosimov, General Director, Vimpelkom. Katerina Hotel, Moscow.

      Anticipating the New Competition Protection Act
      LC ANTIMONOPOLY WG: Anticipating the New Competition Protection Act. Katerina Hotel, Moscow.

      Presentation of the Due Diligence Monitor
      FINANCE AND INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE, CAPITAL MARKETS WG:  Presentation of "How to Do Due Diligence in Russia" guide. Marriott Tverskaya Hotel, Moscow.

      Multifunctional Complexes: International and Russian Experiences
      REAL ESTATE COMMITTEE: Multifunctional Complexes: International and Russian Experiences. Hotel Katerina, Moscow

      AEB Conference: Fraud Risk Management
      AEB OPEN EVENT: Fraud Risk Management. Hotel Marriot Grand, Moscow.

      AEB Briefing by Sergei V. Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
      AEB OPEN MEETING: Dialogue with European Business. AEB Briefing by Sergei V. Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation: Towards a Unified Europe without Dividing Lines. Baltschug Kempinski Hotel, Moscow.

      Accreditation of Representative Offices and Branches of Foreign Companies in Russia
      VISA TASK FORCE: Accreditation of Representative Offices and Branches of Foreign Companies in Russia. Katerina Hotel, Moscow.

      Asset Management in Russia
      BANKING COMMITTEE: Asset Management in Russia. Katerina Hotel, Moscow.

      Successful Recruitment in Overheated Market. Mission is Possible!
      HR ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT SUB–COMMITTEE: Successful Recruitment in Overheated Market. Mission is Possible! Katerina Hotel, Moscow.

      Results of 2006: Practical Review & Recent Trends on Real Estate Market
      REAL ESTATE COMMITTEE: Results of 2006: Practical Review & Recent Trends on Real Estate Market. Hotel National, Moscow.

      AEB CONFERENCE Common Economic Space
      AEB OPEN EVENT: Common Economic Space: Road Map to Rapprochment. Baltschug Kempinski Hotel, Moscow.

      Bona Fide Taxpayers - One Year On
      TAXATION COMMITTEE: Bona Fide Taxpayers — One Year On.

      Office Relocations in Moscow: Best Practices
      REAL ESTATE COMMITTEE: Office Relocations in Moscow: Best Practices. Hotel National, Moscow.

      Leasing Market in Russia: Issues and Peculiarities
      BANKING COMMITTEE: Leasing Market in Russia: Issues and Peculiarities. Katerina Hotel, Moscow.

      World Bank: Russia Economic Report
      AEB OPEN MEETING: World Bank Russia Economic Report comments by John Litwack, World Bank Lead Economist for Russia. British Embassy, Moscow.

      Transfer Pricing and Tax Control
      TAXATION COMMITTEE: Transfer Pricing and Tax Control. Lithuanian Cultural Centre, Moscow.

      Foreign Tax Planning Experience: Prospects for Russia
      TAXATION COMMITTEE: Foreign Tax Planning Experience: Prospects for Russia.

      Priorities of the German EU Presidency
      AEB OPEN MEETING: Briefing by H.E. Dr. Walter Schmid: Priorities of the German EU Presidency. National Hotel, Moscow.

      Recent Changes in Tax and Immigration in the RF
      HR COMMITTEE: Recent Changes in Tax and Immigration in the RF. Katerina Hotel, Moscow

      HR Conference, Balchug
      HR COMMITTEE: HR Conference: HR in a Difficult Environment. Baltschug Kempinski Hotel, Moscow.

      Annual General Meeting 2007
      AEB OPEN MEETING: Annual General Meeting. Baltschug Kempinski Hotel, Moscow

      The Connection Between WTO Accession and the Development of EU - Russia Relations.
      AEB OPEN MEETING: Meeting with M. Medvedkov, Head of Department of Trade Negotiations, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, «The Connection Between WTO Accession and the Development of EU — Russia Relations».

      Relations Between the Western World and Russia.
      AEB OPEN MEETING: Relations Between the Western World and Russia: The Russian Point of View by a Non-Russian, Thierry de Montbrial, Director of the French Institute of International Relations (IFRI), the member of Institute (Academy of Social & Political Sciences). National Hotel, Moscow.

      Customs Conference, St. Petersburg
      CUSTOMS AND TRANSPORT COMMITTEE: Customs Conference and meeting between AEB and FTS. Corinthia Nevsky Palace Hotel, St. Petersburg.

      IT for CEOs — Best Practice Update.
      IT-TELECOM COMMITTEE: IT for CEOs — Best Practice Update. Marriott Grand Hotel, Moscow.

      Swedish EuroReception
      AEB OPEN MEETING: Swedish EuroReception. Swedish Embassy.

      Open Meeting (upon Committee invitation only)
      ENERGY COMMITTEE: Meeting with Leonid Grigoriev, Torsten Woellert and Mikhail Subbotin (upon Committee invitation only).

      Structured Finance Market in Russia - Current and Future Trends.
      FINANCE AND INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE(CAPITAL MARKETS WG): Structured Finance Market in Russia — Current and Future Trends. PricewaterhouseCoopers, Moscow.

      Taxation of Advertising Campaigns and Promotion Actions
      TAXATION COMMITTEE: Taxation of Advertising Campaigns and Promotion Actions.

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